CFPC - Draft Minutes from the January Meeting
Councillors: Page, Manderfield, Crawley, Farr & Topley
There were 8 members of the public
Clerk: Mrs D Manderfield
Item 1 – Chairmans Remarks
Cllr Crawley welcomed the councillors and the public.
Please see below public discussions under Open Forum
Item 2 – Apologies for absence
Cllrs Macer, Macpherson, Sandy, Milnes & Stojanovic. All councillors had notified the clerk and the council Resolved to accept the reasons for absence
Item 3 – Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act
Cllr Crawley expressed a declaration of interest as a committee member of the Playing Field Committee
Cllr Manderfield expressed a declaration of interest as a committee member of the Village Hall Committee
Cllr Topley expressed a declaration of interest as a member of the Allotment Society
Item 4 - Approval of Minutes of meeting number 4 held on 13th November 2024
Copies of the minutes were circulated prior to the meeting. It was Resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of events. They were signed by the chairman, Cllr Crawley
Item 5- To receive written applications for the office of Parish Councillor and to Co-opt a candidate to fil the existing vacancy
The Council had received 2 applications for the 2 vacancies available. The Clerk had previously forwarded the application forms to the councillors and after due discussion it was Resolved to co-opt both applicants to the Parish Council. As both new councillors were present, a Declaration of Acceptance to Office was signed and Cllr Crawley welcomed them both to the council. At this point Cllrs Stevenson and Clayton left the public forum and joined the council
Item 6 – Parish Clerk’s Update on Matters Arising Since Last Meeting
I have recently been approached for help by a fourth council. We are very lucky to have the councillors that we have working for our parish on behalf of our parishioners. Not all councils have this and I would like to thank the councillors for all the work they do behind the scenes.
After speaking with the gravedigger it seems there was a misunderstanding. The costs of slabs for the spacing had not been taken into consideration. Therefore using clerks delegated powers it was agreed that he would organise the slabs and begin work asap. The cost for the slabs will be in the region of £450 inc vat
As per the last meeting the parishioner requiring a Baha’I funeral has purchased the 2 plots necessary
The council has been approached by BT with respect to the phone box on the High Street. All councillors have been informed
A second application to the council has been forwarded to an interested parishioner and it is hopeful that they will join the council
The insurance policy will soon be up for renewal, I have forwarded a declaration to all involved and received assurances that there is nothing to declare. I have had to assume that where there has been no response then there is again nothing to declare
Cllr Manderfield & I attended Christmas drinks arranged by Cllr Maughan. It was interesting to hear what Gareth Davies, our new MP, had to say and also other councils that were present
The consecration document has been received from Lincolnshire Archives and I have uploaded it to Parish Online (adjacent to J18 in the pink box) for easy access
At the meeting the clerk advised how important it was that councillors continue to report on portfolios for public information
Item 7 - Financial Matters
7.1 Authorisation of BACS/Cheque payments.
Councillors considered the list, previously circulated, and Resolved to accept the payments
Please see Appendix A below
7.2 Review of CFPC accounts. Bank rec & management accounts.
Bank reconciliations and management accounts as at 31.12.24 were circulated to all prior to the meeting.
Please see Appendix B below
7.3 Precept for Financial Year 2025/26
Cllr Crawley referred to a document previously circulated by Cllr Stojanovic and advised initially that the options were to either increase the precept or keep it the same as year 24/25. There was a lot of discussions surrounding this but eventually it was determined that a small increase was necessary.
Cllr Farr proposed a 3% increase which was seconded by Cllr Stevenson, however this was not resolved and further discussions ensued.
Cllr Crawley proposed a 2.5% increase which was seconded by Cllr Manderfield and after further discussion the Precept was Resolved to be increased by 2.5% and set at £36992.95
Action: Clerk
7.4 Update from Finance committee Chair
Unfortunately Cllr Stojanovic was absent from the meeting. Cllr Crawley advised that current reserves were relatively healthy but that the council was aware that there was a need for possible further spending within the community which may be necessary but had been unknown at the time of the budget
7.5 Village Hall & Playing Field Annual Grants
Please see below open forum
There was much discussion surrounding this topic. Cllr Farr suggested that it would be better if representatives of the 2 committees attended a Parish Council meeting prior to the budget being set. The £3500 grant to both committees had been in situ for approximately 10 years and this may need to be increased in the future.
However as the 24/25 and 25/26 had already been set it was agreed that the payments should be made.
Cllr Crawley advised that the playing field funds were down due to the DASH not taking place and that there had been a change of circumstance within the committee.
Cllr Manderfield suggested that by honouring the grants it allows both the playing field and village hall committees to budget and manage their finances accordingly.
Cllr Page proposed to pay the 24/25 grants immediately. This was discussed and Resolved.
Cllr Page proposed to pay the 25/26 grants in the new financial year. This was discussed and Resolved
Action: Clerk
Item 8 Registers
8.1 Risk Register – this was distributed previously.
It was Resolved to approve this document,
8.2 Maintenance Register – this was distributed previously and reviewed.
It was Resolved to approve this document
Item 9 - Project Register Update
9.1 Firework Display
This project has been suspended for the time being, until later in the year.
Cllr Crawley advised that all outstanding pledges had now been honoured
9.2 Emergency Plan
Cllr Topley advised that this project was ongoing
9.3 Holy Cross Gardens Road Adoption
Cllr Manderfield advised that Cllr Macer had been in talks with Cllr Maughan and that it was the responsibility of Persimmon Homes to contact LCC with respect to the adoption
9.4 Grit Bin – Arnhem Drive
This project is now complete. The bin is in situ and been used by local residents. Cllr Topley thanked Cllr Manderfield for his help in positioning the bin and re-distributing sand
9.5 2 Historical Books
There is no change to this project
Action: Cllr Stojanovic
9.6 Allotment Lease – expires 20.3.25
Cllr Macpherson and Cllr Crawley have a meeting scheduled with Savills, the land agents for the Diocese of Lincoln which owns the land. Cllr Crawley advised that there will be a rent increase. He stipulated that any such increase would have to be passed to the allotment committee
Action: Cllr Macpherson/ Crawley
9.7 VE Day 80
A VE day 80 flag has been bought and the bugler booked. Cllr Manderfield advised that he and Cllr Macer had everything in hand to light the beacon on 8.5.25. Cllr Topley offered his help
9.8 Burial Ground Plot Marking
It had previously been advised that the gravedigger would purchase the necessary slabs. This project is ongoing
9.9 Love Lane Memorial
Cllr Crawly advised that further quotes were necessary and there were possible grants available, he also suggested that the Australian Airforce may wish to make a donation.
9.10 New Dog Bins
Cllr Farr advised that this project is ongoing
9.11 Hospital Car Scheme
Cllr Page advised that the village was well served by buses and Call Connect and that he had been advised that these schemes are not widely supported. Please see Open Forum below.
The member of the public has offered to procure names and numbers of residents in need of help travelling to hospitals not covered by public transport.
Item 10 - New Proposals.
10.1 BT Phone Box
The Clerk had received notification that BT were intending to remove the phone box on the High Street. it had been offered to the Parish Council for adoption if required.
After due discussion it was Resolved not to adopt the phone box.
Action: Clerk
10.2 Fencing at the Burial Ground – Cllr Sandy
Cllr Sandy had managed to garner one quote from a local contractor for a treated timber gate. There was a lot of discussion surrounding the new gate as opposed to rejuvenating the old one. It was Resolved that a new gate was necessary, and relatively urgent, but that Cllr Sandy would be asked to look at other options
Action: Cllr Sandy
10.3 To Accept the New Financial Regulations
The Clerk had circulated the document previously. It was Resolved to accept the New Regulations
Action: Clerk
Item 11 – Planning Matters
11.1 Planning Issues
There were no issues
11.2 Report from Cllr Page – Planning Committee Chair
The report for this period is sent with a caveat about the detail – all my CFPC emails seem to have all vanished pre 12th December 2024.
There was an application to create a polo pit in the rear garden of Mouse Hall – we had no objections
Consultation S24/2124 – removal of storm damaged branches from conifer – we have no objections
Consultation S24/2159 – removal of a Roman and a beech tree that were at risk of damaging neighbouring property – replacement to be planted elsewhere - we have no objections
Consultation S24/2160 – removal of a large monkey puzzle tree that poses a risk to adjacent listed buildings … no objections
Item 12 – Community Activities by Portfolio Councillor – the following are reports written by the individual councillors.
12.1 Report by Cllr Crawley
12.1.1 Litter Picking
No change
12.1.2 Environmental Sustainability
Additional trees will be planted along the A607 when the weather allows
12.1.3 Playing Fields
David Cree has resigned the chair of the Playing Field Committee, but remains on the committee as general assistant. The chair has been taken on by Henry Lamb who has new ideas for the direction of the amenity and fund raising.
Costs are being carefully monitored and enquiries are taking place regarding the electricity tariff which is due to expire in November this year.
The wicket mower needs replacement, and costs, and the possibility of grant towards this, are being investigated.
Rents and charges for usage are being reviewed and negotiations will take place with relevant parties.
An order has been placed for painting the external joinery and this will be carried out when the weather improves.
Some touching up of internal paintwork has taken place.
It is believed that the DASH running fund raiser will not take place this spring, which will leave a gap in funding.
Ideas for fund raising are being sought and considered and an application has been received for grant from the Parish Council supported by accounts, and a list of what they are hoping to do.
12.2 Report from Cllr Manderfield
12.2.1 Highways
I have continued to report potholes via Fix My Street including the A607 between Love Lane & Fulbeck, Waterloo Rd, Gorse Hill Lane between Waterloo Rd & the Cemetery and the gravel from the edge of the road on Gorse Hill which has been washed out by the rain.
12.2.2 Village Hall
The next Village Hall meeting is on Tuesday 21st January which I intend to attend.
Someone from the Village Hall committee will be present at the PC meeting to update the council on their achievements form last year and their plans for the coming year prior to the council making a decision on the provision of the grant.
The committee are continuing with their great work planning general maintenance and improvements to the hall and organising events.
12.3 Report from Cllr Macpherson
12.3.1 Allotments
We have finally received the proposal from Savills for the renewal of the lease for the allotments. The rent will increase from £200 per annum to £345 in line with the November RPI. This could change slightly when January's RPI is known. The proposal is for a 10 year renewal.
I met with Andy Crawley 8th January and we have some queries, particularly around the solicitor and agency fees for renewal. We are making an appointment with Savills for a face-to-face meeting to discuss our queries and observations.
Andy is fully briefed and will discuss on Wednesday's meeting
12.4 Report from Cllr Stojanovic
Nothing to report
12.5 Report from Cllr Farr
Nothing to report
12.6 Report from Cllr Topley
12.6.1 Grit Bins and salt
The Grit bin is now in place on Arnhem drive and has been filled with grit. Thanks Cllr Dave Manderfield for your help. I have also been informed that it has been used during the inclement weather!
There will be a 1 tonne bag of salt delivered to Ben Ullyott’s yard on Love Lane on 23rd January. Ben will try to be there, but this depends on Lambing. I will inform the driver to leave on a pallet if this is the case, I will be working away.
12.6.2 Christmas tree
As you may have noticed Cllr Crawley and I picked up, erected, and decorated the Christmas trees. We also took them down and these were picked up by Evor who has the Goats just outside Fulbeck. Thanks Andy for your help.
12.7 Report from Cllr Page
Nothing further to report
12.4 Report from Cllr Macer
All defibrillators are in full working order
12.3 Report from Councillor Sandy
Nothing further to report
Item 13 - Items of Urgent Business
Although there were no items of urgent business Cllr Crawley took this time to re-evaluate the portfolio responsibilities to include the 2 new councillors. The clerk will circulate the updated list to councillors and update the notice board
Item 14 - Arrangements for Next Meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting Number 5 of 2024 will be held on Wednesday 12th March 2025 commencing at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall. (7.15 for open forum)
Cllr Crawley thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting
{Electronically signed}
D Manderfield
Parish Clerk
Report from Cllr Penny Milne (SKDC)
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
An updated version of the NPPF was published in December which involves significant changes in the planning process and places great importance to the Local Plan. The review will take more time but still aiming for June 2026.
SKDC will need to provide around 25% more allocated land for housing per annum than was originally anticipated – up from 700+ to 900+ p.a.
Allocations once in the plan, for example, will be deemed to have consent and potentially avoid further public consultation. Additional support will be needed for provision of public infrastructure.
Additional weight will be given to majority Social Rent schemes which will be a separate category within the ‘Affordable Housing’ definition.
Furthermore, there is a need to identify land for ‘modern economy’ uses, for example data centres which will be incorporated into the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP’s) determined by the Secretary of State (SoS).
Green energy proposals and policies to support climate change mitigation are to be supported. Onshore wind and solar are promoted with an uplift from 50MW to 100MW before deemed an NSIP.
Extra costs can be offset by changes to planning fees; the need for more planners encouraged via, for example, the Local Government Association (LGA) Pathways into Planning programme; the extra time required to implement the new changes will need to be agreed with transitional arrangements.
In addition, a Planning Reform Working Paper is expected on modernising planning committees to support the plan-led system, reduce the number of applications which they deal with and introduce more ‘mandatory’ training for councillors. At SKDC we have an up-to-date delegation in the Constitution and significant training albeit not all is mandatory. When the new LP is approved it should, in theory, have sufficient information in it to perhaps allow further delegation to Officers.
It is important therefore that you take every opportunity to engage with the LP process as further down the line there could be limited chances to comment.
Caythorpe should remain a ‘larger village’ and whilst currently no land been put forward for housing allocation there is always the chance of ‘windfall sites’. One challenge locally in the rural area, beyond the land required for housing, is more solar farm and onshore wind farm applications; large scale data centres; commercial scale anaerobic digesters etc on farmland as we have very little, if any, brownfield sites.
Design Code
As previously reported SKDC is one of five local authorities to have been awarded £80,000 by the Office for Place and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) as part of a Design Code Pathfinder project. It will be more prescriptive than the current Design Guidance. Words such as ‘must, should, can’ will be used. It will be clear, useable and bold. The aim is to give clarity to developers as to what is expected.
Please engage with further consultation in the New Year.
The national budget has created challenges for SKDC although we appear to be in a relatively good position due to reserves stabilizing us temporarily. However, our funding is reduced, costs including operating costs, pay and National Insurance is up and more reliance is put on council tax income even though we are capped at 3% or £5…anymore would require a referendum. I will report further when the council budget is disclosed, and choices being explored.
Further to the Greater Lincolnshire Devolution Deal and the creation of the Greater Lincolnshire Mayoral Combined County Authority (MCCA) December’s English Devolution White Paper throws up some interesting unknowns as to timescales and the way forward for Districts and Counties – will the County Council split into 2 Unitary Councils and Districts be abolished?
We are still waiting for a decision about whether County Council elections will go ahead in May.
Report from Cllr Alexander Maughan (LCC)
Cllr Maughan did not attend this meeting
Open Forum
There were 8 members of the public, 4 of which made comments
The first resident enquired about the hospital car scheme, Cllr Crawley answered that he was not aware of the necessity. Please see 9.11 above
They also enquired as to the balance on the Gala Bank Account to which the Parish Council has no access. Cllr Farr, the PC representative on the Gala Committee advised that he was a signatory on the bank account and would enquire.
The Village Hall representative reported to the council that hiring was on the increase from previous year and that the village hall committee continue to be very active in fundraising for the upkeep of the hall and hosting numerous community events for the village. They explained that due to water damage decorating was required through out. The finances show that that they are just breaking even and more fundraising is necessary
The Chair of the Allotment Committee advised that they run the allotments on behalf of the Parish Council and are hopeful that the PC will take a more positive role in the upkeep and maintenance of the car park and surrounding foliage.
Cllr Crawley explained that the allotments were not available to the whole community as there are only 20 lots and that the land belonged to the Diocese of Lincoln.
Please see 9.6 above. Cllr Crawly agreed to keep the allotment committee abridged of the situation as soon after the meeting as possible
The Playing Field representative advised that all the financial information had been forwarded to councillors previously and that the upkeep of the children’s play area was proving more and more costly. They explained that all costs were on the increase and they as a committee were struggling financially but as yet had not received payment of the amount due after the gala. Cllr Crawley enquired if a payment request had been sent , to which the Playing Field representative replied that this had been forwarded to the Playing Field chair for action.
Appendix A
BACS Payments since last meeting
Invoice Date | Invoice Number | To Whom | Particulars of Payment | Total Amount | Date Paid |
31.10.24 | Unity Bank | Bank Charges | |||
4.11.24 | A Crawley | various for firework display | 23.48 | 4.11.24 | |
4.11.24 | J Betts | sprinklers & Facebook marketing for firework display | 92 | 4.11.24 | |
6.11.24 | A Crawley | carrots for spartklers | 2.50 | 13.11.24 | |
4.11.24 | 100 | GW King & Sons | Burial Ground September & October | 860 | 13.11.24 |
9.11.24 | 6903 | Westgate Print | N&V printing Sept & Oct (from N&V acc) | 1310 | 13.11.24 |
30.6.24 | 24 | Lee Ballaam | dog bins x5 + bags D Day tidy up & 1x grass cut at church | 235 | 20.11.24 |
31.7.24 | 25 | Lee Ballaam | dog bins x4 & 1 grass cut at church | 115 | 20.11.24 |
30.8.24 | 26 | Lee Ballaam | dog bins x4 & 2x grass cuts at church | 145 | 20.11.24 |
30.9.24 | 27 | Lee Ballaam | dog bins x5 + bags& 2x grass cuts at church | 165 | 20.11.24 |
31.10.24 | 28 | Lee Ballaam | dog binsx4 +bags, tidy up at Burial Ground & 1 grass cut at church | 145 | 20.11.24 |
20.11.24 | 29 | Lee Ballaam | dog binsx2, tidy up for Remembrance Day & set out & return road signs | 180 | 20.11.24 |
7.11.24 | ` | RBL Poppy Appeal | 4x replacement wreaths | 120 | 20.11.24 |
19.11.24 | PCC St Vincents | christmas tree festival | 30 | 20.11.24 | |
30.11.24 | D Manderfield | clerks expenses - November | 57.92 | 20.11.24 | |
13.11.24 | meeting no4 7.6 | 1st Caythorpe & Dukes Covert Scout Group | donation as a 'thank you' for help at the fireworks | 300 | 20.11.24 |
13.11.24 | meeting no 4 7.6 | Caythorpe Playing Field Committee | donation as a 'thank you' for help at fireworks | 100 | 20.11.24 |
20.11.24 | I2094 | 1st Galaxy Fireworks | 25% deposit for 2025 event | 990 | 20.11.24 |
17.11.24 | 72 | A Crawley | 2x christmas trees for village | 60 | 20.11.24 |
27.11.24 | A Page | christmas tree decorations | 9.86 | 27.11.24 | |
14.11.24 | P Stockdale | Bugler for Remembrance Day | 60 | 14.11.24 | |
30.11.24 | Unity Bank | bank charges | |||
4.2.12 | A Crawley | 8 marquee pegs to stabilise christmas tree | 15.95 | 4.12.24 | |
6.12.24 | 6933 | Westgate Print | N&V Dec/Jan issue (from N&V acc) | 634 | 11.12.24 |
6.12.24 | Samuel Barrell Arboricultural Services | tree work as required in tree survey | 1470 | 11.12.24 | |
9.12.24 | SI900403 | Glasdon UK Limited | Grit Bin | 230.66 | 11.12.24 |
18.12.24 | 6876 | Westgate Print | N&V Aug & Sept issues (from N&V acc) | 1310 | 18.12.24 |
18.12.24 | 45 | GW King & Sons | Frieston Greens x3 cuts | 240 | 18.12.24 |
Appendix B
Accounts Summary
Precept | 36090.68 | 36090.68 | ||
Allotment | 225.70 | 225.70 | ||
Burial Ground | 2500 | 3400 | ||
SKDC Community Cleaning Grant | 926.64 | 926.64 | ||
VAT Reclaim | 7106.45 | 7106.45 | ||
Income for Earmarked Accounts | 7574.36 | |||
46849.47 | 52323.83 | |||
Internal Transfers | 3277.23 | |||
55601.06 | ||||
Maintenance | 3048 | 2443.30 | ||
Burial Ground | 3500 | 7760.31 | ||
Allotments | 225.70 | 225.70 | ||
Tree Work | 6500 | 1970 | ||
S111 Associated Power | 100 | |||
News & Views | 480 | 360 | ||
Defibrilator Pads | 200 | 137.95 | ||
Defibrilator | 1000 | |||
Church Clock Annual Service | ||||
Benches | 1103.85 | |||
Remembrance Day Flags | 120 | 120 | ||
Remembrance Day Wreaths & Bugler | 200 | 180 | ||
Christmas Tree, Lights & Holder | 420 | 75.95 | ||
Additional S137 payments | 500 | 716.05 | ||
VH Grant | 3500 | |||
PF Grant | 3500 | |||
Audit | 378 | 315 | ||
Election Costs | 3000 | |||
Insurance | 4000 | |||
LALC & SLCC | 540 | 524.20 | ||
Office Costs | 460 | 299.46 | ||
Chairmans Allowance | 100 | |||
Bank Charges | 144 | 53.40 | ||
VAT To Reclaim 24/25 | 2980.80 | |||
Staff Salaries | 11470 | 8250.59 | ||
Expenditure from Earmarked Accounts | 10775.42 | 9486.48 | ||
54161.12 | 37003.04 | |||
Internal Transfers | 50972.09 | |||
87975.13 | ||||
S137 Allowance per Electorate | 10.81 | |||
number of electorate | 1080 | |||
Total Available to Spend | 11674.80 | |||
Less Used | 1376.05 | |||
Balance Remaining | 10298.75 | |||
Accounts Period End Summary | Current Account | N&V Account | Investment Account | Total |
Opening Balance as at 1.4.23 | 45553.11 | 3027.85 | - | 48580.96 |
Income | 55601.06 | 8457.74 | 50975.78 | 115034.58 |
Outgoings | 87975.13 | 8005.90 | 2305.14 | 98286.17 |
Closing Balance as at 31.12.24 | 13179.05 | 3479.69 | 48670.64 | 65329.38 |
Bank Rec as at 31.12.24 | 13419.05 | 4789.69 | 48670.64 | 66879.38 |
1550.00 |