January 2019 Minutes

Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th January 2019


Councillors: B Nelson (Chairman),R Dix ,G Ashcroft, R Brooke, M Budden, N Fritzsche, R Greybrook, A Roberts, M Woodward

District Councillor: R Sampson

County Councillor: A Maughan



1. Apologies for Absence

Parish Clerk M Stevens, Cllrs. Root and Mountain              

2. Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act

There were no declarations of interest.  

3. Approval of minutes of the Parish Meeting held on 21st November 2018        

3.1 These minutes were presented to the meeting for approval

Agreed unanimously that the minutes are a true record and were signed by the Chairman              

4. Parish Clerk’s Report – To Update on matters occurring since the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda.           

4.1 Due to the absence of the Parish Clerk there were no additional items to report.        

5. May Elections             

5.1 Cllr Nelson reported that all actions agreed at the last meeting had been implemented.  He also stated that he had received enquiries from three parishioners about the role of a Parish Councillor who appeared to be very interested.    

5.2 Cllr Nelson further reminded the meeting that at the next parish council meeting in March, it would be necessary to determine the way forward regarding responsibilities and actions required in preparation for the new council following the May elections.

Agreed: that this plan should be implemented as soon as possible          

Action: BN

6. Financial Matters       

6.1 Authorisation of BACS/Cheque Payments      

The Chairman circulated a document for approval by the Councillors of invoices approved and paid since the last meeting.  It was noted that there were no other invoices submitted for approval

Resolved: that the payments were approved for payment             

6.2 Review and Approval of CFPC Accounts         

6.2.1 Management Accounts and the Balance Sheet for CFPC previously circulated to members were presented to the meeting.

Resolved: that the accounts were approved unanimously           

6.3 Approval of Recommended Precept Increase 2019/20             

6.3.1 Cllr Nelson stated that a notice referring to this increase had been published in the last News and Views publication inviting any views from residents of the Parish.  He reported that he had received no enquiries and members also confirmed that they had not had any questions.. On this basis, the proposed increase of 2% was seconded by Cllr Fritzsche and unanimously agreed by the members that the final figures would be submitted by the Parish Clerk to SKDC finance department within the agreed timescale.

Resolved: that the budget outline plan and recommended Precept increase of 2% was approved unanimously

Action: MS

6.4 General Data Protection Regulations

6.4.1 Cllr Ashcroft confirmed that with one exception, which would be resolved this week, the new email addresses had been set-up, and are now in use by all Councillors and that details have been updated on the Parish Website.            

6.4.2 Cllr Ashcroft advised that the other action that will require attention will be for Councillors to sign the GDPR Security Compliance Checklist and that this would be sent to all councillors for action in advance of the next meeting.     

Action: MS

6.4.3 Cllr Ashcroft reminded the meeting that GDPR came into effect May 2018 and as members would recall LCPAS were appointed to become the council’s Data Protection Officer (DPO). As this will need to be renewed in May 2019, approval would be sought for the £150 fee for 2019/20 at the next meeting     

6.5 War Memorial Cleaning        

6.5.1 Cllr Greybrook confirmed that since the last meeting the Grant sum of £1700 from the WMT had been received and acknowledged.       

6.5.2 Cllr Roberts confirmed that since the last meeting Western Power had attended the site and had resolved the immediate issue of pigeons by installing a different type of cable.  It was also noted that they would be willing to look at other solutions if required and had agreed to make plans to remove the redundant pole nearby, located in Mrs Blakemore’s garden.               

6.5.3 Cllr Roberts sought further agreement to arrange for the removal of additional over hanging branches, which could further help to alleviate the pigeon problems. It was agreed that Cllr Roberts would provide the clerk with details including photographs of the offending branches and the clerk would write to Mrs Blakemore to seek her support for this action. Cllr Greybrook reminded the meeting that there is an ongoing requirement for the CPFC to ensure the war memorial is kept in good order and that periodic checks/inspections would be made by the WMT. Failure to adequately maintain the memorial could result in the grant being reclaimed... Agreed: unanimously to approve this plan of action. 

Action: MS/ AR

6.6 Laptop Reclaim         

6.6.1 Cllr Nelson confirmed that this issue would be concluded by the end of January.     

Action: BN

6.7 New Laptop Application for News and Views

6.7.1 Cllr Nelson reminded the meeting that the council had previously agreed in principle for the provision of a Laptop for use by the News and Views (N&V) team, which in addition to helping them to produce the magazine at an even higher standard, would enable the council to meet its GDPR requirements. A detailed laptop quotation put together on behalf of the N&V team had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting for comment. After detailed discussions on the pros and cons of the proposal it was agreed that the council would authorise the expenditure of up to a maximum £900 ex VAT for a laptop, including appropriate Internet Security & Anti-Virus software. Microsoft Office 365 software would be shared via the subscription already held by the Parish Clerk. Further it was agreed that a formal letter of agreement would be produced to be signed by the editors of N&V confirming that the Laptop would remain the property of the CFPC and would need to be returned when the editors vacated their posts.

Agreed: unanimously to approve this plan of action.

Action: MS

6.8 CFPC – Insurance Premium Renewal 2019-20              

6.8.1 Cllr Nelson reminded the meeting that year 3 of 3 would be submitted by Came and Company for the next year cover.  Subject to checking the value requested by the Parish Clerk this would be paid by the due date od 16th March 2019     

7.Transport and Highways          

7.1 Parking and Highways Issues within the Parish            

7.1.1 Cllr Nelson invited LCC County Councillor Maughan to update the meeting on the results of his ongoing discussions with LCC Highways on the following highway areas:

•Back Lane - LCC Highways had apologised for having to push the work back into FY19/20, however the reason was because Highways had decided to increase the scope of the works proposed for the site. The aim at this stage is to try and compete the work by the Easter School Holidays 2019.

•Bus Stop Markings/Signage.  It was confirmed that these would be the subject of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and together with the High Street TRO a draft scheme is going forward for consultation. Cllr Maugham will forward the draft proposals to the CFPC for agreement as soon as they are received. It was anticipated that the daft consultation would be received within the first quarter of this year with aim of completing the work by end 2019.  

•High Street TRO – To be included a part of draft consultation as advised above.

•Hump-Backed Bridge & Caythorpe Heath Lane – PGL Bend. -  A quote is being put together by LCC Highways for improvements including signage and road markings.

•Sensory Pavement Pads.   LCC Highways will be looking to fund and action this FY.          

7.2 Cllr Roberts highlighted the poor state of the Caythorpe to Fulbeck and Caythorpe to Normanton footpaths. It was agreed that the clerk should write to LCC Highways requesting they fund the necessary works to improve the footpath.

Cllr Dix requested Cllr Maughan to draw LCC highways attention to the issue. of the dangerous pot holes on Gorse Hill Lane, the poor state of Frieston Heath Lane and the problems at Badger Corner, Hough Road. It was agreed that the clerk would pass the previous log entry details to Cllr Maughan.


8.The Parish Environment          

8.1 Planning       

8.1.1      S18/2223 - 17 Church Lane, Caythorpe, Full Planning Permission for new single dwelling on land at rear of existing building. Having reviewed the application at the meeting the CFPC decided not to support the application.             

8.1.2      Applications Actioned

PL/0133/18 – Mid UK Caythorpe - Change of use to allow combined processing of waste glass & recovered C & D aggregate.

Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council (CFPC) broadly supported the application subject that the proposed scheme would not entail any increase in the tonnage of materials to be processed nor any increase in vehicular activity associated with the Caythorpe MRF. The CFPC also highlighted concerns/observations regarding drainage, possible light pollution/tolerances and visual impact on PGL.

S18/2059 - The Rectory, 45B Old Lincoln Road - erection of single storey rear extension and alterations to existing roof to form a balcony to the front elevation. Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council (CFPC) submitted no objections in principle subject to  reservations concerning the proposed balcony and the possible impact on the privacy and residential amenity of surrounding residents.

S18/2130. - EIA Development of a 55km potable water pipeline from Lincoln to Grantham. on behalf of Anglian Water.        

Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council (CFPC) submitted no objections to this proposal

S18/2153 - 4 Old Lincoln Road – Tree Preservation Order - 20% reduction and crown thin of 1 x beech tree

Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council (CFPC) submitted no objections to this proposal

S18/2293 - Chestnut Lodge, 16 Frieston Road - tree work in a conservation area

Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council (CFPC) submitted no objections to this proposal

S18/2230 & 2294 - The Cottage, 7 Frieston Green - tree work in a conservation area

Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council (CFPC) submitted no objections to this proposal

S18/1963 - 60 High Street, Caythorpe – Revised Plans Submitted 19 Dec for Single storey extension to existing dwelling, replacement storage building, new garage and conversion of existing barn to form living area for main dwelling. Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council (CFPC) maintained their previous comments made in respect of this application (SKDC 1423125 refers) and had no additional comments in respect of the submitted amendments. 

8.1.3      Decision Notices

S18/1970/1971/1972/1973 – Holy Cross Gardens and Old Lincoln Road, Reduction of beech trees, reshape, trimming sides that overhand neighbouring boundaries.

SKDC have declined the applications as the works proposed are extensive and are not clearly specified and would be likely to detract from the tree's health and appearance resulting in a loss of amenity.

S18/1864 - Land off Waterloo Close, Caythorpe - 211 notice for tree work in a conservation area.

Work Allowed 26th November 2018

S18/1879, S18/0770 - Craggs Cottage 14 Hough Road, Frieston -

Approval for conditions within the original planning application.

S18/2082  Lime Grove, Caythorpe - Reduction of Poplar tree by 30% and works to Ash tree

Work Allowed 3rd December 2018

S18/1757 - 16 Frieston Path - Single storey rear extension and alterations to dwelling, including conversion of integral garage to habitable use gardens.

Withdrawn by the applicant. [NB: No record of this application being seen by CFPC]

8.1.4      Project Register

The summary document circulated by the clerk is showing that there is a total of 24 live projects with 4 of these that have closed since the last meeting and will be removed from the spreadsheet. Additionally, it was also noted that 3 projects relating to tree work had been rejected by SKDC for insufficient justification, but these have been left open as it is likely that new applications will be raised in the future. This information will also be published on the Parish Council website.

Agreed unanimously to approve the Report        

Action: MS

8.1.5 Other Issues to Report

Cllr Ashcroft confirmed that he had written to the Site Manager at Mid (UK) to ask for a meeting to discuss the level of lighting at the Caythorpe site since development of the new buildings. He had also included reference to lighting levels in the CFPC submission to LCC on the recent Mid UK planning application for the change of use of the glass processing plant. The site manager at Mid UK subsequently advised that Mid UK were prepared to review the lighting requirements and potentially reduce the levels of light pollution, once the CFPC had identified areas of the site that were of concern.              


8.2 Dog Fouling 

8.2.1 Cllr Greybrook advised that the previously advised location of Frieston Path for one of the dog bins had been changed to Wheatgrass Lane.       

8.2.2 New Bin Location – SKDC Grant

Cllr Greybrook advised that the £200 ward grant had been used to purchase 2 new dog waste-bins and as previously agreed one would be located in Frieston and one near the footpath entrance to Caythorpe Hall.  BG agreed to liaise with Cllr Roberts regarding the installation.

Agreed:  unanimously approve this plan


8.3 Social Housing           

8.3.1 Cllr Nelson referred the meeting to a recent meeting with the SKDC Assistant Director of Housing and Cllr M Neilson. Attendees from CFPC were BN/RD/AR/MS.

Cllr Nelson stated that the meeting was very productive and that a follow-up would be held in the new year to further develop an action plan.

8.4 New Bus Shelter Proposal     

8.4.1 Cllr Nelson advised that whilst the £3000 grant has been approved for payment, concern has been expressed by LCC over the raised plinth on which the new bus stop now sits, as it potentially creates a trip hazard and prevents a disabled person in a wheel chair gaining access to the inside of the shelter on their own. The CFPC is awaiting LCC input as to how this issue may be overcome and will seek to mitigate any likely costs that may arise.

8.4.2 Cllr Roberts proposed that once LCC advise the way forward, the CFPC should consider adding a requirement for a light fitting to the bus shelter. .

Agreed:  that this plan of action is progressed.


8.5 Other Maintenance Issues    

8.5.1 Maintenance Register

Cllr Nelson referred to the updated document that had been issued prior to the meeting that monitors the expenditure of village maintenance. It was noted to date that the total spend for the current year equated to £5126.     

8.5.2      Burial Ground

Cllr Roberts advised that there were no specific issues to be reported relating to the burial ground other than the contractor had been on site clearing moles.

8.5.3      Frieston Notice Board & Defibrillator

Cllr Greybrook advised that he was still trying to identify a householder, preferably near the green, who would be amenable to having the Defibrillator

 unit located on their property with access to an electricity supply – a request for a suitable site would be advertised in the February edition of “News & Views”.       

Action: BG

8.5.4 Regarding the replacement Notice Board, despite the willingness of the wall owner to allow the installation, the meeting felt that the new wall would not be strong enough to accommodate the proposed new notice board. It was agreed therefore that the clerk was to liaise with Cllr Fritzsche and Roberts on drawing up new plans for a free-standing notice board to be located close to its previous location. Agreed: that this plan is progressed as defined above.

Action: NF/AR/MS

8.5.5 Footpath Issues

Nothing further to report.           

8.6 Old Post Office – Parking Review       

8.6.1 Cllr Ashcroft confirmed that he had written to SKDC seeking their advice as to whether either of the 2 known premises in the village that had once had commercial licences had now been granted residential status. He would monitor the reply and report accordingly. The issue of vehicles owned by the owner of the Old Post Office and whether they were parking on land owned by LCC or not would be raised with LCC.

With regard to questions of illegal parking on the grounds adjacent to the Police Building on Old Lincoln Road reported at the last meeting, it was agreed that the CFPC would write to the individuals concerned as opposed to the police.


8.7 Sewer Issue in Frieston          

8.7.1      Cllr Fritzsche had circulated an extensive email prior to the meeting summarising the issues concerning flooding that has occurred in the parish over past few years, the most recent being at Owl House, Frieston Road. The meeting agreed that this was an issue that needed to be addressed with Anglian Water (AWS) as matter of urgency, despite the failure of previous attempts at gaining any resolution from AWS.  Cllr Maughan requested sight of the email and stated he would to take up the matter with LCC and report back accordingly. It was agreed the CFPC would write to AWS covering the points highlighted in Cllr Fritsche email once Cllr Maughan had reported back.       Action: AM

8.8 Post Box      

8.8.1 Cllr Nelson reported that the Parish Clerk had raised a log with Royal Mail Customer Services to establish a timetable for the installation of a new Post Box in Frieston following the recent wall collapse and requesting that once a date is made known a meeting is arranged to agree the actual location.  It was understood that to date no response has been received.            

Action: MS

9.Community Safety – Report on Local Crime and Policing Matters           

9.1 Community Emergency Planning       

9.1.1 Cllr Fritzsche reported that the completed emergency plan had been forwarded to the Emergency Planning Coordinator and he was waiting on a response. Once confirmation had been received that the plan was acceptable an outline article would be included in the next edition of News and Views.

Agreed: that the plan is adopted by the Parish Council and would now be finalised at the March meeting with the review dates of the plan being on a regular basis, the next scheduled for May 2019

Action: NF

9.2 Local Crime and Policing Matters      

9.2.1 There were no policing matters to report   

10.Community Activities             

10.1 Litter Picking /The Big Clean

The following item was not discussed at the meeting so carried forward to the next meeting. Following the recent emails received on the subject of litter picking for younger people to action as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award it was agreed that Cllrs Brooke and Mountain would investigate this subject further with view to obtaining a suitable conclusion.

Agreed that this approach is supported and should be progressed.           


10.2 Allotment Committee

Cllr Ashcroft advised that life was quiet at the moment on the allotment front, although the Allotment Association wanted to put on record their thanks to Mid UK for the recent supply of compost and wood chip.        

10.3 Playing Field Committee

Cllr Nelson there were no points with regard to the playing field other than to wish Deanna Hammond, who is a key part of the organisation, a speedy recovery from her recent fall.

10.4 Village Hall Committee

Cllr Greybrook referred to the report that had been issued prior to the meeting and reported that the monthly Table Top Sale & Village Breakfast continues to thrive, with the breakfast takings being a great source of income for the hall. Thanks to all volunteers for ensuring its success.

The following successful events took place - Sunday 25th November there was a Christmas Craft Fair, Saturday 1st December a “Cuppa & Natta” morning was held raising funds for St Barnabas Hospice. Sunday 9th December the pantomime, Beauty & the Beast was performed by the Lamp House Theatre Company, this was attended by 90 children and parents - thanks to a grant from the Worth Wayneflete Foundation we were able to provide all the children with refreshments etc. It is hoped to book another pantomime this coming December.

Saturday 12th January there will be a CPR & Defibrillator demonstration by LIVES. First Responders from 10.30 to mid-day in the hall

Agreed: To approve the report 

10.5 News & Views.  

Cllr Nelson advised that there were no points to draw to the attention of members.

10.6 Community Heartbeat.

Cllr Greybrook referred to the report that had been issued prior to the meeting and reported that 3 of the units are in working order, checked weekly, report sent to CHT monthly.

Agreed: To approve the report 

11.Items of Urgent Business      

11.1 None          

12.Arrangements for Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council would be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 20th March 2019 commencing at 7.15 p.m. with provision for a short public section that will commence at 7.00 p.m.               


Open Forum

County Councillor

Cllr Maughan: Reported the following items of interest

1.The recently appointed LCC Chief Executive will be leaving after only 4 months in post. Debbie Burns currently Head of Children Services will be appointed as interim Chf Exec with the title of ‘Head of Paid Services.

2.As part of the budget setting process, the government have given LCC the flexibility to increase Council Tax by an additional 1% to a total of 4.9%, which would if implemented provide an income of £2.8m

3.The LCC are still pursuing the fairer funding initiative.

4.Over the past 7/8 years the government grant to the council has been reduced by 86%.

5.As part of the recent government initiative, LCC will receive £14m for highways projects. The decision on how best to spend these funds has still to be decided and/or whether any of it can be carried forward into the next FY.

6.A meeting is being arranged for a question and answer session with Cllr Richard Davies who holds the highways portfolio, at Long Bennington Village Hall on 4 Feb. Further details and invitation will be issued shortly.


District Councillor

Cllr Sampson: Reported the following items of interest

1.Implored parish councils to take advantage of the SKDC community grant scheme,

2.The SKDC budget meeting will be held on 10 Jan 19, when he will make a case for some of the recently announced £14m to earmarked for this FY.


Public Attendance

This meeting was attended by 3 members of the public one of whom identified the following:

1.Pothole in High Street and outside the school entrance.  MS to action along with other potholes nearby.

2.Community defibrillators in Frieston. See comments in minutes.

3.Post Box on Frieston Green – See comments in minutes.