CFPC - Minutes from the September Meeting





Councillors: Crawley (Chairman), Dudfield, Macpherson, Powell, Topley, Fells, Roberts & Sandy

Cllr Penny Milne (SKDC)

Clerk:  Mrs D Manderfield

Item 1 – Apologies for absence

Councillors: Macer, Manderfield, Farr & Maughan. All councillors had notified the clerk and the council Resolved to accept the reasons for absence.

Item 2 – Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act

Cllr Crawley expressed a declaration of interest as a committee member of the Playing Field Committee  

Cllr Topley expressed a declaration of interest as a committee member of the Allotment Committee

Item 3 –  Approval of Minutes of meeting number 2 held on 12th July 2023

It was Resolved to accept the minutes as  a true record of events. They were signed by the chairman, Cllr Crawley

Item 4 – Parish Clerk’s Update on Matters Arising Since Last Meeting  

Minutes of meeting number 2 have been drafted and distributed to all councillors

Noticeboards have been updated

I have had a meeting with Cllr Farr with respect of the financial situation and set up banking for Cllr Crawley to be able to view the accounts and Cllr Farr to authorise online payments

I have gone through the original conveyance when the Village Hall was purchased by the PC and it reads that the management committee are responsible for the upkeep of the building

I have signed myself up for 2 training sessions and 2 councillors for new councillor training

Our mole catcher contract has not been renewed as the contractor no longer covers this area and Cllr Sandy has reported that a substitute is not presently required

I have spent a lot of time on the accounts to ensure that all the spreadsheets are compatible 

I have completed a survey from SKDC about open spaces managed by the PC; as we actually only manage the Burial Ground I also  forwarded the email to the allotment society, playing field committee, social club and the church. I did receive a response from the allotment society that they had also completed the survey

I am slowly working through reviewing our policies to make sure they are still relevant

Under the Freedom of Information Act there is a requirement that the clerk have a copy of any grants submitted 

Since the last meeting we have had 2 ashes interments

I have had my appraisal with the Chairman 

I have completed a SKDC Community Strategy Survey for SKDC and forwarded to relevant local community groups for comment if they wish

Updated register of electors and updated archives on the website

Lastly I joined a Parish Online ‘Banter Session’ about C02 emissions. All figures are available on Parish Online for 2021 ( it takes about a year to analyse the data), however the university responsible for the data have had to suspend the project due to lack of funding. A second interesting point is the Ward Canopy…………………………

In addition the clerk added that the bugler and the 2 wreaths had been ordered for Remembrance Sunday, details of the proposed new footpath had been posted on noticeboards and the website, as have AGE UK posters.

A letter had been sent to residents regarding car charging cables and there have been 2 burial and 1 ashes interment

Cllr Crawley requested a meeting with Cllr Roberts to run through the organising of remembrance Sunday, the clerk had previously supplied the standing orders for the event, and it was decided that Cllr Crawley aided by Cllrs Powell and Dudfield would assume responsibility for this portfolio

Action: AC,SP,TD

Item 5 - Financial Matters

5.1 Authorisation of BACS/Cheque payments. 

Councillors considered the list, previously circulated, and Resolved to accept the payments

Please see Appendix A below

5.2 Review and Approval of CFPC accounts 

Councillors considered the bank reconciliations and the management accounts, previously circulated, and Resolved to approve both reports

Please see Appendix B below for management accounts 

5.3 Update from Cllr Farr – Finance Committee Chair

As Cllr Farr was unable to attend tonight’s meeting, Cllr Crawley summarised the accounts and reported that the current account held £54K and News & Views £4K. Cllr Farr has met with the clerk to examine the accounts

Action: Clerk

5.4 Thank you for the Internal Auditor

It was Resolved to purchase a bottle/s of wine to the value of £25

Action: Clerk/SF

Item 6 Registers 

6.1 Risk Register – this was distributed previously.

The clerk has recently reviewed the Risk Register and made some amendments.

It was Resolved to approve the amendments to this document. The revised version will be posted to the website

Action: Clerk

6.2 Maintenance Register – this was distributed previously and reviewed.

It was Resolved to approve this document

Item 7 -  Project Register Update 

7.1 Caythorpe Hall Footpath Re-Route

There had been positive and negative comments on the CFPC Facebook page and also the Caythorpe Village Facebook page. It was determined that there was a need for a meeting between the landowner and the residents, resulting in a vote by way of a show of hands, or ballot card. Cllr Fells will liaise with the landowner 

Action: MF

7.2 1 Gigabit Broadband

Cllr Macpherson reported that our parish didn’t qualify at present, although the voucher scheme had been rolled out in neighbouring villages. Cllr Milnes agreed to liaise with Cllr Macpherson 

7.3 Ownership of the Village Hall

There has been no change to the circumstances of this project

7.4 Village Hall Roof

The grant from UK SPF has been accepted but not yet received, it is hopeful that the work will start at the end of September

7.5 Burial Ground Gates

It was Resolved to accept the Willwoods Quote of £250 for maintenance to the gates

The clerk will instruct Willwoods


7.6 Fireworks

The representative of the Playing Field Committee is meeting with Galaxy Fireworks on 27/9. Cllr Crawley requested that volunteers be sourced. A sub-committee was agreed as Cllrs Topley, Dudfield, Fells, Powell, Crawley and Farr


7.7 Burial Ground Levelling

Although the contractor had agreed to start, the weather was inhibitive and so work has been delayed

7.8 Armada Beacon

Cllr Macpherson reported that there had been discussions and that he was confident the basket could be made safe. Cllr Crawley reminded him that it was required to be lit in June. Cllr Macpherson also stated that he was hoping there would be minimal cost to the Parish council

7.9 Electrification of the Church Clock

The electrician has completed his works. Time Assured requested that a surge protector be added to safeguard the new workings in the event of lightning. This hadn’t been factored in to the original quote

7.10 Grit Bin – Arnhem Drive

Cllr Manderfield had reported previously that the grit bin was no longer in situ. Cllr Topley reported this and will investigate further in respect of a replacement

Item 8 - New Proposals. 

8.1 D Day Celebrations/ Lighting of the Beacon

Please see 7.8 above.

8.2 Clerks Appraisal

After due deliberation it was Resolved to award the clerk pay point 14, to be paid in arrears from 1st June 2023. It was also resolved to approve all future increments as and when the annual pay scales are released.

Action: Clerk

8.3 Meeting Date

After much deliberation it was decided to leave the meeting days as Wednesday

8.4 Dog Poo Signs

Cllr Milne agreed that SKDC would provide signs and display them. Cllr Dudfield agreed to survey the parish and make recommendations for settings. 

Item 9 – The Parish Environment

9.1 Planning Issues

A resident has reported that a memorial bench requires attention. The council agreed with him that it needed replacing. The councillors agreed that the resident be asked to contribute towards the cost of renewal. This will be added to the Project Register and discussed further at the next meeting.

Action: Clerk

9.2 Report from Cllr Dudfield – Planning Committee Chair


Hollingsworth Developments Ltd

New Houses & Barn Waterloo Road 

This application mainly concerns the barn that is located within the grounds of the two new houses that have been recently been built on Waterloo Road.

The barn has permission to be converted into a house the application is to vary the design to add a second floor to an existing single story section of the barn on the south end of the barn.

Including myself there were two opinions from councillors both of whom supported the application.



Mr. J Kearsey

New House behind 20B Old Lincoln Road.

This application has now been withdrawn




New Farm House Gorse Hill Barns

Including myself I have six responses from the Parish Council

All six support the application there were some differing opinions on conditions applied to this support, all six wanted the development to conform to the parish plan so should be carbon neutral and include an EV charger.

Two councillors wanted the addition of solar panels and air source heat pumps and two councillors wanted the addition of an agricultural tye.

So working on a majority basis I made the following statement to SKDC :-

CFPC support this application but request that to comply with our Parish Plan the development should be carbon neutral and should include an EV charging point.



Elm Farm Equestrian Centre

Flood Lights 

Including myself I have had a response from 10 councillors.

All are supportive of the application but some expressed concern over light pollution and not wanting the area illuminated all night,

Therefore I made the following comment to SKDC :- 

CFPC support the application in principal but have concerns regarding light pollution in what is normally a typically dark country side location. Therefore we request that the flood lights are of the type which minimises light pollution and they should not be used after 9pm.

Item 10 - Neighbourhood Plan

This has now been adopted and will be removed from further agendas

Item 11 -  Community Safety. 

2 incidents reported in May, 5 in June and 4 in July 

Item 12 – Community Activities by Portfolio Councillor – the following are reports written by the individual councillors.

12.1  Report by Cllr Crawley

12.1.1 Litter Picking and the Big Clean

The litter picker employed by the Council continues to assist in keeping the villages clean.

The Big Clean team schedule does not appear to be published at present. If there are any areas of concern then please let me know and I will try and get the team to address these when they next visit the villages.

12.1.2 Environmental Sustainability

Sites for new tree planting are sought as I have a number of trees that have been raised by myself and volunteers that currently have no destination.

A number of trees are under cultivation to replace trees previously planted that have died back. These will be planted by myself and volunteers during the autumn/winter.

I have strimmed around the new trees planted on the A607 to stop them being over grown and to highlight their position for the mowing contractors.

Complaints have been received about the removal of the cherry tree from the footpath between Back Lane and Millfield Crescent. I have received contact from a representative of the owner and will be investigating further.

Quotes have been obtained for increasing the insulation levels to the Hammond Pavilion and a grant application has been made to SKDC which should be decided in October. The work will be done later in the year

Public meeting was held with Mid UK on 11th July and well attended. Numerous complaints about smell, litter and speeding lorries have been forwarded to Mid UK. Such complaints should also be forwarded to the Environment Agency under case number 230712/CMC20, the contact details are: or 03708 506 506

12.1.3 Playing Fields

The new trees are being maintained and watered as necessary. 

Quotes are being obtained for replacing the bark on the play area with a more suitable rubberised material that will not be scattered under the play equipment and require less maintenance. A grant will be applied for, to contribute to the cost of this work.

An extension to the patio area outside the Sports and Social club is wanted and contractors have been approached, and once quotes are obtained, a grant will be applied for.

The notice board for outside the pavilion has arrived and been erected by volunteers from the Playing Field Committee.

I have emailed Neil Macer regarding a new defibrillator sign to be mounted on the notice board post.

A quote has been obtained for renewing the fascia and gutter to the pavilion in plastic as the existing timber boards are in need of maintenance. A grant has been applied for from SKDC and this should be decided in October. Work will be ordered after the grant application is determined.

I have gathered a number of quotes for replacing the windows and doors at the Hammond Pavilion and have applied for a grant to largely cover the cost of doing this through the FCC Communities Fund. They will not decide on the allocation of grants until 13th December and if the application is successful then work will commence in the New Year.

The last DASH was well supported and I have emailed the organizers for details of the amount raised and sent to the Playing Field and Parish Council.

Arrangements are proceeding well for the annual Gala on 2nd September. I am not aware of anyone from the village who has accepted the invitation to the Regimental dinner on that evening.

12.2  Report by Cllr Manderfield

I attended the online Councillor induction & refresher training via zoom on the 4th September which was very informative.

12.2.1 Highways

I have continued to report potholes via Fix My Street, most of which have been marked for repair or have been filled.

The missing bus stop signs outside the Red Lion were reported via Fix My Street (ref No 4184578) and are being investigated, I’m still waiting for an update.

I drafted a letter (which the Clerk sent) to the residents of 58 High Street kindly requesting that they either keep the footpath clear or cover the cable with a cable tidy when charging their electric vehicle.

12.2.2 Village Hall

I attended the village hall AGM on the 18th July, but was unable to attend on the 26th due to holiday.

The Parish Council have secured a grant for £13,000.00 from the South Kesteven Prosperity Fund for the village hall roof repair.

The committee have selected a contractor for the repair of the flat roof and work, still waiting for a date for the work to start. 

Current bank balance for the end of the year is £46,773.54

Date of next meeting is 24th October.

12.3  Report by Cllr Macpherson

There have been 10 comments on FaceBook on our post regarding the proposed footpath reroute at Caythorpe Hall. All are positive

12.4 Report by Cllr Farr

Nothing to report

12.5  Report by Cllr Dudfield

Nothing to report 

12.6  Report by Cllr Fells

12.6.1 Footpaths

The alternative footpath route around the hall has been opened for a trial period and we need to gather responses and feedback.  I’ve contacted news and views and will get a piece in there with my council email to gather feedback.  Also publicise on the Facebook pages.

12.6.2 Public Transport

I’ve contacted both the county and Lincoln councils about the bus service to see if they have the data on the reduced bus fare trial that is running.  The general comment is that they feel we are well served, but I’m waiting to see the data.  If there has been a significant increase in usage, then it may support a push to extend the price cut and potentially add a later service to open up Lincoln to villagers in the evening.  

I’m meeting Councillor Maughan (Lincolnshire council Hough Division) to get a better insight into the provision of services.  I do think there’s an opportunity to have significantly more people use public transport with all the benefits that potentially brings for the local economy, and for the environment.  As well as improving access for those who don’t drive.

12.6.3 News and Views

I’ll be setting up an introductory meeting with Laura and Pete.  Wonder if we might want to use it to update on council matters where we can- get a communication going with the people of the parish so they understand a little more about what we do.

12.7  Report by Cllr Topley

Nothing to report

12.8  Report by Cllr Powell

Nothing to report

12.9  Report by Cllr Sandy 

 late update from me, just admin at burial ground, grave marking, weekly inspection, general eye on Wheatgrass lane area and advice on grass cutting on Frieston upper green

12.10 Report by Cllr Roberts

Nothing to Report

Item 13 -  Items of Urgent Business

Councillor Richard Cleaver, leader of SKDC is making a visit to the parish and meeting with Cllr Crawley. All Cllrs have been invited to join or forward items to raise with Cllr Cleaver to Cllr Crawley

Cllr Crawley reminded Cllrs about the Code of Conduct especially on Social Media 

Item 14 - Arrangements for Next Meeting 

The next Parish Council Meeting Number 4 of 2023 will be on Wednesday 8th November. 

Open Forum

Penny Milne (SKDC)

S23/1521  Elms Farm  - floodlights. PC concern over light pollution.

I have also requested to know the type of lights and times of operation.

S23/1451 Gorse Hill Farm, Replacement Dwelling. PC support

Complicated and may require agricultural justification.

Local Plan Review

This continues to be delayed and you will be consulted. I understand that there will be little or no change to the policies affecting Caythorpe. Although a larger village you now have the NP to use.

Potential Leader and Cabinet visit to the Ward

I have arranged a walk about the ward with the Leader of SK on Friday 13 October. Andy will attend and I am about to create an itinerary. Any ideas for discussion or places to show to them please let me know.

SK UK Prosperity Fund

A reminder that this fund is still open and is a great opportunity to plan and execute a project of benefit to the village.


SK Today has gone digital. The next edition will be available online from 18th September. People can subscribe online via this link:

Purchase of Homes for Ukrainian and Afghan Refugees

SK have very recently purchased 12 new affordable homes from a developer in Langtoft as part a government initiative. Funding was offered from the government of just over £2m which had to be match funded by £2.3. The homes will remain in the Council’s general housing stock once that need has gone. Another 17 houses are due to be purchased elsewhere under the scheme .

Solar and Wind Energy

Solar farms are continuing to prove controversial with a debate mainly around energy security versus food security; environmental and landscape impacts; lack of community support.

It is possible that onshore wind farms could come back onto the agenda as the government has removed the ban.

The push for Net Zero is creating a lot of concerns around local impacts and affordability.

Standards Committee

A new Standards committee has been set up and met for the first time. It will operate under the LGA Guidelines for Code of Conduct complaints against councillors– both District and Parish. A Code of Conduct presentation is planned to be provided for parish councillors by the Monitoring Officer and his team.

The aim is to promote professional, respectful behaviour and to ensure openness and transparency to create trust, confidence and ethical corporate governance.

Dog Poo signs. 

SK will provide and place signs if you make a request and let them know where you wish them to be.

Parish Online

I wonder if you can confirm that you have signed up to parish online which gives a lot of helpful information.


Report from Alexander Maughan - LCC

County Council budget for 2023/24 

The Council will spend £595million on delivering public services across Lincolnshire next year. Of this £177million will be spent on Adult Care and Wellbeing, £97million on Children’s Services, £47million on Highways maintenance and £22million Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Service. Inflationary cost pressures of £9million in Highways have been funded through the county precept in addition to an extra £7million budgeted for additional highway maintenance activity in areas such as traffic regulation orders, pedestrian crossings and rural road schemes in 2023/24. 

Lincolnshire children ‘services retain ‘outstanding’ rating 

Ofsted inspectors visited the county in April to review the help, protection and care afforded to children and young people from our Children’s Services. They found that families across Lincolnshire continue to have access to localised services that help to keep them safe and support young people to make good progress. Inspectors particularly noted how council staff, schools, and other adults involved in children’s lives, worked together to ensure that help was provided quickly when needed, before any potential issues had a chance to escalate. It is wonderful to see the hard work of our staff recognised, and this ‘outstanding’ review will no doubt inspire staff to build upon this success and find ways to improve the support we provide to families even further, so that Lincolnshire remains a great place for children to flourish. 

Supporting independent living 

Lincolnshire’s Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) is providing an important lifeline for people who need support with aids and adaptations around their home. The service helps provide a range of items, from something as simple as a walking frame to mobile hoists. This can be provided for people of all ages so that they can get about their own home independently. Our recently agreed ICES contract with NRS Healthcare now also includes additional support services such as new stairlift and hoist services, and from April 2024 a wheelchair service. We are already making a life-changing difference to people’s lives with these services, so it is great to see our support expanding so we can help even more people across Lincolnshire live their lives to the full. 

 Devolution deal for Greater Lincolnshire 

Following release of the Government’s levelling up white paper the three upper tier councils of Greater Lincolnshire (North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire and Lincolnshire County) have been in talks with Government Ministers on a devolution deal for our region. This would see a number of powers, and additional funding, handed to a combined mayoral authority for Great Lincolnshire, with a directly elected mayor. We believe now is the right time for Lincolnshire to embrace devolution, albeit accepting this comes with a Mayor which few are enthusiastic about. It has been clear that successive governments prefer to talk to mayoral authorities covering lager regions when it comes to investment and infrastructure, rather than individual district, borough and county councils. This was evidenced in the recent 25% cut to our highways budget, where combined mayoral authority areas had their budgets protected. There is a further risk that if Greater Lincolnshire does not become its own recognised region we are in future forced into a much larger East Midlands arrangement, which would be against the interests of Lincolnshire. Subject to successful negotiations and a public consultation, it is anticipated that we would be holding elections for the directly elected mayor in 2025 alongside the next County Council elections. Negotiations are underway with a public consultation expected soon, followed by a formal bid to Government sometime in the Autumn. However, any such bid would need to be debated and approved by each of the upper tier Councils prior to this.

 I welcome your views on this topic ahead of the next steps in the processes, please email me at

Rain won’t go away? Come again another day 

Named after the longest serving governor of Lincoln Castle’s gaol, John Merryweather, the ‘Merryweather Promise’ has been guaranteeing that visitors to Lincoln Castle this summer can enjoy everything the medieval monument has to offer without worrying about the changeable British weather. Visitors buying a day ticket between 22 July and 5 September can be confident that if it rains during the day of their visit for more than an hour they can return before the end of October for free. Whilst the Victorian Prison and Magna Carta provide plenty to explore in doors, with the ‘Merryweather Promise’, come rain or shine, all our visitors will be able to enjoy the Medieval Wall Walk, relax in the grounds, and meet our dragons Lucy and Norman too. More information can be found at

{Electronically signed}

D Manderfield 

Parish Clerk




Appendix A


Invoice Date Invoice Number To Whom Particulars of Payment Total Amount
30.6.23     Service Charge 18
29.6.23 55 GW King & Sons Garden Maintenance at the Burial Ground May & June 830
28.6.23 June/July P&L Leeds N&V Expenses June & July 80
23.6.23 6679 Westgate Print N&V May, June & July 2160
11.7.23 2 David Ballaam Lee Ballaam - dog bins & bin bags, grass cutting 104
11.7.23 23170 Time Assured 40% of quote for automatic winding & regulation of Church Clock 3720
25.7.23 TFR N&V acc |Townsend Moore advert 119.20
21.7.23 I0141043 SKDC uncontested election charge for election of 4.5.23 87.22
2.8.23 SB20230142 PKF Littlejohn External Audit 138
7.8.23 Aug/Sept P&L Leeds N&V Expenses Aug & Sept 80
7.8.23 Aug/Sept P&L Leeds N&V sponsorship for gala 398.95
1.2.23 SIN056579 Lincoln Diocesan Trust & Board of Finance |Ltd annual allotment rent 225.70
31.7.23 310723 D Manderfield Clerk Expenses - July 18.81
31.8.23 310823 D manderfield Clerk Expenses -0 August 20.81
23.8.23 31 GW King & Sons Garden Maintenance at the Burial Ground July & August 830
22.8.23 27 GW King & Sons Grasscutting at Frieston\Upper  Lower Greens x4 256

Appendix B

Caythorpe & Frieston Management Accounts as at 31.8.23: Current Account

Precept 34208.98 17104.59    
Donations for Trees 0 0    
Donations for Bench 0 0 717.34 500
Donations 1200 0    
Allotment 225.70 225.70 1200 225.70
Burial Ground 2000 900 4400 2490
SKDC Community Grant 926.64 463.32 1108 278.07
Community Fund 0 0    
VAT Reclaim 1249 1249.82 1500 737
News & Views Expenses 0 0 480 240
Audit 0 0 300 315
Staff Salaries     9000 3372.20
Election Costs     100 87.22
Maintenance     2800 1136
VH Grant     3500 0
PF Grant     3500 0
S137 Expenditure     0 0
S111 Expenditure associated Power     100 0
Insurance     3000  
LALC & SLCC     540 556.43
Office Costs     470 203.68
Bank Charges     72 18
Mole Control     325 0
Defibrilator Pads     141 0
Church Clock     168 0
Remembrance Day Flags     100 0
Remembrance Day Wreaths & Bugler     60 0
Chattertons Legal Costs for VH Registration     405 0
Village Hall |Roof     36072 0
Conifer Tree     0 0
Christmas Tree Lights & Holders     420 0
Bus Shelter     0 0
Fireworks     4000 3250
Electrification of Church Clock   12977 10000 3100
EV Charges     0 0
TOTAL INCOME 47283.88 33175.41    
TOTAL EXPENDITURE     84538.34 13259.30

News & \views Account as at 31.8.23

Advertising 9000 3157.10    
Donations for Kings Coronation   3419.70 3500 3678.30
Donations     582.14  
Printing     8503 4711.48
Donations to Village Events     200 418.95
Miscellaneous Expenses     500 0
Bank Charges     72 18
VAT to Reclaim 24/25     500 327.86
TOTAL INCOME/EXPENDITURE 9000 7158.94 13275 9154.59