January 2020 Minutes

Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8th January 2020


Councillors: N Fritzsche (Chairman)

J Allen, R Brooke, M Budden, A Crawley, A Graham, A Roberts

District Councillor: P Milnes

County Councillor: A Maughan

Clerk: M Stevens                     

Item 1 - Apologies for Absence.

Cllrs. J Carpenter, J Betts, C Linforth, P Sandy & Simon Pattison Mid(UK)  

Item 2 - Declaration of interests under the Local government act

There were no declarations submitted.  

Item 3 - Approval of Minutes held on 13th November 2019        

3.1 Approval was sought for the minutes taken at the above meeting.

Decision: Minutes were proposed by Cllr Budden and seconded by Cllr Allen and  approved unanimously and signed by the Chairman.         

Item 4 - Parish Clerk’s Report – To Update on matters occurring since the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda.          

4.1 Stump at the end of the High Street

MS referred the meeting to a document that had been  circulated prior to the meeting outlining the latest proposals for possible tree replacement since the partial felling of the diseased Sycamore Tree.


4.1.1 It was confirmed that the CFPC requirement had already been stated that the remaining tree stump should not be removed for at least 4-5 years.

4.1.2.Agreed that a paper should be prepared for the March CFPC meeting that outlined the tree replacement requirement and would state that only 1 tree is required as the suggested 3 would be overcrowded especially if of the Walnut species.

4.1.3.Agreed that a response would be sent from CFPC regarding this matter and to confirm a site meeting that would be attended by Cllr Roberts to agree the precise siting of the replacement tree and the suitability of the donated Walnut sapling          

Action: NF MS

4.2 Tyres Either End of Village

MS reported that since this matter was reported to CFPC at the last meeting the chairman of the village hall confirmed ownership of the tyres and it is understood that this matter would be discussed at the next Village Hall Committee meeting with view to obtaining a suitable conclusion.

Item 5.Financial Matters             

5.1 Authorisation of BACS/Cheque Payments

Two documents containing invoices approved and paid since the last meeting, and invoices awaiting approval for payment, were circulated to the meeting.

Decision: All items were examined by members and unanimously approved for payment.              

5.2 Review and Approval of CFPC Accounts – End of December 2019

Management Accounts for CFPC previously circulated to Cllrs were presented to the meeting for approval.  At the meeting Cllr Budden chairman of the finance committee summarised the key points and identified areas associated with the forecast figures and suggest that the end of year projection could be in a more favourable position if certain areas were re-examined.


1. The financial accuracy of the accounts as circulated were unanimously approved.

2. Agreed that the anomalies identified in the end of year forecast would be re-examined and updated for the February accounts submission.         

Action: MS

5.3 Approval of Precept to be levied to residents for period 2020/21

Cllr Budden referred the meeting to the precept calculations issued prior to the meeting and as previously discussed.


1. It was unanimously agreed that the sum of £30.039 should be submitted to SKDC Finance as being the total figure required to be levied against the residents of the Parish and equated to an increase of 0.10%.

2. It was agreed that this submission would be actioned by the Parish Clerk in line with the deadline of 17th January.            

Action: MS

5.4 Final Approval of Draft Budget 1.4 for year 2020/21

Cllr Budden referred the meeting to the final daft of the budget for 2020/21 that had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting. 


1. It was agreed that due to recent additional submissions that some minor adjustments are required to include items such as; Bus Shelter Lighting and Burial Ground gate and post repairs but these would be off-set by savings and adjustments in other areas.

2. It was unanimously agreed that subject to these adjustments that the budget for 2020/21 was approved.  

5.5 Approval of Funding for Projects (details submitted prior to meeting)               

5.5.1 Burial Ground Path Refurbishment Update – Cllr Fritzsche

Cllr Fritzsche reminded the meeting of the work actioned to date regarding this project.  Since approval for the project at the last meeting a number of avenues had been explored to see if any funding could be obtained toward the cost of the project.  However, this was proving to be difficult as this type of work fell into the ‘work as usual’ category and needed to be covered by parish funds (precept) rather than from any external source.  Additionally, there were problems in obtaining quotes and interest in doing the work.


1.It was proposed by Cllr Fritzsche that in view of these problems that the project should progressed and funded using the budget agreed and set aside within the Parish accounts.  This proposal was seconded by Cllr Brooke and unanimously agreed by all members.

2.It was agreed that the previously chosen contractor would be sent a purchase order for the work as described in the quotation received and held on file, along with a confirmation of appointment letter.  

Action: MS

5.5.2 Church Annual Grass Cutting Payment – Cllr Roberts

Cllr Roberts referred the meeting to a paper that had been circulated prior to the meeting and summarised the key points regarding the history of making an annual payment to the St Vincents Church Council towards the grass maintenance of the churchyard and amounting to £700 per year.  


1. It was proposed by Cllr Roberts that this annual payment could be better used in other areas in the Parish and that the payment for this service should be discontinued with immediate effect.  This proposal was agreed by 5 other Councillors present with 1 Councillor abstaining.

2. It was agreed that a letter of notice would be drafted and sent to the Chairperson of the parochial church council outlining this decision and confirm that this payment would cease with immediate effect and that on-going maintenance of the churchyard would need funding using church resources.

Action: MS

5.5.3 New Trees Proposal – Cllr Roberts

Cllr Roberts referred the meeting to a paper that had been submitted to all members for consideration prior to the meeting.  In summary an area had been identified in the Parish on a verge easterly on the A607 adjacent to the grass verge in the vicinity of the old station road where trees should be planted to replace those that had been previously planted but died.


1. It was proposed by Cllr Roberts that 10 trees would be purchased and planted at a cost that would not exceed the sum of £100.  This proposal was seconded by Cllr Crawley and approved unanimously.

2. It was agreed that Cllr Roberts would source supply of the trees and arrange planting.

Action: AR

5.5.4 LALC – Approval of Training Costs for 2020/21 - £125 +VAT

MS referred the meeting to a recent invoice received from LALC that related to the annual training requirements for CFPC councillors and employees. It was explained that this is a regular annual invoice that paid for any courses required throughout the year without any additional charge.


1. It was unanimously agreed that the invoice for £125 plus VAT should be paid for training for year 2020/21             

Action: MS

5.5.5 CFPC – Insurance Renewal

MS reminded the meeting that the CFPC insurance covering all aspects of insurance for the council, including those of the Village Hall and Playing Fields and War Memorial expires on 16th March  2020 and that on this basis it is necessary to being the renewal process for the next 3 years commencing 17th March 2020


1. It was agreed unanimously to support this due process where potential future suppliers would be invited to submit tenders for this new period of insurance. 

2. It was agreed that the parish Clerk would arrange interested parties including the current insurer (Came & Company) to meet with the council with a presentation of their proposals.  The audience would be a selection of delegates for the Finance Committee.

3. It was agreed that in advance of this meeting the current copy of the Asset Register for the Playing Fields and Village Hall would be sent for any updates to the respective chairperson.      

Action: MS

5.5.6 New Committee Member Appointments – Finance

Further to the co-option of new councillors the need had been identified to appoint a new member to the Finance committee.


1. Following discussion  with proposed delegates prior to the meeting It was agreed that Cllr Allen would be the new member for the Finance Committee with immediate effect.        

Item 6. Transport and Highways              

6.1 High Street Congestion          

6.1.1      Yellow Lines and Bus Stops

Cllr Maughan reminded the meeting of the due process regarding this matter and the fact that the LCC committee meeting was due to deliberate at the meeting scheduled March 2020.


1. It was agreed that Cllr Maughan would keep CFPC informed of any decision made and advise on the next stage of the process as required.         

Action: AM

6.2 Other Transport and Highways Issues.            

6.2.1 Humpback Bridge

Cllr Maughan confirmed that the although the signs had been installed the white lining has yet to be completed.      

6.2.2 Potholes

Councillors expressed concerns regarding the condition of roads in the Parish and especially Gorse Hill lane where numerous logs and emails had reported extensive problems.  Cllr Maughan refereed the meeting to plans that are in hand to address these problems in the long-term however despite attempts to influence change the area with lesser problems appears to have been given priority over the area with the major problems.


It was agreed that Cllr Maughan would keep CFPC informed of progress.

Action: AM

6.2.3 Underground Stream

Cllr Crawley raised concerns again regarding the dangers caused by the underground stream in icy conditions that rises on the hilly part of Gorse Hill Lane.  Cllr Crawley stated that this matter could be resolved quite easily by diverting the stream to a nearby ditch , however, the responses received to date from LCC had not been very encouraging.


It was agreed that Cllr Maughan would raise this issue with LCC again and keep CFPC informed of progress.    

Action: AM

6.3 Bench – Back Lane/Chapel Lane

1. In the absence of Cllr Sandy, Cllr Roberts referred the meeting to the proposal document previously issued that outlined the costs of options and the fact that at the previous meeting the decision had been made to issue a new specification for the base to the suppliers that had previously provided quotations for a new quotation for the work.  Cllr Roberts confirmed that this had been actioned and that the price as quoted for the original specification would be the same.


1. Based on this commitment it was proposed by Cllr Roberts that the project should be progressed with the installation of a new concrete base and the job awarded to the chosen contactor to complete the work for the specified and agreed sum of £475.

2. It was further proposed by Cllr Budden that this sum would be included in the financial accounts without budget allocation and would be off-set by the pending Ward Grant award of £200.

3. Based on these proposals it was agreed by all members with 1 abstention.      

Action: AR

Item 7. The Parish Environment

7.1 Planning       

7.1.1 New Planning Applications

There were no new planning applications to report.        

7.1.2      Planning Applications – Actioned

S19/2035 - Mr & Mrs G Rimmer, Frieston House , 45 Hough Road, Frieston, NG32 3BY.

Listed building consent for the removal of rear porch and erection of a timber framed rear entrance porch.

CFPC – Supported 16.12.19

S19/2044 - Mr & Mrs Hartford, 27 Old Lincoln Road, Caythorpe, NG32 3DF

Full Planning Permission - Erection of 1x dwelling with detached garage and associated works

CFPC - Comments Submitted to SKDC 19.12.19

S19/2107 - Mrs E Frazer-Darling, Land Adjacent St Vincents House , 47 Old Lincoln Road

Full Planning Permission - Erection of single dwelling

CFPC - Comments Submitted to SKDC 24.12.19

S19/2067 -  Mr Tim Dudfield, 9 High Street, Caythorpe

Erection of 1.2m high timber fence to front boundary

CFPC - Comments Submitted to SKDC 24.12.19

S19/2137 -  Mr Finney, 24 Arnhem Drive, Caythorpe

Tree Preservation Order - T5616 and T5619 2 x Sycamore - Fell due to fire damage

Tag 5620 Sycamore Reduce height by 5m due to defect in main stem at 14m

CFPC - Comments Submitted to SKDC 24.12.19

7.1.3      Decision Notices

PL/0159/19 - New Earth Solutions (West) Ltd, Caythorpe Heath Lane, Caythorpe,

Planning application for demolition of fire damaged building, erection of replacement waste management building

Approved by LCC – 26.11.19

S19/1695 & S19/1696 - Mr Peter Sowerby, Caythorpe Lodge, Old Lincoln Road.

Householder Application & Listed Buildings Application - Refurbishment of lodge including replacement extension.

Rejected by SKDC Planning – 09.12.19

S19/1682- Mrs Rosemary Foster, Frieston Old Place, 9 Frieston Green

Listed Building Consent - Partial demolition and rebuilding to remedy structural defects

Approved by SKDC Planning – 23.12.19

S19/1867 - Mr Ian Braybrook, Frieston Old Hall, 36 Hough Road, Frieston

Tree Preservation Order - Removal of 1 x heartwood tree

Approved by SKDC Planning – 28.11.19

S19/1913 - Mrs Jean Allen, 16 Old Lincoln Road

Tree Preservation Order - Reduce overhanging branches and crown raise Sycamore tree

Approved by SKDC Planning – 28.11.19

S19/1923 - Mr Peter Sowerby, The Lodge, Old Lincoln Road,

Discharge of Cond(s) Listed Building - Approval of details required by condition 2 (timescale) of S19/1209

Approved by SKDC Planning – 05.12.19

S19/1871 - Mr Cain, 25 Millfield Crescent, Caythorpe

Conversion of garage and small single storey extension at front of house

Approved by SKDC Planning – 17.12.19

S19/2009 - Mr R Burke, Park Lodge, Hough Road, Frieston

Trees in CA - Section 211 Notice - T1 Silver Birch - Reduce by maximum of 1m and reshape to prevent

unbalanced crown

Approved by SKDC Planning – 23.12.19

7.1.4 Other Planning Issues

Planning Notices

Cllr Roberts expressed concerns that the usual yellow notice had not been posted near recent planning application sites on or near to Old Lincoln Road and that to the best of his knowledge local residents had not received letters of intent regarding the planning application.


1.It was agreed that Cllr Milnes would speak to SKDC planning regarding this matter and to report back to CFPC       

Action: PM


Electric Storage Site – Caythorpe Heath Lane

Cllr Roberts expressed concerns regarding the surrounding area of the relatively new electric storage site under the project name of Mill Farm Storage.


1.It was agreed that Cllr Brooke would revisit the original decision notice S17/1611 to ascertain the conditions applied and to report findings back to the members.      

Action: RB

Planning Consultations

Cllr Brooke stated that despite previous agreement not all Councillors are returning a response to consultations within the agreed timescales.  Cllr Brooke reminded the meeting of the importance of having a collective view from the Parish Council so requested that this issue is urgently addressed and that a return is made to RB and the Parish clerk and all other councillors as requested.             

Action: All

7.1.5      Project Register

The Parish Clerk stated that there is a total of 16 live projects and also noted that 9 have closed since the last meeting and will be removed from the spreadsheet. This information will also be published on the Parish Council website        

7.1.6      Other Issues to Report

Eastcliffe Square

Cllr Milnes reported that there had been a delay with this project, however the plan is to erect a new panel fence to replace the troublesome overgrown hedge.  Cllr Roberts expressed concerns that the fence would still pose problems for commuters in not being able to see an approaching bus.


1.Based on the point made my Cllr Roberts it was proposed that should a problem remain following the erection of the fence that the possibility of attaching a convex mirror to the shelter to aid ‘bus spotting’ should be investigated and a paper to be produced containing costs for submission to CFPC for approval.           

Action: AR


Cllr Roberts reported that to date no further progress had been made regarding the hardboard used for recently installed noticeboards in Gorse Hill Lane and Lower Frieston Green.


1.It was agreed that Cllr Fritzsche would source a suitable backing board for both noticeboards and would endeavour to install as soon as possible.             

Action: NF

7.2 Other Maintenance issues   

7.2.1 Maintenance Register

The Parish Clerk referred to the updated document that had been issued prior to the meeting showing the expenditure on village maintenance. The report had been filtered to show details of the current financial year only to date.


1. No questions or comments were raised so the report was approved unanimously.

2. It was proposed that the information being gathered should be used for assisting future budget processes.           

7.2.2 Sewer Issues in Caythorpe and Frieston

The contact details of the LCC Flood Risk Manager have been sent to the parishioner on the High Street in relation to S19 of the Flood & Water Management Act 2010, following water ingress into his cellar.  Following advice from the Flood Risk manager, the matter will either come under the jurisdiction of  LCC or it will remain between the resident and Anglian Water. This matter is now closed.

There are no further developments or issues with the sewerage plant at Frieston.             

7.3 Other Topics for Discussion  

7.3.1Telephone Box removal – BT Consultation

Cllr Milnes confirmed that she had given support to the Parish Council for the retention of the telephone box and additionally stated that the submissions had now been returned to BT for consideration.

Cllr Roberts expressed concerns that the phone had been out of action for prolonged periods recently and that this issue had been reported by himself direct to BT.


1. It was agreed that the service issue as outlined by Cllr Roberts would continue to be monitored

Action: AR

7.3.2 Village Gates

In the absence of Cllr Betts, no additional information had been received regarding this project other than copies of communication regarding possible design and siting of gates.


1. It was agreed that this project was still open for future consideration so would be carried forward to the next PC meeting but only subject to a detailed proposal paper being issued, containing costs a proposed timescale in advance of that meeting            

Action: JB

7.3.2 New Committee Member Appointments - Planning

Further to the co-option of new councillors the need had been identified to appoint a new member to the Planning committee.


Following discussion  with proposed delegates prior to the meeting It was agreed that Cllr Linforth would be the new member for the Planning Committee with immediate effect. 

Item 8.- Community Safety – Report on Local Crime and Policing Matters

There was 1  crime or safety issue  reported on the Police Website since the last meeting and Councillors were urged to use the link to the police website,  provided with the agenda. for on-going monitoring.             

9.Community Activities by Portfolio Holder

These reports are attached at Appendix 4 and the following additions were noted.           

9.1 Emergency Plan

Cllr Allen issued GDPR consent forms to all Councillors present for signing.  Forms for the councillors absent will be delivered by hand for signing and return.


1.It was agreed that once all forms have been returned the draft report will be updated and circulated to all members for comment and approval.   

Action: JA  

9.2 Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Fritzsche reminded the meeting that Cllr Carpenter had issued an invitation to residents to show an interest in the Neighbourhood scheme versus the current Parish Plan and was pleased to report that interest had been received from 2 residents who would offer assistance in producing a new plan.

In the absence of Cllr Carpenter Cllr Fritzsche  outlined the pros and cons for a Neighbourhood Plan versus a Parish Plan and asked for comments.


1. It the absence of Cllr Carpenter and based on feed-back from attending Councillors it was proposed by Cllr Fritzsche that CFPC should adopt a Neighbourhood Plan despite a possible timescale of up to 3 years to complete.  This proposal was seconded by Cllr Crawley and agreed unanimously.

2. It was agreed that Cllr Carpenter would develop an action plan for the new Neighbourhood Plan involving all councillors for their respective portfolio responsibilities.

3. It was agreed that whilst the Neighbourhood Plan is being developed the existing Parish Plan would be rolled-on and updated as required.            

Action: JC

9.3 Litter Picking and the Big Clean

Following the issue of the portfolio report Cllr Roberts submitted suggestions for future areas where the Big Clean team can be allocated.


1. It was agreed that Cllr Crawley would submit these details to SKDC for inclusion in the next Big Clean phase.     

Action: AC

9.4Remembrance Day Planning

Cllr Roberts confirmed the need to acquire suitable signs in advance of the next Remembrance Day service and parade.  Signs to state ‘Remembrance Service in Progress’


1. It was agreed that Cllr Roberts would prepare a paper that would detail the precise requirements that would include the specification and costs for approval by the Parish Council.

2. It was agreed that Cllr Brooke would ensure that an Operational Order document is prepared that would outline all responsibilities and timings for all individuals involved.    

Action: AR, RB

9.5 Allotments

Cllr Roberts stated that it is understood that the Allotment Committee will be discussing the overhanging trees adjacent to the allotment site and to discuss  remedial requirements and cost.


1. It was agreed that Cllr Roberts would update the meeting with details as necessary.    

Action: AR

Item 10.- Items of Urgent Business

There were no items of urgent business reported             

11. Arrangements for Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 11th March 2020 beginning at 7.30 pm.        

Open Forum

County Councillor Cllr Maughan: Reported the following items of interest

Budget setting for 2020/21

Notes from budget briefing for members, setting out key aspects of the 2020/21 budget:

•             Government carried out one year spending review in 2019.

•             Fairer funding review is on hold.

•             Business Rates review deferred until April 2021.

•             Spending round outcome – 4.1% increase in local govt spending nationally.

•             Enable councils to increase council tax between 2-4%.

•             A 3% increase would generate £13.5m extra cash for LCC next year.

•             LCC lost over 81% in government grants since 2011/12.

•             In 2011/12 general grant was £211m; 2019/20 £20m though partly made up by other grants.

•             Overall LCC spend £600m on schools and £138m on children's services

•             Local Government finance remains uncertain, in particular adult social care funding.

•             LCC set to receive extra £14.7m for adult social care.

•             Better Care Fund (BCF) to remain consistent (approx. £46m to LCC).

•             LCC has a strong Adult Care model, forging good relationships with suppliers in a fragile market, but it will be difficult to maintain these suppliers if funding continues to be uncertain, as we can't renew contracts on a long term basis.

•             Reserves – Earmarked reserves at £189m in September 2019.

•             Reserves - £125m reserves.  £64m represents unspent grants and £34m schools underspend.

•             Reserves – 42 identified reserves could be removed releasing £10m next year.

•             Reserves – Financial Volatility Reserve (FVR) is £56m – looking to reduce this by £15m over the next 3 years.

•             Much stronger position than authorities such as Northamptonshire County Council.

•             Capital Programme – 10 year rolling programme totalling £545m which is used for projects such as Lincoln Eastern Bypass and Grantham Southern Relief Road.

•             Capital Programme – a large part of council expenditure is finance charges on loans.

•             Further details about the budget proposals will be released later in the month once they have been agreed by the Executive. They are then subject to scrutiny by all scrutiny committees in January, before going to the Full Council meeting  in February.


Appointment of Chief Executive

Debbie Barnes was appointed the new Chief Executive of Lincolnshire County Council at our Council meeting in December.

This appointment was made following a unanimous recommendation by the Council's cross-party Appointments Committee.

Debbie has been the Director of Children's Services since 2012 and will remain the Director of this service until a replacement is appointed in the coming months. Debbie has also been the Council's Head of Paid Service since the departure of our previous CEO, Keith Ireland, in 2018 and has worked for the authority since 2006.          

She officially takes up the new role of Chief Executive from 01 January 2020.

Working together for Greater Lincolnshire

The executive members of Lincolnshire County Council, North East Lincolnshire Council and North Lincolnshire Council are joining forces to better serve residents.

The 20 councillors assembled at County Offices in Lincoln to discuss how their authorities could work more closely together to provide residents with improved and more efficient services. 

Among the topics under consideration was collaboration across a range of key service areas. 

The councillors were also keen to give Greater Lincolnshire a stronger voice at a national level to ensure the area gets a fairer deal from central government in future.

The general election in December saw every constituency in Greater Lincolnshire elect a Conservative Member of Parliament, so we are optimistic that we can lobby as one voice to deliver improvements to transport and infrastructure in the region. Fairer funding and a devolution deal for Lincolnshire are key to securing this.


Campaign continues for A1 road improvements

Highways England are the authority responsible for delivering any potential improvements to the A1 in our region, but the County Council is taking a leading role in lobbying for the investment they need from Government .

At the last full council meeting in December I raised again concerns about the accident record of the A1 in our area, raising specifically the identified accident hotspots on the stretch between Long Bennington – Foston and the Toll Bar Road junction. Councillor Richard Davies, Executive Member for Highways, confirmed that work is underway to produce a business case setting out both the safety and economic arguments for much needed improvements.

Additionally, the Leader of the Council has met recently with the Road Minister in Grantham, setting out our concerns.

Councillor Davies has also indicated that a further A1 road safety & economic growth summit will be held with local stakeholders, including Parish Councils, once Highways England have completed the feasibility work they are currently undertaking.

One million tonne milestone for Lincolnshire’s Energy from Waste Facility (EfW):

The Lincolnshire Energy from Waste Facility is the place where our county waste is turned into green energy. The facility, owned by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) and operated by FCC Environment, has repurposed the waste into 554,000 Mwh of green energy for 29,000 local homes, and enabled the council to reduce the amount of rubbish to landfill by around 92 per cent.

County Council's Green Masterplan

A motion was passed at the full council meeting in May 2019 to commit the council to be carbon neutral by 2050. In 2020 we will be implementing projects that build upon the carbon management strategy in place, to meet the 2050 target. These projects will focus on the de-carbonisation of transport, property improvements, energy usage and involving the authority in the generation of energy. Government policies will also affect our local carbon footprint.

The council has already reduced its CO2 usage by 40% in the period 2008 - 2018 and we have a carbon management strategy in place to reduce this by a further 23% over the next few years.


District Councillor Cllr Milnes: Reported the following items of interest

•             The approval for £200 from the Ward Member Grant Scheme is imminent. It is to be spent on the base for the new bench.

•             The order for the street light next to the Frieston Bus Stop is with the contractors. It is slightly delayed due to the very wet weather.

•             The fence to replace the overgrown hedge at the bus stop near Eastcliffe Square is also with the contractors. This solution of a privacy fence will remove the hedge cutting problem and go some way to resolving the visibility issues from the bus stop.

•             I reinforced your views to keep the telephone box on the High Street and those views have gone forward to the decision maker. We await the outcome.

•             The request for a Tree Preservation Order on the stand of poplar trees on Frieston Heath Lane rests with the tree officer and I will update when a reply is received.

•             I have queried the lack of a yellow notice for planning application S19/2107 at St Vincent’s House, Lincoln Old Road and await a reply.

•             The appeal against refusal of an increase in clay pigeon shooting from 50 days to 120 days will take place at the end of February.

•             If residents are afflicted by noise from the shoot or kart tracks, noise report sheets should be completed and returned to Pete Rogers, Environmental Health Officer SKDC ensuring receipt of acknowledgement of receipt. This method should trigger official investigations.

SKDC Budget

The SKDC budget is under preparation. I am a member of the joint budget overview and scrutiny committee and I will report more fully in March.

Currently, the budget is secure for 2020/21 with healthy reserves. However, for example, there is a decline to nothing by 2024 in the receipts for the New Homes Bonus which will affect capital reserves for special projects. Government advice is awaited on new incentives/grants available to council for the next few years and in the interim the budget will plan for a squeeze. The £5 annual increase on Band D council tax will continue annually.

Local Plan

The Local Plan and Inspectors Report are now available for public viewing:

Caythorpe is in a list of ‘settlements were assigned ‘Larger Village’ status, recognising their roles as service centres, including for surrounding communities and rural areas:’ This could possibly increase pressure for development. I will update further in March.


Hot off the press is the appointment of a new CEO, Karen Bradford.


The appointment will be voted on at the next full council meeting on 30 January.


Public Attendance

The meeting was attended by 2 local residents and the following points were raised:

1.            Footpaths

It was reported that Dog Walkers using the footpath between Frieston (from Hough Road) and Caythorpe (to Frieston Road Opp. Holly Cottage) whilst crossing the field which is clear land between the two villages are not all adhering to the country code of practice and sticking to the footpath but are instead freely wandering across the entire field.

The parishioner in question was seeking the PC assistance with this issue and seeking approval to install signs requesting that the public remain on the footpath.


1.            It was agreed that CFPC would support this request and Cllr Allen offered to supply some dog waste signs.

2.            It was agreed that any on-going advice and help should be channelled through Cllr Graham the portfolio holder for footpaths.


Mid(UK) Recycling

In the absence of Simon Pattison, the Operations Director for Mid(UK) the following report was submitted in advance of the meeting,

1.            We are pleased to inform you that the Caythorpe site ended 2019 rated as an ‘A’ grade site under the Environment Agency’s Compliance Classification Scheme. Under this scheme, waste sites are rated ‘A’ to ‘F’, ‘A’ been the top performing sites with regard to compliance with the environmental permit conditions and ‘F’ been the worst performing sites. This is a positive achievement for the Caythorpe site.

2.            Night time cleaning and maintenance activities are continuing, and we are pleased that we have received no complaints relating to these activities on site. Having the ability to carry our cleaning and maintenance outside of normal operating hours has made a real difference to the performance of the site and has contributed to improvements in machinery efficiency, reduced fire risk, improved safety and general reductions in dust and odour.

3.            We have invested further in automatic fire suppression equipment, with 2 new deluge/sprinkler systems above two material storage bays.

4.            We have further invested in our fire alarm system on site. The fire alarm has been upgraded and is also now constantly monitored 24/7 by an external third party monitoring company.

5.            During the course of the year we have received several visits from LCC Planning Enforcement Team. I’m pleased to report that no issues were raised, and we are fully compliant with the terms of our planning permissions.

6.            We received planning permission to replace the fire damaged ‘pink shed’. At the moment, we have not scheduled the construction of a new building.

These are the key points to communicate at the meeting. If anyone has any questions or needs further information, please let me know. 


Appendix 1 – Accounts Authorised and Paid Since the Last Meeting

 Appendix 2 – Accounts Requiring Authorisation

 Appendix 3 – CFPC Management Accounts – 30.12.19


Appendix 4 – Community Activities by Portfolio Reports

The details in this section are reports from individual portfolio holders from which any additional matters arising were highlighted and discussed at the meeting.

1. Dog Fouling – Cllr J Allen

Nothing to report.

2. Emergency Plan - Cllr Allen

The plan and community resource document are ready to go off to Lincolnshire County Emergency Planning Group (LEPG) once the people whose personal data are included have returned consent forms to the Parish Clerk.  Once it is approved, we should receive an emergency box from LEPG and I will circulate the documents.

The list below is included in the plan template as individuals whose help we might need in an emergency. If any councillors have any of these resources and are willing to be added to the resource document, please would they let me know:-

•             4x4 owner/drivers

•             First aiders

•             Doctors

•             Child care professionals

•             Teachers

•             Dentists

•             Vets

•             People with equipment such as submersible pumps / chain saws etc.

•             RAYNET (Radio Amateurs’ Emergency Network)

3. Housing – Cllr Betts

Nothing to report.

4. Facebook Page - Cllr Betts

Village Facebook Page - Continues to work well in our ability to engage with parishioners and our Village Facebook Page now has 130 followers up from around 45 last year.

5. Village Gates and Signs- Cllr Betts

The visit to be arranged for the Village Gates with Rowan (hopefully next week). Yet on the positive side he has agreed in principle to all of the proposed locations as long as they are 600mm off the highway

6. Village Hall committee - Cllr Brooke

Nothing to report.

7. Playing Field committee - Cllr Budden

The Caythorpe Dash went well and raised funds for the PF. The next running event is scheduled for 1 March.

The bar in the pavilion has been redecorated and refurbished.

Next PF meeting is towards the end of January.

8. The Parish Plan - Cllr Carpenter

The neighbourhood plan has appeared a number of times on the agenda, the decision we are asking CFPC to take is whether we upgrade the existing ‘parish plan’ and renew it, or whether we go to create a new neighbourhood plan.

In the papers councillor Carpenter circulated to CFPC in 2019, he gave the pros and cons for staying with the ‘parish plan’ or creating a new ‘neighbourhood plan’,

in short, the benefits of creating the new neighbourhood plan would be that when we make submissions to SKDC, re planning applications or we are consulting on the district and County plans, tying them into our neighbourhood plan will give us a much stronger voice and case during our consultation. Financial support may be available for SKDC for its creation.

The disadvantages are that it is a lengthy process that may take up to 3 years to complete and we will need assistance from councillors and the public to complete it.

Councillor Carpenter circulated via our Facebook page , website and news and views a request for volunteers to come forward from the community of those who may be interested in taking part and assisting with the creation of a plan, two volunteers have come forward and both are prepared to help in the preparation of a plan, which is good news for us going forward, if we decide to create a neighbourhood plan. The current agenda of the CFPC is created from our parish plan and  the neighbourhood plan follows very closely those areas but not exactly, to the parish plans, this means ultimately we may need to adjust our meetings agendas to reflect this but also more importantly the portfolio holders for each area would be expected to prepare the section of the neighbourhood plan that their area covers.

This means that someone with a greater in depth of knowledge of that subject area is able to oversee the information going into the plan. Additionally, and to dig deeper into our knowledge base, it was suggested that we may contact a number of people who used to be on the parish council, but have now left, but retain a considerable amount of knowledge from their time there. This would also provide a strong and healthy, knowledgeable and accurate neighbourhood plan .

John is asking for us to make the decision

1 Do we want to move forward and create a new neighbourhood plan over the next 3 years whilst extending our existing parish plan to cover the interim period

2 Do we want to create a new Parish plan for the community having a lesser ability to support our consultations.

NB Paper issued by Cllr N Fritzsche in the absence of Cllr J Carpenter who is on holiday.

9.Litter Picking & The Big Clean - Cllr Crawley

Following an inspection of  South Heath Lane over the Christmas period when a lot of litter was present, contact was made with the manager at Mid(UK). He explained that this may have been due to minimum staffing levels over the holiday period and undertook to resume litter picking patrols early in the New Year. He also undertook to check that the new measures introduced to blow off the recycled solid fuel material from their vehicles prior to leaving their yard was being successfully carried out. A subsequent inspection revealed an improvement in the amount of litter present.

A suggestion has been received from a member of the public regarding placing signs on the A607 to try and reduce the amount of litter deposited. A copy of my response is available on request and comments are invited from councillors on this matter:-

Litter has started to accumulate on Gorse Hill and a call for volunteers to clear this area will be made shortly.

Our paid litter picker Ben Watson is due to go to university this September and if anyone knows of a suitable replacement then please contact myself or our Clerk Mel Stevens.

The Big Clean has been completed for 2019 and details have not yet been published for 2020. If anyone has a suggestion of what they would like to see cleaned and tidied up around the villages, then please let me know and I will make representations to SKDC. (Bear in mind that the Big Clean team only work on footpaths and roads with a speed limit of 30mph or less)

10.         News & Views - Cllr Fritzsche

It was the National Parish Magazine of the Year competition late in2019 in which our publication ‘News & Views’ came 21st out of 360 entries which was a great achievement.

They have the new software installed and have had some training. With it being so close to deadline and getting the magazine to the printers in good time, it entirely depends on the ease of use of the new software as to whether we go live with it for the February or March Edition.  They certainly don’t want a half-hearted attempt at the February Magazine with the new software, it needs to be an all singing, all dancing facelift of a magazine!  Time will tell...

The delivery people all got their thank you and they were gratefully received. Pete and Laura took nearly all of them themselves as they felt it important to do so as they hadn’t met a lot of them. It was a good exercise and although it was a small monetary amount, it was about the appreciation and dedication that each and every one of them shows.

11.         Footpaths – Cllr Graham

Overgrown bush adjacent to bus stop at Eastcliffe Square

The bush next to the bus stop was trimmed, allowing for easy viewing of oncoming buses from the bus stop enclosure. This is only a temporary solution though, whereby a fence will replace the hedge. As yet there is no date for the replacement of the hedge with the fence. This situation is being monitored.

Issue 1643803/12330 – Bin Post on Old Lincoln Road

The post holding the bin on Old Lincoln Road, at the end of the footpath from the High Street near the Primary School, was in a poor state of repair. This was reported to the council by Cllr Allen and has now been repaired.

Footpath damage

Building work being undertaken to a property on Old Lincoln Road resulted in some damage being caused to the footpath outside number 46. This was been reported on Fix My Street and has now been repaired.

Frieston Path

The surface of Frieston Path is becoming increasingly uneven, due in large part to tree root growth. This has been reported on Fixmystreet and the current status of this issue is ‘Investigating’.

Overgrown bushes blocking pathway in Millfield Crescent.

At the last meeting of the Parish Council a member of the public attending reported that a section of public footpath on Millfield Crescent. had become impassable due to overgrown vegetation. The Parish Council wrote to the residents next to the section of footpath. On recent inspection, the vegetation has now been trimmed back and the footpath is accessible once again.

Sensory Paving

This issue has been ongoing for some time now. On reviewing this, it appeared that the previous request for sensory paving at three separate locations was no longer appropriate; one location was to service the post office and this has now moved into the Village Store. With that in mind the Council approached Cllr Maughan with the revised request for paving at two locations, these being the Village Hall and Surgery, and a request to know where this request had reached in the process. Cllr Maughan responded that he would find out and provide the Council with an update.

Wall damage

The wall along the footpath from the High Street near the Primary School to the Old Lincoln Road is deteriorating in a number of places. This has been reported to the Council. It is unclear at this point who has responsibility for this wall and further investigation is required.

Footpath Diversion Caythorpe/Fulbeck

No progress in the last quarter.

12. Community Heartbeat – Cllr Linforth

In Februarys news and views, we are asking residents of Frieston if there is anyone willing to house the 4th defibrillator that the parish has. I have also started dropping slips through the doors in Frieston to see if that can bring forward anyone that could possibly help. I have also asked for this to go on the Parish Council Facebook page to reach out as much as possible. If we do not find anywhere suitable, we will house it somewhere in Caythorpe, and should we find another spot on Frieston at a later date, we can obtain a further defibrillator. 2 sites in Frieston that were suggested previously are listed buildings so the defibrillators cannot be fitted there.

I am also looking at sourcing a new defibrillator sign for the one on Chapel Lane as this has become damaged. 

13. Lives – Cllr Linforth

No changes so as per last update - At present we do not have a LIVES representative in Caythorpe, and maybe this is something we can look at changing.  I will start looking into what training is involved and the costs and can then start approaching the community to see if anyone is interested.

14.Hospital Car Scheme – Cllr Linforth

No changes so as per last update, however I feel that now we are in a new year it is maybe something we can approach the parish about to see if there would be any willing volunteers about.  I have spoken to the previous councillor responsible for this portfolio and have obtained the information of how this scheme works. The Parish Councils involvement is more a stamp of approval and the passengers themselves arrange with the drivers collection/payment/pickup times etc. However, I need to contact previous drivers to see if they are willing/able to do this prior to launching a new scheme. 

15.Highways - Cllr Sandy

Nothing to report.

16.         Allotment committee - Cllr Roberts

The Committee meeting is on 27/01/20 at 7pm. The AGM will be on a date to be fixed in March.   I am unaware of any plot vacancies. The west side tree overhangs from the adjacent plot between the allotments and the burial ground are due to be discussed.

There are no financial issues of note.

Let us hope for a decent growing season when the ground dries out.

17.         Burial Ground – Cllr Roberts

An oak replacement post has been bought for the entrance gate. A report on the repair of the gate is awaited, I have no time scale. A request for a visit by the mole catcher has been made due to a number of mole hills appearing which will cause problems when the grass is cut. 

As explained by Chairman Neil a decision to instruct the contractor to begin work on the path refurbishment must be considered.

 The burial ground looks neat and tidy and I  believe a credit to the community.

18.         War Memorial & Remembrance Day - Cllr Roberts

The War Memorial area is neat and tidy. However, a decision on repainting the posts and chains around the memorial will have to be taken as the paint is starting to peel off. They were painted in the Airborne Brigade colours; I  can see no reason that the Army be asked to repaint them as they painted them last time. I will  take advice from Bob Greybrook who is in touch with the Army at Beckingham Camp.