Plate, Organ & Bells
The plate consists of a chalice by John Morley of Lincoln c1569; a cover of 1675; a paten by I.I. 1693 and a paten and flagon by Thomas Tearle 1732. The little silver chalice by John Morley is a unique piece. An expert on old silver noted that it had the Lincoln Assay Mark stamped on it, and it is believed that the silversmith lived in Osbournby.
The Organ
Built in 1871 by Forster and Andrews of Hull, it suffered from severe woodworm attack and in 1985 only the casework, with its ornate diapason front pipes, together with five ranks of Forster and Andrews pipes could be salvaged. In 1986 Messrs Groves of Nottingham married these with a Gray and Davison organ from Chilwell in Nottingham. A detached console was sited to the east of the north aisle and the Bishop of Grantham dedicated the organ on 13th April 1986. It contains 818 separate pipes of which 456 are from the original organ. It is divided into three sections: the Swell Organ, the Great Organ and the Pedal Organ. The specification is as follows:
Great Organ Swell Organ
Clarabella 8' Lieblich Gedackt
Open Diapason 8' (F&A) Violin Diapason 8'
Principal 4' (F&A) Gemshorn 4'
Fifteenth 2' (F&A) Flageolet 2'
Trumpet 8' (F&A) Mixture 3 rank (F&A)
Posaune 8'
Pedal Organ Couplers
Bourdon 16' Swell Octave
Bass Flute 8' Swell to Pedal
Swell to Great
Detached Console Swell Octave to Great
2 manuals and pedals Great Octave
Stop tab operation Great to Pedal
7 thumb pistons, 6 toe pistons Tremulant
Balanced Swell Pedal
Electro Pneumatic action throughout.
There is a fine peal of eight Bells by Mears of London. In 1896, the Whitechapel Foundry tuned the six larger Bells, rehanging them and repairing the frame. However, in 1913 it was deemed necessary to obtain expert advice as the Bells were not ringing true and seemed out of tune. Messrs John Taylor & Co. of Loughborough were asked to advise. They said at once that it was not safe to ring the Bells, and further reported: "The Bells are in a very bad condition, the frame weak and rickety, the fittings loose and much worn. The two smallest Bells are very 'wild' and unmusical in tone and must be recast; the six largest should be tuned as they are considerably out of tune, and a great improvement could be made by tuning." The work was carried out and the old inscriptions reproduced on the Bells:
I. 'Tinnitus rapidos scintillans spargo per auras' The gift of Will Wilson. (Diam 29"). (I sparkling scatter through the air the rapid sounds).
2. 'Nos sumus constructi ad laudem Domini 1759' The gift of William Wilson. (Diam 29"). (We are cast to the praise of the Lord).
3. 'Omnia fiant ad gloriam Dei' The gift of William Wilson AD 1744. (Diam 30"). (Let all be done to the glory of God).
4.'The gift of Tho. Pochin Esq'. (Diam 33", inscription incised)).
5. 'Omnia fiant ad gloriam Dei' AD1744. (Diam 33"). (Let all be done to the glory of God).
6. Rich. Seamor, Tho Pickworth, Wardens (1656). (Diam 36").
7. 'All men that hear my mournful sound repent before you lie in ground' 1639. (Diam 38")
8. 'God preserve all our benefactors' Richard Metheringham & John Buttler: Church Wardens AD1744. (Diam 41").
The work including a new Iron Frame cost £257. Now 90 years later futher extensive restoration work is now essential with current estimates of the cost being £16,000!
1. Nicholas Pevsner & John Harris, (1998) Buildings of England LINCOLNSHIRE.
2nd Edition rev Nicholas Antram. 1998 Penguin.
2. Simon Jenkins, (1999) England's Thousand Best Churches. Penguin
3. Wilfred Bond, Guide to Parish Churches of England and Wales.
Ed \John Betjeman, Editor's note; I am trying to track down a copy of this book to verify the details
4. Arthur Mee, The King's England - LINCOLNSHIRE. Hodder & Stoughton