Minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting on 4th October 2022

Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council Finance Committee

Meeting held on 4th of October 2022

starting at 19:00 hours

Village hall Caythorpe


Present: councillors

Neil Fritzsche, David Spackman, Andy Roberts, Jean Allen.

Apologies Councillors

Collette Linforth, Parish Clerk, Peter Sandy, Johnathan Betts, Andy Crawley 


Minutes of the last meeting

Minutes of the last meeting held on the 25th August 2022 were accepted as a true record

proposed David Spackman 

seconded Andy Roberts


Current years balance sheet

The committee went through line by line the current is balance sheet to see if there was any discrepancies or areas of under or overspend. Members were happy with the balance sheet as presented which gave an underspend against prediction of £4672.


Next Years Proposed Budget

The committee had a look at the 2023-24 proposed budget. This was analysed line by line to see if there were areas of overspend or underspend and potential savings, questions were raised about 

• the increase in the expenditure of News & Views. The chair NF was to address these with the clerk who prepared the budget and the editors. 

• electrification of the church clock which came to £10,000 

• Proposed bus stops £4500

• Fireworks display £4000

• EV chargers at £2000

It was noted that the proposed budget would have an overspend of £14,600 which would eat into the reserves, which stand at £32,640.  

It was noted that grant funding may be available for the electrification of the church clock, the bus stop should be funded by LCC as has been the case in the past,  the fireworks were crowd funded then this overspend would be drastically reduced and may not occur but members of the council should be warned that it is a possibility.

Precept 2023-24

The chairman had presented a table which went from .5% to 7% increase on the precept for the Parish. Following lengthy discussion it was agreed to recommend to the full council 5% increase in the precept, which would equate to £3,23 per household and an increase overall of the budget of £1,758.42p.

  Number of Band D Properties in the Parish Existing Precept (£) Precept Increase (£) Total Income Above Last Year (£) Rise per Band D Resident (£) %Increase
Amount per Band D property 543.9 31971.20 32131.06 159.86 0.29 0.5
      32290.91 319.71 0.59 1
      32450.77 479.57 0.88 1.5
      32610.62 639.42 1.18 2
      32930.34 959.14 1.763 3
      33090.19 1118.99 2.06 3.5
      33250.05 1278.85 2.35 4
      33409.90 1438.70 2.65 4.5
      33569.76 1598.56 2.94 5
      33729.62 1758.42 3.23 5.5
      33889.47 1918.27 3.53 6
      34049.33 2078.13 3.82 6.5
      34209.18 2237.98 4.11 7
      34369.04 2397.84 4.41 7.5



There being no further business the meeting finished at 20:15 hours