November 2018 Minutes

Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 21st November 2018


Councillors: B Nelson (Chairman),R Dix, G Ashcroft, R Brooke, M Budden, N Fritzsche, R Greybrook, A Roberts, H Root, M Woodward

District Councillor: R Sampson

County Cllrs: A Maughan and R Mountain                            

Clerk: Mr M. Stevens

1.Apologies for Absence.

2.Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act

Cllr Root declared an interest in a Planning Application and therefore would not be commenting during this session. There were no other declarations of interest.    

3.Approval of minutes of the Parish Meeting held on 12th September 2018       

3.1These minutes were presented to the meeting for approval

Agreed unanimously that the minutes are a true record and were signed by the Chairman              

4.Parish Clerk’s Report – To Update on matters occurring since the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda.          

4.1 Speed Watch Update

MS reported that following enquiries regarding the possibility of applying for a speed reduction on the A607 from 50mph to 40mph using the experiences by Carlton Scroop Parish Council it was advised that as there is clearly insufficient evidence available to support this request that there is little point in pursuing at this stage.

Agreed: that this matter would be reviewed as required by the new Parish Council

MS also reported that following contact from the Fulbeck Parish Clerk it is understood that Fulbeck Parish Council are currently considering undertaking a project where certain volunteers will undertake training in the use of Radar Speed Guns in an effort to reinforce the newly added 30mph speed restriction in the main thoroughfare on the A607. 

It is understood that the cost of this exercise will be in the region of £450 which will include the cost of the equipment and training.  Fulbeck is therefore asking neighbouring Parish Councils for their support in this project by sharing the cost of the equipment. It was noted that this option was also discussed by CFPC at an earlier session and was not deemed suitable at the time to meet requirements.

In view of the report it was concluded that CFPC would not participate in this venture and recommended that Fulbeck as an alternative should speak with Carlton Scroop PC with view to arranging a loan of their portable speed camera which can be located in various positions on a semi-permanent basis.

Agreed: that District Cllr Sampson would brief Fulbeck with CFPC’s decision not to participate and the alternative recommendations.           

Action: BS

4.2 Armada Beacon

MS confirmed that no progress had been made since the last meeting.   

4.3 Tree Felling – Dioceses of Lincoln

MS Stated that following a recent survey by Saville’s who are acting on behalf of the Lincolnshire Dioceses it has been identified that a tree needs felling in the top corner of the Allotment site. This will be at no cost to the Parish and will be actioned in coming months by an appointed Tree Surgeon.       

5.May Elections              

5.1 Cllr Nelson reminded the meeting that as the May Elections for a new Parish Council is looming that it would be appropriate if the current PC laid some plans in place in advance of this date and at the last meeting it was agreed that there is now opportunity to encourage new members from all walks of life and all ages and that new blood will have new views and ideas to benefit the Parish.         

5.2 In view of this indication, and as previously minuted, it was agreed that a number of steps would be implemented in advance of the election period that would include the following:

1.Potential new candidates for the new Parish Council would be approached by existing Councillors.

2.Potential new candidates would receive an outline of the role of a parish councillor and receive a true indication of the time required to effectively address the role.

3.Cllr Nelson would ensure that an article is included in the January issue of News and Views that would publicise the pending election and invite those interested to contact the Parish Clerk for additional information with a view to attending a PC meeting to gleam additional information.

4.That a new website page would be created on the Parish Website and a number of ‘flyers’ would be added advertising the benefits of being a Parish Councillor.  These flyers would also be added to the Village Facebook.

Agreed: that this plan should be implemented as soon as possible          

Action: ALL/BN/MS/HR

6 Financial Matters:      

6.1 Authorisation of BACS/Cheque Payments      

The Chairman circulated 2 documents for approval by the Councillors,

a. Invoices approved and paid since the last meeting.

b. Invoices to be paid once authorised at the meeting

See Appendix (1 & 2) for details.

Resolved: that the payments were approved for payment          

6.2 Review and Approval of CFPC Accounts         

6.2.1 Management Accounts and the Balance Sheet for CFPC previously circulated to members were presented to the meeting.

Resolved: that the accounts were approved unanimously           

6.3 Approval of Recommended Precept Increase 2019/20             

6.3.1 Cllr Nelson referred to the latest budget plan draft document that had been issued in advance of the meeting to all councillors and stated that the draft was based on a proposed Precept increase to the Parish of 2% on the previous year.  This proposed increase in real terms would equate to an average increase per property from £56.34 to £57.49 equal to £1.15 per household.  

Cllr Nelson stated that following approval from the members a notice referring to this increase would be published in the next News and Views publication inviting any views from residents of the Parish.  Following review of comments received a final decision on the level of increase of the Precept would be taken at the next meeting that is scheduled for January 2019 and then submitted to SKDC finance department within the agreed timescale.

Resolved: that the budget outline plan and recommended Precept increase of 2% was approved unanimously

Action: BN

6.4 Grit Bin - Installation              

6.4.1 Cllr Nelson confirmed that a new Grit Bin had been installed by LCC Highways at the junction of Church Lane and Waterloo Road.  MS Stated that at the time of confirming approval to LCC Highways that the new grit-bin should be installed it was also stated that although the Waterloo Road bin could be removed that the High Street bin should remain as it is adjacent to the Doctor’s Surgery.

6.4.2 Cllr Fritzsche stated that during recent weeks he had undertaken a survey of Grit Bins within the village for the purpose of the draft emergency plan and concluded that a bin had been removed from the junction of Gorse Hill Land and Wheatgrass Lane.  Additionally, Cllr Greybrook indicated a requirement for a new bin at the junction of Arnhem Drive and Old Lincoln Road.    

6.4.3 As a result of this it was agreed that the sum presently allocated within the budget under this category would be allocated to the purchase of 2 new bins for these proposed sites and that CFPC would ensure that they are kept sufficiently stocked during the winter periods.  In view of this Cllr Roberts agreed to specifically identify the exact locations for these new bins in so that they could be included in the Emergency Plan.

Agreed: to unanimously approve this plan of action.     


6.5 General Data Protection Regulations

6.5.1 Cllr Nelson invited MS to update members with progress that had occurred since the last meeting.  MS reported that a date had been agreed with LCPAS to carry out a compliancy visit on Friday 5th April. MS stated that this period would allow the PC to ensure that all areas had been reviewed thereby ensuring that a certificate of compliancy would be issued.  

6.5.2 Cllr Ashcroft referred the meeting to a paper previous issued that provided all members with details of the new email addresses that had been set-up for exclusive use for Parish Councillors when dealing with PC business. Additionally, passwords for these new accounts were issued to attending members for action.

Cllr Ashcroft also spoke of the guidelines issued to assist with the initial sign-on using these new profiles and additionally offered one to one assistance when and if required.

It was proposed that the new email addresses would be effective from 1st December 2018 and that private email addresses should no longer be used after this date.

Approved: that this plan is progressed as indicated.         

Action: All

6.6 War Memorial Cleaning        

6.6.1 Cllr Greybrook stated that notification had been received that the paperwork for this project had been approved, however to date the Grant had yet to be received.  Cllr Greybrook agreed to apply pressure.      

Action: BG

6.6.2 It was noted that all members agreed that the war memorial was now a monument that all villagers can be proud of, however, Cllr Roberts reported that since the cleaning exercise it had already been soiled by pigeons that are using the overhead electric supply cable as a perch. In view of this it was proposed that CFPC write to Western Power regarding this issue and request that this cable that supplies power to the church is rerouted.                 Agreed: unanimously to approve the progress of this plan of action         

Action: MS

6.8 Sensory-Pad Pavements        

6.8.1 Cllr Nelson reminded the meeting that a sum had been earmarked in the capital budget for the provision of sensory-pad pavements to be located at certain locations with the aim of providing a complete connectivity of the village for those with impaired vision. Cllr Dix had previously presented the outline plan where it was proposed that pads would be installed at 3 additional points crossing the High Street, namely;

• Old Eight Bells – Old Post Office

• Surgery - Waggon and Horses

• Spar Shop – Village Hall

In the absence of Cllr Maughan, an update recently received was read to the members that indicated that a quotation for this work is still outstanding           

6.9 Laptop Reclaim         

6.9.1 Cllr Nelson referred the meeting to a report that had been sent to members in advance of the meeting that outlined details of this issue.  The report outlined options that are available regarding the next steps that are necessary to resolve this issue.            

6.9.2      Following much discussion, the chosen option and solution was proposed by Cllr Nelson and seconded by Cllr Dix.  The motion was carried by 9 votes to 1 in favour of this proposal.  Additional details of this item are recorded as an addendum to these minutes and are not for general viewing.


6.10 Parish Clerk Appraisal          

6.10.1 Cllr Nelson stated that the Parish Council were very pleased indeed to accept the notes of the appraisal meeting that had been undertaken by the Chairman (as previously circulated) and at the same time to increase the Parish Clerks salary as in accordance with 9.2 of his Contract of Employment to SCP23 with immediate effect. The meeting expressed its thanks for all the hard work that he had undertaken. 

7.Transport and Highways          

7.1 High Street Congestion          

7.1.1 Cllr Nelson referred the meeting to a recent update that had been received from Cllr Maughan following meetings with LCC Highways regarding this subject.  From the report it was noted that Back Lane has now been pushed back to FY19/20 because Highways have decided to increase the scope of the works proposed for the site and as a result of this it means there isn't resource to keep it in this year's programme. As a result of this a meeting has been arranged with the programme leader on 7th December to discuss this issue and latest plan.

Bus Stop Markings / Signage may now need a traffic regulation order which is why they have not yet been actioned.  

High Street TRO - This is still under consideration with final plans still to be drawn up. It is understood that that a number of site visits are carried out before a scheme is drawn up. It has been requested that visits to the site are at school pick-up / drop-off to gain a grasp of the issues.          

7.2 Hump-Backed Bridge             

7.2.1 Cllr Nelson confirmed that following a discussion with Mid(UK) that agreement and commitment had been obtained where funding would be offered for this project as there are shared concerns regarding the safety of this stretch of road, however, before doing so they would require sight of quote for this project. On this basis, as a shared funding pledge had been agreed, that LCC would now commit to putting costings together so that lines can be painted on the road and suitable signage provided. In the absence of Cllr Maughan, Cllr Nelson referred to a recent update received from Cllr Maughan that stated that Hump back bridge works are being reviewed and hopefully prioritised.          

7.3 Caythorpe Heath Lane – PGL Bend   

7.3.1      Cllr Nelson reported that following the receipt of an email from the PGL Site Manager that similar steps to those actioned and recorded in item 7.2.1 (above) would be actioned for this issue as safety to the public and residents living in theis area is paramount.

It was proposed that CFPC should support this proposal and ask LCC Highways to add this item to their future action plan for Caythorpe Heath Lane.           

7.4 Speed Watch Signs - Location            

7.4.1 Cllr Nelson reported that following an enquiry from a Frieston resident, 2 more speed watch passive notices displaying 30mph and been purchased that would be sited at either end of Hough Road, Frieston.   It was agreed that following confirmation of position from Cllr Nelson these would be installed using the services of the local contactor (BW)

Agreed: to progress with the plan of action as described above.              

Action: MS/BN

7.5 LCC Highways – Management of Potholes and Repairs            

7.5.1 Cllr Nelson referred to documents that had now been received from LCC following the request for information.  It was stated that information provided still fell somewhat short of the answers expected and therefore it was agreed that Cllr Nelson would write to the Leader of LCC expressing the deep concerns CFPC had over the lack of progress with all of the foregoing projects that had been ongoing for some time.

Agreed that updates would be provided before the next scheduled meeting.     

Action: BN

8.The Parish Environment          

8.1 Planning       

8.1.1 New Applications

S18/2082 - Lime Grove, Caythorpe,

Reduction of Poplar tree by 30% and works to Ash tree – that is situated in the area between. Lime Grove and the A607. Clarification has now been obtained and a response has been returned that states that CFPC have no objections subject to certain conditions.

S18/1963 - 60 High Street, Caythorpe - Single storey extension to existing dwelling, replacement storage building, new garage and conversion of existing barn to form living area for main dwelling. Having reviewed this application at the meeting it was concluded that CFPC have no objections to this application.              

8.1.2      Applications Actioned

S18/1970/71/72/73 & S18/1970 – Holy Cross Gardens and Old Lincoln Road, Reduction of beech trees, reshape, trimming sides that overhand neighbouring boundaries.

Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council (CFPC) submitted no objections to these proposals.

S18/1864 - Land off Waterloo Close, Caythorpe

211 notice for tree work in a conservation area.

Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council (CFPC) submitted no objections to this proposal       

8.1.3      Decision Notices

S18/1475 - Ryedale, 39 Hough Road, Frieston

Proposed loft conversion including increase in ridge height and alterations to roof and extensions to existing dwelling.

Planning Permission Granted

S18/1330.  Manor Farm, 21 Hough Road, Frieston

Change of use to C1 (Hotels) with alterations and extension of agricultural barn to provide a 2-bed holiday at Manor Farm, 21 Hough Road, Frieston, SKDC

Planning Permission Granted subject to 4 detailed conditions

S18/1734 - 20 High Street Caythorpe

Fell 1 x copper beech tree

Work Allowed 19th October 2018

S18/1765 - 2C High Street, Caythorpe

Tree work in a conservation area 

Work allowed 22 October 2018

S18/1605 - The Cedars 34 Hough Road Frieston

Fell 1 x holly and 1 x decorative shrub/tree

Work Allowed 31st October 2018

S18/1733 - Walnut Lodge 13 High Street

Works to prune (T1) Walnut (Juglans nigari)

Allowed 16th November 2018. Subject to Repeated annual pruning to the remaining crown not being approved

S18/1764 - Halfpenny Cottage 53 High Street

Remove 7 x beech trees

Work Allowed 8th November 2018.

S18/1714/ PL/0098/18 - Mid UK Recycling Ltd Caythorpe.

retention of a site including compounds and fixed plant for the processing, storage and distribution of recyclable aggregate derived from construction and demolition waste.  Lincolnshire County Council - permission has been granted

8.1.4 Project Register

The summary document circulated by the clerk is showing that there is a total of 18 live projects with 8 of these that have closed since the last meeting and will be removed from the spreadsheet.  This information will also be published on the Parish Council website.

Agreed unanimously to approve the Report        

Action: MS

8.1.5 Other Issues to Report

With Reference to Decision S18/1714/ PL/0098/18 - Mid UK Recycling Ltd Caythorpe, above, Cllrs Fritzsche and Roberts both raised concerns regarding the excessive lighting from Mid (UK) since the development of the new buildings.

Cllrs stated that the understanding is that Mid (UK) should have a lighting plan that should be adhered to, therefore it was proposed that Cllr Ashcroft would write to LCC planning to confirm that this the case and additionally to make contact regarding theis issue with the Site Manager at Mid(UK)

Agreed: that this action plan is progressed.        

Action: GA

8.2 Dog Fouling 

8.2.1 Cllr Greybrook referred to a report previously issued and stated that the bins continue to be very well used, although there appears to be quite a problem with fouling on the grass verge at the end of Gorse Hill Line/Church Lane.

Five dog waste bins have been installed at the following locations

• At the junction of South Parade/Back Lane

• Footpath adjacent to the allotment site.

• Love Lane

• Church Lane/Gorse Hill Lane

• Frieston Path at the south end

It was proposed that the local Dog Warden should be asked to patrol the village on occasions and to check that dog walkers are in possession of waste bags.

Agreed: that this plan of action is progressed.   


8.2.2 New Bin Location – SKDC Grant

It was noted that the sum of £200 had been awarded to the Parish from a Ward Grant and as previously agreed the sum would be used to purchase a new dog that would be located on Church Lane opposite the end of Old Lincoln Road.  MS to liaise with Cllr Greybrook to cost and select a suitable item.

Agreed:  unanimously approve this plan             


8.3 Social Housing           

8.3.1 Right to Buy

Cllr Nelson confirmed that following the response from Cllr Kelham Cooke on this subject that the suggested meeting is yet to be arranged with the SKDC Assistant Director of Housing. Cllr Nelson stated that Cllr Sampson would now take this item forward and would report back. Attendees would be BS/BN/RD/AR/MS.

Cllr Nelson stated that a suggested site list for future social housing builds had been received from Cllr Roberts.           

Action: BS

8.4 New Bus Shelter Proposal     

8.5.1      MS stated that since the last PC meeting confirmation had been received from LCC Highways that a grant woud be awarded for the sum of £3000 towards the cost of the new bus shelter to be located and replacing the exiting shelter on the A607 at the junction with Hough Road.  Additionally, a structure licence had been obtained for LCC Highways and purchase order issued to B&C Shelters for the supply and installation.     

8.5.2      MS went on to state that the shelter installation had been completed today and that the invoice would be paid in full to B&C shelters for the agreed sum as per the purchase order.  Additionally, a final claim and photographs of the new structure would be sent to LCC Highways for payment of the grant.        

Action: MS

8.6 Other Maintenance Issues    

8.6.1 Maintenance Register

MS referred to the updated document that had been issued prior to the meeting and shows the expenditure on village maintenance.  MS also reported that the Maintenance report had been filtered to show details of the current financial year only. It was noted to date that the total spend to date equated to £4039.   

8.6.2 Lighting

Cllr Roberts expressed concerns that despite reporting a fault with the street lighting outside 28A Templeway Close the matter had still to be rectified.

Agreed: that this issue would be progressed by the Parish Clerk.             

Action: MS

8.6.3 Burial Ground

There were no issues reported relating to the burial ground         

Hedges – New Plants Proposal

Cllr Roberts proposed that new hedging plants should be purchased to infill the gaps in the Burial Ground roadside hedge.  It was proposed that these would be sourced by the Parish Clerk

Agreed: Unanimously to progress with this plan.            


8.6.4 Frieston Notice Board & Defibrillator

Cllr Greybrook reported that unfortunately, the wall in Frieston to which the defibrillator was fixed has collapsed. The property owner has advised that his Insurance Company will not allow the defibrillator or post box to be re-fixed to the wall when rebuilt.

Therefore, as the device requires an access to an electricity supply there is a requirement to find a householder, preferably near the green, who would be amenable to having the unit located on their property.  This issue is being looked into by a resident nearby and it was also suggested by Cllr Root that a message seeking help and suggestions is posted on the village Facebook page.  It was agreed that Cllr Greybrook would liaise with Cllr Root.       

Action: BG/HR

With reference to the new Notice Board requirement that as the wall owner is happy for it to be reinstalled on the new wall that his input should be sought about the size and design before an order is placed for this replacement.

Agreed: that this plan is progressed as defined above.  

Action: BG

8.6.5 Footpath Issues

Cllr Nelson reiterated and confirmed that a sum of money had be allocated as a capital project item for the one-off clearance of pathways prior to the winter period.  Based on the email previously issued by Cllr Roberts on this subject it was agreed that a timetable would be published to confirm when this work would be actioned.

With special reference to Encroachment of Pavement on A607 to Mid (UK) Section, Cllr Roberts also stated that LCC Highways must be allowed to action work that they are responsible for rather than CFPC committing to this work as an unnecessary cost to the Parish.  

Action: AR

8.6.6 Grass Cutting

Cllr Nelson referred to details previously sent to all councillors prior to the meeting and reminded the members of the options.

Following further discussion, it was proposed that CFPC would not join the scheme offered by LCC Highways as there appeared to be little benefit.  It was therefore agreed that MS would response to LCC with this decision and to confirm that at present CFPC would continue with the 2 safety cuts per year policy.

Agreed: to adopt this plan of action       

Action: MS

8.7 Old Post Office – Parking Review       

8.7.1 Cllr Nelson stated that following the last PC meeting the current owner of the Old Post Office had been written to with the aim to clarify the parking rights of the piece of land that is adjacent to the Post Office.

Cllr Nelson explained that a response had been received from the current owner that clarified their right and also submitted evidence of a Statutory Declaration of rights document that been drawn up by solicitors on behalf of the previous owners and passed onto the current owners.

Following much discussion, it was agreed that CFPC were in no position to do anymore other than inform LCC of the situation as there are still concerns that this land owned by LCC as it gives access to a footpath and also has a grit bin located within.

Additionally, it was proposed that CFPC would write to SKDC to obtain advice as to whether either of the 2 known premises in the village that had once had commercial licences had now been granted residential status.

Also, it was reported by Cllr Budden that there had been occurrences of illegal parking on the ground adjacent to the Police Building in Old Lincoln Road.  It was proposed that CFPC would write to the police to ascertain their ruling on the subject

Agreed: That the actions are progressed as indicated    

Action: RD/GA/BN

9. Community Safety – Report on Local Crime and Policing Matters        

9.1 Community Emergency Planning       

9.1.1 Following the last meeting Cllr Fritzsche had issued a draft report to all councillors and invited comments, also requesting that known information was added where applicable. Cllr Fritzsche stated that subject to some minor details the draft plan was complete and ready to return to the Emergency Planning Coordinator.

It was proposed that subject to agreement of the VH committee that the Planning Box would be stored in the Village Hall.

Cllr Fritzsche stated that the Snow Plan element required further development in conjunction with the Snow Warden, Cllr Roberts.

Additionally, it was proposed that an outline article would be included in the next edition of News and Views.

Agreed: that the plan is adopted by the Parish Council and would be finalised at the January meeting with the review dates of the plan being on a regular basis the next scheduled for May 2019           


9.2 Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue – Text Alert Scheme       

9.2.1 Cllr Nelson reminded members that a document had been forwarded to all members giving details of a new scheme where a Parish would nominate two members that would be initial contacts should a major disaster occur.  Cllr Fritzsche had put forward his name as the first point of contact and following discussion it was agreed that Cllr Woodward would be the second or reserve point of contact.

It was agreed that MS would email this information to the source.

Agreed that this approach is supported and should be progressed.         

Action: MS

9.3 Local Crime and Policing Matters      

9.3.1 There were no policing matters to report   

10.Community Activities             

10.1 Litter Picking /The Big Clean

The following item was not discussed at the meeting so carried forward to the next meeting. Following the recent emails received on the subject of litter picking for younger people to action as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award it was agreed that Cllrs Brooke and Mountain would investigate this subject further with view to obtaining a suitable conclusion.

Cllr Brooke gave thanks to local Litter Pickers volunteers from Kings Hill who had actioned another litter picking session since the last meeting.  Cllr Brooke reported that large plastic containers containing an unknown liquid had been found.  These had been sent away for analysis to ensure safe disposal.

Agreed that this approach is supported and should be progressed.         

Action: RB/RM

10.2 Allotment Committee

Cllr Ashcroft referred to the report that had been issued prior to the meeting and reported that out of a total of 22 plots the association currently has 20 plots occupied with 1 Large and I half plot vacant. The association have continued to advertise in the local area, including neighbouring villages. However, there is still an active and enthusiastic membership and plots are in the main well maintained and cultivated. Various fund-raising events are being planned for 2019 and the AGM is due to be held on Fri 15 March 2019.

Agreed: To approve the report

10.3 Playing Field Committee

Cllr Nelson referred to the report that had been issued prior to the meeting and reported that funds will continue to reduce as no fund-raising events are planned for the remainder of the financial year.

The village firework night run by CSSC was a great success although appears to have hit a ceiling in terms of the amount that attendees are willing to donate.

Details are awaited for the planned replacement of furniture in the pavilion which both the CFPC and PF have agreed to contribute to financially.

Agreed: To approve the report.

10.4 Village Hall Committee

Cllr Greybrook referred to the report that had been issued prior to the meeting and reported that the hall has now been redecorated (doors, skirtings and hatchways)

The monthly Table Top Sale & Village Breakfast continues to thrive, with the breakfast takings being a great source of income for the hall. Thanks to all volunteers for ensuring its success.

Planned events are noted as on Sunday 25th November there will be a Christmas Craft Fair, Saturday 1st December a “Cuppa & Natta” morning is being held raising funds for St Barnabas Hospice. Sunday 9th December there will be a pantomime, Beauty & the Beast performed by the Lamp House Theatre Company.

The last Table Top Sale and Breakfast of the year will be on Sunday 16th December.

Agreed: To approve the report 

10.5 News & Views.  

Cllr Nelson referred to the report that had been issued prior to the meeting and reported that the publication continues to maintain an excellent quality thanks to Editors hard work.

Agreed: To approve the report 

10.6 Community Heartbeat.

Cllr Greybrook referred to the report that had been issued prior to the meeting and reported that 3 of the units are in working order, checked weekly, report sent to CHT monthly.

A new battery has been fitted to the unit on the Old Chapel. All batteries are under guarantee now until 2022.

Agreed: To approve the report 

11.Items of Urgent Business      

11.1 Bin Collection Times in Caythorpe High Street

Prior to the meeting, Cllr Budden had reported concerns regarding the times that the bin collections are being made in the High Street.  Currently bins are being emptied at 8.30-9.00 a.m. when the High Street is at the highest congestion and when children are walking to School.  Cllr Nelson was pleased to report that this matter had been referred to Cllr Sampson and had already been resolved. 

12.Arrangements for Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council would be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 9th January 2019 commencing at 7.15 p.m. with provision for a short public section that will commence at 7.00 p.m.               

Open Forum

County Councillor: Cllr Maughan: Not in attendance

District Councillor: Cllr Sampson: Reported the following items of interest

1.He would not be standing at the next elections scheduled for May 2019, however, would welcome contact from anyone interested in standing for office an independent district councillor.

2.SKDC had quickly becoming landowners and developers and have recently purchased property in the Stamford area.

3.SKDC supporting the Armed Forces and have appointed an Armed Forces Liaison Officer to promote ongoing support of armed forces. Additionally, SKDC are looking to introduce a discount scheme with local shops for members of the armed forces.

4.Heritage projects across SKDC will be eligible for a newly introduced small grant fund, under 3 headings: Inspiration, Interpretation and Intervention grants.

5.A statue of Margaret Thatcher is to be erected in front of the SKDC offices in in Grantham.

Public Attendance

This meeting was attended by one members of the public who identified the following:

1.Pothole in High Street outside the school entrance.  MS to action along with other potholes nearby.

2.Post Box on Frieston Green – Cllr Nelson responded CFPC are already aware of issue following the collapse of wall.  It is understood from Royal Mail that the new box will be located on the green and mounted on a pole.


Appendix 1 – Accounts Authorised and Paid Since the Last Meeting

Invoice Date

Supplier Name

Invoice Detail

Total Inv. Value


M Stevens

Monthly Salary (Sept 18)



Unity Trust Bank

Service Charge




Networking Day 27th Sept - MS/GA lunch invoice



G W King & Sons

Grass Cutting on Upper and Lower Frieston Greens 06/08 - 19/09



HMRC Cumbernauld

Tax Payment - Mel Stevens (Sept)



Brian Wills

General Maintenance in Village (Sept/Oct)



Unity Trust Bank

Unpaid Stopped Cheque



Unity Trust Bank

Unpaid Stopped Cheque Admin Fee



Westgate Print

News and Views Printing - Oct 18 Issue



P A & L M Leeds

Expenses - Oct 2018



Helping Hand Enviro

Litter Picking Equipment - Cllr Brooke



Community Heartbeat

Battery G3 AED Powerheart Replacement



Direct PC Supplies

Configuring Laptop for Parish Clerk Use



M Stevens

Monthly Salary (Oct 18)



Mike Russell

Grass Cutting in St Vincent's Churchyard - 2nd Payment



Ben Watson - Litter Picker

Litter Picking Payment (Sept/Oct)



Direct PC Supplies

Configuring Laptop for Parish Clerk Use (stage 2)



Brian Wills

General Maintenance in Village (Sept/Oct)



HMRC Cumbernauld

Tax Payment - Mel Stevens (Oct)



Bob Greybrook

Payment of Armistice Day Bugler



P A & L M Leeds

Expenses - Nov 2018



J R Ullyott

Mechanical hedge cutting in Village



Royal British Legion

Remembrance Wreath for CFPV



Royal British Legion

Remembrance Wreath for Lancaster Memorial







Appendix 2 – Accounts Authorised for Payment at Meeting

Invoice Date

Supplier Account Name

Invoice Detail

Invoice Value


M Stevens

CFPC - Expenses (Oct/Nov)



G W King & Sons

Grass Cutting on Upper and Lower Frieston Greens 03/10 - 08/11



G W King & Sons

Garden Maintenance at Burial Ground Sep/Oct



G W King & Sons

Grass Cutting at Woodyard - Chapel Lane 2018



B&C Energy Solutions Ltd.

Supply & Installation of Bus Shelter on A607











Appendix 3 – CFPC Management Accounts

Caythorpe & Frieston Management Accounts     

Accounts at 21st November 2018                           











for period






































Burial ground








Street Cleaning




News & Views




VAT Reclaim




Bus Shel/WM Grants
















Burial grounds








Comm lincs




Staff salaries




Election costs




Comm Projects








VH grant




PF grant




S137 Expenditure












Tel,post, stat etc




PWLB loan








News & Views




Bank Charges
































Reserves as at




Forecast surplus for year as above




Forecast closing reserves at year end




Weeks  Year