March 2019 Minutes

Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 20th March 2019
Present: Councillors: B Nelson (Chairman)
R Dix,G Ashcroft, R Brooke,R Mountain,N Fritzsche,H Root,R Greybrook,A Roberts,M Woodward
District Councillor R Sampson
County Councillor A Maughan
Clerk: M Stevens
1. Apologies for Absence. 
Cllr Budden
2. Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act 
There were no declarations of interest.
3. Approval of minutes of the Parish Meeting held on 9th January 2019
3.1 These minutes were presented to the meeting for approval 
Agreed unanimously that the minutes are a true record and were signed by the Chairman
4. Parish Clerk’s Report – To Update on matters occurring since the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda.
4.1 There were no items to report
5. May Elections
5.1 Cllr Nelson reported that following the SKDC briefing session nomination forms had been issued to known candidates.  Cllr Nelson went on to reiterate the importance of adhering to the published timetable and that completed forms had to be delivered by hand to SKDC offices.
5.2 MS stated that to date only 3 existing Councillors wish to re-stand for election and 1 is still undecided.  In total 8 Election packs had been issued and of these 5 have been issued to new nominees.
MS also reminded the meeting that all Candidates and Sponsors will require their Electoral Roll number when completing the form and that this is available from the Parish Clerk.
The Acceptance of Office document will need to be signed by all new Councillors before the start of the May meeting
Subsequently, councillors will have to sign the code of conduct and Declaration of Interests documents
All new Councillors will be issued with the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations documents.
Agreed: that this plan should be progressed as planned.
5.3 Cllr Ashcroft proposed to the meeting that following the election of the new Council every assistance would be offered form outgoing Councillors to ensure a smooth transition period.
Agreed: that this initiative should be progressed.
6 Financial Matters:
6.1 Authorisation of BACS/Cheque Payments
The Chairman circulated two documents for approval by the Councillors of invoices approved and paid since the last meeting and invoices to be approved for payment.  
See Appendix 1 & 2 for details.
Resolved: that the payments were approved for payment
6.2 Review and Approval of CFPC Accounts
6.2.1 Management Accounts and the Balance Sheet for CFPC previously circulated to members were presented to the meeting.
Resolved: that the accounts were approved unanimously
6.3 General Data Protection Regulations
6.3.1 Cllr Ashcroft advised that as stated at the previous meeting there is the requirement for Councillors to sign the GDPR Security Compliance Checklist. Personalised forms were circulated at the meeting and returned by all duly signed confirming that all actions required by the GDPR regulations had been actioned and would be adhered too in the future.
6.3.2 Cllr Ashcroft reminded the meeting that GDPR came into effect May 2018 and as members would recall LCPAS were appointed to become the council’s Data Protection Officer (DPO). The members were asked to approve this annual payment of £150.  
Resolved: This was seconded by Cllr Greybrook and approved unanimously.
6.4 War Memorial
6.4.1 Cllr Greybrook reported that there is an ongoing commitment for CFPC to ensure that the memorial is kept in good order. There will be periodic checks/inspections and in addition members of the public are able to access the website to report any concerns relating to the condition of the Memorial
6.4.2 Cllr Greybrook confirmed that since the last meeting Western Power had installed a series of Pigeon Diverters to the cable that were appearing to be effective.
6.4.3 MS reported that approval had been obtained from SKDC to remove overhanging branches, which could further help to alleviate the pigeon problems.  This work is planned and would be completed before the end of the month when the Memorial would undergo another clean. This work to be arranged with the local contractors based on the quotations already received. Agreed: unanimously to approve this plan of action.
Action: AR. MS
6.5 Laptop Reclaim
6.5.1 Cllr Dix referred the meeting to an email previously received from Caythorpe Preschool that asked for consideration for the future of the redundant Laptop now in possession of the Parish Council.
It was proposed that before making a decision the local community should be made aware of the availability of this device and as a result of this proposal it was agreed that a note to this effect would be added to the next edition of News and Views so that any other applications could be considered.  Furthermore, it was proposed that following this evaluation the matter would be considered again at the next meeting by members of the new Parish Council.
Cllr Roberts proposed that the device was fully cleansed of PC data before passing on and Cllr Ashcroft confirmed that this would be actioned by an IT specialist.
This proposal was seconded by Cllr Brooke and agreed unanimously to approve this plan of action.
Action: All, MS
6.6 New Laptop – Revised Agreement
6.6.1 Cllr Nelson stated that further to the minutes of the previous meeting a formal letter of agreement was produced confirming that the Laptop would remain the property of the CFPC and would need to be returned when the editors vacated their posts. This has yet to be signed by the editors of N&V, but it is understood that this requirement had been followed up recently and would be actioned within the next week,
MS also confirmed that the Parish Clerk’s Employment Contract had been revised to incorporate this new clause and had been agreed and signed by the Parish Clerk and Chairman.
Agreed: unanimously to approve this plan of action.
Action: MS
6.7 Audit of Accounts – 2018/19
6.7.1 MS reported that PKF Littlejohn the appointed external auditors have held another webinar this year that will update any changes made from the previous year. Information, instructions, AGAR and other forms and templates will be available from 25th March for downloading and completion of account details relating to Parish Council accounts and affairs for year ending 31st March 2019.
Agreed: unanimously to approve this plan of action.
Action: MS
6.7.2 MS also reported that the internal auditor (JC) had been emailed requesting services again for this year and to date is awaiting a response.
7. Transport and Highways
7.1 Parking and Highways Issues within the Parish
7.1.1 Cllr Nelson invited LCC County Councillor Maughan to update the meeting on the results of his ongoing discussions with LCC Highways on the following highway areas: 
1. Back Lane - LCC Highways had apologised for having to push the work back into FY19/20, however the reason was because Highways had decided to increase the scope of the works proposed for the site. The aim at this stage is to try and compete the work by the Easter School Holidays 2019. 
• Cllr Nelson stated that he had met LCC surveyors on site and that based on the proposed closure of Back Lane the project to add a parking area is going ahead.
2. Bus Stop Markings/Signage.  It was confirmed that these would be the subject of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and together with the High Street TRO a draft scheme is going forward for consultation. Cllr Maugham will forward the draft proposals to the CFPC for agreement as soon as they are received. It was anticipated that the daft consultation would be received within the first quarter of this year with aim of completing the work by end 2019.
• Cllr Maughan agreed to seek clarity from LCC Highways over the proposed revised timescale and to report finding to CFPC   
3. High Street TRO – To be included as part of draft consultation as advised above.
• As outlined above
4. Hump-Backed Bridge & Caythorpe Heath Lane – PGL Bend. -  A quote is being put together by LCC Highways for improvements including signage and road markings.
• Cllr Maughan agreed to speak with Mid (UK) to ascertain their commitment to a contribution towards this work.
• It is understood that ‘SLOW’ signage would be painted on the road either side of the bridge.
5. Sensory Pavement Pads.   LCC Highways will be looking to fund and action this FY.
• Cllr Maughan reported that no update had been received since the last meeting
7.2 Cllr Fritzsche raised concern about damage to kerbstones situated opposite Hough Road, Frieston that were in urgent need for action by LCC Highways. It was proposed that MS would visit the site to ascertain the damage and to log the problem with Highways
Action: MS 
8. The Parish Environment
8.1 Planning
8.1.1 Mid UK - Review and Approval of actions arising from the Planning Meeting held 27th February
1. PC to review and to approve submission made to LCC planning objecting to the applications by Mid (UK) to increase working hours.
2. Review recently circulated email from Cllr Maughan providing update of his discussions with LCC since planning meeting. Items of note:
3. LCC may be planning to accept application but will propose imposing stringent conditions on any variation that may be approved.
4. Also looking to put some conditions on lighting, and they will be asking Mid UK to submit a lighting scheme considering the recent complaints from the PC.
Way Forward
a) Should the CFPC hold to our objections as written?
b) Do the CFPC want to issue further submissions?
c) Prepare for LCC Planning Meeting to be held Monday 13 May.
• It was agreed that the CFPC existing objection, as submitted on 5 March 2019, would remain, however, additional comments highlighting the issue of planning conditions would be prepared in advance of the proposed LCC planning meeting.
• It was agreed that Cllrs Dix and Ashcroft would hold a meeting to formulate new proposals and submit further objections as soon as possible.
Agreed Unanimously to approve the action plan and items discussed at Planning Meeting held on 27.02.19
Action: RD/ GA
8.1.2 New Applications
S19/0264 - 15 Wheatgrass Lane - single storey extension to bungalow. Response required from Councillors by 3 April.
Recommend CFPC submit no objections
8.1.3 Applications Actioned
S19/0113 - 1 High Street, Caythorpe, - single storey extension to dwelling and roof lift to garage to provide annexe accommodation
Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council (CFPC) submitted no objections to this proposal
S18/0968 - 20B Old Lincoln Road - Planning appeal to the Secretary of State. 
CFPC maintained previous objections.
8.1.3 Decision Notices
S18/2059 - The Rectory, 45B Old Lincoln Road - erection of single storey rear extension and alterations to existing roof to form a balcony to the front elevation.
Granted Planning Permission subject that flat roof area of the approved scheme should not be used as a roof terrace or balcony. Access to the flat roof areas shall be for maintenance purposes only.
S18/1963 - 60 High Street, Caythorpe –Single storey extension to existing dwelling, replacement storage building, new garage and conversion of existing barn to form living area for main dwelling.
Planning permission granted.
S18/2153 - 4 Old Lincoln Road – Tree Preservation Order - 20% reduction and crown thin of 1 x beech tree 
Work Allowed 16th January 2019. 
S18/2293 - Chestnut Lodge, 16 Frieston Road - tree work in a conservation area. 
Work Allowed 24th January 2019
S18/2230 & 2294 - The Cottage, 7 Frieston Green - tree work in a conservation area 
Work Allowed 24th January 2019
S18/2223 – 17 Church Lane, Caythorpe, new single dwelling on land at rear of existing building. 
Granted Planning Permission
S1/2354/S18/2353/S18/2352/S18/2355.- Caythorpe Hall - Construction of a Conservatory.  
Local Planning Authority has declined the application. 
PL/0133/18 - Mid UK Caythorpe processing of waste glass and aggregates. Approved subject to conditions concerning Lighting, including fact that no external lighting shall be installed on site unless details of such lighting, including intensity of illumination and predicted lighting contours, are submitted to and approved in writing by the Waste Planning Authority.
S19/0357 – Caythorpe War Memorial - Tree Work  
Work Allowed 8th March 2019
S19/0168 - S18/1330 Manor Farm, 21 Hough Road, Frieston, - Conversion to holiday let (resubmission S18/1330/) – 
Granted Planning Permission subject to conditions – 19th March 2019
8.1.4 Project Register
MS stated that there is a total of 39 live projects of which 12 relate to the recent applications from Mid (UK).  Also note that 8 have closed since the last meeting and will be removed from the spreadsheet.  This information will also be published on the Parish Council website.
Agreed unanimously to approve the Report
8.1.5 Other Issues to Report
There were no other issues to report
8.2 Dog Fouling
8.2.1 Cllr Greybrook reported that the bins continue to be very well used, although there continues to be quite a problem with fouling especially on Back Lane and Frieston Path.
Having contacted SKDC Environmental Services about the problem they will now be sending, on an ad hoc basis, an Enforcement Officer. Unfortunately, they are unable to say how regularly as this depends on their work load, however, they would challenge dog owners regarding the carrying of waste bags and using disposal bins provided by CFPC.      Agreed unanimously to approve the Report
8.3 Social Housing
8.3.1 Cllr Nelson stated that the recent site meeting was very productive and that an action plan would now be devised by SKDC Planning for consideration during May.
8.4 Other Maintenance Issues
8.4.1 Maintenance Register
Cllr Nelson referred to the updated document that had been issued prior to the meeting that monitors the expenditure of village maintenance. The sub totals are by category type, by suppliers, and for the 50 weeks to date show a total spend of £5,854.64.  This figure is split into sub-categories and as previously reported pavement clearance totals £673.35 within the groundwork category of £895.95
Agreed unanimously to approve the Report
8.4.2 Burial Ground
Cllr Roberts advised that there were no specific issues to be reported relating to the burial ground other than some pruning work to adjacent trees, previously approved, was underway and that the contracted Envo-Tech were doing an effective job in controlling the moles.
Agreed unanimously to approve the Report
8.4.3 Frieston Notice Board, Defibrillator and Post Box
• Cllr Greybrook advised that a householder has come forward who is amenable to having the unit located on their property with access to an electricity supply They are having a wall built, when this is completed the unit can be fixed there.
• Cllr Roberts reported that a quotation to supply and fit a new notice board on Frieston Green had been received for the sum of £680 and members were asked to approve this sum so that work could be started.
• It was proposed by Cllr Roberts that the new notice board should be situated on the lower part of the green.  The exact position to be specified at later date.
Agreed: Seconded by Cllr Ashcroft and unanimously approved the sum quoted.
• MS reported that despite emailing Royal Mail Customer Services regarding a replacement Mail Box for Frieston Green, no response had been received and furthermore reported that a follow-up email had been sent recently.
• MS went on to report that having called in to the Grantham distribution centre it was stated that under new ruling the intention maybe not to replace if the level of previous use fell below the required level.  MS to continue to seek answers and report back as soon as additional information becomes available.  Agreed: that this plan is progressed as defined above
Action: AR
8.4.4Footpath Issues
Cllr Nelson referred the meeting to a quotation that had been received via Cllr Roberts (previously issued) where the local contractor would clear the pavement on the A607 between Caythorpe and the Fulbeck boundary for the sum of £350.  Councillors considered this proposal and it was agreed that;
• Before making a decision Fulbeck Parish Council would be approached to ascertain if they would be prepared to agree to have their section of the same pathway cleared and to share some of the cost.  MS to contact Fulbeck Parish Clerk,
• Cllr Roberts added a second proposal that in the immediate timescale the worst areas on he pathway are cleared, however, Cllr Nelson advised that this issue should be discussed again at the next meeting for the new Parish Council to consider.
• Cllr Roberts raised the on-going issue of the overhanging hedge on the corner of Eastcliffe Square that continues to obstruct the view from the adjacent bus shelter of on-coming busses.
It was agreed that MS would speak with the Housing Officer to see if a long-term plan is available to rectify this issue.
Agreed: that this plan is progressed as defined above
Action: MS
8.5 Old Post Office – Parking Review
8.6.1 Cllr Ashcroft confirmed that he had received verbal advice from SKDC that the 2 known premises in the village that had once had commercial licences were now classed as residential.
MS confirmed that no additional update on the remaining actions had been received since the last meeting, of which were recorded as below: 
1. The issue of vehicles owned by the owner of the Old Post Office and whether they were parking on land owned by LCC or not would be raised with LCC.
2. Regarding questions of illegal parking on the grounds adjacent to the Police Building on Old Lincoln Road reported at the last meeting, it was agreed that the CFPC would write to the individuals concerned as opposed to the police.
Action: RD, BN
8.7 Sewer Issue in Frieston
8.7.1 It was noted that at prior to the previous meeting Cllr Fritzsche had circulated an extensive email summarising the issues concerning flooding that has occurred in the parish over past few years, the most recent being at Owl House, Frieston Road. So that this could be progressed Cllr Maughan again requested sight of the email and stated he would to take up the matter with LCC and report back accordingly. 
It was noted that Cllr Maughan had asked for information regarding exact dates of the flooding and to date had only received information relating to one occurrence.  Cllr Fritzsche agreed to seek out additional information and forward to Cllr Maughan as a matter of urgency.
Agreed: that this plan is progressed as defined above
9. Community Safety – Report on Local Crime and Policing Matters
9.1 Community Emergency Planning
9.1.1 Cllr Fritzsche, at the previous meeting reported that the completed emergency plan had been forwarded to the Emergency Planning Coordinator and he was waiting on a response. 
Cllr Fritzsche reported that a response had finally been received and it was suggested that the plan should now be tested in the form of a practical exercise.  Cllr Fritzsche stated that he had advised that this was impractical at the present due to the pending council changes when the plan would have to be revised to reflect these changes.  Once done the proposal would be reviewed by the new parish council. 
Agreed: that this plan is progressed as defined above
Action: NF
9.2 Local Crime and Policing Matters
9.2.1 There were no policing matters to report
10. Community Activities
10.1 Litter Picking /The Big Clean
Cllr Brooke reported that another extensive litter picking exercise had recently taken place on Gorse Hill Lane.
Agreed that this approach is supported and should be progressed on an on-going exercise.
10.2 Allotment Committee
Cllr Ashcroft referred to the report that had been previously issued and reported that Allotment members are gearing their plots for the new growing season and in addition have continued with maintenance and housekeeping of the vacant plots. 
The allotment association were extremely grateful to Mid UK this year who generously supplied the association with a couple of loads of compost as well as a supply of wood chippings.  The wood chippings have been spread on the path adjacent to the allotments to soak up the mud when the wetter weather appears, which off course benefits the local walking group and all those using the footpath.
Two new members have recently taken up plots and there are now only 2 vacant plots one large and one small.
Finally, the Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 1st April 2019 at 7.00pm in The Sports Pavilion, Old Lincoln Road, Caythorpe and will be open all Members of the allotment association and to the General Public.
Agreed: To approve the report
10.3 Playing Field Committee
Cllr Nelson referred to the report that had been issued prior to the meeting and reported that activities at the playing Fields continued to be low.  The finances are still sound even though overall the operation is losing money. The problem could be addressed with an injection of new members to the committee.
Cllr Nelson also stated that the new Parish Council, once elected, and Playing Field Committee would have to maintain the current relationship with 216 Parachute Regiment to ensure the continued support for the Annual Gala and Remembrance Day.
Cllr Dix recorded dismay in respect of the content of the report made by Cllr Nelson and hoped that the new Parish Council would continue to support the Playing Fields in the future. 
It was also stated by Cllr Dix that the Playing Field Committee have not met since October 2018 and was concerned that as they receive a grant of public money that this may raise a question within the controls of governance. 
Agreed: To approve the report
10.4 Village Hall Committee 
Cllr Greybrook referred to the report that had been issued prior to the meeting and reported that the monthly Table Top Sale & Village Breakfast continues to thrive, with the breakfast takings being a great source of income for the hall. Thanks to all volunteers for ensuring its success. 
Various forthcoming events are
• April 6th – 14:00 to 17:00hrs Lincoln Owl Rescue Centre will be bringing along owls from the centre – this was a huge success when they last visited
• May 2nd - the VH will be the Village Polling Station
• May 9th – 19:30hrs – “The Old Hat Jazz Band” will be performing in the Hall – this a being promoted by “Live & Local” which is sponsored by LCC, SKDC and The Arts Council England. It is heavily subsidised by these organisations. 
• Fast forwarding to December 15th – there will be a family pantomime, “Jungle Book” performed by the same theatre group as last year
Agreed: To approve the report
10.5 News & Views.   
Cllr Nelson advised that the production of this excellent magazine is in the safe hands of our Joint Editors
Agreed: To approve the report
10.6 Community Heartbeat. 
Cllr Greybrook referred to the report that had been issued prior to the meeting and reported that 3 of the units are in working order, checked weekly, and a report sent to CHT monthly. One of the units (Village Hall) was used but was not deployed. Agreed: To approve the report
10.7 Hospital Car Scheme. 
Cllr Nelson stated that this scheme has worked very well for many years with little or no input from the PC but now is perhaps the time to have a look at how this could work over the next few years. The scheme is now very dependent on limited resources and efforts should be encourage new recruits to this service to the local community.  It was stated that hopefully the new Parish Council would continue to support this initiative.
Agreed: To approve the report
11. Concluding Comments and Thanks from the Chairman
11.1 Cllr Nelson gave a heartfelt finish to the meeting by thanking the whole group for their team effort throughout this term of office and for making some good decisions on behalf of the community.  Special thanks were given to individuals for their outstanding contributions which had resulted in the Parish Council being left in fine fettle to be taken over by the new Council in May.
Cllr Dix replied by thanking Cllr Nelson for his leadership over all of the years that he had devoted to the Parish Council.
12. Arrangements for Next Meeting
The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Council meeting and will be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 8th May 2019 beginning at 7.15 pm.  This meeting will be preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting which will commence at 6.30 p.m.
Open Forum 
Cllr Nelson proposed that following the appointment of the new Council that County Councillors and District Councillors should issue a brief report of items to be covered to all members prior to the meeting to be developed and enhanced at the meeting.
County Councillor Cllr Maughan: Reported the following items of interest:
1. LCC had accepted the central government option to increase Council Tax by an additional 1% to a total of 4.9%, which will give LCC a budget of £461M for the delivery of services in the next FY. 
2. LCC is still under severe financial constraints much of which is due to the 80% reduction in the government grant to the LCC over the past 7/8 years.
3. The additional funding awarded to LCC for Highway projects will, result in an increase in FY 19/20 in the frequency cycle of weed control, grass cutting and gully cleaning. 
4. Heritage – A consultation is underway on the relocation of some of the artwork displays from the Usher Gallery to an alternative location. However, there are no plans to close the Usher Gallery.
5. NHS – As part of the ongoing NHS consultation review, Grantham Hospital is planned to be selected as the main centre for Elective Services in the area and a 24-hour urgent treatment centre established, led by GPs, supported by acute nurses. However, it will not be reopened as A& E unit. 
Finally, Cllr Maughan requested that the CFPC note that LCC are not a health decision maker.
District Councillor Cllr Sampson: Reported the following items of interest 
1. Issued a certificate following the Ward Members Grant Scheme where the sum of £200 had been awarded to CFPC.
2. Long Bennington Highways meeting – Hoping to take forward comments made by delegates who attended.
3. Brandon Shoot – Reported his concern that the shoot is still operating despite being in breach of planning conditions. A recent application to increase the number of shoots had been refused by SKDC and an appeal had been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate. However, the inspectorate is overloaded and currently has 69-day backlog of appeals to action. 
4. The SKDC budget meeting was held on 1st March 19 which had a 21-point agenda of which he considered 18 were relevant including the one which granted permission to levy £5 Parish Council Tax increase on a band D property, He also reported that SKDC had stated that they were one of the lowest rateable authorities in the country. 
5. He was Standing down as District Councillor at the next election and gave his thanks to Caythorpe the Parish Council for all the support and assistance he had received over his term in office. 
Cllr Dix on behalf of the CFPC thanked Cllr Sampson for all his help and support over many years in office as District Councillor and wished him every success in his retirement.
Public Attendance
Cllr Nelson introduced attendees to the meeting one of those being Mrs Penny Milnes who is the independent candidate for Heath Ward and is currently on the PC at Hough.
There were no items discussed in the section of the meeting.