Fireworks Committee Meeting Notes 7th February 2025

Caythorpe Fireworks 2025
Record of meeting no 1 -  7th February 2025

Cllr Andy Crawley (AC) Cllr Simon Farr (SF) Cllr Sean Topley (ST) Sam Bennett (SB) Cllr Neil Macer (NM)
Johnathan Betts (JB)

AC reported a very successful event last year that produced a surplus going forward of £1255.30 towards this years event, after we have paid £825 deposit to Galaxy
AC confirmed booked with Galaxy for Saturday 1st November 2025. Cost for this year £3300 plus VAT (£3960 total).Following discussion, it was agreed that we would stick with normal noise fireworks rather than low noise fireworks.

Field Booking
AC has booked with Playing Field and asked for following day to be kept clear until lunch time for clear up.
Sports and Social Club to be booked for opening.  Also approach re donation. Can they obtain TENS licence again? SF will deal

SB stated that approx 15 scouts, Beavers and Cubs would attend. 2 members of the public volunteered to help. AC will place adverts in News & Views and Village Facebook page for helpers.

We have the banners from last year that will be placed around the field on the Sunday before. AC will get something in News and Views and JB will be asked to put something on Facebook. SF and SB will coordinate the printing of posters, which will be done early this year and then placed around the village on notice boards and roadside displays. SB will enquire about publicity on Local Radio with emphasis on scouts helping.

The following to be approached:-
Spar shop – ST
Red Lion – ST
Waggon and Horses – ST
Hairdressers – ST 
Cleaning Co – ST
Ancaster Butchers – SF
Wriggly Tin – SF
Streeters Fish – ST
Mountains / Mid Uk – AC
Woodwards – ST
Tulley Motorsports – SF
Nursing Home – ST
GR Ward & Co – SF
New Window Co – AC

Doctors Surgery – AC. Old Lincoln Road. Waggon Car park – ST, Beet Pad - SF

SF will deal. Same as last year ie, Hot Dogs, Jacket Potatoes with beans and cheese. Also Bolognese sauce. To be available from 5pm. NM suggested mulled wine and kinder punch. AC will book Ice cream van. Consideration to be given to Sports and Social Club having an outside bar to speed the serving of drinks – SF to liaise with them. Scouts available to serve sweets and soft drinks to aid Sports and Social Club.

Stalls and Attractions
Glo stick lady to be booked - AC
Discussion took place about the quality of the sparklers last year which were provided by Galaxy and not of a very good quality. SB undertook to investigate alternatives.AC has safety equipment and will source carrots for handles.

Sound System
NM will try and reserve display speakers from work.
Cordless LED lighting to be purchased for entrance by Church to avoid 240v and trailing cables – AC. Ac has fluorescent jackets for use by Marshalls and other volunteers. Litter picking equipment to be provided by AC with volunteers required to clean the field on Sunday.

AC to investigate with insurers if it will be possible to light the beacon

Card Readers
Probably 5 needed. SB will get 2 from VH and set up phones as additional devices. SF to try and borrow 2 from the Red Lion. AC to try and locate the Gala terminals.

It was agreed to ask the Clerk to count the cash before banking. ST to be asked to get cash bags.

Risk Assessments
To be provided by Galaxy – AC to chase. SB will provide RA for event.

AC to check cover from CFPC is adequate

Lost Children
Policy from last year to be used (AC) with addition of PA announcement before the event starts, that any children who become lost should make their way to the Pavilion.

Emergency Evacuation
SB to adapt last year’s.

Safety Briefing
AC will prepare and deliver before the event.

To be made to Scouts and Playing Field. Amounts to be decided once accounts for the event are finalised.

Any Other Business

Next Meeting
Arranged for 7.30 pm Friday 7th March at the Red Lion.

Committee Members Confirmed As:

Cllrs: Crawley, Topley, Farr and Macer

Non- Cllrs: K Farr, S Bennett, J Betts