July 2020 Minutes




Councillors: N Fritzsche (Chairman), J Allen, J Betts, R Brooke, M Budden, A Crawley, C Linforth, A Roberts, P Sandy

Clerk:  Mrs D Manderfield

Apologies for Absence: None

Item 1 – Introduction

 The Chair welcomed all Cllrs to the ZOOM meeting and Mrs Tointon (Clk to Fulbeck PC) as a member of the public.

Item 2 – Declaration of Interests

Cllr Crawley   -  as a member of the Playing Fields Committee

Cllr Fritzsche  -  personal interest relating to Planning Application S20/0916

Item 3 - Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 12 May on ZOOM

Approval proposed by:  Cllr Crawley, seconded by Cllr Brooke.

Decision:   Approved unanimously.

Item 4 – Matters Arising:  None

Item 5 – Parish Clerk’s Update on Matters Since Last Meeting:             

5.1  In response to questions from the Village Hall, Playing Field and Social Club committees regarding insurance levels, each committee chairman  was sent a copy of the schedule and advised that if they require further information to contact the insurance company directly.

5.2 We have had 2 applicants respond to the co-opted position of Parish Councillor the details of whom have been passed to Cllr Brooke who will co-ordinate the interviews.

5.3 An email was received from a parishioner regarding the lime tree on Frieston Green. The contractor, Oakwick, will complete the cutting out of the deadwood from the tree at the cost of £180 on 21st July 20

5.4 At the request of the Chairman, SKDC were contacted regarding the cutting of the hedgerow on the A607 next to the Lime Grove coppice. They have reported back that this will be carried out later in the year.

Item 6 - Financial Matters

6.1  BACS payment details circulated prior to the meeting were accepted and approved.

6.2  Management Accounts.  The requirement for formal approval of the Management Accounts at every PC meeting  was discussed, with a recommendation from Cllr Budden that this was to be removed from the agenda other than the annual PC meeting, or in the event of a change to the agreed funding lines.  Currently, the forecast reserves remain at around £22,000 on current planned expenditure

6.3 Playing Field GrantThe playing field grant, currently awarded  annually, was discussed. A grant of £3500, proposed by Cllr Fritzsche; seconded by Cllr Sandy, was unanimously approved,

6.4 Village Hall Grant – In the absence of last year’s accounts and   an up to date forecast of income & expenditure for this year, Cllr  Brooke proposed that the decision on any grant be deferred to the next meeting in September. Unanimously agreed.


It was unanimously agreed that approval for the Management Accounts would only be required annually, or on the change of a funding line. The Playing Field Grant for FY 20/21 was set at £3500. The Village Hall grant will be deferred and discussed at  the next meeting. 

ITEM 7 –  Risk and Maintenance Registers 

7.1 Risk Register

7.1.1 As the Parish Clerk is new and has had no formal training it  was decided line 17 needed raising from Low to High until such time as training had successfully been completed. l

7.1.2 As all files are kept on one computer it was decided lines 34 & 35 needed raising to High until an alternative storage solution was found.

7.2 Maintenance Register – reviewed and accepted by all Cllrs


The Parish Clerk is to attend the appropriate training courses asap. Microsoft One Drive is to be used to back up and store PC written and spreadsheet documentation.

ITEM 8 -  Project Register Update

8.1  Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Allen. All the documents relating to the Neighbourhood Plan have been passed to her as the new portfolio holder. Three volunteers for the working party have been contacted to confirm that they are still willing to participate. Contact has also been made with the SKDC liaison Jake Horton.  The Parish Clerk has obtained a license from Ordnance Survey so that we can use their maps as necessary, and we have submitted the application form for the whole parish to be designated as a Neighbourhood called ‘Caythorpe and Frieston Parish’. This has been approved by SKDC. Several Lincolnshire villages have had plans approved, and may be used as possible models for our own. The next objective is to expand the working party to be more representative. Various individuals have been suggested as possible members, but as the robustness of the consultation process is key to getting a plan approved it is intend to make a further appeal in News and Views August issue and on the Facebook page before resorting to co-opting. This will delay the process, but as we can’t have normal public meetings for the time being it shouldn’t make much difference overall.

8.2  Village Gates – Cllr Betts.  Now awaiting a revised delivery date from Gladson (due to them suspending manufacturing during COVID). The installers will be contacted once a delivery date is confirmed.

8.3 Burial Ground Gates – Cllr Roberts. Contractor Pete Baker of Hougham is to collect and fit the 2 posts from Brian Wills, inform Countryside Gates of the internal measurements and then collect and fit the gates for a price of £440 (less VAT). Countryside Gates have confirmed their price of £840 (les VAT). Total £1280. There may be unavoidable damage to the newly laid tarmac path done by excavations for the posts which may be an additional cost factor of repair. Currently we are over budget by £280.

8.4 Parking Signs – Cllr Sandy.  The village hall parking sign is done and delivered to contractor for fitting. Cllr Sandy will contact Cllr Maughan to request highways renew the No Cycling signs on Frieston Path.

8.5 Chapel Lane Bench – Cllr Sandy.  The concrete pad is down, Mrs Thomas has expressed an interest in placing a bench for her husband. Cllr Fritzche to liaise.

8.6 Remembrance Day Operation Order - Cllr Brooke.  Examples of operation orders have now been received and will be used as templates. Liaison will now take place with the Army and the Caythorpe Vicar in order to produce a draft for scrutiny.

8.7 Signs for Remembrance Day Parade – Cllr Roberts.  Signs are ordered and paid for. It was agreed that Brian Wills would put them up and take them back in on the day at a cost of £30

8.8 Emergency Plan – No action required at this time.

8.9  No Parking Line Markings - Cllr Sandy.  Cllr Roberts proposed that the PC review the proposed No Parking lines, especially around the area of the Spar shop and the road junction at South Parade.  After a short discussion the proposal was not supported by the remaining other Cllrs.

8.10  Frieston Post Box.  Notwithstanding the involvement of the local MP and County and District Cllrs, the Post Office remained intransigent on this issue.

Decision:   It was a unanimous decision to accept the placing of the new post box in its present position on the upper Frieston Green.

8.11  Frieston Bus Shelter - Cllr Sandy. There is a step up to the bus shelter that needs levelling. It was previously agreed that LCC would complete this. Cllr Sandy agreed to contact Cllr Maughan for an update.

Decision: It was proposed by Cllr Budden and accepted by all tore-allocate £280 from the sensory pavement budget as this sum will  now be met by LCC Highways as agreed by Cllr Maughan (LCC).

ITEM 9 - New Proposals: None.

ITEM 10 - Community Safety.

Cllr Roberts advised that there has been at least one resident who has paid a disproportionate amount of money for roof tile cleaning. The police have been informed but could take no further action.

ITEM 11 - Cllr Updates by Portfolio.

11.1 Cllr A Crawley

11.1.1 Environmental Sustainability

Following an appeal in News and Views a member of the public came forward from Frieston offering land for tree planting. This has been viewed and several other areas have been identified as possible sites. Enquiries with the land owners will take place in due course.

An email was sent to the headmistress at Caythorpe school exploring the possibility of the school becoming involved in tree planting (possibly as part of their curriculum). No reply has been received to date (possibly due to COVID-19 issues). This will be followed up when the COVID-19 situation becomes less pressing.

Enquiries have been made regarding the obtaining of trees for this scheme. There are several possible sources of saplings but the major cost appears to be in providing stakes and tree guards.

A local company has viewed the Parish Council buildings at the Village Hall and Sports pavilion (Hammond pavilion) with a view to designing schemes for solar power generation and storage and air source heating. A report is expected shortly. It is apparent that measures to protect against vandalism and impact damage to solar panels on the Hammond Pavilion will need to be carefully considered.

Research has been carried out on possible sources of grant funding for these schemes and it is apparent that there is financial assistance available (although some has been diverted to help with COVID-19 related projects)

11.1.2 Litter and the Big Clean

A litter pick took place down Gorse Hill on Wednesday 1st July with six volunteers and a considerable quantity of litter was gathered despite the long grass on the verges. Unfortunately, the council trimmed the verges the following day and exposed a lot more litter that had been hidden in the long grass. SKDC collected the debris arising including an old sofa that had been dumped.

A member of the public reported some fly tipping on Gorse Hill (near the beet pad) direct to SKDC and they cleared this prior to the litter pick taking place. This litter contained packaging with a local address on it and SKDC state they will follow up on this.

Discussions with Mid UK regarding the escape of litter (particularly the recycled plastic fuel material) are ongoing and a meeting is to be held with their site director.

The Big Clean is due in Caythorpe on 02/09/2020. Suggestions for areas that the team can deal with are welcomed and will be passed on to SKDC.

11.2 Cllr M Budden

11.2.1 Playing Field & Social Club

Tom Mountain has resigned with immediate effect as Secretary. Carol Toynton is the acting Secretary until a replacement is appointed.

The playground area remains closed. Movements were made to reopen it and enquiries made of SKDC regarding guidance. Dave Cree (Chairman) has stated that “It is clearly impractical for us to manage the risks involved, particularly as most users are not accompanied by parents/guardians and our play area is un-attended. Regrettably I conclude the Play Area needs to remain closed until more practical guidance is received.”

No sport is presently being played, other than cricket practice in the nets in groups of 6. The cricket club is hoping to start cricket matches in August/September. Football club users have no idea yet as to when they can/will return.

The PF received a grant of £10,000 from SKDC on application for funds to help replace lost income.

The Sports & Social Club plans to reopen on 11 July, following enquiries made of the PC Insurers regarding the cover for SSC staff, and guidelines drawn up for social distancing etc.

11.3 Cllr R Brooke.

11.3.1 Planning Applications

There were no additional issues following circulation of the planning application list. The planning application update is at Annex B.

11.3.2 Village Hall Committee

Due to COVID-19 there remains no activities and therefore no income into the Village Hall.  Running costs remain at a minimum. There is a possibility that he village hall will open for meetings in September depending on Government legislation, but currently not for activities.

11.4 Cllr N Fritzche

11.4.1 News & Views 

News and views continue to publish all through the lockdown and have provided a good platform for up to date information to be passed between our residents and the PC. I continue to work with Michael Budden, the  Parish Clerk and the editors of news and views to discharge the decision we made at the March meeting where we agreed that news and views should be financially independent from the parish council , this work is still ongoing.

11.5 Cllr A Graham

11.5.1 Footpaths: Nothing to report

11.5.2 Public Transport: Nothing to report

11.6 Cllr P Sandy

11.6.1 Highways: Nothing to report

11.7 Cllr J Betts

11.7.1 Housing: Nothing to Report

11.7.2 Facebook: Nothing to Report

11.7.3 Volunteering and Skill Sharing

We have continued to support a number of residents in the village and only yesterday a lady on Millfield Crescent required help from her assigned volunteer due to breaking her ankle. We have responded to the LCC COVID team on our activities and they have offered us financial funding for any support to COVID activities. I have fed back that we do not require any funding at present.

11.8 Cllr C Linforth

11.8.1 Community Heartbeat 

We still have no plot for the Frieston defibrillator to be placed so it may be that we now look for an alternative spot in Caythorpe that is possibly near that end of the village.

All defibrillators have had new pads as the others had expired.

11.8.2 Hospital Car Scheme

There is no change in this due to the current corona virus pandemic so this is something that will be relooked at once lock down measures are eased more. The Parish Councils involvement is more a stamp of approval and the passengers themselves arrange with the drivers collection/payment/pickup times etc.

11.8.3 LIVES

At present we do not have a LIVES representative in Caythorpe. The community have been approached; however, no one has come forward yet.

11.8.4 Children and Child care: Nothing to Report

11.9 Cllr A Roberts

11.9.1 Allotment Committee

No plot vacancies. 2 local residents on waiting list and 2 non-residents.  On one plot, members are using to grow Halloween pumpkins to sell in October for the funds.   Quotes still being obtained for crown lifting of the trees on the West side which are blocking light and over hanging plots.  Work will take place in the Autumn.  £1500 in the P.C. budget to help with the cost. Decisions will have to be taken on the South side boundary hedge to trim its height and sides.  Growing conditions have been challenging due to the wet spring and winter and summer drought

11.9.2 Burial Ground

Work to replace the cemetery gates and posts is delayed due to corvid. The latest completion date is November/December. Our grass cutting contractors continue to work to a high standard of maintenance.

11.9.3 Remembrance Day Parade

Remembrance Day Service traffic warning signs have been bought. Brian Wills said he would put them out and collect them before and after the service.  The posts and chains around the Memorial need a fresh coat of paint.

ITEM 12 -  Items of Urgent Business


ITEM 13. Arrangements for Next Meeting

 Subject to the applicable COVID-19 government guidelines, the next PC meeting will be at 7pm on Wednesday 9th September 2020 in the Village Hall, otherwise it will be conducted via ZOOM.


{Electronically signed}

D Manderfield

Parish Clerk


Annexes: B.  Planning Application

New Planning Applications – including actions taken and decisions since last meeting

Ap      Application No: S20/0869

Ap      Applicant: Mr P Sowerby

Proposal: Demolition of garage, erection of storage building and associated works and landscaping

Location: Land Adjacent To Caythorpe Hall, Church Lane, Caythorpe, Lincolnshire, NG32 3EL

App Type: Land Adjacent to Caythorpe Hall, Church Lane, Caythorpe, Lincolnshire, NG32 3EL

Case Officer: Telephone Ext: Email: Peter Lifford 6391 p.lifford@southkesteven.gov.uk

CFPC response sent 1 July 20


Application No: S20/0925

Applicant: Mr Peter Rushmere

Proposal: Reduce canopy of Beech Tree by 40%

Location: 16 High Street, Caythorpe, Lincolnshire, NG32 3BS

App Type: Tree Preservation Order

Case Officer: Telephone Ext: Email: Cat Sutton 6632 c.sutton@southkesteven.gov.uk

CFPC response sent 1 July 20


Application No: S20/0916

Applicant: MR Neil Fritzsche

Proposal: Replace roof tiles on the north and east aspects with plain rosemary clay tiles to match with existing on westerly and southern elevations.

Location: 4 And 6 Lincoln Road, Caythorpe, NG32 3DD

App Type: Listed Building Consent

Case Officer: Telephone Ext: Email: Peter Lifford 6391 p.lifford@southkesteven.gov.uk

CFPC response sent 1 July 20


Application No: S20/0921

Applicant: Mr Kendall Ordish

Proposal: Remove roof tiles on the north and east aspects of the house add thermal barrier and replace tiles with plain rosemary clay tiles to match existing on

the westerly & southern elevations

Location: 4 And 6 Lincoln Road, Caythorpe, NG32 3DD

App Type: Listed Building Consent

Case Officer: Telephone Ext: Email: Miranda Beavers 6302 m.beavers@southkesteven.gov.uk

CFPC response sent 1 July 20


Application No: S20/0928

Applicant: Mr. N. Wright

Proposal: Erection of two detached dwellings

Location: Glamis House, 45 High Street, Caythorpe, Lincolnshire, NG32 3DR

App Type: Full Planning Permission

Case Officer: Telephone Ext: Email: Stephen Cadman

Decision Notices Received Since Last Meeting: Nil

Ongoing Planning Issues

S17/1611 ANESCO 7.2 MW Energy Storage Facility on Caythorpe Heath Lane. 

Question raised by Cllr Roberts as to the condition of planting / soft landscaping on western boundary.  Contacted ANESCO to ask what their plans are if any to remedy this.  There is an on-going requirement to maintain soft landscaping / planting for 5 years from the date of use of the site.  Awaiting their response. Reminder sent.

S19/2107 – Erection of dwelling land adjacent to St Vincent’s’ House 47 Old Lincoln Road – SKDC not yet determined.

S19/2223 – Caythorpe Hall Lodge  / Gate House

Correspondence ongoing with SKDC regarding demolition of existing outbuildings and location of waste-water vent pipe through wall into church yard. 

Resolved:  Waste water from guttering now diverted.  No existing footings for new build were available, hence change in construction requirement.