CFPC Minutes from the July Meeting

Councillors: Fritzsche (Chairman), Linforth, Roberts, Sandy, Graham, Allen, Crawley, Budden, Betts
Other Attendees: Cllr Maughan, and Cllr Milnes
Clerk:  Mrs D Manderfield

ITEM 1 – Apologies for absence
Cllrs Hall and Lee

ITEM 2 – Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act
Cllr Crawley declared an interest as a member of the Playing Field Committee

ITEM 3 - Approval of Minutes of Meeting 1 held on 19th May 2021 and Approval of the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 5th July 2021
Copies of these minutes were circulated prior to the meeting. it was agreed unanimously that they are both a true record of events and were signed by the respective chairs, Cllr Crawleyand Cllr Budden.

ITEM 4 – Parish Clerk’s Report
This was emailed to PKF Littlejohn, the external auditors on 2.6.21
Burial Ground
All monuments and headstones are now catalogued on Parish Online
Neighbourhood Plan
There has been a lot of time sorting out the survey for the NP and putting all of the research on the website
Red Lion Bus Shelter
I have contacted Western Power with respect to moving the electricity pole. They agreed to send someone out to report their findings back to the planning dept. I was told that they would be in touch once any decision was made. I have not yet heard anything.
Playing Field Trees
This has been an ongoing issue for the past year. it is advisable that we have a survey done every few years and I did get 2 quotes both around £1000 each from local consultants. The PC voted against the proposal. I have then spent a lot of time, along with Cllr Crawley meeting tree surgeons to determine the state of the trees and a course of action. Each of them required a consultant’s report before they were happy to proceed with more extensive work. To this end I approached a Chartered Forester, recommended by one of the tree surgeons and he has quoted £350 nil vat. I have attached the quotes. In the meantime, I am waiting on quotes from 2 tree surgeons for the more straight forward tasks.
Archive Library
The library is now open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to take the books that Cllr Fritzsche would like them to have, however it is a booking service only.The PC requires a volunteer to take the books to the Lincoln archives.
Clerks Refresher Course
I attended a two hour refresher with other clerks from SKDC and NKDC where we looked at the website,  Parish Online, Scribe, and LALC internal and external audits and policies that are required. From this it became apparent that many Standing Orders were out of date. LALC then distributed a set of Orders that NALC recommend all councils use. I have attached a copy. There is a Parish Online user group which is free and again I would recommend you all having a look and seeing how it could help with your projects. Once it is on the system it is there for ever (unless you take it off ). I always try and keep it updated so you can all stay on top of the projects as and when they happen. Scribe, is an accounting and booking software that I don’t feel is necessary.
There were many complaints about the website with its lack of training etc and the amount of time and red tape it takes up. LALC have been approached by an individual to maintain the websites for a small fee and he is also able to help clerks with excel and other software issues. It is looking to be around £12 a month.
There was also a reminder that at present all meetings have to be face to face, and that only 6 members of the public will be allowed in addition to Councillors and the Clerk.
In addition, the clerk added that there had been notification from HMRC that the PAYE account was still £358.78 as at 30.3.21.

ITEM 5 – Financial Matters:       
5.1 Authorisation of BACS payments
Documents containing invoices approved and paid since the last meeting and up to 30.6.21 were previously distributed.
Please see Appendix A below
Decision: Approved unanimously

5.2 Review and Approval of CFPC accounts
Bank Reconciliations as at 30.6.21 were previously distributed.
Please see Appendix B below for re-forecasted management accounts
Decision: Approved unanimously

5.3 Update from Cllr Budden – Finance Committee Chair
Cllr Budden reported that there had been a reforecast at the finance committee meeting on 5th July resulting in forecasted reserves of £38090. It had been agreed previously that reserves should sit between 50% and 125% of the precept. The result of the reforecast means that the current finances are healthy, and the PC is in a good position for any additional funds to be spent.

ITEM 6 – Registers
6.1 Risk Register – this was distributed previously.
Cllr Allen pointed out that there was an amendment needed. The News & Views element to be deleted and grant application as and when necessary be added.
Action: Clerk

6.2 Maintenance Register – this was distributed previously and reviewed.
Cllr Fritzsche reminded Cllrs to add recurring expenditures to the maintenance register
Decision: it was agreed unanimously to approve this document

6.3 New Standing Orders - this was distributed previously.
Cllr Fritzsche proposed that the New Standing Orders recommended by LALC be adopted.
Seconded: Cllr Allen
Decision: it was agreed unanimously to adopt the New Standing Orders
Action: Clerk

ITEM 7 -  Project Register Update
7.1 No Parking Line Markings
LCC have this out for consultation. Cllr Fritzsche pointed out that it was the responsibility of the residents to offer support or objection
Decision - Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project

7.2 Back Lane Street Lighting

Cllr Fritzsche reported that the school whilst supporting the principle could not add any finance to this project and as such it was not viable for the PC. Cllr Crawley suggested that if Western Powers recent works includes South Parade, he proposed that the PC correspond with Western Power to extend the power supply to the Back Lane area.

Decision: Agreed unanimously to correspond with Western Power

Action: NF/AC/Clerk

7.3 Renewable Energy
The subject of renewable energy for the Village Hall ansd the Playing Field was covered in the Neighbourhood Plan survey, PC will respond to the outcome.
Decision: Agreed unanimously that this project  be suspended

7.4 Road Repairs
Cllr Maughan reported that: The council's executive is proposing to invest an additional £10m in Highway maintenance in the current financial year, which comes in addition to the £12.3m we invested from reserves to make good the 25% reduction from Government for 2021/22. This investment takes the total highways maintenance budget to £61m this year. This investment has been possible because the cost of delivering  council services was less than forecast last year. We have already invested additional money into our A roads, so we will be targeting the additional funds on our B roads and minor roads, and where possible we will be rebuilding and resurfacing and not just fill potholes. 
Decision - Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project

7.5 EV Charging Points
Cllr Crawley and LCC had identified possible siting points on Back Lane and the car park of the Wagon & Horses
The LCC representative is seeking clarification from Western Power about the availability of power supplies, please see Cllr Maughan’s report below
Decision - Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project

7.6 Red Lion Bus Shelter
The subject of bus shelters was covered in the Neighbourhood Plan survey, PC will respond to the outcome.
Decision: Agreed unanimously that this project  be suspended

Item 8 – New Proposals
8.1 Frieston Bench 07/21/1
Cllr Roberts reported that although a contractor had quoted £250 to build a concrete base for the bench there were issues due to personal reasons. The bench is being donated by a local resident. Cllr Fritzsche agreed to draw up the specifications in order to procure quotes from other contractors. After discussion Cllr Fritzsche suggested that Cllr Crawley, along with Cllr Lee, devise a plan for Frieston Lower Green, comprising the new bench, tree planting and the noticeboard, along with the Conifer (see 8.2 below), to be discussed at the next meeting.  Post Meeting Cllr Lee has offered to assist the contractor to mix concrete and barrow hardcore to make the base Cllr Roberts is now coordinating the two..
Cllr Fritzsche proposed that £500 be approved for the concrete base and siting of the bench
Seconded: Cllr Linforth
Decision: Agreed unanimously to allocate £500
Action: NF/ AC/DL/Clerk

8.2 Conifer Tree at Frieston 07/21/2
Cllr Lee omitted to suggest a cost of a tree
Cllr Budden proposed that £150 be approved for the purchase of a Conifer
Seconded: Cllr Sandy
Decision: Agreed unanimously to allocate £150

8.3 A607 Speed Limit 07/21/3
Cllr Maughan reported that over the last 5 years there had been ‘2 slight injuries and 1 serious injury’. Local residents had previously reported concerns with regarding the speed limit and the possibility of reducing the limit. Cllr Betts reported that the speeding survey (see 8.4 below) showed only 7% of drivers exceeded the speed limit on the A607 between the High Street and Church Lane entrances.
Cllr Fritzsche proposed that the equipment be borrowed from Carlton Scroop to assess the speeding along various stretches of the A607 in both directions
Seconded: Cllr Betts
Decision: Agreed unanimously
Action: JB

8.4 Ward Grant 07/21/4
This item was deleted 

8.4 Speeding Survey
Cllr Betts reported the following:

Speed Sign Location


Max Speed

Average Speed

% Speeding

Waterloo Road

28th March - 6th April




Gorse Hill/ Kings Hill

6th April - 17th April




Gorse Hill - allotments

17th April - 20th April




Back Lane

20th April - 25th April




Church Lane (entering village)

25th April - 1st May




Church Lane (leaving village)

1st May - 3rd May




A607 Southbound

3rd May - 6th May




High Street

6th May - 12th May









It was reported that the survey shows there is not excessive speeding through the village, although there are potential issues on Church Lane.
Cllr Fritzsche suggested that Cllr Betts approach the Road Safety Partnership with a view to renewing the speed limit signs currently in situ and to investigate possible new signage, and or re-siting. Cllr Fritzsche and Cllr Maughan discussed the possibility of an advisory speed limit, the process being the same as to change or introduce a speed limit.
Action: JB

8.5 Playing Field Trees 07/21/5 & 07/21/7
Cllr Crawley reported that, along with the clerk, tree surgeons had been approached to assess the condition of the village trees.  It was determined that those on the playing field were, on the whole, in a poor state. Cllr Maughan agreed to determine whether LCC owned the land at the top of Arnhem Drive and therefore would be responsible for the large cherry tree. Residents have also reported concerns of trees on Frieston Green.
Cllr Budden suggested that the Playing Field Committee may be in a position to contribute towards the costs of any tree work recommended by a survey. There is £1000 in the budget for tree work
Cllr Fritzsche proposed that a survey be carried out of all Parish trees at a cost of £350 and that the remaining funds be allocated to work required immediately.
Seconded: Cllr Sandy
Decision: Agreed unanimously
Action: Clerk

8.6 Allotments 07/21/6
It was agreed that this proposal be carried forward to the next meeting

Item 9 – The Parish Environment
9.1 Planning
Land adjacent to Waterloo Close; erection of 3 dwellings. CFPC objected. SKDC have come back with a review (“called in”) and mentioned a similar development was appealed & dismissed on the same land in 2013. S13/2986
Too high a density for contextual relationship with immediate surrounding area; incongruous & harmful to prevailing character & appearance of surrounding area; too high density makes site appear overcrowded; forward of building line; prominent & noticeable in street scene and does not add to the overall quality of the area.
S21/0918 & 0900
Caythorpe Surgery development – has been approved. Erection of an extension to the rear of the surgery to form additional consultation rooms.
T1 – Sycamore crown reduced by 4-5m. 2 Old Lincoln Road has been approved.
2 storey side extension to existing garage, conversion of garage into living accommodation & single storey link. Hawthorn Cottage, Hough Road. Deadline 24/7. Currently no objections.

9.2 Other Planning Issues

Cllr Roberts expressed his thanks to Cllr Crawley for his hard work in procuring a promise from Anesco to replace the dead trees around the battery farm and to plant wild flowers.Cllr Roberts also shared his concerns with respect to the battery farm and the likelihood of it catching fire. He was unsure whether the fire service were aware. Cllr Fritzsche answered that the storage units are designed to contain a fire and usually had a fire suppression system installed. If a fire was to occur there is an large amount of open water locally that the fire service could use. Cllr Allen reported that the emergency planning department have the battery farm on record in the village emergency plan as a hazard and could, therefore if information has been shared between departments the fire service should be aware.Cllr Roberts requested that a letter be sent to the fire service advising them of the site.

Action NF/Clerk

Item 10 – Neighbourhood Plan - Report by Cllr Allen
The survey for the plan went out with the July issue of News and Views to all homes in the parish, and the online version is up and running.  Four collection boxes and extra paper copies are in place around Caythorpe. Links to the online survey are on the CFPC website and Facebook page, and on the village Facebook page.
In mid-July I plan to put poster reminders up around the villages, and another in N&V’s August issue.
I have also emailed the Gala people to try and get a stand for the event, when we hope to get a few more responses. We have set the deadline for as Sept 5th. Gordon Grant (working group member) is handling the survey, as he did for the Parish Plan some time ago.
Clive Keble, the planning consultant, has told me that we also need to let other ‘interested parties’ know that we are preparing a NP and give them the chance to put forward their views. It is a long list of government bodies, service providers, emergency services, land owners and businesses whose headquarters are outside the parish. With help from the PC and working party I have prepared a list for him, and he plans to contact them on our behalf during July.
The assessment of employment in the parish is complete except for farm workers. Farmers are proving difficult to contact – only one has responded. Based on responses from other businesses I estimate that around 300 people work in the parish, with a further 100 or so seasonal workers.
Current status.
Survey update from Gordon Grant.
To date there are 98 completed returns.
About two-thirds of the returns have been completed online.
We desperately need more returns from younger families and teenagers and need to target them. To give you some idea, 9% are from the under 25s, only 7% from those aged 25-44, but 45% from those aged 45-64, and 39% from those aged 65+. Even though heads of households will tend to be older people, younger families are very much under-represented at the moment.
26 different parish postcodes are represented so far but geographic representation will increase as more returns are received. I can provide precise figures for each postcode which will help decision-making about follow-up targeting.
Moving forward I think we also need to get local leaders on board to assist networking friends, families and organisations/groups about the importance of this exercise. The posters you have produced will be immensely helpful in reminding people about the survey. Using Facebook and other social media is likely to give us access to younger people so regular postings will be useful in my opinion, especially if we can persuade some of the younger people themselves to spread the word with their contacts in this way. Is it possible to get the school to use its influence with parents before the summer holiday begins?
Cllr Allen’s Neighbourhood Plan update: 14 July 2021.
Posters have gone up on notice boards, bus shelters, surgery and church, and will be put in the VH tonight.
I have put out reminder leaflets to the WI and the Garden Society. I did some handouts to some mums outside the school, but a lot are from outside the parish. Cllr Fritzsche has said he will try dog walkers and GG will target the walking group. If anyone else belongs to a group, please can they remind them too. I can email them the leaflet and provide some paper copies of the survey.
Can anyone let me know how to approach the Social Club?
Village show has been cancelled, but Open Gardens is going on, so this will be another opportunity to remind residents.
The place at the Gala has been booked.
Please could we get a weekly reminder onto social media, perhaps with the number of responses to far out of 1500- the population of the parish. It might prompt some action.
Any other suggestions?
Cllr Linforth agreed to add the survey to the school parent face book page and all councillors were urged to encourage the parishioners.

Social housing

Cllr Roberts expressed concerns about protecting social housing, he requested LALC be contacted to ascertain if there was anything in place to protect some social housing from being purchased by the tenant
Action: Clerk

ITEM 11 -  Community Safety.
During April there was a total of 7 reported crimes in our area and during May there were 15. The clerk has put a crime register on Parish Online for all councillors to view and where these crimes can be monitored.

ITEM 12– Community Activities by Portfolio Councillor – the following are reports written by the individual councillors.
12.1 Cllr Crawley
12.1.1 Litter Picking and the Big Clean
A member of the Parish has volunteered to pick litter as part of the Make a Difference Week. A litter pick on the A607 will be held on 16th July.
A litter pick took place on Gorse Hill on 26th May when six bags of litter and sundry fly tipped building materials and garden debris was collected.
The Big Clean Team are due in Caythorpe on 7th September so if there are any areas you think need attention, then please let me know so I can pass these on.
Ongoing problems with Mid Uk are being identified and dealt with.
12.1.2 Environmental Sustainability
A meeting has taken place with Alexander Maughan and a representative of LCC when the issue of charging points for electric vehicles was discussed. Suitable sites were identified on Back Lane and in the car park of the Red Lion. The LCC representative is seeking clarification from Western Power about the availability of power supplies. It may be possible to provide some lighting in connection with the point on Back Lane.
Enquiries have established ownership of the Village Hall and Playing Fields as belonging to the Parish Council. Questions have been included in the Neighbourhood Plan survey re sustainable means of providing heating and lighting. Once the results of the survey are known, suitable schemes will be proposed if applicable.
Various people with in the village are raising trees for planting out in the autumn. A programme of maintenance and watering on trees planted this spring is on going.
The dead trees around the battery storage site will be replaced in the autumn
12.1.3 Playing Fields
It is apparent that there is major expense needed on the trees that surround the playing field – see separate papers previously submitted.
A scheme is being prepared for planning permission for 2 x 20 feet steel shipping containers to be sited on the field behind the wall to the basketball court. These are needed for storage of sporting equipment and equipment used in connection with the Gala, which is currently stored at various locations within the Hammond Pavillion.
The Sports and Social club has re opened and is trading at weekends and for sporting fixtures
Cllr Crawley requested suggestions for The Big Clean. Cllr Allen reported that the footpath between Old Lincoln Road and the school needed some attention and Cllr Fritzsche recommended the Lime Grove coppice. Playing Field AGM will be held on 26th July in the Pavilion  

12.2 Cllr Hall – Village Hall Committee
Minutes of the Village Hall AGM and recent committee meeting were circulated to all councillors

12.3 Cllr Fritzsche – News & Views
Cllr Fritzsche reported that News & Views are looking to expand in to Sudbrook

12.4 Cllr Graham - Nothing to Report

12.5 Cllr Sandy - Nothing to Report

12.6 Cllr Lee

I have put out some dog waste bags down near me at Frieston following some irresponsible dog ownership but that appears to be resolved now.
I have added some sandbags to the Emergency ‘Battle Box’ in the Village Hall in case of localised flooding. Now all we need is some sand.
I have also gone ahead and given the Spar Shop and Red Lion a small token of appreciation for their outstanding support to the community throughout the pandemic.

12.7 Cllr Betts
12.7.1 Gorse Hill Road & High St Road Repairs & visit with Rowan (Highways)
Just to update you on progress with works for Gorse Hill Lane, drainage/bank repair works have been designed and will include piling works, which requires a specialist contractor. These works are planned for the current financial year subject to being able to find a contractor. Carriageway works are then planned for next year and designs are underway for this. In the meantime, defects should continue to be reported on fix my street and Highways will continue to make these safe with infill/temporary repairs.
As a side note, Rowan Smith  reviewed the condition of High Street last week (in particular between the School and the Doctors Surgery) and he will look into possible patching schemes. Cllr Maughan has put forward a request for carriageway resurfacing on the A607 as part of the Principal Road Network schemes and will receive a further update shortly on where this sits in the priority rankings across the county.
Speed Sign Data Analysis
I have completed the analysis of the speed sign data we had up in the village during March / April. Throughout the village we saw an average of 10% of vehicles speeding, yet there were some significant variances between each location (See 8.4 above). The greatest number of speeding offences were on Church Lane when entering the village with 27% of vehicles speeding. We can discuss proposed next steps in the meeting, please take a few minutes to read the attached summary I have drafted.
12.7.2 Facebook
Continue to post updates for planning applications & other pertinent items.
12.7.3 Housing / Volunteering - No Updates 

12.8 Cllr Linforth
12.8.1 Update on Defibrillators
We are currently looking into two potential sites for the 4th defibrillator in Frieston. One of the sites is listed so discussions are happening with SKDC. The second site isn’t listed so discussions are happening with the owners of the property. Should we be successful in finding a suitable spot, there will be a cost of instillation and I will update on these costs as and when we are at that stage.
I would also like to put a reminder out to the parish, through Facebook, that they MUST call 999 to be able to access a defib. They cannot just go to a defib and get it out of the cabinet and use it. The code will be given by the 999 service, and they will only give this code should it be necessary for a defib to be used.
All of the other working defibs are in FWO, however we will soon need to purchase new batteries for these. They have been installed since 2018, and at present the levels are fine, but something to bear in mind in the not-so-distant future that new ones will be required. Again, I will update on costs when we get to this stage.
12.8.2 LIVES
No change - At present we do not have a LIVES representative in Caythorpe. Training is available for anyone that would like to become a representative and will continue to ask for this throughout the village.
12.8.3 Hospital Car Scheme
No further update on this, however, this is something we can now move forward with and ask residents of the parish who can help and then promote their service. The Parish Councils involvement is more a stamp of approval and the passengers themselves arrange with the driver’s collection/payment/pickup times etc. 

12.8.4 Children and Childcare
Caythorpe Primary School is open for all pupils. The new headteacher Mrs Hunt has started her role.
Caythorpe Preschool remains open. Numbers remain exceptionally low at present.
Sure start centre now open.
Many children in the village that attend Sir William Robertson Academy are in isolation due to many bubbles being closed because of increasing  covid positive numbers.

12.9 Cllr Roberts
12.9.1 Burial Ground. Peter Sandy has sourced a notice requesting machinery operators to use the drop kerbs when coming on site. Brian Wills is preparing the shed door to be painted sage green and he has been asked to cut the overhanging tree branches which are obstructing the entrance path. The new gates have been treated with preservative.
Church Green. The owner of the site boundary wall has arranged for the repair and pointing of the wall. This work has been completed.  The posts and chain around the War Memorial need repainting.
The colours are the colours of the Airborne ie maroon and blue. Neil could you consider asking the Army when they next visit to bring us some paint for this work to be done.
The oak seat needs a coat of preservative. The black painted donated seat requires attention and a decision to repaint in sage green.
12.9.2 Allotments. The AGM has been held. The allotments hope to have a stall at the Gala and to sell pumpkins in October. There is a waiting list of
4 local people wishing to have plots. The existing committee has been re-elected. Appreciation was expressed to the PC for funding the recent tree works and a request is being made for funding to enable the South boundary hedge to be cut back this Autumn/Winter.

ITEM 13 -  Items of Urgent Business
Cllr Fritzsche reported that there had been a request from the army for raffle items to raise funds for the ‘Old Veterans Association’. It was agreed that the gala organisers would be approached. Councillors have been invited to the dining in the evening depending on numbers. Cllr Fritzsche to liaise.

ITEM 14. Arrangements for Next Meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting Number 3 of 2021 will be held on Wednesday 15th September 2021 commencing at 7.30pm and will be in the village hall.

Open Forum
Cllr Alexander Maughan (LCC)
Caythorpe – Electric Vehicle Charge Point Project
Overview: Provision of charging infrastructure is key to enabling the high uptake of Electric Vehicles across the UK. The Committee for Climate Change report expects around 260,000 to 480,000 public chargers to be required by 2040. Department for Transport figures show that there were 183 publicly available charge points in Lincolnshire in 2020.
Around 70% of car owners have access to off-street parking and so will be able to recharge their vehicle at home. The majority of those who don't have access to off-street parking are in urban areas, but there are significant areas in the historic cores of rural villages that do not have off-street parking.
A request came in from the member for the Hough Ward (Cllr Maughan) via Cllr Davie to examine the possibility of installing on-street electric vehicle charging points in Caythorpe. The Parish Council in Caythorpe had received requests from residents about charge point availability, as many of the properties in the historic centre of the village do not have off-street parking.
There have been multiple examples of on-street charging systems in urban areas, but there are few rural examples of similar systems. Caythorpe parish would make an interesting and useful trial location for on-street charging in a rural village. There is a potential funding source for the project through the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles, which has a dedicated fund – On-street Residential Chargepoint Scheme. This fund will contribute up to £13,000 per charge point for equipment and installation.
Possible Charge Point Locations
The Caythorpe Parish Council has identified two sites as potential locations – these are adjacent to the Caythorpe Sports & Social Club and on Back Lane – adjacent to the school playing field.
Of the two locations the Sports & Social Club location appears to have an electricity supply available nearby. Power to the charge points could be from a dedicated supply or could be linked to the Sports & Social Club Supply.
Power supply to the Back Lane site appears to be more problematic as there are no streetlights on this part of the street and no nearby houses or other buildings. It is possible that an electricity supply will need to be brought a considerable distance to the location.
Western Power has conducted an assessment of every electricity sub-station within its area for the available capacity to add electric vehicle charge points. A review of this work identified a third possible location in the car park of the Waggon & Horses Public House. There are five parking bays, which are immediately adjacent to one of the main sub-stations for the village. Adding charge points to this location should be straightforward.
There are several public sector procurement frameworks for electric vehicle infrastructure - including one from the NHS and another that was put in place by Kent County Council.
Waggon & Horses Site
Look to submit a trial bid for electric vehicle charge points in Caythorpe to the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles
A bid to OZEV could be linked to the Communities Renewal Fund project on Zero Carbon Parish Councils
Need to focus on the data collection for any charge points installed in Caythorpe – so we can get a better understanding of how they are used by residents.
Need to get best use of the OZEV funds for Lincolnshire – need to look at submitting bids for urban areas and to support district councils to submit
Electricity Infrastructure in Caythorpe
Western Power Distribution has conducted an assessment of every substation within its area for the available capacity for electric vehicle charging. The section of the map covering Caythorpe is reproduced below.
Western Power assessment of the capacity of substations for electric vehicle charging
Of the five substations covering the village the following have electrical capacity available:
Wheatgrass Lane
Templeway Close
High Street
The following substations have some capacity available – which may need managed charging:
Caythorpe – (substation in the car park of the Waggon & Horses)

Cllr Penny Milnes (SKDC)
Caythorpe and Frieston PC 14 July 2021 

Agenda Planning Applications:
S21/1094 3 Dwellings, Waterloo Road. I have ‘called in’ this application to be herd by the planning committee if necessary.
S21/0816 Douglas Firs, Conservation Area. The applicant has been asked for amendments which are still awaited.
S19/2107 1 Dwelling, adjacent St Vincent’s House. The applicant and agent have been informed and this application will be recommended for refusal very soon.
It is lovely to see you all again in real life!
SKDC is continuing to work remotely as far as possible with most staff working from home. However, Council meetings now need to be in person – as this parish council meeting has to be – to comply with government rules. Full Council is held in the Meres Leisure Centre to allow space for social distancing and safe measures; Other Committees are meeting in the Council Chamber with safeguards.

A new Director of Growth and Culture is now in role – Nicola McCoy-Brown and a new Assistant Director for Growth, Planning and Policy has been selected and will start at the end of September. 2 new Senior Planning Officers have been recruited and applications invited for an extra Enforcement Officer, to boost the staffing of the department.
The planning review is still in process.
Cllr Helen Crawford is now the Chair of the Planning Committee and Cllr Nick Robins is now the Cabinet Member for Growth

The crisis in the housing sector continues to be addressed headed by Cllr Robert Reid, Cabinet Member for Housing, and Andrew Cotton, Director of Housing and Property

The Leisure Centres are open and being run by Leisure SK – who are shortlisted for a prestigious award. Congratulations to the Head of Leisure, Karen Whitfield, who has joined the country’s leading public sector advisory body for leisure and culture.

SKDC are continuing to support businesses and residents throughout this pandemic and utilising government funding. Importantly looking forward now to recovering strongly

Neighbourhood Planning
I am encouraged that the NP team are making good progress. New spatial policies and the growth agenda in the 2020 Local Plan affect Caythorpe which is classed as a larger village which can sustain some development (SP3, Infill and SP4, Edge of Village) Within a NP you can have, for example design policies – see the draft Design Supplementary Guidance. Changes at government level, for example any White Paper on Planning, can be incorporated within a continuing review – please do not delay waiting for such changes as they occur on an ongoing basis. A NP is a statutory document when adopted, on a par with the LP, and democratically reflects residents wishes on a range of issues. Any future government changes in the way consultation is carried out on planning applications mean a NP is even more important. SKDC are offering help and advice and I am pleased to hear that a consultant has been appointed.

Community Fund
Round 21 is finishing on 23 July however Round 22 then begins. Please ask me if you need further information.

Ward Member Grant
I have £500 for the Ward this year for:
community groups/voluntary groups/youth groups/organisations/registered charities/social enterprise/faith or belief groups/organisations(only for non-religious outreach projects or community activities held within a place of worship)
Not for:
Projects for private gain/charity concerts – where event passes onto another charity; projects already receiving SKDC funding/regular events/businesses

Appendix A - BACS payments 

Invoice Date Invoice Number To Whom Particulars of Payment Total Amount Date Paid
30.3.21 1434  Brian Wills empty dog bins & new bags 102.99 7.4.21
24.3.21 email Chattertons paid on account for services 100 7.4.21
1.1.21 916 Enviro- Tec annual subscription for mole control 325 15.4.21
27.4.21 1441 Brian Wills empty dog bins & treat Burial ground gates 147.06 28.4.21
30.4.21 27 GW King & Sons March & April grasscutting contract at the Burial Ground 760 28.4.21
28.4.21 280421 D Manderfield monthly expenses 23.91 28.4.21
28.4.21 transfer  N&V account Townsend Moore advertising   28.4.21
16.4.21 32UG020-0002 Parish Online subscription 96 28.4.21
30.4.21 expenses N Fritzsche paint for maintaining noticeboards, BG seat & shed door 43.94 30.4.21
30.4.21` 11535 LALC burials 2 day training course 54 19.5.21
30.4.21 11487 LALC Zoom licence 24.4.21 - 23.4.22 119.90 19.5.21
21.5.21 61 GW King & Sons grass cutting at Frieston upper & lower greens 208 25.5.21
25.5.21 1444 Brian Wills dog bins & grasscutting at church 136 25.5.21
21.5.21 21083 Time Assured Limited church clock service 138 25.5.21
26.5.21` 98840 TDP Ltd Wirksworth bench, plaque and anchor kit 490.87 27.5.21
31.5.21 310521 D Manderfield clerks expenses 18.81 9.6.21
5.6.21 50621 P&L Leeds N&V Expenses April, May & June 75 9.6.21
27.6.21 9 GW King & Sons May & June grasscutting contract at the Burial Ground 760 22.6.21
18.6.21 111572 Smart Survey repaid to G Grant. paid for on a credit card BACS payment not accepted 388.80 22.6.20
22.6.21 1449 Brian Wills empty dog bins 103 23.6.21
23.6.21 transfer N&V account JG Wilson advertising   23.6.21



Appendix B
Caythorpe & Frieston Management Accounts
Accounts at 5th July 2021


Precept 30039 30039 15019.50 30039 0.00
Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Community Fund 1610 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Allotment 226 226 226 226 0.0
Burial Ground 1700 1700 350 1700 0.0
SKDC Community Cleaning Grant 907 907 463.32 907 0.0
Neighbourhood Plan 0.0 0.0 7669 7669 7669
Ward Grant 0.0 400 0.0 100 -300
VAT Reclaim 1918 1538 1538 1538 0.0
TOTAL INCOME INC NEWS & VIEWS BELOW 45917 43810 25946.26 51179 7369
Burial Grounds 3037 2980 1517.06 2980 0.0
Allotments 251 226 0.0 226 0.0
Audit 360 360 0.0 360 0.0
Staff Salaries 7278 7070 1689.20 7070 0.0
Election Costs 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Community Projects 256 500 0.0 500 0.0
Maintenance 2096 2150 689.93 2150 0.0
Srreet Cleaning 1147 1362 344.40 1362 0.0
VH Grant 3500 3500 0.0 3500 0.0
PF Grant 3500 3500 0.0 3500 0.0
S137 Expenditure 416 500 115 500 0.0
Insurance 2496 2522 0.0 2522 0.0
LALC & SLCC 504 550 144.92 550 0.0
Tel, post, stationary etc 750 575 122.72 575 0.0
PWLB Loan 886 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Bank Charges 72 144 36 144 0.0
Mole Control 0.0 325 325 650 325
Christmas Tree 0.0 150 0.0 150 0.0
Misc 1307 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sub Total 27856 26414 5038.23 26739 325
Chattertons legal costs   400 100 400 0.0
Neighbourhood Plan 198 0.0 324 7669 7669
Tree Work 180 1000 0.0 1000 0.0
New Trees Planting 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Frieston Bench 1333 0.0 409.06 0.0 0.0
BG Post & Gate 1428 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Village Gates 3686 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Allotment Hedging 1920 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Memorial Signs 169 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Misc 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
SUB TOTAL 8914 1400 833.16 9069 7669
NEWS & VIEWS          
income 9517 9000 680.70 9000 0.0
expenditure 7212 6634 75 6634 0.0
sub total 2305 2366 605.70 2366 0.0
TOTAL EXPENDITURE INC NEWS & VIEWS ABOVE 43982 34448 5946.29 42442 7994
SURPLUS/LOSS 1935 9362 19999.97 8737 -625
RESERVES   38715.95 4953.92 38090.95