September 2019 Minutes

Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th September 2019


Councillors:        N Fritzsche (Chairman), J Allen, R Brooke, J Betts, J Carpenter, A Crawley, A Graham, C Linforth, A Roberts

District Councillor:          P Milnes


Clerk:                   M Stevens


1. Apologies for Absence.

Cllr. M Budden, P Sandy, A Maughan


2. Introduction of all Councillors

Following the completion of the recent co-option exercise and the appointment of councillors to the two vacant positions, Cllr Fritzsche welcomed the now full council to the meeting and invited each councillor to personally introduce themselves to the rest of the group.


3. Declaration of interests under the Local government Act

Cllr Crawley made it known that as a member of the Playing Fields committee he was not in a position to comment on anything relating to the finances of the Playing Fields


Declaration recorded


4. Approval of Minutes held on 10th July 2019

Approval was sought for the minutes taken at the above meeting.


 Minutes were proposed by Cllr Brooke and seconded by Cllr Betts and  approved unanimously and signed by the Chairman


5. Parish Clerk’s Report – To Update on matters occurring since the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda

Parish Clerk’s Report

5.1 Access to LALC Website

MS stated that enquiries had been received for a new councillor requesting access to the LALC website.  As this is not normal practice LALC were consulted and it transpires that generally the website is for Parish Clerks only but if there is a requirement for general use by the council then this would firstly have to be resolved by the majority of councillors and the login access and password would have to be shared.

MS stated that he was not in favour of sharing due to reasons of security.


  1. Cllrs could not identify a real need for access to the website and would rely on information provided by the Parish Clerk
  2. Action: MS

5.2 Armada Beacon

MS reminded the meeting that this matter had been mentioned in Cllr Budden’s portfolio report.  It was noted that the Siddans family are now  withdrawing their offer to re-site the Beacon to a position on their land as it is understood that the work required outweighs any benefits.


It was agreed that this matter would be recorded for future reference and should the matter arise in the future would be dealt with locally between the Playing Fields Committee and the Siddans’ family       

5.3 Caythorpe Heritage Records

MS Stated that following input from Cllr Milnes information had been received regarding the historical heritage of Caythorpe that could prove to be useful to assist with any future plans or investigations. This information would now be forwarded to all  Councillors for information and future use as required.


It was agreed that this information and maps would be circulated by the Parish Clerk following the meeting

Action: MS


6. Financial Matters

6.1 Authorisation of BACS/Cheque Payments

Two documents containing invoices approved and paid since the last meeting, and invoices awaiting approval for payment, were circulated to the meeting.


All items were examined by members and unanimously approved for payment.

6.2 Review and Approval of CFPC Accounts – September 2019

Management Accounts for CFPC previously circulated to Cllrs were presented to the meeting for approval.


  1. The accounts as circulated were unanimously approved.

Following the finance committee meeting the format of the Managements Accounts had been amended and would be used for future presentations.

Action: MS

6.3 Review and Recommendations from Finance Committee Meeting – 28.08.19

Budget Items 2020/21

The decision was sought to add these items to the 2020/21 budget following a review at the recent Finance Committee Meeting.  Cllr Fritzsche confirmed that the sum was for budget purposes only and actual approval to spend the money would have to be approved at a later stage as and when required at a full parish council meeting.


Cllr Carpenter presented the following items, previously discussed at the Finance Committee meeting, to which further information can be found in the minutes of that meeting which was held on 28th August.

  1. Litter Project (litter picking equipment) - £50
  2. Pavement Crossings for the Visually Impaired - £2000
  3. Salt Bins - £300
  4. Bus Shelter A607 - £1000
  5. Pavement and Hedgerow Clearance - £100
  6. Burial Ground Main Pathway – New Construction - £7000

Signs - £1300     


  1. Due to lack of time prior to the meeting Councillors had not had sufficient time to fully evaluate the applications.  It was agreed that the items would be reviewed prior to the next meeting scheduled for November when a final draft of the budget would be presented.

Action: All

  1. That the the inclusion of all items in the 2020/21 budget would impact on the account reserves to tune of approximately £9000.
  2. In draft 1 of the budget the precept was based on a proposed increase on last year of 2%.  This amounted to a sum of £589 increase arriving at a proposed total precept of £30039 for 2020/21.

It was agreed that this proposal would be shared with parishioners via the next edition of News and Views

Action: NF

6.4 Precept 2020/21 - Plan

The final decision for the increase would be deferred until the final draft of the budget requirements had been approved which would be at the November’s scheduled meeting.


It was agreed that following feed-back from the public a decision on the Precept rate would be made at the November meeting so that the application could be made with SKDC in January

Action: All

6.5 To seek approval of £510 donation to the Gala.

Cllr Fritzsche reminded the meeting that approval for this amount had been sought prior to the meeting.


  1. It was unanimously agreed that this sum was awarded to the Gala Organiser Laura & Peter for use at the Gala for the good of the community.

It was also recorded that this year’s Gala was probably the best one ever and that this was largely due to the hard work done by Laura, Peter (editors of News & Views) Carole and their volunteers the chairman was asked to send a letter of thanks on behalf of the CFPC and the community       

Action: NF

6.6 To seek approval of – Quotation for Hough Road Frieston Trees - £660

Cllr Fritzsche referred the meeting to a paper that has been issued to all members prior to the meeting that outline the requirement to procure contactors to conduct tree-work in Hough Road Frieston.


  1. The sum of £660 as per the quotation presented was unanimously approved.

Parish Clerk to confirm requirement with French Trees at Oakwick and to ascertain project timescale

Action: MS         

6.7 Insurance Renewal – March 2020

MS stated that he was giving advance notice that this contact was due for renewal in March 2020 and that a selection process would have to be undertaken prior to this date.


  1. It was agreed that tenders should be sought for the following period of insurance so that a decision could be made in advance of the March 2020 meeting.

It was agreed that there should be a minimum of 3 quotations received and that it would be sectioned into appropriate areas by location. i.e. Village Hall, Playing Fields, Memorials etc        

Action: MS

6.8 Ward Grant Award by Cllr Milnes – Decision

Cllr Fritzsche referred to a recent communication to all members requesting ideas for this grant of £200.


As not sufficient ideas had been received from the previous communication it was agreed that that Cllr Fritzsche would submit a further paper on the subject to arrive at a firm decision on how this money should be spent.  It was noted that ideas had included the Gala Accessories, Chapel Lane Bench, Notice Board Refurbishment, Village Gates           

Action: All, NF


7.Transport and Highways

7.1High Street Congestion

7.1.1Yellow Lines and Bus Stops

Cllr Fritzsche referred the members to the latest map that had been distributed to all members and stated that a satisfactory response had been given to the latest suggestions and returned to the highways officer.  In the response it was requested that information regarding the next milestones of the project were provided as soon as they are available.


  1. Following the Public Forum, it was agreed that the letters received from the public (2) would be sent to LCC for consideration.

CFPC would await details for LCC regarding the next stage in this project process.

Action: MS

7.1.2 A607 Bus Shelter Issue – Bench (Back Lane/Chapel Lane) Burial Ground Path Refurbishment

Cllr Fritzsche stated that in the absence of Cllr Sandy that these items would be carried forward to the next meeting. However, based on the reports issued to date the following decisions were taken. 


  1. Burial Ground It was noted that 2 quotations had been received for the Burial Ground Path, however because of the scale of the project and the related cost (25% + of the precept) a paper would be required so that it can be discussed and a firm decision taken. Cllr Fritzsche invited submission of agreed discussion paper with options on surface types to be considered i.e. tarmac, Concrete, Resin, Block Pavers Gravel.

Action: All

Once all quotations had been received a paper was to be prepared for submission to the Finance Section of the agenda for subsequent agreement and approval of costs. The responsibility falls under Cllr Roberts portfolio although he felt that he was not able to submit a paper on the project and asked that Cllr Sandy be approached to produce one

Action: AR, NF

  1. Frieston Bus Shelter Lighting, Following the details provided Cllr Milnes it was agreed that a paper should be prepared by Cllr Sandy using this information in advance of the next Parish Council Meeting scheduled for November.  To be included in the finance section of the agenda for subsequent agreement and approval of costs.

Action: PS

Back Lane /chapel lane Seat There has been no further contact received since the original indication for the donation and installation of the bench at the junction of Chapel Lane and Back Lane it was agreed that a paper detailing costs would be prepared by Cllr Sandy in advance of the next scheduled meeting for subsequent agreement and approval of costs

Action: PS

7.2 Humpbacked Bridge and PGL Bend (Caythorpe Heath Lane)

Cllr Fritzsche stated that following the recent pledge of £200 from CFPC and Mid(UK) towards the cost of the new signage it was encouraging that there appeared to be some movement to this project as stated in the recent highways report.


It was agreed that further evaluation may arise once the proposed timescale of implementation had been realised

7.3 Frieston Post-Box

Cllr Fritzsche updated the meeting with the latest events surrounding this project but noted that although a replacement post-box had been installed it was not in the ideal position and as SKDC were now involved from the conservation point of view it could well be re-sited again at a later stage


It was agreed that no further action would be taken until the legal disagreements had been resolved between SKDC and Royal Mail, however it was noted that the new location on the bank was not the one requested and far from being ideal for the public especially for people with mobility issues and in inclement weather conditions

7.4 Furniture to replace A607 High Street Tree
Cllr Fritzsche reminded the meeting that an email had been received from the LCC tree specialist making various suggestions of tree type replacements.

Cllr Roberts proposed that the stump of the old sycamore tree should be left in place for a period of 4-5 years whilst a replacement Walnut tree would have time to establish.

Cllr Betts referred the meeting to a document issued prior to the meeting outline the various options and benefits of village gates in a number of recommended positions within the boundary of the village.

  1. The proposal made by Cllr Roberts was seconded by Cllr Graham and agreed by a majority of 7-1 and carried.  It was agreed that Cllr Roberts would draft a letter to LCC for action by the Parish Clerk to achieve the desired result as discussed.

Action: AR, MS

  1. It was agreed by a unanimous vote of 7-1 that following the submission of the outline paper by Cllr Betts that a further detailed paper with actual costs was required that identified specific costs, the subject can then be debated and a decision made whether  it should be moved to the finance section of costs approval

Action: JB


8.The Parish Environment


8.1.1New Planning Applications

  • S19/1314 – Glamis House- Formerly submitted under S19/1136  for 2 houses, this amended application is for one house only.

Major objection to the last application was based on distance from neighbouring houses to the western elevation which is shown as 7.8 mtrs. and which should be a minimum of 11 mtrs. This will require further comment in response.

Cllr Brooke reported that a decision from CFPC had to be submitted to SKDC by 12th September.


  1. Based on discussions at the meeting it was agreed to submit that

“In our original submission to the request for outline planning permissions (S17/0975 & S19/1136) we made specific reference to the distance from the proposed dwellings to existing houses on Back Lane (Ash House & Quoin Stones) such that the distance should be a minimum of 15 mtrs as opposed to the original 11.7 mtrs in the planning application (MSP 1393/002D refers).  Your planning approval report stated that “A separation distance of at least 11 mtrs would  be provided at the western elevations of the proposed dwellings and the rear site  boundaries of the adjoin(sic) properties to the west.  The separation distance is considered sufficient to prevent overdue bearing and overshadowing impacts”.  We are concerned that the amended outline plan continues to show a reduced distance of 7.8 mtrs from the western boundary (NWC/P1/19/002 REV A refers) and that this, given our original concerns and SKDC’s opinion is, and remains, totally unacceptable. Accordingly, we again submit that the minimum distance from the new builds to the western boundary to the rear of Ash House and Quoin Stones be 11 mtrs.”


  • S19/1315.  Urnsfield House. Proposed single 4-bed infill house development.


Based on discussions at the meeting it was agreed that a collective response would be sent to SKDC by the required submission date of 24th September once all comments had been received

8.1.2 Planning Applications – Actioned

  •  S19/1219 – The Gatehouse Frieston Heath Lane. Application to change residential category from C3 domestic dwelling to C2 residential care home status.

Planning Cttee meeting called 28 Aug 19.Vocal input from 6 residents.

Input from current owner (Ms D McCafferty) to Parish Clerk intending to push for application with SKDC.


  1. Committee voted unanimously against
  2. Approval of agreed decision made by the planning committee by full Parish Council.
  3. SKDC notified on 28th August as per agreed timescale.
  4. Updated Kerry Ford (The Place) on 4th September.

District Cllr to push for “taken in committee” by SKDC?

Action: PM

8.1.3 Decision Notices

  • S19/1247 – Single storey rear extension – 9 Hough Road Frieston.

Approved by SKDC 2 Sep19.


  • S19/1208/1209 – Kitchen Conservatory Caythorpe Hall.  These replace applications S18/ 2352 – 55.

Approved by SKDC 2 Sep 19

8.1.4 Other Planning Issues

There were no other planning issues to discuss.

8.1.5 Project Register
Parish Clerk stated that there is a total of 21 live projects and also noted that 6 have closed since the last meeting and will be removed from the spreadsheet. This information will also be published on the Parish Council website.


It was agreed that in conjunction with the Parish Clerk historical entries on the project register would be examined and where necessary would be archived.

Action: RB, MS


8.2 Other Maintenance issues   

8.2.1      Maintenance Register

The Parish Clerk referred to the updated document that had been issued prior to the meeting showing the expenditure on village maintenance. The report had been filtered to show details of the current financial year only to date.

Decisions: It was agreed to continue with the existing analysis as the information provide vital information into the cost of maintenance within the Parish.            

8.2.2      Sewer Issue in Frieston

Due to difficulties with location and availability of relevant people, the meeting scheduled with Anglian water for the 12th of September had been cancelled in favour of a written response by them covering capacities of the local treatment plant and any planned works to the existing village sewerage infrastructure.  Subject to their response this will suffice in the short to medium term. An unsuitable response will generate FOI questions copied to OFWAT.

Decisions: It was agreed that Cllr Brooke would try and rearrange a meeting to explore the plans of Anglian Water with regards to the existing  infrastructure and the capacity for new building plans.       

Action: RB

8.2.3      Battery Storage Area

Concerns were raised regarding the growth of trees on the perimeter of the battery storage area.

Decisions: It was agreed that the conditions of the planning decision notice would be revisited with view to the enforcement of any conditions specified.       

Action: RB

8.2.4      Lime Grove Copse

Concerns were raised regarding the growth of trees and other vegetation  in this area and who is responsible the maintenance.

 Decisions: It was believed that following a recent tree work application/decision that this land belonged to SKDC and therefore agreed that this would be investigated.   

Action: NF

8.2.5      Gritting Gorse Hill Lane

Cllr Roberts highlighted his on-going concerns regarding the lack of gritting on the hill of Gorse Hill Lane

Following the last meeting Cllr Crawley confirmed that following a discussion with the farmer that the bordering hedge would be lowered in an effort to avoid a frost pocket.  However, the underwater spring that emerges in the middle of the road appears to be much of the problem.

Decisions: It was agreed that despite Cllr Maughan’s update at the previous meeting the whole issue needs raising with LCC again even if this route is added for the sacrifice of another.

It was agreed that Cllr Roberts would draft a letter to LCC.

It was agreed that the spring issue should be reported to LCC using the fault-logging system with view o getting the issue investigated and subsequently diverted.   

Action: AR, AG

8.3 Other Topics for Discussion                 

8.3.1      Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Carpenter referred the meeting to a document that had been issued prior to the meeting that outlined the options to move to a Neighbourhood Plan or to stay with the current Parish Plan format.

Decisions:It was agreed that this item required much more consideration before a decision of which option to take could be made.

It was agreed that an outline and or Cllr Carpenter’s report should be added to the Website and Facebook page to evaluate interest and to also see who is willing to be part of the working party for the project.

It was agreed that following the evaluation a presentation meeting should be arranged for all to attend so that a project plan could be agreed.       

Action: JB/MS, JC

8.3.2      Fireworks

MS reminded the meeting that a number of tasks need to be actioned every year prior to running the annual firework display event and these are usually driven by the Playing Fields Committee.

Decisions: In the absence of Cllr Budden, it was agreed that he should ensure that the risk assessment is updated for the current year.

It was agreed that once the Risk Assessment had been actioned

it would be forwarded to the CFPC’s insurers for approval.         

Action: MB, MS


9.Community Safety – Report on Local Crime and Policing Matters

There were no crime or safety issues to report, however, Cllr Fritzsche urged members to use the link to the police website for on-going monitoring that was provided with the agenda.


10.Community Activities by Portfolio Holder

These reports are attached at Appendix 4 and the following additions were noted.           

10.1 Burial Ground Maintenance

Cllr Roberts reported that following a discussion with the maintenance contactor for the burial ground the cost for collecting the grass in the ‘B’ area of the burial site had been quoted at £10 per cut equating to £100 per annum.

Regarding the mowing or brushing grass cuttings off of memorial stones it is understood that this is currently under a time and motion study and an estimate for this additional piece of work would be provided once completed.


1.It was agreed to approve the additional £10 per cut for area ‘B’ for the remainder of this year, the contractor to be informed.

2.It was agreed to present a paper for the additional cut, blowing and brushing to be added to the finance section for approval of the costs at the next meeting.  This paper to include the proposed saving from the churchyard grass cutting exercise.             

Action: AR

10.2 Remembrance Day

Cllr Roberts reminded the meeting of some responsibilities.


1. It was agreed that Cllr Brooke would read the names of those fallen.

2. It was agreed that the bugler would attend and would be paid the same rate for his services as last year Cllr Roberts to arrange

3. It was agreed that Cllr Graham would be the back marker for the parade.      

Action: RB, AR, AG


11.Items of Urgent Business

There were no items of urgent business reported


12.Arrangements for Next Meeting

The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Council meeting and will be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 13th November 2019 beginning at 7.30 pm.               




Open Forum

County Councillor: Cllr Maughan:

In his absence the following points were noted.



Our new Lincolnshire County Council website is due to launch on Wednesday, 4 September.

From this date, you will be able to access the site at:

Initially, this will run in tandem with our old website until December, when we will switch the old one off. This will allow us time to review user feedback and address any concerns.

We would encourage you to take a look at the new website as soon as it is available. It will be much more interactive and will enable:

• online transactions, including ability to pay for services or complete forms

• members of the public to 'self-serve' by accessing services or information without having to contact us directly

• people to interact with the council through a wider range of devices, including mobile phones and tablets.


New transactions include:

• Freedom of Information (FOI) requests

• Childcare providers requesting support

• Applications for a dropped kerb

• Requests for Trading Standards business advice

• Requests for temporary traffic signals


Other transactions, which include online payments, will follow in the next release. This will include:

• Booking a heritage wedding

• Paying a fixed penalty notice for school absence

• Paying for a Blue Badge


If you have any feedback about the website, please email


Adult Learning rated 'Good' in Lincolnshire

Ofsted have rated the county’s Adult Learning services as ‘Good’ overall following their latest inspection, with some areas rated ‘Outstanding’. The inspection focused on adult and community learning and apprenticeship programmes delivered by the county council and study programmes delivered by the Young People’s Learning Provision.


Improved IT in the pipeline for local libraries

People will be able to do more online at their local library, thanks to a planned investment in IT. The council’s library provider Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) is working to introduce new computers and IT equipment at libraries and community hubs across Lincolnshire.


Lincolnshire A-levels results remain strong

The provisional Lincolnshire pass rate for A-level entries is 97.6%, which shows that most students achieve this internationally recognised gold standard. e: t: 07707060022 w: tw: @CllrAPMaughan Fb: Alexander Maughan


The proportion of entries that achieved A*- C grades has increased from last year. Almost half of Lincolnshire’s schools have improved their performance on this measure.


Lincolnshire students celebrate strong set of GCSE results

Provisional results show an improvement in the proportion of students attaining a GCSE pass in English and mathematics combined, with a 2.7% rise from last year.

More than half of the schools showed an increase in this key measure.



District Councillor: Cllr Milnes: Reported the following items of interest


There have been significant changes at the top level of SKDC over the summer. The Chief Executive resigned suddenly with immediate effect, apparently after a disagreement; shortly followed by the sudden resignation, with immediate effect, of the Leader.

Paul Thomas, who was Strategic Director for Growth has become the interim Chief Executive with Ken Lyon, the deputy CEO with responsibility for provision of affordable and council housing, incorporating that role within his remit.

Kelham Cooke has been voted the new Leader by the Conservative group and that should be ratified at Full Council on 26 September. He is thought to support and continue the policy of Growth for the district and the new companies Invest SK and Environment SK. On the political front I am waiting to hear if he fulfils his promise of a more collaborative way of working. Since May, I have been pushing at Council for democracy to be made apparent within the roles of Cabinet, Chairs and Vice - Chairs which have all been held by Conservatives under the old strong Leadership model. I feel it is important for public perception and representation that this is remedied, and I will continue to work towards that fundamental aim.

.   .   .

On the planning front, I have experienced frustration in dealing with interpretations of policy and the resultant outcome of some planning applications.

I approached Ken Lyon about these frustrations and also about the administrative issues highlighted by the problems accounting for representations. He and Alex Jelley, a planning consultant who has been brought in initially for 6 months reporting to Ken on planning issues, have listened and are tackling this important issue. After all, if things go wrong at the beginning of a process trust is easily lost and not easily restored.

I am to have a meeting with Nick Robins, Cabinet member for Growth next Tuesday to discuss planning matters.

As far as Caythorpe is concerned: Caythorpe is a Local Service Centre in the new Local Plan.


S19/0574 Netball Courts, PGL. Approved Conditionally 29 Jul 19.

NO floodlights between 21.00 and 07.00

S19/1219 Children’s Home, South Heath Lane is still under consideration. I have been to see the case officer and continue to liaise with him. I ‘called in’ this application and it has been agreed that it will be heard by the planning committee.  It is possible this will go to the 16 October meeting

Bus shelter light. 2 quotes have been given for a light and the details sent to the PC yesterday after prompting SKDC.

SKDC have been made aware of the overhanging hedge close to the bus shelter on the High Street and are arranging a solution. I have chased for an update.

Heritage Impact information has been given to the PC.


Public Attendance


The meeting was attended by 6 local residents and the following points were raised:

1.            LCC Parking Restrictions Proposal

This subject was raised by owners of the local Spar Shop who felt that the lines would impact on custom due to potential issues caused by the lines and cause a problem for deliveries to the shop.


Cllr Fritzsche explained the due process of the proposed project and stated that those potentially affected would receive details of the scheme on an individual basis inviting comment and concerns.


As minuted in the minutes of the meeting it was agreed to submit copies of letters (2) presented at the meeting to LCC.


2.            Back Lane Hedging

At the last meeting it was reported that overgrown hedges on Back Lane were causing a problem. It was reported by a resident that the work had been satisfactorily completed and wished to express their thanks for the action taken.


Mid(UK) Recycling

The meeting welcomed Simon Pattison to the meeting who commented on the following report that had been previously issued to all members and then went on to answer a number of questions.  Simon will be joining the meeting on  a regular basis to maintain a good working relationship.



1.            Mid UK Recycling Ltd went into Administration on 12/6/19 and was immediately bought by New Earth Solutions (West) Ltd, part of the Beauparc Group of Companies based in Dublin, Ireland. The new owners intend to operate the Caythorpe site fully in line with the current EA permit and LCC planning conditions. There are NO plans to move to 24/7 processing on the site. The site for potential future expansion is the Barkston Site.

2.            We had a visit to site by several members of the PC in order to demonstrate the improvements that have been made and to further the understanding of the operations on site.

3.            We will be submitting a planning application in the very near future to replace the existing fire damaged building with a building of the same size and footprint. This will be clad in the same green colour cladding as the recently built units. No additional lighting is to be installed.

4.            We are currently exploring additional methods of cleaning trucks of any contamination before leaving site.

5.            Litter picking continues as in the past.

6.            We recently conducted a follow up ‘night-time noise monitoring survey’ using the same consultants as previously. They concluded that there was no additional noise detected from the night-time cleaning and maintenance operations on site. We will be submitting a report to LCC Planning Enforcement.

7.            We have made a donation to the Playing Fields and have also agreed to contribute towards SLOW signs on the bridge outside the site.

8.            The Company is committed to working with the local community going forward.


Appendix 1 – Accounts Authorised and Paid Since the Last Meeting



Appendix 2 – Accounts Requiring Authorisation



Appendix 4 – Community Activities by Portfolio Reports


The details in this section are reports from individual portfolio holders from which any additional matters arising were highlighted and discussed at the meeting.

1.            Dog Fouling – Cllr J Allen

There has some correspondence with other PCs, as they are having difficulty getting SKDC to pick up dog poo. There seems to be no good reason for this, as it is classed as Offensive Municipal Waste, but not hazardous. SKDC burns all the waste in black bins, so there should be no need to sort it and perhaps give a waste worker a nasty surprise.

Walking around the village centre and footpaths there seems to be very little dog mess, so dog owners seem to be cooperating in keeping the village free of fouling

2.            Emergency Plan - Cllr Allen

I have had a chance to read the plan, but feel I need some training to get on top of the details. I have therefore booked a place at a training day on Oct 21st.

3.            Housing – Cllr Betts

Slow progress made with SKDC since initial discussions with SKDC Housing director back in July 19’, plan is to meet with them w/c 16th September

4.            Facebook Page - Cllr Betts

The increased use of Facebook as a way to engage with the residents seems to be working and allows us to share the good work the PC & SKDC do within the village, e.g. the THE BIG CLEAN. The use of the “Poll” for the replacement of the tree worked well with over 85 people voting and over 900 engagements in the vote. Increased response & messages being received regarding planning applications from residents.

5.            Village Hall committee - Cllr Brooke

Nothing to report.

6.            Playing Field committee - Cllr Budden

The Parish Clerk, as requested, contacted Duncan Siddans about relocating the Armada Beacon from the playing field to a position on their land at the top of Gorse Hill Lane. This matter has been outstanding for a long time. Mr Siddans has concluded that, having looked into the process in more detail, it is no small task - as the Beacon is encased in a substantial amount of concrete. For this reason, Mr Siddans has decided that he does not wish to pursue the possibility any further.

The Sports & Social Club have decided to proceed with the purchase of new furniture for approx. £6,500. The Playing Field committee (PF) has donated approx. 40% of the cost, with the PC also donating £1,000.

In addition to the Gala, the PF is reinstating some of the previously lapsed running events – all of which are anticipated to raise funds to help cover the income shortfall in the PF’s annual accounts.

I have not seen the details yet, but I believe that the PF has decided to increase its charges to the football and cricket clubs that use the playing field for home fixtures and/or training.

It appears that someone with a red car was observed removing a fold up table from the pavilion in late August – the table is missing, and no one seems to know who it was/why it was removed/where it is/if it is coming back.

7.            The Parish Plan - Cllr Carpenter

Parish Plan and Neighbourhood Plan

The Parish Plan

The current 5-year Parish Plan expires in 2021 and therefore should be renewed for a

further five-year period. At the last Parish Council meeting it was suggested that a

Neighbourhood Plan should be considered instead of renewing the Parish Plan

The Parish Plan was developed for Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council by a working group comprising: -

• Chair – Gordon Grant

• Educational Interests – Rob Cook

• Playing Field Committee – David Cree

• Business Interests – Tom Mountain

• Village Hall Committee – Jean Nelson

• Faith Interests – Jo Russell

• Parish Council – Karen Bailey

• Clerk to the Parish Council – Andrea Smith


Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan would cover a 10-year period.


Objectives of Neighbourhood Planning

Neighbourhood planning aims to allow local communities

• to have a say in the long-term future of the village

• to capture what is distinctive about their neighbourhood,

• to address big issues like the location and scale of new development,

• to provide for enhanced local services and infrastructure through development


• to get the right types of development in the right place and

• to set planning policies that reflect local priorities, deliver tangible local benefits and have real weight in the planning system.

Neighbourhood plans have to be strategically aligned with district council plans but when approved the planning authority must take account of them in its decision-making process


Preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan

Stage 1 Designation and Funding

• Submit proposed neighbourhood area to the local planning authority for designation.

• Look into potential funding for technical support, producing the evidence base,

consultation and any other costs of producing the Neighbourhood Plan.


Stage 2 Establishing the Evidence

• Development of an evidence base to support the Neighbourhood Plan.

• Produce a draft vision and set of objectives.

• Ensure conformity with National and District level policy.

• Consult the community on the visions, issues and objectives.


Stage 3 Producing the Plan

• Produce the polices for the Neighbourhood Plan using the evidence base.

• Develop a process to consult the community and stakeholders on the full draft version of the Neighbourhood Plan.

• Incorporate the responses to the consultation process into the draft Neighbourhood Plan.


Stage 4 Examination of the Plan

Submit Plan to the Local Authority for a “pre submission consultation.” This will be the final formal consultation held on the Plan before it is submitted to an independent examiner, who is entrusted by the Sectary of State to assess the soundness of Neighbourhood Plans.


Stage 5 Adoption of the Plan

The Council consider the examiners final report and if they are content the plan must then go to referendum within the Parish. Provided that the Plan receives a majority community support (more than 50% of the turnout) then it will be adopted as part of the development plan.


Timescales and Resources

It is envisaged that a Neighbourhood Plan would take in the region of 2 years from

conception to adoption. This would require a high degree of commitment from the

participants. It is likely that the earliest a Neighbourhood Plan could be available would be the beginning of 2022/23.

In preparing the Neighbourhood Plan SKDC have indicated that they would provide

guidance at all stages. There is also funding available, up to £9,000, to assist with project costs, consultation and outside help.

The process will require all Parish Councillors to commit to the project and contribute as required.

The success of planning process is dependent on strong commitment from the Community, Landowners and the Council

The position for Parish councils within SKDC is

• Completed and adopted a neighbourhood plan - 5

• Applied for designation – 15

• Still to decide – 20+


SKDC Local Plan - Implications for Caythorpe

SKDC Local Plan which outlines future development for all Parishes within the District is in the final stages at present and is due for approval and adoption towards the end of 2019.

The Local Plan contains no major development proposals for Caythorpe thus the only

permissible development will be small schemes not exceeding 11 dwellings

The Neighbourhood Plan is orientated towards planning matters and without any significant building planned in the near future a standard Parish Plan may suffice.


The way Forward

1. The Parish Council are invited to consider whether to replace the Parish Plan with a

Neighbourhood Plan and to review and refresh the Parish Plan until the Neighbourhood Plan is completed.


To carry out a full update of the Parish Plan for the period from 2021 to 2026

2. To consider whether to structure the Review Group for either process in a similar

manner to that which successfully produced the 2016 Parish Plan and if so whether the membership should be expanded to obtain wider representation from groups within the village e.g. young people and landowners.

8.            Litter Picking & The Big Clean - Cllr Crawley

Since the last meeting, litter picks have been conducted along Gorse Hill and the A607 from the Fisheries to the crossroads. It was noted that this area was cleaner than previously seen and may be due to the actions of Mid UK.

Signs to slow traffic  whilst litter picking takes place have been purchased and once marked will be stored at the village hall.

The SKDC Big Clean visited Caythorpe in August and made excellent work of clearing the 2 footpaths that run between the High Street and Old Lincoln Road.

Expressions of thanks have been made to the employed litter picker and the unpaid volunteers via the 'Shout out' page of News and Views.

9.            Plans to have a deeper clean of Gorse Hill and the A 607 in winter once the vegetation has died down are under development.

10.         News & Views - Cllr Fritzsche

Nothing to report

11.         Footpaths – Cllr Graham

Frieston Path

Following on from a request from a resident (email dated 2nd July 2019) that the council look at the issue of vegetation overgrowing Frieston Path, a letter was sent to all residents with properties that are adjacent to the path, requesting that they trim their hedges. This resulted in the vegetation being trimmed where necessary, thus making use of the path far easier and safer. A variety of responses was received by email from the residents, positive in the main, and they were thanked for their efforts on each occasion. The state of the vegetation over the path will be monitored going forwards and more letters sent should it be necessary.

The state of the path was also raised, though this is not something over which the Parish Council has any jurisdiction. If it is deemed appropriate, contact will be made to the appropriate body to enquire whether there any funds available to resurface the path. It is not thought likely that this will be forthcoming though.

Overgrown bush adjacent to bus stop at Eastcliffe Square

A letter was sent to the resident of number 1 Eastcliffe Square requesting that they trim the bush next to their garden and the bus stop, as per the terms and conditions of residency. The bush was trimmed earlier in the year, before the letter was sent, but the bush is now becoming overgrown again and the letter has not elicited a response. As per the agreement at the last parish council meeting, a second letter will now be written, directed to SKDC, informing them of the situation.

This size of the bush as it stands now makes it extremely difficult for the resident by himself to trim it so it may need input from SKDC (it is beginning to knock against the bus when it passes). The height and depth of the vegetation mean that it may require specialist machinery to trim it back and care be taken when reducing the height; that alone is a health and safety issue. This will be communicated to SKDC.

4th Sept Update

The matter was discussed between Cllr Andy Robert and Penny Milnes. The latter is of the opinion that the hedge is now too large for the resident to maintain and a SKDC site visit is being arranged to assess the situation.

12.         Community Heartbeat – Cllr Linforth

The updates for Community Heartbeat/LIVES are that I have contacted the previous councillors that were responsible for the portfolios, and we are in the process of arranging a date to get together/discuss these areas in greater depth so I can begin to take them forward.

13.         Hospital Car Scheme – Cllr Linforth

The updates for the hospital car scheme are that I have contacted the previous councillors that were responsible for the portfolios, and we are in the process of arranging a date to get together/discuss these areas in greater depth so I can begin to take them forward.

14.         Highways - Cllr Sandy

I’m sorry my report is late, it’s been difficult getting the various contractors for the burial ground path to quote for exactly the same work, but I have 2 to compare now and Andy Roberts will try to explain what I think should happen. I haven’t got an exact price for the VH parking sign, except that It will be in the estimated range. I have had no further contact from the family that want to donate the replacement seat . I think that we must provide a seat for Chapel Lane green  ourselves, and if the original offer comes good find a place for it. I have asked for a price for a concrete base in place of the broken paving slabs that are there now from various people so that it’s all done properly, I’ll report back when I know.

15.         Allotment committee - Cllr Roberts

The association is financially in good heart. There is one vacant plot. The association will have a stall at the gala to help raise funds for the playing field. On Saturday 12th October in the Village Hall between 10am and 12pm there will be a pumpkin, jam and chutney sale etc to raise funds for the Allotment Association and Village Hall.


16.         Burial Ground – Cllr Roberts

Burial Ground. The 2007 maintenance specification has been checked and the following has been raised.

Grass clippings are sticking to the gravestones the worst being the cremation plot stones. This makes an unsightly and undignified mess. On the unused burial ground to the left of the path the uncollected grass clippings are also leaving a mess. Arrangements are being made to cost this work. The contractor has been asked to cut the boundary hedges on the West, North and South to a uniform height. This can be best described as not too high not too low but the right height to see over and to cut.

At the moment the hedge height varies considerably.


At the finance meeting I raised St.Vincents Church Grass cutting which the PC undertook when the Church fell on hard times in 2010 following the loss of a grass cutting volunteer and significant earthquake damage /roof repairs. The PC undertook to cut part of the church yard grass on a twice a month basis. Volunteers did the rest. The Church is now in a better position financially their accounts showed over £7000+ being sent to Lincoln Diocese.  There are now volunteer grass cutters I suggested that the £700 per yr. we pay them be stopped as from 2020. The money saved be used to pay for the additional  work at the burial ground and for cutting the P.C. grass at the War Memorial on an as and when basis.

This suggestion was accepted by the finance committee on 31/08/19 to is be put to the full council for consideration.

Cllr Peter Sandy has details of the Burial Ground Path refurbishment.

The original path was put down about 55 yrs. ago. The path was repaired by the late Paul Jackson and his men from Caythorpe free of charge 20 plus yrs. ago.

17.         War Memorial & Remembrance Day - Cllr Roberts

Finally, the Church Green posts have been painted the memorial seat has had a coat of preservative.

However, the posts and chains around the War Memorial need painting. The colours are those of the Army Airborne which were painted by the Army on the last occasion.