8th May 2024




Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to attend: 

Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Annual Council Meeting

to be held on Wednesday 8th May 2024

commencing at 7.30pm in the Village Hall


The Agenda for the meeting is to be found below.


There will be a short public forum before the council meeting proper which will begin at 7.15 pm.

All councillors are requested to attend this forum. Should the forum last less than 15 minutes, the Parish Council Meeting will begin at that time.

Mrs Debbie Manderfield

Clerk to the Parish Council



1. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman


2. Apologies for absence. 


3. Declaration of Interests - To receive declarations of interests under the 2000 Local Government Act.


4. Approval of minutes of the Parish Council meeting number 6 held on 13th March 2024


5. To receive written applications for the office of Parish councillor and to Co-opt a candidate to fill the existing vacancy - 1

a. Signing of Declaration of Acceptance, DPI and Code of Conduct

b. Allocation of portfolios


6. Parish Clerk’s Report 


7. Election of Members of the Planning Committee (6)


8. Election of members of the Finance Committee (6)


9. Appointment of Portfolio Holders


a. Litter Picking and the Big Clean 

b. Environmental Sustainability 

c. Playing Field committee 

d. Village Hall committee 

e. News & Views 

f. Footpaths 

g. Public Transport 

h. Highways 

i. Emergency Plan 

j. Dog Fouling 

k. Shops, Businesses & Employment 

l. Housing 

m. Facebook Page 

n. Volunteering and skill sharing

o. Community Heartbeat 

p. Hospital Car Scheme 


r. Children and Child care 

s. Allotment committee 

t. Burial Ground 

u. Remembrance Day Parade 


10. Financial Matters:

a. Approval of the Parish Council Annual  Internal Audit Report

b. Approval of Annual Governance Statement (section 1) for 2023/24

c. Approval of Accounting Statements (section 2) 2023/24 

d. To obtain acceptance of – CFPC Standing Orders

e. To obtain acceptance of – CFPC Financial Regulations

f. To obtain acceptance (signature) of – CFPC Disclosure of Personal Interests

g. Authorisation of BACS/Cheque payments. 

h. End of Year Accounts and Audit Requirements – Submission of Public Rights

i. Review of CFPC accounts. Bank rec & management accounts. 

j. Update from Finance committee Chair


11. Registers 

a. Risk Register Review and accept. 

b. Maintenance Register Review and accept. 


12. Project Register update: - 

a. Items taken in order as they appear on the register. 


13. New Proposals

a. Burial Ground T’s & C’s and prices for website

b. For the parish council to accept the ‘Gala Committee’ volunteer group as “part of the council”

c. Litter Picker 

d. Gift for Internal Auditor


14. The Parish Environment: 

a. Planning

b. Other Planning Issues


15. Community Safety - Report on local crime and policing matters.

a. There are no figures for March at the moment 

b. Please visit https://www.police.uk/pu/your-area/lincolnshire-police/grantham-rural-north/?tab=CrimeMap for activity in our area


16. Items of urgent business.


17. Arrangements for next meeting:

The next Parish Council Meeting Number 2 of 2024 will be held on Wednesday 10th July 2024 commencing at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall.