Caythorpe & Frieston Burial Ground Terms & Conditions



These terms and conditions override any previous terms and conditions and the Council reserves the right to make alterations, additions & amendments to these terms and conditions as and when necessary without prior notice.


The Council – Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council

The Clerk – The Clerk to Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council

Purchased Grave – any plot of land at Caythorpe & Frieston Burial Ground which contains (or intends to contain) human remains for which a Grant of Exclusive Right has been issued by Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council.



· All visitors to the Burial Ground must act in a responsible manner whilst on said grounds and shall not cause any nuisance, distress, inconvenience, annoyance, or disturbance to any other persons working at or visiting the Burial Ground.

· Dogs are not allowed in the Burial Ground, except Guide Dogs. 

· Visitors shall not damage or interfere with nor allow others to damage or interfere with any property or fixtures belonging to the Council or any grave, headstone, memorial, or other items left on a grave.

· The consumption of alcohol, smoking and the use of any illegal substances on or at the Burial Ground site is strictly prohibited.

· The taking of photographs, filming or recording in the Burial Ground is not permitted unless written agreement has been given by the Council. The Council reserves the right to charge a fee for allowing permission for same.

· Playing of games or participation in any sport is strictly prohibited.

· The use or discharge of any firearm is strictly prohibited unless the discharge of firearms is in respect of a military funeral, for which prior agreement has been given by the Council.

· All complaints must in the first instance be made to the Clerk or Chairman of the Council.



All maintenance is carried out by contractors on behalf of Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council



To arrange a Grant of  Exclusive Right of Burial for grave or Ashes plot please contact the Clerk

To arrange Burials/ Interment of Ashes please contact your Funeral Director



Please click here for current price list