CFPC - Minutes from the January Meeting

Councillors: Crawley (Chairman), Roberts, Sandy, Allen, Hall, Lee, Graham
Other Attendees: Cllr Maughan (LCC)
Clerk:  Mrs D Manderfield

ITEM 1 – Apologies for absence
Cllrs Linforth, Betts, Fritzsche. Milnes

ITEM 2 – Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act
Cllr Crawley declared an interest as a member of the Playing Field Committee
Cllr Roberts declared an interest as a tenant of an allotment and a member of the allotment committee

ITEM 3 – New Councillor
There had been no expressions of interest, since the meeting co-option signs have been put on noticeboards, deadline 1st March

ITEM 4 –  Approval of Minutes of Meeting 4 held on  10th November 2021 
Copies of the minutes were circulated prior to the meeting. It was Resolved to adopt the minutes as  a true record of events and they will be signed by the chairman, Cllr Fritzsche in due course

ITEM 5 – Parish Clerk’s Report  
We have received a kind donation from Mrs Deavin and have forwarded a thankyou letter via Cllr Lee
Mr Burke is still concerned about the lime tree on Upper Frieston Green but I have assured him it is being attended to. There is now a link from the website to our Parish Online showing the trees that the PC are responsible for. This will be kept updated once the work has been completed.
Simpsons have been instructed to complete the work at the allotments as in their quote Cllr Roberts had asked Simpsons to delay the work until further notice, however the PC agreed that the work be done.
Sam Barrell has been instructed to undertake the work on the trees as per his quote and the others declined
The cleaning grant Oct 21 – Mar 22 has been paid, £463.32. this is no longer linked to the living wage but will continue to be paid at this rate (£926.64 annually) until further notice.
The Village Hall have been donated £300 for badminton start up costs and also the grant of £2380
The bugler and the wreaths for Remembrance Day have all been paid via Cllr Roberts
Co-option posters have been posted on our noticeboards
The New Financial Regulations (2019) have been circulated for Cllrs to make recommendations to the clerk as requested by Cllr Fritzsche
I have been doing a lot of work on updating the website with policies and have added The Risk Register and the recently updated standing orders. I have forwarded the updated Freedom of Information Act and have made suggestions. This will need to be resolved prior to posting to the website. 
The Neighbourhood Plan has now been posted on the website prior to the questionnaire going live on 6.1.22. I had major problems adding the photos so Cllr Allen chose to add them as  PDF instead.
There was 1 burial on 5.1.22
I have had my appraisal with Cllr Fritzsche

5.1 It was Resolved that the Freedom of Information Act circulated by the clerk previously be accepted and posted to the website
Action: Clerk

ITEM 6 – Financial Matters: 
6.1 Authorisation of BACS payments
Councillors considered the list, previously circulated, and Resolved to approve the accounts for payment. 
Please see Appendix A below

6.2 Review and Approval of CFPC accounts
Councillors considered the bank reconciliations and the management accounts, previously circulated, and Resolved to approve both
Please see Appendix B below for management accounts

6.3 Update from Finance Committee
There was no update at this time 

6.4 Village Hall Refurbishments
Cllr Hall reported that there had been a meeting between the Village Hall committee and a known architect prior to Christmas and that it  went very well. The architect offered  many suggestions for the roof, and offered to meet with the Village Hall committee again, if they required, free of charge

6.5 Precept
Cllr Fritzsche submitted a paper regarding the precept and circulated it prior to the meeting. it was Resolved to raise the precept by 3% to £31971.20, and for the precept form be forwarded to SKDC.
Please see Appendix C below
Action: Clerk

ITEM 7 – Registers

7.1 Risk Register – this was distributed previously.
Cllr Roberts pointed out that there were now 8 benches in the parish and 2 sets of entry gates. It was Resolved to update the risk register with this information.
Since the meeting the benches have been re-counted and there are 9 around the parish. 
Action: Clerk

7.2 Maintenance Register – this is available to be viewed on Parish Online and was distributed previously
It was Resolved to approve this document

ITEM 8 -  Project Register Update – this has been updated and is available to be viewed on Parish Online

8.1 EV Charging Points
Cllr Crawley reported that there had been consultations with  Dan Clayton at LCC and representatives of Western Power to discuss what might be possible. Cllr Crawley has also had meetings with representatives from a company called Digital Bunker to explore what they may be able to offer in the way of alternative technology and funding. They may be in a position to prepare a presentation for the village and Parish Councillors. 
It was Resolved that this project was ongoing
Action: AC

8.2 Playing Field & Village Trees
Sam Barrell is in the process of carrying out all repairs & maintenance to the village trees in line with the consultant’s report.
It was Resolved that this project was ongoing

8.3 Footpaths
Cllr Graham reported that a  clause in right-to-roam legislation introduced by the government in 2000 stated that any pre-1949 paths must be recorded by 2026 to continue to carry public rights. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act contained a provision that will extinguish those rights if the paths have not been properly recorded. In theory, some of the paths that residents use could be lost due to this to this legislative clause! Cllr Graham added that this may not affect our parish as it seems to largely affect urban areas. To that end Cllr Graham will be putting a piece in News and Views, highlighting the matter to residents, and directing them to a link that will take them to the draft digital definitive map, that shows all the paths that are officially recognised. If there is a path that anyone believes is not on the definitive may, but they think it a public right of way, now would be the time to get it registered.

8.4 Line Markings
Cllr Maughan reported that there were some objections which needed to be reported to the Planning & Regulation Committee at LCC
It was Resolved that this project was ongoing

8.5 Potholes
There is currently a campaign by LCC to encourage Parish and Town Councils to help them with lobbying the Govt to return the 12million that has been cut from the highways budget. Cllr Maughan encouraged Cllr Sandy to get involved. Cllr Sandy expressed a concern for the potholes on Frieston Heath Lane and Cllr Maughan requested that he firstly make a report on fix-my-street and then forward to him the report number for expedition.
Action: PS

8.6 Allotment Hedging
Simpsons have been instructed to complete the work at the allotments, (as clerks report). The PC are not in a position to increase rent.
Action: Clerk

8.7 SKDC Sand Bags
SKDC has made an offer of free sand to Parish Councils Cllr Lee has arranged for the bags to be kept at the farmyard on Love Lane

8.8 Noticeboards
Cllr Fritsche has arranged for new toppers for the noticeboards as part of repairs & maintenance. These will be positioned by Brian Wills
Action: NF

8.9 Queens Platinum Jubilee
There is £1000 budgeted for this event and it is the understanding that there may be grants available.
It was Resolved that this project was ongoing

8.10 Caythorpe Heath Bridge
Cllr Maughan is in discussions with highways as to whether the grit lorry could grit from either side of the bridge.
Action: AM

Item 9 – New Proposals
There were no new proposals, please see 6.5 above

Item 10 – The Parish Environment

10.1 Planning – this is available to be viewed on Parish online
All planning is now available to view from the Parish Council website

10.2 Other Planning Issues
There are no other planning issues.

10.3 Report from Planning Committee Chair
11 south Parade; planning permission granted for demolition of existing garage and existing projection and erection of front and rear single-story extension and garage.

Craggs farm; planning permission granted for extension to existing building

21 South Parade; residential development; planning withdrawn

Craggs farm; erection of new build; no update

11 Frieston Road; felling of 1 pine tree; CFPC response as no objections but questions asked as little or no evidence given for why, which could have an impact on further applications CFPC have to decide on in the future.

Item 11 – Neighbourhood Plan – Report by Cllr Allen
The draft Plan and the Evidence Document , which contains additional information to support the Plan, are now complete and on the CFPC website. The 6 week public consultation period began on Jan 6th and will run until Feb 18th. A leaflet about the public consultation, with instructions for viewing the Plan, has been delivered to each house in the parish. The leaflet asks for responses to the Vision, Objectives and Policies in the plan, either on the leaflet or online with SmartSurvey. Hard copies of the plan have been put in the porches of the church and village hall for those who do not have access online.
Please would you read the Vision, Objectives and Policies, and respond with your agreement (or otherwise) online. We do not expect as many responses as we got for the survey last year, but if you can encourage friends, neighbours etc. to look at the plan and complete the questionnaire it would be helpful.
The Plan has also been publicised by means of posters around the villages and on social media, and a reminder will go into the Feb. issue of News and Views. Clive Kebble is handling the consultation with interested parties such as local government, water and power providers, landowners who don’t live in the parish etc.
An exhibition is planned for Feb 6th alongside the Village Breakfast, when working group members and Clive will be on hand to ask questions.

The Evidence Document contains references to planning regulations, land surveys etc. which could be useful in the future if it becomes necessary to object to an unacceptable planning application for a substantial development. I suggest it remains on the website for the planning committee to refer to.

ITEM 12 -  Community Safety. 
During the months September – November there have been 3 antisocial behaviour crimes, 1 criminal damage, 8 violence and sexual offence charges, 2 thefts, 1 vehicle crime, 1 drugs and 1 burglary

ITEM 13– Community Activities by Portfolio Councillor – the following are reports written by the individual councillors.

13.1 Cllr Crawley
12.1.1 Litter picking and the Big Clean
Nothing significant to report

13.1.2 Environmental Sustainability
I have collected a number of trees that have been raised by villagers and will be organizing a tree planting session in the near future.
The W.I are keen to donate a tree for planting around the villages and the playing field has been suggested as a suitable site to replace one of those recently felled.
There has been no progress on the sustainable heating and lighting to the Village Hall and Hammond pavilion, pending possible replacement sites and re roofing work to the village hall.

13.1.3 Playing Fields
Works have been carried out to maintain and fell trees on the playing field.
Peter Sowerby has laid a base for the new storage containers free of charge. I am currently awaiting suitable weather to clean off the block wall to the basketball court and am obtaining prices on sleepers to go under the containers. I have got prices on containers and am investigating means of getting them into position. A grant has been agreed by the Football Foundation towards the cost of this work and the balance has been agreed by the Playing Field Committee to house the equipment currently stored in the Pavilion.
The next DASH fundraising run is planned for Sunday 8th May 2022 and there are a total of 20 competitors signed up to date. Competitors in the longer distance races are being given an option to donate money to a tree planting fund (rather than have a tee shirt) and several have opted to do this.

13.2 Cllr Hall
13.2.1 Village Hall Committee
Panto; lost £200. 50 attendees however the theatre cost £450. In previous years there has been a donation which helped to break even, but it wasn’t secured this year. 
Breakfasts; cancelled for this month due to COVID. Hoping to run the next one in February 
Nursery proposal; early stages of discussion with a Nursery owner. 
Badminton group; VH asked for support from PC in setting this group up via the community fund. To date this hasn’t been provided

13.3 Cllr Fritzsche
13.3.1 Village News and Views
Nothing new really with N & V, they are looking at freshening up parts as they like to do this once a year or so to keep things looking new.  Other than that, no news other than Advertising remains stable, hopefully will have 2 new adverts next month.  
The delivery team were used to deliver the Neighbourhood plan consultation document to each house which has helped the NP team a lot so many thanks t them.  We paid them £20 each for carrying the task out which meant we delivered them all over the parish by the start date12.4 Cllr Graham
Nothing to report

13.5 Cllr Sandy
Nothing to Report

13.6 Cllr Lee
Nothing to report

13.7 Cllr Betts
Nothing to Report

13.8 Cllr Linforth 
Nothing new to report on my portfolios. 
Defibrillator have been deployed a few times demonstrating how valuable they are. 
Nothing to report on other areas. 

13.9 Cllr Roberts
13.9.1 The Burial Ground continues to be kept to a high standard of maintenance by Kings of Claypole.

13.9.2 The Remembrance Day Parade and outdoor service went well without any 
issues. Darren and Becky organised the poignant individual wreathes 
fixed to the Church Green posts. We have recovered these wreathes which 
we have put on the top shelf of the Police Office stationery cupboard 
for safe keeping I will add this to the briefing notes for next year

Cllr Roberts went on to express his sincere thanks to Cllr Hall and Cllr Lee for their contribution towards the Remembrance Day service

ITEM 14 -  Items of Urgent Business

ITEM 15. Arrangements for Next Meeting 
The next Parish Council Meeting Number 6 of 2021 will be held on Wednesday 9th March 2022 commencing at 7.30pm and will be in the village hall. 

Open Forum

Report from LCC Councillor Alexander Maughan

Similar to the Parish Council LCC is setting the budget for 2022/23 financial year. The draft budget was approved by the executive last week and now subject to a public consultation and scrutiny from Councillors, before being voted on by the Full Council in February. 

Key budget headlines:

• LCC will spend £534 million on delivering services across Lincolnshire next year. More than half of Council funding is spent on delivering adult care and children's services, supporting the vulnerable in our county. 

• In addition to the revenue budget there is capital programme worth £113 million in 2022/23 and £268 million in future years. The programme includes projects like Grantham bypass, County flood schemes (including Long Bennington) and North Hykeham Relief Road. Funding for capital projects mostly comes from S106 developer contributions, grant income from government and council borrowing. 

• We are proposing a balanced budget which means there will be no requirement next year to take money from reserves. However, deposits Rishi Sunak announcing a 3 year spending review, the government has only given a funding settlement to councils for one year, so the medium term financial plan remains uncertain. The current projections expect a draw down on reserves of £23 million the years after (being a 50% reduction of the finance volatility reserve). 

• To balance the budget we are proposing a council tax increase of 3% on the adult social care precept, to help fund cost pressures in this area. 

• The budget includes cost pressures of £42 million. These cost pressures relate mostly to the increases in the living wage and national insurance contributions from April, which the council will need to pay to its staff and contractors. £8 million of this will be funded through additional income and making savings such as smarter working. 

• In 2020/21 the Department for Transport cut our allocated highways maintenance grant by £12 million (25%). This is the portion of road tax that we receive from Government to maintain local roads. We funded this shortfall from reserves in the current year, with some additional money to support extra road resurfacing in rural areas too. However we cannot continue to fund recurring costs from diminishing reserves. 

We are calling on the Government and our Lincolnshire MPs to support our campaign to fix this roads funding gap. If they do not, we face a very difficult decision with regard to future road maintenance funding in Lincolnshire. 

More details about the campaign and how to get involved can be found at:

Appendix A

Invoice Date Invoice Number To Whom Particulars of Payment Total Amount Date Paid
16.10.21 56 GW King & Sons maintenance at Burial Ground - September & October 760.00 1.11.21
16.10.21 55 GW King & Sons grasscutting at Frieston greens 16.8.21 - 6.10.21 208.00 1.11.21
31.10.21 311021 Clerk Expenses - October 18.81 10.11.21
9.11.2 1465 Brian Wills empty dog bins & cut church grass 116.00 10.11.21
31.10.21 2020/21-11 Clive Keble Consulting support work on CFPC Neighbourhood Plan Sept & Oct 21 660.00 10.11.21
10.11.21 month 8 wages bill salaries 627.44 30.11.21
14.11.21 141121 A Roberts payment for buglar at remembrance day parade 60.00 17.11.21
14.11.21 141121 Royal British Legion payment for 2x wreaths for remembrance day 60.00 17.11.21
14.11.21 meeting 4 11/21 Village Hall Committee Badminton set up costs 300.00 17.11.21
25.11.21 meeting 4 11/21 Village Hall Committee Grant 2380.00 25.11.21
8.12.21 month 9 wages bill salaries 627.44 30.12.21
6.12.21 1466 Brian Wills empty dog bins 216.00 8.12.21
11.11.21 79 GW King & Sons grass cutting at Frieston upper & lower greens October & November 104.00 8.12.21
30.11.21 301121 Clerk expenses - November 18.81 8.12.21
21.12.21 6257 Westgate Printers News & Views August, September, November, December/ January 2932.65 5.1.22
24.12.21 email 241221 P&L Leeds cash for Neighbourhood Plan (distribution of questionnaires) 340.00 5.1.22
21.12.21 6274 Westgate Printers Neighbourhood Plan flyers & questionnaires 239.87 5.1.22
3.1.22 1468 Brian Wills empty dog bins 112.00 5.1.22

Appendix B

  Actual 2020/21 Budget 2021/22 Actual for Period Revised Forecast 2021/22 Variance to Budget
Precept 30039 30039 30039 30039 0.0
News & Views 9517 9000 4761.62 9000 0.0
Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 609.06 0.0 0.0
Community Fund 1610 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Allotment 226 226 225.70 226 0.0
Burial Ground 1700 1700 1000 1700 0.0
SKDC Community Cleaning Grant 907 907 926.64 907 0.0
Neighbourhood Plan 0.0 0.0 7669 7669 7669
Ward Grant 0.0 400 0.0 100 -300
VAT Reclaim 1918 1538 1538.04 1538 0.0
TOTAL INCOME 45917 43810 46769.06 51179 7369
Revenue Expenditure          
Burial Grounds 3037 2980 3326.06 2980 0.0
News & Views 7212 6634 6128.77 6634 0.0
Allotments 251 226 0.0 226 0.0
Audit 360 360 200 360 0.0
Staff Salaries 7278 7070 5158.40 7070 0.0
Election Costs 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Community Projects 256 500 300 500 0.0
Maintenance 2096 2150 2474.93 2150 0.0
Street Cleaning 1147 1362 801.24 1362 0.0
Village Hall Grant 3500 3500 3500 3500 0.0
Playing Field Grant 3500 3500 3500 3500 0.0
S137 Expenditure 416 500 235 500 0.0
Insurance 2496 2522 0.0 2522 0.0
LALC & SLCC 504 550 224.92 550 0.0
Tel,post,stat, etc 750 575 297.39 575 0.0
PWLP loan 886 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Bank Charges 72 144 108 144 0.0
Mole Control 0.0 325 325 650 325
Misc 1307 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sub Total 35068 32898 26579.70 33223 325
Capital Expenditure          
Chattertons legal costs 0.0 400 100 1000 600
Neighbourhood Plan 198 0.0 2878.89 7669 7669
Tree Work 180 1000 550 6000 5000
New Trees Planting 0.0 0.0 0.0 200 200
Frieston Bench 1333 0.0 578.61 500 500
Conifer Tree 0.0 0.0 0.0 150 150
Queens Platinum Jubilee 0.0 0.0 0.0 1000 1000
BG Post & Gate 1428 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Village gates 3686 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Allotment Hedging` 1920 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Memorial Signs 169 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sub Total 8914 1400 4107.50 16519 15119
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 43982 34298 30687.21 49742 15444
Surplus/Loss   9512 16081.85 1437 -8075
RESERVES   38865.95 45435.80 30790.95