CFPC - Minutes from the May Meeting


Councillors: Crawley (Chairman), Sandy, Roberts, Spackman, Graham and Allen. Cllr Betts joined for a short while via zoom
Clerk:  Mrs D Manderfield

Item 1 – Election of Chairman and Vice- Chairman
It was Resolved that both Cllr Fritzsche and Cllr Crawley would retain their roles respectively, and declarations signed. Cllr Fritzsche will sign as soon as is possible

Item 2 – Apologies for absence
Councillors: Hall, Fritzsche, Lee, Linforth, Milnes and Maughan

Item 3 – Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act
Cllr Crawley expressed a declaration of interest as a committee member of the Playing Fields, and Cllr Roberts as an allotment holder 

Item 4 - Approval of Minutes of meeting number 6 held on 9th March 2022
Copies of the minutes were circulated prior to the meeting. It was Resolved to accept the minutes as  a true record of events. They were signed by the chairman, Cllr Crawley 

Item 5 – Parish Clerk’s Update on Matters Arising Since Last Meeting      
There have been 2x cash donations, made at the previous meeting, towards new tree planting on Frieston Green. These have been deposited in the bank
Bruce Nelson has agreed to act as Internal Auditor again. This has now been completed.
Gallagher have been informed that there are now 2x20ft containers on the Playing field to add to the insurance policy. There does not appear to be any extra to pay.
All Neighbourhood Plan documents have been uploaded to the website
I was asked by Chattertons for authority to release deeds from Ringrose Law. It seems Cllr Roberts believes they may be held by them. I have not heard anything further.
Project Register is updated as new information comes to light. Would it be worth putting this info on the website for public view? It is possible to choose what to add and what not to add
The portfolio list has been updated.
FYI Section 137 has been increased this year to £8.82 per electorate. This is not income but an allowance of spending. As the electorate numbers are updated every few months it might be best work on an average figure of 1000 ie S137 spend £8820. 
I have added a ‘Help for Ukraine’ announcement to the website. However, this has now been changed to the QPJ link to the schedule. The Ukraine link has been moved to the Homepage
The Financial Regulations have been amended in response to discussions held at the previous meeting. it is still possible to change anything prior to approval during this meeting
I have had further website refresher training. I still manage the website myself with 10 hours of help from Pete Langford (now of LALC) per month.
Year end has been completed and the AGAR is ready for approval. Deadline for submission to the auditors is 30th June.
AGAR shows overall profit this year of £2605 to be added to the Reserves
Payroll Year end is completed and P60s distributed
Vat refund of £1521.07 has been requested
I questioned planning at SKDC why the PC had not been approached for comment on S22/0428. Change of use at the village hall. They sent me their policies that I forwarded to all Cllrs. It seems change of use is not something the PC normally get sent.
I would like to express my thanks to all the local people who allow me to use their photos on the PC website
SKDC are putting together a collection of QPJ celebrations held within the district. I have advised them of our plans.
There have been various meetings for QPJ celebrations and quite a lot of work put into the grant application which is now with SKDC.  The committee is awaiting the pending decision with bated breath

Cllr Roberts suggested that it might be prudent at a future meeting to discuss further the possibilities surrounding the Village Hall. It was suggested that a meeting with the Village Hall Committee be arranged.
Action: BH
Cllr Allen was concerned that, under the Neighbourhood Plan, the PC had made the decision not to support ‘change of use’ within the parish. With the PC not getting these applications forwarded by SKDC there was concern that they would be missed, and the PC would not have the chance to comment.  The clerk reminded the councillors that there is a weekly planning list that can be forwarded to all councillors. This procedure had previously been supressed, but it was decided that it should recommence forthwith
Action: Clerk
Item 6 – Election of Members of the Planning Committee for 2022/23
It was Resolved that Cllr Spackman would continue as  Chair of the Planning Committee, other committee members would be Cllrs Roberts, Graham, Sandy, Crawley, and Allen.

Item 7 – Election of Members of the Finance Committee for 2022/23
Cllr Fritzsche agreed to continue as Chair of the Financial Committee. It was Resolved that all councillors should be members.

Item 8 – Appointment of Portfolio Holders
It was Resolved that changes that had been made previously would stay the same. A full listing of the new portfolio positions would be published as Appendix A below

Item 9 - Financial Matters
9.1 Approval of the Parish Council Annual  Internal Audit Report
It was confirmed that a satisfactory internal audit had been concluded on 18th April by Bruce Nelson (FCA).  This section of the Annual Return AGAR page 3 had been completed, dated, and signed on this date by the auditor and would be submitted to PKF Littlejohn for external auditing.
A copy of the AGAR had been circulated for review to all members in advance of the meeting.
It was Resolved that this section of the AGAR be approved and sent to the external auditor PKF Littlejohn
Action: Clerk

9.2 Approval of Annual Governance Statement (section 1) for 2020/21
It was Resolved that this section of the AGAR be approved and recorded on page 4 of the AGAR as minute 9.2. 
The document was signed by the Parish Clerk and the Chairman (of this meeting) and the completed AGAR document would be sent to the external auditor PKF Littlejohn. 
Action: Clerk

9.3 Approval of Accounting Statements (section 2) 2020/21 
It was Resolved that this section of the AGAR be approved and recorded on page 5 of the AGAR as minute 9.3 
The document was signed by the Parish Clerk and the Chairman (of this meeting) and the completed AGAR document would be sent to the external auditor PKF Littlejohn. 
Action: Clerk
9.4 To obtain acceptance of – CFPC Standing Orders
The document had been issued to all members prior to the meeting and it was confirmed that no anomalies had been identified. As such it was Resolved that this document would be adopted for use by all members for the forthcoming year 2022/23

9.5 To obtain acceptance of – CFPC Financial Regulations
The draft document had been issued to all members prior to the meeting. Cllr Roberts raised a concern with regard to sealed bids. The clerk pointed out that this was covered in the Standing Orders.
it was Resolved that this document would be adopted for use by all members for the forthcoming year 2022/23.
Action: Clerk

9.6 To obtain acceptance (signature) of – CFPC Disclosure of Personal Interests
This document was circulated during the meeting and signed by those Cllrs present. Those absent will be asked to sign as soon as possible after the meeting.

9.7 Authorisation of BACS/Cheque payments. 
Councillors considered the list, previously circulated, and Resolved to accept the payments
Please see Appendix B below

9.8 End of Year Accounts and Audit Requirements – Submission of Public Rights
A copy of this document had been circulated for review to all members in advance of the meeting. 
The document was complete and a copy would be sent to PKF Littlejohn the External Auditor, in due course.  The Notice of Public Rights and the publication of unaudited AGAR will be published on the Parish Website and on the main village notice board for the period 13th June – 22nd July (30-day period) having announced this fact on the 10th June 2022.
In addition to this document a copy of the accounts for the year end will be published on the Parish Website
Action: Clerk

9.9 Review of CFPC accounts. Bank rec & management accounts. 
Bank reconciliations and management accounts as at 30.4.22 were circulated to all prior to the meeting.
Please see Appendix C below

9.10 Update from Finance committee Chair
In the absence of Cllr Fritzsche, Cllr Crawley summed up that although the bank accounts appear relatively healthy there have been some unexpected large expenses, namely the parish trees. There are also the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations that are being partly paid for by an SKDC grant and other various donations from parishioners and local businesses. There have been many volunteers involved with the organizing of the various events

Item 10 Registers 
10.1 Risk Register – this was distributed previously.
It was Resolved to approve this document

10.2 Maintenance Register – this was distributed previously and reviewed.
It was Resolved to approve this document

Item 11 -  Project Register Update 
11.1 Neighbourhood Plan
The NP was submitted on 16.3.22. all submission documents are available on the website

11.2 Stock of Council Houses
This subject will be discussed at a meeting with Caroline Johnson on 27/5. Cllrs Roberts, Spackman & Fritzsche will be in attendance
After the meeting it was brought to the attention of the clerk that Cllr Fritzsche would be unable to attend the meeting

11.3 EV Charging Points 
Budget estimates have been obtained from WPD for possible charging points at Waggon and Horses and 2 on Back Lane. Enquiries are ongoing regarding charging head units and metering points. Enquiries are also ongoing regarding possible grants available.
11.4 WPD Substation
A formal letter of complaint was emailed to WPD and a response received very swiftly. Cllr Crawley read out some of the more salient points and as a result it was felt that it would not be worthwhile the PC pursuing the matter further
To try and prevent this kind of thing happening again Cllr Roberts suggested that the clerk forward any Public Works notices directly to him to follow up and report back on. This will also be the case for any road repairs/ closures.
Cllr Allen suggested enquiring as to whether WPD would be happy to plant a hedge around the substation.
Action: NF/ Clerk

Item 12 - New Proposals. 
12.1 New Armada Beacon
The paper had been circulated previously and after due discussions it was Resolved to approve this proposal and to site a new beacon in the current location

12.2 Additional Bank Signatories
The paper had been circulated previously and after due discussions it was Resolved that Cllr Spackman be the third signatory
Action: Clerk/DS/NF/AC

Item 13 – The Parish Environment

13.1 Report from Cllr Spackman – Planning Committee Chair
S19/2107 Land at side of St Vincent’s House, Old Lincoln Rd – 
This has now been taken to appeal; therefore, it remains ongoing.

T21/0012 Land Adjacent to 9 Waterloo Road, / Craggs paddock. 
TPO added to 8 Spruce, 1 Fir and 1 Pine tree. 
This is to protect the trees which were considered to be important and a prominent sylvan feature. The privacy of the neighbouring properties was also a considering factor. 

S22/0811 The Barn Waterloo Road. 
Application for side and rear extension. New application 

S22/0896 Agricultural store, Frieston Heath Lane Caythorpe NG32 3HF
Change of use request form store to residential . 
We have not been asked to consult on this, but consideration should be given to the local plan that opposes this type of planning.  I suggest anyone who wishes to make an objection does so on an individual basis.

Item 14 - Neighbourhood Plan – Report by Cllr Allen
Work on the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) in the last year has involved completing the statutory public consultation steps and using the results to produce a plan for submission to SKDC. The main steps were:
1 July 2021. Survey booklet based on the responses to the original call for opinions goes to every address in the parish with News and Views and a web version goes live.
5 July 2021. Clive Keble (Planning consultant) contacted 40 interested parties: govt. bodies, landowners companies with HQ outside the parish etc. 4 weeks were allowed for replies.
6 were received + 4 automatic acknowledgements. 30 did not respond.
5 Sept 2021. Survey closed. All posters, collection boxes etc. removed. 278 responses.
1 Oct 2021. Survey results published on the parish council website 
6 Jan 2022. Start of the statutory 6 week public consultation on the draft NP.  Draft NP published on CFPC website, with hard copies in Village Hall and St Vincent’s Church porches. Questionnaire for responses to the draft NP delivered to every address in the parish and an online version of the questionnaire goes live. Clive Keble contacted interested parties again.
6 Feb 2022. Public exhibition ran from 10am -12 noon in Caythorpe Village Hall. Around 40 parishioners attended.
18 Feb 2022. 6 week consultation period ends. 140 responses received from parishioners and 10 responses from external consultees.
4 Mar 2022. Working group meeting to amend plan in response to public consultation.
9 Mar 2022. Plan is approved for submission by Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council.
16 Mar 2022.  Plan and support documents submitted to SKDC. They are also available on the parish website.
The NP will be reviewed by SKDC and an examiner to determine whether it is acceptable and conforms to both local and national planning requirements. Several landowners have objected to proposed Local Green Space designations which affect their property, but it was decided to leave it to the examiner to decide whether or not our proposals are permissible.  Around 10 weeks are needed for this stage, so we expect to have a reply around the beginning of June. Some alterations to the submitted plan are likely to be required. The final version of the NP will be put to a referendum later in the year.

Cllr Allen added that a response was expected from SKDC and the examiners by mid-June. Due to the controversial green sites, there are likely to be revisions

Item 15 -  Community Safety. 
In February there were 3 reported crimes in our parish: 1 categorised as ‘burglary’, 1 ‘Theft’ and 1 ‘vehicle crime’
In March there were 3 reported crimes in our parish: 1 ‘criminal damage & arson’ 1 ‘theft’ and 1 ‘violence & sexual offences’

Item 16 – Community Activities by Portfolio Councillor – the following are reports written by the individual councillors.

16.1  Report by Cllr Crawley
16.1.1 Litter Picking and the Big Clean
The litter picker employed by CFPC continues to work around the villages clearing litter. She has been supplemented by a volunteer who is clearing litter as part of his Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. Various members of the public are clearing litter where they live or walk.
I continue to liaise with Mid UK regarding litter from their operation and they continue to deploy litter picking teams along Caythorpe Heath Lane and the A607 from time to time.
The Big Clean Team are not due in the villages until 7th September. Suggestions for areas of concern are requested which I will pass on to them.

16.1.2 Environmental Sustainability
The provision of environmentally friendly heating and power to the village hall is on hold pending decisions regarding re-roofing the flat roof at the rear. The scheme for the Hammond Pavilion is being investigated further.
Limited progress is being made on the scheme to provide charge points for electric vehicles in the area. Permission has been gained from the owner of the Waggon and Horses to site  charge points on the rear car park. Estimates of cost have been obtained from Western Power Distribution to supply the charge points at the Waggon rear of the school on Back Lane. We are now working with Lincoln County Council to source a company to install the actual charge points and meters and to obtain grant funding to cover the cost as much as possible.
Trees have been planted around  both Caythorpe and Frieston, with a total of about 150 planted to date. In addition, I have worked with the company responsible for the battery storage facility on Caythorpe Heath Lane to ensure they have replaced more than 100 trees and shrubs around the site to comply with their planning consent.

16.1.3 Playing Fields
Councillor David Spackman has been appointed to share this portfolio.
Two shipping containers have been provided for storage of sporting equipment on the field with the assistance of Peter Sowerby and Rainthorpe Haulage and a grant from the Football Foundation and these have been screened with hawthorn hedging.
New hawthorn and holly hedging has been provided on the boundary to the A607 to replace the trees felled by Western Power to maintain their power lines.
A large hornbeam tree has been sourced and planted in the hedge to Church Lane as part of the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebration. An ornate tree guard and commemorative plaque have been ordered and will be placed in position before the event in June.
The next DASH is being held on Sunday 8th May and this has been designated as a fundraiser for Ukraine. Many local people have volunteered to assist with marshalling the event and baking.
The Sports and Social Club has reopened and is trading mainly at weekends.
Play equipment has been repaired and continues to get good use.
Cricket and football teams, including many juniors, make good use of the sports facilities.
Cllr Crawley added that the DASH attracted 150 competitors and the organisers are planning to donate to the Ukraine Fund. He also reported that competitors had been given the option to buy a T Shirt or donate to the village tree fund. 

16.2  Report by Cllr Hall
16.2.1 Village Hall 
Proposal to run a nursery – SKDC has confirmed that no planning is now required.  However, this has been put on hold as the proprietor has now taken on an additional nursery elsewhere and needs to establish that business before further consideration of the Caythorpe site.
Ukraine Fundraising Event – Held on Friday 25th March – Raised just over £2,000
Breakfast last held Sunday 3rd April – These are now back to normal and being well attended
Additional Grants – Omicron leisure and hospitality grant received for £1,133
All Village Hall groups running as normal.  Currently limited one off bookings are being made for events such as birthday parties etc…
Treasurer Report: £2,685 at HSBC, £39,656 at UTB

16.2.2 Allotments
A new portfolio for me to look after and not much to report as yet.  I have been in contact with the allotment chair, Karen Pepper, and all the allotments are being cultivated.  No issues currently arising.
The rental agreement is due for renewal in 2023.  Once Parish Council has agreed on the new charges, we will need to inform the allotment committee over the next few weeks to allow them time to implement with the allotment holders. Cllr Hall reported that this was incorrect and that the rent on the allotments cannot be considered until 2025.

16.3  Report by Cllr Fritzsche
16.3.1 News & Views
This is the first complete financial year that News & Views have had a separate bank account, to that of the parish council. The reason that we went down this route was because the editors of News & Views carry out a very good job for no pay. However, they do enjoy paying back to the community with reinvestment that they get from advertising, after expenses from running News & Views . By separating the income away from the parish councils account means that we can easily identify any profit made by News &Views that can be used to support community events such as the Caythorpe gala and other community events. 
This procedure has worked well over the last year and enabled the editors to have more freedom with supporting our community. As a governance issue the editors still need to gain approval from the parish council for the spending of the money, this is for their protection as well as that of the parish council, to ensure the community event supported has no one from the parish council or the editors having a personal gain or professional interest in that area. 
As you will see News & Views is a real professional format, now printed as a glossy magazine, local businesses are keen to advertise, and it has a good wide circulation. The editors have been looking to improve circulation, where and when they can. 
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the editors of News & Views on behalf of the community, for the sterling work that they do producing such a high class and readable magazine, which people like to receive. Not only the editors though, also the delivery people who volunteer to go out and deliver these magazines around our parish in all weather. All in all it’s a great success of volunteer workers coming together to assist our community ,so once again my heartfelt thanks to all those involved and I’m pleased to say that they are continuing with the good work.

16.4 Report by Cllr Graham
16.4.1 Footpaths
Right to Roam
Govt legislation relating to historic paths, stating that pre-1949 paths must be recorded by 2026 to continue to carry public rights
Lead to some comms for us all to check paths were on the definitive map
Legislation then scrapped so issue became a non-issue

16.4.2 Fulbeck Path
Quite a few questions coming from various quarters
No change that we’re aware of and still awaiting the beginning of consultation
We have contacted the landowner for an update, as signs have appeared directing people away from the public route of the path. We are awaiting a response.
Path from Frieston Road to Lower Green
Relates to the footpath linking Frieston Road and the lower green, Frieston
Residents contacted us in relation to the fence that was downed but also about the stile, and whether this could be replaced by a gate to similar
Email sent to council, awaiting a response

16.4.3 Public Transport
Road Closure
Relates to the closure for the Anglian Water works
Checked how much of the road was going to be closed in response to resident’s queries
Route of Number 1 bus
Residents have been querying whether the bus will be re-routed to avoid the High Street
Contact made with Stagecoach to query this
Awaiting response.

16.5  Report by Cllr Sandy
I have only recently taken over the housing portfolio, so my report is on work that was already in hand. 
The major and ongoing success is the improvements to East Cliff square. For some time, the residents have been complaining to the SKDC about rubbish dumping and rodents living in the garages which were unused and derelict.
An inspection showed that the steel reinforced rods are bursting out of the concrete, the roof is asbestos sheets, and all the doors are broken.
We finally got action when our SKDC councillor Penny Milnes got involved which resulted in the rubbish being cleared almost immediately, the site fenced off and a scheme to demolish the garages and more parking spaces to be put in their place. Which we are now told is in hand  at the moment. 
There are also various housing tenancy issues which have been raised and these are also ongoing

16.6  Report by Cllr Lee
16.6.1 Dog Fouling
Signage has been updated where necessary and bags left at locations where compliance appears to be difficult for some. Thankfully most of our dog owners are responsible.

16.6.2 Emergency Planning
Thankfully we survived the winter weather with just a few gales and isolated heavy downpours with no reports of any damage. We took up the offer of sand and sand bags from the SKDC, to assist us if necessary and these are kindly being stored by Ben on Love Lane.

16.6.3 Business & Employment
Following a quick Straw Poll of High Street businesses, it appears that all is well. And owners/tenants are continuing to provide excellent service. We welcome Vicky Wilkinson who has opened a fine  glass ware shop on South Parade, we wish her well. Both pubs are doing well and are both looking to improve. The Waggon is updating the beer garden and the Red Lion now has a new decking area

16.7  Report by Cllr Betts 
16.7.1 Volunteering 
During 2021 we continued with our Covid support for parishioners who needed assistance with shopping or other matters due to them being poorly or having to isolate. By September we had assisted over 20 households in the parish. 

16.7.2 Facebook 
We have continued to post all important notices and planning applications on our Facebook page to reach as many parishioners as possible. Our Facebook page now has over 350 followers, up from less than 100 in 2020. Facebook messenger continues to be a popular way for parishioners to contact us about any topics they want to raise. 

16.7.3 Speeding Assessment
During March, April & May 2021 we borrowed the speed sign from Carlton Scroop Parish Council to assess the extent of speeding throughout the village. We set up the speed sign in 8 different locations around the village. We saw an average of 10% of vehicles speeding, yet there were some significant variances between each location (See summary below). 
The greatest number of speeding offences were on Church Lane when entering the village with 27% of vehicles speeding.
It was agreed at our parish council meeting in July 2021 that given the low level of speeding throughout the village that we would not pursue other traffic calming measures such as speed bumps or reduced speed limits. 
16.7.4 Highways
Potholes have been one of the main topics of discussion in respect of highway matters in our Parish. In April 2021 the parish council and Alexander Maughan petitioned Lincs Highways to address the dire state of Gorse Hill Lane where patch repairs had been completed the previous year yet had subsequently failed. In July 21 the scheme to replace the lower section of Gorse Hill Lane was agreed and the replacement of the lower section of the road took place in August over a two week period. 
Other roads around the village are still in need of repair as large potholes have not been addressed despite being logged on many months ago, notably the High Street, Lime Grove and Frieston Heath Lane. Repairs to these roads are stated as being “In Progress” despite being raised a number of months ago. We have now escalated this to our Highways Officer and Cllr Maughan and have requested dates for when these stretches of road will be repaired. 

16.8  Report by Cllr Linforth
16.8.1 Update on Defibrillators
We are incredibly lucky to now have all four working defibrillators within the parish. 
Defibrillators are checked weekly by myself, and I liaise with the Community Heartbeat Team who ensure the ambulance service are aware of the nearest working defibrillator, should it be needed. When 999 are called, they will decide as to whether a defibrillator is needed. If it is deemed that it is required, the caller will be advised of the nearest one, and be given the code to get into the cabinet to retrieve the defibrillator. The cabinet cannot be opened without the code. 

16.8.2 LIVES
At present we do not have a LIVES representative in Caythorpe. If this is something that a member of the community would be interesting in doing, it is something that the parish council can support with training etc and would urge them to contact me. 

16.8.3 Hospital Car Scheme
Due to covid restrictions, this is something that we have not been able to pursue over the last two years, however, as we are now “living with covid”, it would be a great service to offer. The Parish Councils involvement is more a stamp of approval and the passengers themselves arrange with the driver details regarding collection/payment/pickup times etc.
There is a c all connect service that can be used. Residents can contact the company who will advise what service they can offer.

16.8.4 Children and Childcare
Caythorpe Primary School is fully open. The headteacher has recruited some new teaching staff and numbers are at a good level.
Caythorpe Preschool remains open. Number of children is low at present which has resulted in preschool still not being open on Fridays. However, as demand dictates, they would look at opening again on a Friday. 
Sure start centre is now open with regular face to face sessions happening

16.9  Report by Cllr Roberts
16.9.1 War Memorial. Remembrance Day Parade and Service. Church Green.
The Church Green and borders are maintained by the Parish Council on a as and when required basis. The Army did bring the paint to repaint the posts and chains around the Memorial but forgot to give it to us. These posts etc are done in their colours, a message has been sent asking them to bring them again. The donated Army seat will need a coat of preservative and Neil has suggested we tone down the colour of the Harry and Mabel Streeter Memorial bench. The spikes put on the Memorial overhanging electricity cable have been very effective from deterring the roosting pigeons from messing on the Memorial.
There was no service of Remembrance in St.Vincents in 2021. The Rev Stuart Hadley organised a short service on the Green which went very well. There was a long wait before the 2 minutes silence. Stuart and I have spoken about this and this year he will ,now that restrictions are lifted ,organise a service at 10.15am in Church leaving in time for 11am.  Prior to the service it is hoped to organise a Church Parade led by the Chairman leaving the Waggon and Horses at 10am. The Parade last year was well attended.

16.9.2 Burial Ground
The Parish Council contractors have again achieved a high standard of maintenance and many verbal positive comments have been received. The mole man keeps a close eye on the area and prevents a lot of damage. A badger has been rooting some of the grass up earlier in the season, but we can live with that.  The gates will need a coat of preservative again. The shed door and frame were painted last year.
Following representations by bereaved next of kin advice was taken from the regular grave digger and as a result the Parish Council can provide double depth graves if required. This will satisfy peoples wishes and practically it will save space. Persons wishing to put their affairs in order may reserve a grave plot by contacting the Parish Clerk.   I suggest that before the next financial year we review our fees.

16.9.3 Community Safety
I am unaware of any community safety issues at the time of writing. The Parish Plan includes a wish to retain the public High St pay phone in case of emergencies. It is my personal opinion that the fully equipped Old Lincoln Road Police Office should be retained as a public asset and used on a regular basis the Police.
Cllr Roberts reported that he had been in contact with Stagecoach with respect to the lateness of the NO1 bus in the mornings.

Item 17 -  Items of Urgent Business
Parish Councillors in Hough Division have been invited for coffee, cake and Q&A with our local MP Dr Caroline Johnson. Cllrs Roberts, Spackman and Fritzsche expressed an interest in attending to discuss maintaining stocks of social housing.
Cllr Crawley expressed the wishes of the Social Club asking that the PC ‘underwrite’ the village firework display. The amount is likely to be in the region of £4000. Cllr Crawley will raise a formal paper for the next meeting

Edit: although there was no vote taken, Cllr Roberts would like the minutes to reflect that there was a general feeling that some members of the council were against this

Item 18 - Arrangements for Next Meeting 
The next Parish Council Meeting Number 2 of 2022 will be held on Wednesday 13th July 2022 commencing at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall.  

Open Forum
Report by Cllr Maughan
Ukraine – Lincolnshire continues to play its part in the international effort to support Ukraine. Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue joined fire services across the country in donating equipment to Ukrainian fire fighters. Lincolnshire County Council and South Kesteven District Council are supporting the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, completing DBS checks and property inspections for sponsor families in our district. So many residents have generously opened up their homes to refugees with families already arriving in Foston and Stubton. 

Budget – the budget was ratified for 2022/23 and included an increase in council tax of 3% on the adult social care precept and 2% on general council tax. The additional 2% was proposed in light of the government cut to our highways maintenance budget of £12m/25%. Over the next 3 years we will use council tax to replace the money taken by the Government as we feel maintaining our roads remains a top priority for residents. Despite these increases in council tax we still have one of the lowest council tax bills in England in line with our promise to keep your council tax as low as possible.

Children’s services inspection – in March 2022 Ofsted revisited LCC children’s services following their “outstanding” rated inspection in 2019. The visit was not a full inspection but instead focused on specific areas. The inspector praised the relationships social worker have with families and the work LCC do to support children and families on the edge of entering care services.

Tourism in Lincolnshire – the County Council continues to support tourism in the county and in particular on the East coast. During covid the council awarded digital grants to help businesses purchase equipment like card machines and update websites. More recently the council has completed a project at Huttoft boat shed to create a new destination café. This opened in April and the café is run by the same business as the North Sea Observatory at Chapel St Leonards. The council will benefit from a rental income from the building whilst bringing more tourists to the area.

With regard to the Mid UK planning application, I raised issues directly with the Portfolio Holder for planning at LCC and officers have subsequently been asked to sanction independent noise reports. I am awaiting on update on progress with this, but hopefully that explains why it has gone quiet in recent weeks. 

Potholes – patching work is in the programme which should resolve issues with the defects reported. I have asked for clarification on the temporary repairs carried out last week and also for more details on the proposed patching. As soon as I have this I will pass this on. 


Appendix A

Litter Picking & The Big Clean Cllr Crawley
Environmental Sustainability Cllr Crawley
Playing Field Committee Cllr Crawley
Village Hall Committee Cllr Hall
Allotment Committee Cllr Hall
Chairman Finance Committee Cllr Fritzsche
Chairman Planning Committee Cllr Spackman
News & Views Cllr Fritzsche
Footpaths Cllr Graham
Public Transport Cllr Graham
The Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Allen
Emergency Planning Cllr Lee
Dog Fouling Cllr Lee
Shops, Businesses & Employment Cllr Lee
Facebook Page Cllr Betts
Housing Cllr Sandy
Volunteering & Skill Sharing Cllr Betts
Community Heartbeat Cllr Linforth
Hospital Car Scheme Cllr Linforth
LIVES Cllr Linforth
Children & Child Care Cllr Linforth
Highways Cllr Betts
Burial Ground Cllr Roberts
War Memorial & Remembrance Day Cllr Roberts
Community Safety Cllr Roberts


Appendix B

1.3.22 34834 proforma Impact China Personalised china mugs for the Queens Platinum Jubilee 114.56
28.2.22 1472 Brian Wills empty dog bins, pruning at Burial Ground 149
2.3.22 310322 D Manderfield Clerk expenses Feb & Mar 37.62
20.1.22 1465013 Gallagher Insurance for Parish Council, Village Hall, Playing Field & Social Club 17.3.22 - 16.3.23 2578.84
10.3.22 proforma LALC Annual Training Scheme 162
24.1.22 12244 LALC Annual Subscription 354.56
5.3.22 6.37 Microsoft Microsoft 365 79.99
11.3.22 63995 Double Yew Nurseries Tulip Tree & Oak for Frieston Green, Hornbeam for Playing Field (QPJ Commemmorative tree) & 60 Hawthorn Plants for PF 541.20
6.3.22 2020/21-3 Clive Keble Consulting Support work for the Neighbourhood Plan during February & March 22 880
17.3.22 21954 proforma Mr Flag Lincolnshire Outdoor Flag 81
11.3.22 Direct Debit ICO Subscription 35
23.3.22 TFR N&V Account Customer paid in to wrong account 59.85
26.3.22 2021-22-26 Clive Keble Consulting support work for the Neighbourhood plan during March 22 440
28.3.22 1475 Brian Wills empty dog bins & buy bin bags 119
31.3.22   Unity Trust Bank Service Charges36 36
6.4.22 300422 D Manderfield Clerk Expenses April 18.81
16.4.22 32UGU020-0003 Parish Online Subscription 96
19.4.22 12508 LALC Annual Website Service (10 hours per month) 180
13.4.22 040522 P&L Leeds N&V Monthly Expenses 80
25.4.22 1477 Brian Wills Empty Dog Bins & buy bin bags 132
28.4.22 11 GW King & Sons Garden maintenance at Caythorpe & Frieston Burial Ground 800
28.4.22 161056 Viking Signs QPJ Memorial Plaque for tree 20.02
25.3.22 6350 Westgate Printers News & Views printing Feb, Mar, & April 2013.84



Appendix C

  Actual 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Actual for Period Revised Forecast 22/23 Variance to Budget
Precept 30039 31971 15985.60    
News & Views 8674.07 9000 159.85    
Miscellaneous/ Donations 1339.06 30 200    
Allotment 225.70 226 0.0    
Burial Ground 2300 2000 100    
SKDC Community Cleaning Grant 926.64 927 0.0    
Neighbourhood Plan 7669 0.0 0.0    
Community Fund  0.0 0.0 0.0 5000 5000
VAT Reclaim 1538.04 1521.07 0.0    
Total Income 52711.51 45675.07 16445.45 5000  
Burial Grounds 3371.06 3900 800    
News & Views 6228.77 6452 2013.84    
News & Views Expenses 0.0 300 80    
Allotments 800 1026 0.0    
Audit 200 300 0.0    
Staff Salaries 7498.362 10945 734.76    
Election Costs 0.0 0.0 0.0    
Maintenance 3265.93 2234 132    
Street Cleaning 1004.28 951 57.72    
VH Grant 3500 3500 0.0    
PF Grant 3500 3500 0.0    
S137 Expenditure 425.50 0.0 0.0    
S111 Associated Power 0.0 100 0.0    
Insurance 2578.84 3000 0.0    
LALC & SLCC 714.48 490 150    
Tel, post, stat, etc 483.28 470 98.81    
PWLB loan 0.0 0.0 0.0    
Bank Charges   144 0.0    
Mole Control 650 325 0.0    
Defibrilator Pads   1160 0.0    
Church Clock 0.0 140 0.0    
Sub Total 34220.76 38937 4067.13    
Chattertons Legal Costs 100 900 0.0    
Neighbourhood Plan 6485.89 500 0.0    
Tree Work 5100 1750 0.0    
New Trees Planting 301 430 0.0 130 -300
Frieston Bench 578.61 0.0 0.0    
Conifer Tree   150 0.0    
Queens Platinum Jubilee 1078 1000 16.68 1000 -1000
Queens Platinum Jubilee (Funded)   9725 0.0    
Christmas Tree Lights & Holders   550 0.0    
Bus Shelter   4500 0.0    
Beacon Repairs   1000 0.0    
EV Charges   2000 0.0    
Replacement Noticeboards   750 0.0    
Sub Total 13643.50 23255 16.68 1130 -1130
Total Expenditure 47864.26 62192 4083.81    
SURPLUS/(LOSS) 4847.25 -16516.93 12361.64    
VAT to be reclaimed 49.34