September 2018 Minutes

Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th September 2018


Councillors: B Nelson (Chairman),R Dix, G Ashcroft, R Brooke ,R Greybrook, A Roberts, H Root, R Mountain, M Woodward

District Councillor: R Sampson

County Councillor: A Maughan

Clerk: Mr M. Stevens

1. Apologies for Absence.

Cllrs. M Budden and N Fritzsche

2. Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act

There were no declarations of interest   

3. Approval of minutes of the Parish Meeting held on 18th July 2018     

3.1 These minutes were presented to the meeting for approval

Agreed unanimously that the minutes are a true record and were signed by the Chairman              

4.Parish Clerk’s Report – To Update on matters occurring since the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda.          

4.1 Speed Camera

MS confirmed that the sum of £100 has been transferred to Carlton Scroop and Normanton on Cliffe Parish Council as approved at July’s PC meeting as a thank you for the loan of the Speed Camera for CFPC speed analysis exercise throughout the village and surrounding area.  CS&NoC PC have acknowledged receipt and have given their thanks for the PC’s consideration.  Now looking at the speed reduction option for the A607 and waiting for an update from CS&NoC Parish Clerk as to their approach and contacts when they achieved a result for the stretch of road between Carlton Scroop and Normanton.   

4.2 Armada Beacon

MS confirmed that no progress had been made since the last meeting.  As previously stated the project is likely to begin during the autumn or winter period.              

4.3 Grass Cutting

MS reported that over recent weeks several complaints had been received regarding the grass area at the junction of Back Lane and Chapel Lane that has not been cut as part of the 2 cuts a year cycle introduced this year by LCC Highways.  Despite reporting this matter (log No. 4106302) and a subsequent follow up, the LCC team member was insistent that the grass had been cut and had confirmation of this from the contactor and would not entertain that the area had been overlooked despite the grass being nearly 1 metre tall. The next cut is apparently scheduled for early September.  MS reported that since this altercation the grass area had now received the 2nd cut.

It is also understood that the grass and bush that is adjacent to the bench on the patch of grassland has always been kept tidy by a resident of the village.  We have been informed that this will no longer continue and that the PC will have to source alternatives.  Since writing this the grass area at Back Lane has now been cut (presumably the 2nd cut) and the resident of the village has sorted out the bush and grass near the bench.  This will be closely monitored ongoing, but the resident has kindly confirmed that he will continue to look after the bench area and tree providing that the council keep the main area clear.       

4.4 Village Hall – Letter of Thanks

MS reported that a letter of thanks had been received from the Chairman of the Village Hall, expressing the gratitude of the Village Hall Committee for the sum of money donated by the Parish Council for the continued benefit of all parishioners. 

5. May Elections   

5.1 Cllr Nelson stated that as the May Elections for a new Parish Council is looming that it would be appropriate if the current PC laid some plans in place in advance of this date.

When each of the attending Councillors were asked of their individual future plans it became apparent that there is likely to be in excess of 25% who will be standing down in May 2019.  It was agreed that there is now opportunity to encourage new members from all walks of life and all ages and that new blood will have new views and ideas to benefit the Parish   

5.2 In view of this indication it was agreed that a number of steps would be implemented in advance of the election period that would include the following:

1.Potential new candidates for the new Parish Council would be approached by existing Councillors.

2.Potential new candidates would receive an outline of the role of a parish councillor and receive a true indication of the time required to effectively address the role.

3.Cllr Nelson would write an article for the next issue of News and Views that would publicise the pending election and invite those interested to make contact with the Parish Clerk for additional information with a view to attending a PC meeting to gleam additional information.

Cllr Nelson closed by asking if existing Councillors felt that anything needed to be changed for the future and would welcome suggestions by email.  He also stated that he was prepared to stand down as Chairman at any time before May to allow others to experience the role of chairman.     

Action: ALL, BN

6 Financial Matters:      

6.1 Authorisation of BACS/Cheque Payments      

The Chairman circulated 2 documents for approval by the Councillors,

a. Invoices approved and paid since the last meeting.

b. Invoices to be paid once authorised at the meeting

See Appendix (1 & 2) for details.

Resolved: that the payments were approved for payment          

6.2 Review and Approval of CFPC Accounts         

6.2.1      Management Accounts and the Balance Sheet for CFPC previously circulated to members were presented to the meeting.

Resolved: that the accounts were approved unanimously           

6.3 Budget Process for 2019/20 

6.3.1 Cllr Nelson outlined to the meeting the timetable for the next year’s budget requirement and that the elements of the new budget should be based on the current budget plan but needed to include the detail of new and agreed project costs.  BN suggested that this could be further developed by holding an additional Finance Meeting but recommended that initially a draft outline plan would be produced and issued as a discussion paper.  It was agreed that this plan would be actioned before the end of October and issued to all councillors.       

Action: BN/MS

6.3.2      The subject of the new precept requirement was mentioned and the fact that the agreed increase (if any) would be included in the draft plan.  It was agreed the draft recommendation would initially be an increase of 1.5% on the 2018/19 budget.

Agreed that the plan as outlined would be actioned within the timescale described.      

6.4 Capital Update for the Year 2018/19

6.4.1 Cllr Nelson referred the meeting to a paper that had been issued to members in advance of the meeting.  The Capital Budget Plan document had been revised and updated taking into account those projects that had been shelved for the foreseeable future giving the example of the purchase of speed cameras and the Rural Beat Office, resulting in a reduced requirement of £9600. 

6.4.2 Based on this revised figure Cllr Nelson had asked members to recommend new items to be added and those submitted resulted in a new allocation amounting to the sum of £3850 which included monies for the following projects:

a) Reallocation of funds for Grit Bins - £600

b) Laptops for the use of the Parish Clerk and N&V Editors - £2500

c) Pavement and Footpath Clearance - £750

Agreed to unanimously approve the revisions as summarised above.    

6.4.3 Justification of the revised expenditure was discussed and agreed as follows:


•Essential to meet and comply with GDPR regulations

•To ensure the continuity of PC business for meetings and holiday cover.

•To enable a smooth and transparent handover of information to Parish Clerk successors.

Pavements and Footpaths

•To ensure that areas that are not being attended to by LCC Highways are maintained on a one-off basis to ensure the ongoing safety and wellbeing of parishioners.              

6.4.4 Cllr Nelson informed the meeting that Tony Case had now stepped down from his role in advertising with News and Views and as a result of his decision attempts had been made to contact him regarding the future of the PC owned laptop still in his possession.  It was agreed that following further attempts the matter would be passed to the Parish Clerk for action. 

Action: BN/MS

6.5 To Review Approval for the Purchase of Grit/Salt Bins             

6.5.1 Cllr Nelson remined the meeting that he had previously outlined the suggestion that the Parish Council should consider purchasing 2 grit/salt bins for location within the village.  Location of one of these to be at the junction of Church Lane and Waterloo Road with the other yet to be confirmed.  Additionally, details of options available from Glasdon who had been used to purchase the recent dog waste bins had been agreed that 2 of the Nestor models, colour green, should be purchased at the sum of £188.17 each as this value had already been identified as a capital spend.  However, following further investigation by Cllr Maughan it was discovered that there are strict rules laid down by LCC for salt/grit bins that include the colour, the location, and the fact that newly purchased bins would not be replenished by LCC.       

6.5.2 In view of the above it was agreed that the plan of action would be revised and that the following actions would be addressed before CFPC purchased new bins.

a) LCC Highways would be contacted to obtain permission to site bins at the proposed location at the junction of Waterloo Road and Church Lane.

b)Confirmation that bulk purchases (bags) could be purchased and stored at the Beat Office.

c)Confirmation that the existing maintenance contactor (BW) would be prepared to monitor and replenish, as necessary.

Agreed that this plan of action is implemented as described.     

Action: MS

6.6 General Data Protection Regulations

6.6.1 Cllr Nelson invited MS to update members with progress that had occurred since the last meeting.  MS reported that a date had been sought by LCPAS to visit CFPC as part of the compliancy plan.  It was suggested that a date be arranged for the end of December as this would give opportunity to finalise outstanding issued that need addressing. MS reported that a date had still be agreed as LCPAS are still reviewing documents previously sent.     

Cllr Ashcroft referred the meeting to a paper previous issued that outlined options for the creation of new email addresses for individual Parish Councillors.  After much discussion it was agreed that the new address would be created using option 2 of the paper and councillors would be updated accordingly.

Parish Council members would be updated at the next PC meeting as progress is made with this project and until compliancy is achieved by the Council.

Approved that this plan is progressed as indicated.          

Action: GA

6.7 War Memorial Cleaning        

6.7.1 Cllr Greybrook stated that the renovation work has now been completed, and that the final invoice from E Gill & Sons had been received and submitted for payment.  Once paid the paperwork to obtain the grant money can be completed.  Cllr Greybrook went on to remind the meeting that as previously mentioned and following a meeting with Rev Stuart Hadley it has been decided to incorporate the re-dedication of the memorial in the Remembrance Day service as both services have a very similar format. Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project   

6.8 Sensory-Pad Pavements        

6.8.1 Cllr Nelson reminded the meeting that a sum had been earmarked in the capital budget for the provision of sensory-pad pavements to be located at certain locations with the aim of providing a complete connectivity of the village for those with impaired vision. Cllr Dix had previously presented the outline plan where it was proposed that pads would be installed at 3 additional points crossing the High Street, namely.

•Old Eight Bells – Old Post Office

•Surgery - Waggon and Horses

•Spar Shop – Village Hall             

6.8.2 Cllr Maughan reported that discussion had taken place and that he had asked for quotes to meet this requirement but was fearful that the amounts would exceed the budget currently set aside by the Parish Council. An update would be provided once cost is known or by the next meeting.

Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project      

7.Transport and Highways          

7.1 High Street Congestion          

7.1.1 Cllr Maughan stated that the TRO had already commenced and would check that the evaluation would not have been conducted during the recent holiday period.  There was no additional information to report regarding the white lines or the Back-Lane parking project.              

7.2 Hump-Backed Bridge             

7.2.1      Cllr Nelson referred the meeting to a recent email update from Cllr Maughan following a meeting with LCC Highways on the subject.  Cllr Maughan reiterated that if Mid (UK) could be encouraged to part fund this initiative then SLOW notices could be painted on the road with the possible provision of some signage.

Cllr Nelson agreed to make contact with Mid (UK) to ascertain if this suggestion is viable.

Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project      

Action: BN

7.3 LCC Highways – Management of Potholes and Repairs            

7.3.1 Cllr Nelson stated that recent emails had been received indicating that delays had been experienced by LCC in acting on this request for information.  It was agreed that updates would be circulated as the matter is progressed.

Agreed that updates would be provided before the next scheduled meeting.     

Action: BN

8.The Parish Environment          

8.1 Planning       

8.1.1 New Applications

S18/1475 - Ryedale, 39 Hough Road, Frieston

Proposed loft conversion including increase in ridge height and alterations to roof and extensions to existing dwelling.

Agreed that CFPC have no objections to this application Cllr Ashcroft to action

Mid (UK) Recycling - Caythorpe -LCC REFERENCE:  PL/0098/18 - LANE, CAYTHORPE, GRANTHAM, NG32 3EW DEVELOPMENT:  For the development of a compound for the storage of commercial and industrial waste fines and retention of a site including compounds and fixed plant for the processing storage and distribution f recyclable aggregate derived from the construction and demolition waste upon land at Caythorpe materials recovery facility at Caythorpe Heath Lane

It was agreed that as this application had been received on the day of this meeting that more investigation would be required.  Cllrs agreed that should this application be approved it should be so only with the strictest of conditions applied.  

Action: GA

8.1.2      Applications Actioned

S18/1246.   Gresham Lodge, Lincoln Road, Caythorpe. 

Tree Work to fell and prune various trees,

CFPC submitted no objections – 25 July [SKDC Ref: 1356659

S18/1330.   Manor Farm, 21 Hough Road, Frieston, NG32 3BY.

Change of use to C1 (Hotels) with alterations and extension of agricultural barn to provide a 2-bed holiday

CFPC submitted no objections – SKDC Ref:1371936.

8.1.3      S18/1247.   Holly Bush House, 18 High Street, Caythorpe.

Tree Preservation Order 1 Yew tree (Taxus baccara) 30% reduction in height and spread of the Crown.

Approved 31 Aug 18.

S18/0868.   4 Frieston Road,

2 Storey Extension to rear and single storey extension replacing existing outbuildings and new garage.

Approved 19 July 2018.

S18/0968.   Walnut House, 20B old Lincoln Road.

Application for new building and access onto A607. 

Permission refused 27 July 2018 on grounds of highway safety.

S18/1145. The Anchorage Lincoln Road.

Single Story Extension to garage.

Planning permission granted 24 Aug 18.

S18/0711& S18/0710:  - Caythorpe Hall

Application for new driveway onto the A607 from Caythorpe Hall.

Application withdrawn by the applicant.

8.1.4      Project Register

The summary document circulated by the clerk is showing that there is a total of 18 live projects with 6 of these that have closed since the last meeting and will be removed from the spreadsheet.  This information will also be published on the Parish Council website.

Agreed unanimously to approve the Report        

8.1.5      Other Issues to Report

Cllr Ashcroft reported that a SKDC Planning Consultation–Statement of Community Involvement had been received and circulated that will begin consultation for 6 weeks beginning on the 11 September 2018.

Agreed that the document would be evaluated, and the relevant response given

8.1.6      Other Planning Issues

There were no other planning issues to report    

8.2 Remembrance Day Arrangements     

8.2.1 Cllr Nelson reminded the meeting of this calendar date and stated that following a recent meeting with Rev Stuart Hadley the tried and tested plans used previously would be adopted              

8.2.1 MS stated that the WI had made an enquiry regarding the placing of a wreath on Remembrance Day.  It was confirmed that this request would be noted and accepted and if required the WI would have to confirm if a wreath should be purchased on their behalf by the Parish Council.          

8.3 Dog Fouling 

8.3.1 Cllr Greybrook referred to a report previously issued and stated five dog waste bins have been installed at the following locations

•At the junction of South Parade/Back Lane

•Footpath adjacent to the allotment site.

•Love Lane

•Church Lane/Gorse Hill Lane

•Frieston Path at the south end

Cllr Greybrook was pleased to report that the bins continue to be very well used, with the exception of an area at the junction of Gorse Hill Lane and Waterloo Road where the property owner was aggrieved that adjacent bins were not being used.  

8.4 Social Housing           

8.4.1 Right to Buy

Cllr Nelson confirmed that a response had been received from Cllr Kelham Cooke on this subject that that it was suggested that a meeting is held with the SKDC Assistant Director of Housing. Cllr Nelson agreed to arrange this meeting and that attendees would be BN/RD/AR/MS. 

Action: BN

8.4.2 In advance of the meeting as described above it was agreed that all Councillors would email Cllr Nelson with suggested sites within the Parish where additional social housing could be considered.      

Action: All

8.5 New Bus Shelter Proposal     

8.5.1 MS confirmed that the Bus Shelter grants department had confirmed that each grant application is considered under its own merits and that another application for the latest Bus Shelter project on the A607 would be considered.    

8.5.2 MS explained that since the last meeting the supplier B&C Shelters who had been used previously had attended site and had quoted to supply and install.

The quotation was circulated at the meeting and it was noted that the shelter would be full sided due to the location on a major road, would be installed on a raised platform, the old brick shelter would be demolished and removed, and a drain channel would be installed at the front of the new shelter to overcome the risk of flooding.     

8.5.3 It was proposed that providing a favourable result of funding is obtained the members would be approached for approval of the remaining costs.

Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project      

Action: MS

8.6 Other Maintenance Issues    

8.6.1 Maintenance Register

MS referred to the updated document that had been issued prior to the meeting and shows the expenditure on village maintenance. MS also reported that the Maintenance report had been filtered to show details of the current financial year only.   

8.6.2      Burial Ground

There were no issues reported relating to the burial ground         

8.6.3      Footpath Issues

Cllr Nelson reiterated and confirmed that a sum of money had be allocated as a capital project item for the one-off clearance of pathways prior to the winter period.  Based on the email previously issued by Cllr Roberts on this subject it was agreed that a timetable would be published to confirm when this work would be actioned.        

Action: AR

8.6.4      Grass Cutting

Cllr Nelson confirmed that no action would be taken until communication had been received regarding the plans for the next financial year are received from LCC Highways when a decision regarding CFPC would be made.

Agreed to adopt this plan of action         

9. Community Safety – Report on Local Crime and Policing Matters        

9.1 Community Emergency Planning       

9.1.1 Following the recent communication on this subject Cllr Nelson confirmed that Cllr Fritzsche would be reissuing a plan that had been produced some time ago for approval by all members.

Agreed to accept this plan of action                      

9.2 Report on Local Crime and Policing Matters  

9.2.1 No items to report, however Cllr Nelson referred to a recent email from Cllr Maughan that stated that a Panel Meeting was held and would continue to be on a 6 monthly basis that dealt with local policing policies and suggested that future meetings are attended by a representative of CFPC  

Action: ALL

9.3 Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Fire and Safety Engagement       

9.3.1 Cllr Nelson referred to a recent email on this subject where group names were sought for meetings to be arranged to discuss areas of vulnerability.  MS confirmed that following discussion a reply had been sent suggesting that a more holistic view should be taken, and a possible village meeting arranged for those who wished to attend.  Following this meeting a series of other group meetings could be arranged for those showing additional interest in the subject.  To date no response has been received.

Agreed that this approach is supported and should be progressed.           

10. Community Activities            

10.1 Litter Picking /The Big Clean

Following the recent emails received on the subject of litter picking for younger people to action as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award it was agreed that Cllrs Brooke and Mountain would investigate this subject further with view to obtaining a suitable conclusion.

Agreed that this approach is supported and should be progressed.         

Action: RB/RM

10.2 Allotment Committee

Cllr Ashcroft had issued a report in advance of the meeting in which it was stated that following a revision of plot allocations, the association currently has 1 large and 2 small vacant plots, which the committee are making efforts to maintain and keep weed free. The association had a stall at this year’s Caythorpe Gala where they raised a sum of £88.20 for the playing fields. In addition to selling produce and plants, application forms to take up vacant plots were made available, from which 2 people expressed an interest in becoming members but to date completed applications have not been received.

Agreed: To approve the report

10.3 Playing Field Committee

Cllr Nelson had issued a report prior to the meeting and reported that a very successful Gala was held which raised just over £2200 which was down on last year but still a good result. The sun shone there was a good attendance and as ever the help that we received from Tom Mountain and his team from PGL was just fantastic.

A more detailed report will be in News & Views where thanks will be made to our sponsors and all those who attended and the various individuals and village organisations who ran stalls and helped to raise so much money.

Agreed: To approve the report.

10.4 Village Hall Committee

Cllr Greybrook had issued a report prior to the meeting.  In the report it was stated that the updating and renovating of the toilets has been completed and that the grant money from now awaited.

The refurbishment of the bar area has been completed thanks to Nev Tointon

The monthly Table Top Sale & Village Breakfast continues to thrive, with the breakfast takings being a great source of income for the hall. Thanks go to all volunteers for ensuring its success. There was a break in August, recommencing 16th September.

 A touring company the “Lamp House Theatre Company have been booked to perform a pantomime – “Beauty & the Beast – during the afternoon on Sunday 9th December.

Agreed: To approve the report 

10.5 News & Views.  

Cllr Nelson reported that the Editors of N&V are now also responsible for selling advertising space and continue to produce a publication of a very high standard. Additionally, the needs of the publication from an IT point of view was discussed at the meeting.

Agreed: To approve the report   

10.6 Community Heartbeat.

Cllr Greybrook had issued a report prior to the meeting.  In the report it was stated All unit are in working order, checked weekly and a report sent to CHT monthly

Agreed: To approve the report   

11. Items of Urgent Business     

11.1 No Items to report 

12.Arrangements for Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council would be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 21st November 2018 commencing at 7.15 p.m. with provision for a short public section that will commence at 7.00 p.m.               

Open Forum

County Councillor

Cllr Maughan: Reported the following items of interest;

1.There will be no decision on the future of Grantham Hospital A&E department until 2019, and as such it will remain closed overnight for the foreseeable future.

2.The discussions on devolved responsibilities is ongoing and LCC are working with neighbouring councils in Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire on how best to work together.

3.Fairer Funding for Lincolnshire has the support of the majority of local MP’s however a final decision is still waited, and it is possible that a counter campaign may be launched by urban authorities.

4.90% of Potholes should be a first time fix as a new more substantial materials are being used. Parish Councils were asked to report if evidence on the ground contradicted this statement.

District Councillor

Cllr Sampson: Reported the following items of interest

1.His on-going concern that due to the lack of scrutiny of the original plans for the new Grantham cinema development, public monies are having to be spent to demolish part of the existing Council Offices in Grantham to enable to enable the creation of a new walkway linking the new cinema complex

2.Following attendance at a recent Fenton Parish Council meeting concerns were expressed regarding the Clay Pigeon Shooting Club at Brandon.  It is understood that the number of shooting days of 50-120 has been overshot by up to 80 days.

3.After trying for over 6 years he had at last obtained an admission from the planning authorities that there were no planning conditions imposed regarding the use of the Fulbeck Airfield Cart Track.

Public Attendance

This meeting was not attended by any members of the public which was rather disappointing.

Appendix 1 – Accounts Authorised and Paid Since the Last Meeting

Invoice Date

Supplier Account Name

Invoice Detail

Invoice Value


Brian Wills

General Maintenance in Village (May/June)



M Stevens

Monthly Salary (July 18)



Village Hall

Annual Grant Approved 18/07/18



Playing Fields

Annual Grant Approved 18/07/18



HMRC Cumbernauld

Tax Payment - Mel Stevens (July)



Time Assured

Annual Service on St Vincent’s Church Clock



PKF Littlejohn

AGAR - Annual External Audit Services



Brian Wills

General Maintenance in Village (July/Aug)



Public Works Loan Board

Repayment of Loan Instalment



M Stevens

Monthly Salary (Aug 18)



Carlton Scroop & NOC Parish Council

Donation for the loan of the Speed Camera



P A & L M Leeds

Expenses - August 2018



P A & L M Leeds

Expenses - Sept 2018



G W King & Sons

Grass Cutting on Upper and Lower Frieston Greens 06/06-20/07



G W King & Sons

Burial Ground Maintenance (July & Aug)



HMRC Cumbernauld

Tax Payment - Mel Stevens (August)



Ben Watson

Litter Picking Payment (July/August)











Appendix 2 – Accounts Authorised for Payment at Meeting

Invoice Date

Supplier Account Name

Invoice Detail

Invoice Value


Westgate Print

News and Views Printing - Sept 18 Issue



M Stevens

CFPC - Expenses (July/Aug)



Brian Wills

General Maintenance in Village Dog Bins (July/Aug)



E Gill & Sons Memorials

Cleaning of Memorial Cross - Final Payment 50%












Appendix 3 – CFPC Management Accounts

Caythorpe & Frieston Management Accounts

Accounts at 12th September 2018           







for period






















Burial ground








Street Cleaning




News & Views




VAT Reclaim
























Burial grounds








Comm lincs




Staff salaries




Election costs




Comm Projects








VH grant




PF grant




S137 Expenditure












Tel,post, stat etc




PWLB loan








News & Views




Bank Charges
































Reserves as at




Forecast closing reserves at year end