CFPC Minutes from the January Meeting
Councillors: N Fritzsche (Chairman)
J Allen, J Betts, R Brooke, P Sandy, D Lee, A Graham, A Roberts had problems with Zoom.
Other attendees: Cllr Penny Milnes (Not for full meeting)
Clerk: Mrs D Manderfield
Item 1 – Apologies for absence
A Crawley (retrospectively), C Linforth, A Maughan
Item 2 – Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act
There were no declarations of interest
Item 3 - Approval of Minutes of Meeting 3 held on 11th November on ZOOM.
3.1 These minutes were presented to the councillors prior to the meeting for approval.
All agreed unanimously that the minutes are a true record and will be signed by the chairman as soon as is possible due to COVID-19 19 restrictions.
Action: NF
Item 4 – Parish Clerk’s Update on Matters Arising Since Last Meeting:
4.1 Village Hall (VH), Playing Field (PF), Hammond Pavilion (HP)
Chattertons in Grantham appears to hold information for the PF & HP, but not on the VH. The clerk emailed HM Land Registry Office and Lincolnshire Archives (after advice from the Charities Commission) they have a copy of the title deeds of the HP which States the CFPC as the registered owners. The PF is not mentioned separately, and neither is the VH.
After further conversations with Chattertons a request has been made to Pamela Goodrich to take a look at the conveyances that we have, and a copy of the title deeds in order to ascertain exactly who owns what. She was also asked to set in motion the registering of the VH. Costs involved with this are not yet known. The clerk advised that an email had been received from Sophie Meehan-Green who is a solicitor in the Commercial Property department at Chattertons who will be looking after our case.
Action: DM
4.2 Carlton Scroop SID
Carlton Scroop clerk confirmed they appear happy to lend the SID. Advice from our insurers is that if the Council were to borrow a Speed Device from another insurer the liability aspect would be covered, however, if you wanted the Device covered against loss or damage both Council’s would need to insure the Device for the full replacement value. Clerk to identify if the SID is insured by Carlton Scroop and fir what value and then enquire about insuring via CFPC
Action: DM
4.3 Burial Ground
The clerk advised that there had been a burial and an alteration to a headstone.
4.4 Bus Shelter – Eastcliffe Square
LCC Transport Services have confirmed that they are keeping the old shelter and are in the process of arranging for a contractor to visit and quote for a roof to cover people watching for the bus beyond the new fence.
4.5 Banking and new bank Account and signatories
The final submission was emailed on 8/1. There were ‘old’ users still named on the account that have now had them removed. Laura should now be able to view the News & Views account only, and Neil, Roger and Michael are signatories on the account and can access internet banking to authorise payments. The clerk advised that with Rogers resignation more signatories and authorisers will be required. This will be discussed under Urgent business.
4.6 Website
The website switch over is complete. The clerk advised that csv’s in the main body of the text (in minutes etc) would be acceptable. PDFs are not advised as previously reported but sometimes it is unavoidable. The content and format are the responsibility of the council. Cllr Fritzsche requested that all councillors visit the website.
A donation of thanks for the help of Pete Langford had been agreed between the councillors for his help on the website. The clerk advised that at Pete’s request, all donations, collected by LALC are be split between the RAF benevolent fund and guide dogs for the blind.
4.7 Personnel Committee
Neil has requested a Personnel Committee; a copy of a suggested terms of reference was attached for councillors.
4.8 Resignation of a councillor
The closing date for election requests is 27th January, and then the co-option process can begin.
4.9 HMRC
The clerk advised that there is still a credit with HMRC to the tune of £773 as of 7.1. EPS has been claimed back to 2016/17 so there may be a little more to be credited. This means that payment to HMRC will not be necessary until June
At this point Cllr Penny Milnes delivered her report to the councillors (see below) as she was unable to stay.
Item 5 - Financial Matters
5.1 Authorisation of BACS payments
Documents containing invoices approved and paid since the last meeting and up to 31.12.20 were previously distributed.
Please see Appendix A below
Decision: Approved unanimously
5.2 Review and Approval of CFPC accounts
Bank Reconciliations as at 31.12.20 and management accounts were previously distributed.
Please see Appendix B below
Decision: Approved unanimously
5.3 Update from Cllr Budden – Finance Committee Chair
Cllr Budden reported that he was happy with the figures prior to year end at 31.3.21 and that most of the capital expenditure had been incurred. There is an expected overspend of around £4800 which had been agreed previously and the forecasted reserves at year end will be around £21400. Cllr Fritzsche and Cllr Graham agreed that the sensory pavement crossing/s were to be funded fully by LCC which means that Cllr Budden is able to remove £1700 from the budget for the year 21/22.
5.4 Proposal for 2021/22 Precept
2020-21 Finances | |
Forecast income | £43,528 |
Forecast expenditure | |
Revenue | -£37,621 |
Capital | - £10,786 |
- £48,407 | |
NET | - £4,879 |
RESERVES | £21,430 |
2021-22 Finances - base estimate | |
Income | £32,395 |
Revenue Expenditure | - £28,302 |
NET | £4,093 |
Removed News & Views income, £800 Community Fund, £700 of burial ground fees, £1,200 of VAT reclaim.
Removed News & Views costs & PWLB loan payment (now repaid); No capital expenditure included.
Capital Expenditure in 2020-21 not needed in 2021-22 (excluding costs of < £300):
- Chapel Lane bench - £700
- Burial Ground post & gate - £1,280
- Village gates - £3,686
- Allotment Hedging - £1,800
C/F reserves at 31.3.21 will be approx £2,600 higher if the following capital expenditure is not incurred between now & then:
- Pavement Crossings (£1700), Tree Works (£600), Salt Bins (£300)
Possible capital expenditure mooted so far for 2021-22:
- Christmas Tree - £500 (+ £150 p.a. revenue costs)
- Bus Shelter replacement - £3,500 p.a. (over 4 years, plus £60 p.a. revenue costs)
- Street lighting on Back Lane - £1,000 (50% of cost, other 50% from Caythorpe school)
- Frieston green bench - £1,000
- Environmental Land area - £2,300
I hope the above is easy enough to follow. In brief, we should have reserves of at least £21,000 at 31.3.21 (may be higher – see Note 4).
If we keep the Precept at the current level for 2021/22, we will generate a surplus of approx. £4,000. THIS IS BEFORE ANY CAPITAL EXPENDITURE – see Note 5. The items listed therein would eat into the reserves, being greater than the forecast surplus without any Capital Expenditure.
The agreed range for our reserve is 50% to 125% of precept. The precept is presently £30,039. Reserves should therefore sit between approx. £15,000 and £37,500.
Any increase in the precept is unlikely in itself to help cover any shortfall created by Capital expenditure. For example, a 1% increase would generate only an extra £300 of revenue. A 3% increase would produce an additional £900.
So, unless significant additional Capital expenditure is required, the decision to make any increase in the Precept is more tied to whether the PC thinks some form of increase is desirable from the basis of consistency, i.e., parishioners expect it to increase year on year, e.g., with inflation.
Given the challenging economic climate for many due to the pandemic, the likelihood that both LCC and SKDC will impose significant % increases which will impact on household budgets, and the minimal effect on PC income of an increase in the precept in the context of forecast reserves and expenditure, I recommend no increase in the PC precept for 2021/22.
Cllr Allen reported that there might be a cost involved for the Neighbourhood Plan and the clerk reported that there will be a capital expense with regards to the solicitors fees. Cllr Fritzsche pointed out that if other capital expenses arose then they will be dealt with and voted on at the time.
Decision: the vote was carried 5:2 in favour of keeping the Precept the same as 20/21
Action: MB Finance Committee/DM
5.5 Gift for Outgoing Clerk
Cllr Fritzsche reported that although it had been agreed to spend £50 on a gift for Mel Stevens when he retired, it was never formally determined as to where the funds would come from. Cllr Fritzsche advised that he had purchased a photo album and a bottle of champagne. The clerk explained that this is an allowable expense under section 137.
Decision: Approved unanimously to approve the expense
Item 6 Registers
6.1 Risk Register – this was distributed previously.
Cllr Fritzsche requested that the register was updated to read that the deeds were held by Chattertons solicitors in Grantham in order to avoid confusion in the future.
Action to update DM
6.2 Maintenance Register – this was distributed previously and reviewed.
Cllr Fritzsche explained that this register was designed to help the budget process by recognising revenue costs on a rolling basis.
Action: DM
Decision: Agreed unanimously to approve these two documents
Item 7 - Project Register Update
7.1 Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr Allen reported that there was a public consultation required that was not possible now due to Covid-19-19. Other than some draft work being done the project is currently on hold.
Decision - Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project
7.2 Burial Ground Gates
Cllr Sandy reported that the posts were in and that Bakers are due to collect and install the gates
Action: PS
Decision - Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project
7.3 Emergency Plan
Cllr Lee reported that he intended to visit the planner personally and discuss the plan
Action: DL
Decision - Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project
7.4 High Street Line Markings LCC
Cllr Maughan reported that the consultation had not gone ahead due the school closure and lockdown announcements. Cllr Maughan is of the opinion that it should still go ahead as it is still possible to share this information with the school community and notices can still be put on site and letters sent to directly affected residents. The consultation can therefore commence on the 22nd January.
Decision - Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project
7.5 Lime Grove Hedge
The state of this project has not changed. Expected date is still February 2021
Action: DM
Decision - Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project
7.6 Allotment Hedging
The state of this project has not changed. Mr Ward is expected to cut the hedges and would do so before 1.3.21
Action: RB
Decision - Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project
7.7 Playing Field Trees
The clerk advised a quote from SK Environmental was expected and after full discussions, it was suggested by Cllr Fritzsche that the project be put on hold. It was felt that a full survey was both costly and unnecessary. Cllr Brooke suggested that it might be a good idea for SK Environmental to view the trees and make suggestions of any necessary work.
Action: DM
Decision - Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project
7.8 LCC Archive Library
There is no change to this project
Decision - Agreed unanimously to suspend the project for the time being
7.9 Allotment Tree Works
Cllr Brooke and the clerk advised that Simpsons had been instructed to inform Cllr Brooke along with a member of the allotment committee prior to them starting work. As yet a start date has not been confirmed.
Action: RB
Decision - Agreed unanimously to approve the progress of this project
7.10 Speed Trap on Waterloo Road
Cllr Betts confirmed that contact had been made with Carlton Scroop Parish Council and are in the process of agreeing when the speed monitoring equipment could be available. It was agreed with them that we would defer the monitoring till after lockdown when vehicle numbers should rise. The resident who attended the PC Meeting a few months ago will be assisting with organising the locations of the cameras and set up of the monitoring equipment.
Action: JB
Decision - Agreed unanimously to postpone this project until after lockdown
7.11 Back Street Lighting
7.11 Back Street Lighting
Cllr Fritzsche questioned Cllr Milnes on the issue of street lighting on Back Lane behind the school and pointed out that although SKDC had not budgeted for installation of street lighting this did not expunge them from the responsibility to supply where required for appropriate reasons. Cllr Fritzsche made it known that the PC had written to the school to determine whether they feel this is an issue. Cllr Milnes reiterated that SKDC were prepared to erect and maintain a light if the PC were to purchase one. Cllr Fritzsche agreed to contact Cllr Milnes once the opinion of the school was determined.
.Action: NF/PM
7.12 Renewable Energy
With the absence of Cllr Crawley Cllr Fritzsche was reluctant to further this project until the ownership of the Village Hall, Hammond Pavilion and Playing Field was determined.
Item 8 - New Proposals.
8.1 01/21 / 1- Proposal by Cllr Fritzsche
To approve a plan to place a bus shelter at each of our bus stops over the next four years
Cllr Fritzsche submitted a paper for consideration which is attached to the minutes as appendix C
Cllr Budden felt that the buses were underutilised but agreed with Cllr Fritzsche that there were a number of children waiting for a bus for school outside the Red Lion in the mornings. Concern was expressed about space and Cllr Allen about accessibility for wheelchair users. Cllr Fritzsche responded that there was room for the shelters that were suggested, and the plan was simply to provide cover to existing stops. Cllr Betts agreed that there may be merit for a shelter at the Red Lion as previously described but again reiterated Cllr Buddens concerns. Cllr Graham suggested an amendment to the proposal to approve each shelter annually on its own merits.
Cllr Fritzsche amended the proposal to provide a bus shelter outside the Red Lion
Decision: the vote was carried 7:1 in favour
8.2 01/21 / 2- Proposal by Cllr Fritzsche
To instruct solicitors in relation to ownership of the Village Hall, Hammond Pavilion and Playing Field.
Cllr Crawley’s initial proposal 11/20/1 initiated the question of ownership of the VH, PF & HP. A number of parishioners interpreted PC documents relating to these areas differently. Cllr Fritzsche proposed instructing Chattertons with the view of obtaining definitive answers to ownership and to register the PC as the owner of the Village Hall.
Cllr Lee confirmed that the Playing Field would continue to be for the good and the benefit of the whole village.
Decision: Agreed unanimously to the proposal
Action DM
8.3 01/21 / 3 – Proposal by Cllr Roberts
For the acquisition of trees to be planted around the parish
In the absence of Cllr Roberts, Cllr Fritzsche submitted a consideration to purchase a further 10 trees
Decision: Agreed unanimously to the proposal
8.3 01/21 / 4- Personnel Committee
The clerk had previously attached the Terms of Reference for a personnel committee as advised by LALC.
Decision: Agreed unanimously that there was no need for a personal committee
Item 9 – The Parish Environment
9.1 Planning
Cllr Brooke submitted a paper to update the CFPC which is attached to the minutes as appendix D
Item 10 - Neighbourhood Plan
please see 7.1 above
Item 11 - Community Safety.
Nothing to report
Item 12 – Community Activities by Portfolio Councillor – the following are reports written by the individual councillors.
12.1 Cllr A Crawley
12.1.1 Litter and the Big Clean
The Big Clean Team has attended the village and cleared vegetation and pavements in Kings Hill
A Litter pick has taken place on Caythorpe Heath Lane, but generally organised Litter picks have not taken place due to Covid-19-19.
A lot of litter has been noted on the A607, believed to have come from a vehicle attending the Mid Uk site. An email has been sent to Mid Uk asking them to clear this.
SKDC cleared fly tipped material from Gorse Hill following an email request I made to them.
12.1.2 Environmental Sustainability
No further action has taken place on the schemes to provide green energy to the Village Hall and Hammond Pavillion, pending confirmation that these buildings are owned by the Parish Council.
I continue to monitor funding opportunities via the Rural Digest but at present there is nothing new available.
I am in contact with two local landowners where I think there are opportunities for land to be utilised for tree planting. At present it is proving quite testing trying to tie them down to a meeting to discuss these schemes further.
A suggestion has been made re planting on Frieston Lower Green to replace the diseased tree that was felled last year. There appears to be room for several other trees to be planted without encroaching on neighboring properties and I have drafted a piece for inclusion in the January News and Views, canvassing opinion on this.
A suggestion was made that the PC should replace the trees that have died around the Battery storage facility on Caythorpe Heath Lane. I am opposed to this as I believe it should be the developers who do this without using CFPC resources.
A landowner has offered two fields as potential sites for tree planting on the outskirts of Frieston. However, the fields are let for grazing livestock and there would be no public access. Whilst tree planting may benefit the community, there are issues about enhancing private land using PC resources. Your views on this will be welcomed.
12.2 Cllr M Budden
12.2.1 Playing Field Area.
A Quotation for the required work has been obtained from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and as expected was considerably cheaper than going via a third party, giving a saving of over £1000 incl VAT.
SKDC confirmed that as the Grant for the bark was approved in the last Financial Year, the PF could make a fresh application, which has been done.
A donation of £700 towards the cost was obtained from a benefactor.
The bark is to be raked on a weekly basis. Sports activities
Sport on the Field has been severely curtailed by Covid-19. Finance
The PF is probably eligible for another Government Grant for the periods of lockdown in November. SKDC are to assist the treasurer in making the application
12.3 Cllr R Brooke.
12.3.1 Village Hall Committee
Second lockdown effectively puts the VH out of bounds until measures relaxed.
Problems with current bank (HSBC) has led to a suggestion to move the VH accounts to the Unity Trust Bank by Feb/Mar 21. This has been unanimously agreed by the whole VH Cttee.
12.3.2 Allotment Committee
A quiet month with nothing new to report. Hedging contractor Simpsons have been instructed to proceed and now awaiting confirmation of start date.
12.4 Cllr N Fritzsche
12.4.1 News & Views- nothing to report
12.5 Cllr A Graham
12.5.1 Footpaths
We have had an incident whereby a resident, trying to use the dog waste bin on the corner of Back Lane and South Parade, tripped and fell and hurt herself owing to the uneven surface. This has been reported on fixmystreet as a matter of urgent repair and it is being looked at by the council. The last update was posted on 5th January. I’m not aware of any other occasions or incidents relating to this bin at this location so it does not seem to be a recurring issue. Nevertheless, the importance of this issue was related to the council in the report that was submitted.
12.5.2 Public Transport
The condition and position of the bus stop on Eastcliffe Square was discussed at a meeting at the location between myself, Cllr Maughan and Cllr Roberts. Cllr Maughan committed to take this issue back to colleagues to gauge whether there would be any appetite or budget to replace it, as it is a poor condition and state of repair. This needs to be considered alongside the piece of work to look at additional bus stops along the high street that is proposed elsewhere. We are currently awaiting progress on this issue from LCC.
12.6 Cllr P Sandy
12.6.1Highways - Nothing to report
12.6.2 Burial Ground
Good afternoon everyone, here is a late update of my activities since the last meeting. I got a report about the water tank outlet vandalised and unusable at the burial ground for which I got some new parts and have since repaired. It is now in good working order and I will inspect it regularly. Sadly we had a request for a burial and I marked the grave position as I was asked. I imagine that painting the store building door and wood work is in the budget as part of regular maintenance, if not, then it needs to be allowed for. I imagine £200.00 would be plenty. The Contractor, Mr Baker, has fitted the new gate posts, the new gates have been made and are ready to be collected by him when he is ready to fit them which he says is soon !
12.7 Cllr D Lee
12.7.1 Emergency Plan
The Emergency plan has been sent to LCC for advice and approval, the man in charge is very difficult to contact. I will keep chasing him up.
12.7.2 Dog Fouling
Regarding the dog fouling I have raised my concerns and asked these to be included in the village magazine. As expected it is a very small minority who are not complying with the laws regarding the responsibilities of being a dog owner.
12.7.3 Shops, Businesses & Employment
I have been to visit several local businesses and those that remain open appear to be managing well despite the obvious.
12.8 Cllr J Betts
12.8.1 Housing - Nothing to Report
12.8.2 Facebook
Relevant planning application information has continued to be uploaded and we have seen an increase in people using FB Messenger to get in contact with us about general queries.
12.8.3 Volunteering
Further to our last PC meeting, Penny Milnes has confirmed that a portion of her £500 Covid-19 grant can be used for a 2nd print run of our COVID-19 volunteer leaflets for distribution around the village. A few existing volunteers are unable to assist this time round so I am just organising replacements before we complete the print run with Westgate Printers.
Across the village 4 parish council volunteers continue to assist people which reached out to their assigned volunteers from when we did the first leaflet drop back in April 2020.
12.9 Cllr C Linforth
12.9.1 Community Heartbeat
No further update on this, still ongoing - In News and Views last month and this month, we are asking residents of Frieston if there is anyone willing to house the 4th defibrillator that the parish has. If we do not find anywhere suitable, we will house it somewhere in Caythorpe, and should we find another spot in Frieston at a later date, we can obtain a further defibrillator.
Caythorpe village hall defibrillator is currently out of action as no power at the village hall. The defib needs power to ensure it is heated to at least 7 degrees. EDIT – The heating was back on Tuesday so the defib will be put back in today once at temperature and a site check will then be submitted so that the defib is put back into action.
12.9.2 Hospital Car Scheme
No further update on this, still ongoing and very unlikely to change whilst we are in lockdown - The Parish Councils involvement is more a stamp of approval and the passengers themselves arrange with the drivers collection/payment/pickup times etc. However, I need to contact previous drivers to see if they are willing/able to do this prior to launching a new scheme
12.9.3 LIVES
At present we do not have a LIVES representative in Caythorpe, and maybe this is something we can look at changing in the future.
12.9.4 Schools & Childcare
Caythorpe Primary School is currently closed for pupils except for children of key workers and any children that are identified as vulnerable. All other pupils are home schooling.
Caythorpe Preschool remains open under the government lock down rules.
Sure start centre is closed.
ITEM 13 - Items of Urgent Business
13.1 Memorial Cleaning
Cllr Betts has been made aware of a parishioner offering to clean memorials for free. Cllr Fritzsche suggested that this was a specialist task and should only be undertaken by trained personnel. Cllr Betts will investigate
Action: RB
13.2 Bank Account Signatories
The clerk brought it to the attention of the council that with the resignation of Cllr Brooke more signatories and authorisers would be necessary. Cllr Fritzsche requested that Cllr Budden arrange this
Action: MB/Finance Committee/DM
Due to meetings being held by zoom it is important that Cllr Fritzsche signs the minutes and all other necessary documents as soon as possible.
Action NF
ITEM 14. Arrangements for Next Meeting
Subject to the applicable COVID-19-19 government guidelines, the next PC meeting, number 7, will be at 7.30pm on Wednesday 10th March 2021 and will be conducted via ZOOM.
Open Forum
Penny Milnes SKDC Councillor
Dog Poo
SK have ordered stickers for litter bins and awaited.
SK are investigating promotional educational material on the subject and is awaited.
Ward Councillor Grant
I have £200 currently to be used soonest in the ward. If you have a charity or Covid-19 related request, please let me know as soon as you can. Cllr Milnes added that this grant has been reduced to £500 and that she is working hard to increase it back up to £1000.
Planning Applications
S20/0098 Brandon Wood Clay Pigeon Shoot for 150 days
This application is still being considered.
S19/2107 Dwelling adjacent St Vincent’s House, Old Lincoln Road
I have called in this application and it is still being considered
S20/1811 Semi-detached 3-bedroom houses, rear 35, Old Lincoln Road
I have called in this application and it is still being considered. Cllr Milnes added that this application has been extended due to Covid-19, and that there is a valid approval currently for 2x 2 bedroom dwellings that is due to expire soon.
Budget Proposals
In broad terms the Covid-19 situation has resulted in significant loss of income and the problem been exacerbated by a requirement for a major refurbishment programme in the council housing stock. There is also a declining income from loss of income to 0 by 2023 from the New Homes Bonus and the Government have not yet said what may or may not replace it.
Accordingly, there is a requirement to scrutinise expenditure and make savings where possible and also to raise council tax within permitted limits. Whilst has argument has been expressed that such an increase is not appropriate at this time, there is a system in place for those unable to pay their council in tax to claim a rebate. The proposal is to raise the tax by £5 on Band D which is at the upper limit allowed. However, it is considered prudent to take the yearly allowed rises. The Council face an income loss of over £1m although reserves remain favourable and a balanced budget has been set.
Scrutiny Review
The council has agreed to an Independent LGA (Local Government Association) review of scrutiny as a result of a number of shortcomings identified in the structure of the scrutiny system. Cllr Milnes added that this means a substantial amount of their budget has had to de set aside to cover this.
Planning Review
The planning review is continuing to be considered by members and officers.
Alexander Maughan LCC councillor – Report by Cllr Maughan
Our Council Services
Our Core Services - Adult Social Care and Children's Services - are operating as usual, but in slightly different ways.
Our Day Centres are open, but for priority groups only and visits for priority clients. Staff will continue to make visits – but will wear PPE and have the necessary safeguards in place.
Support Services are also still available for victims of Domestic Abuse.
As I'm sure you've seen in the news, all Primary and Secondary Schools in the County have closed to all pupils except children of keyworkers and vulnerable children. These groups will still be entitled to Free School Meals.
School Transport will still be running this week although it's safer in terms of reducing the spread of the virus, if parents could arrange their own transport, if possible. After this week, if transport to school is essential, then this can be booked through our website.
Those children no longer at school will move to remote learning until at least the middle of February. Any children who can't access laptops or tablets for online learning should contact their school who will ensure they are provided.
In the Community, our fire crews are ready and standing by to respond to incidents and support other services in the County where needed. We will continue to do 'safe and well' checks for our most vulnerable residents, and will make safety visits to commercial premises which we think are necessary.
Our Household Waste Recycling Centres are open as usual – just remember you have to book a timeslot via our website. If you have a van or a larger trailer, we are also continuing to process permit applications.
Our 15 core libraries across the County will be open for click and collect services only and online provision, and our mobile services will provide that much needed lifeline of books and magazines to our shielding residents, to reassure those who have current loans – these will be extended until February.
Lincoln Castle will still remain open for local residents to enjoy exercise in a green space. Please check the website for opening hours.
Just as during the previous lockdowns, our highways crews will still be out maintaining and improving our roads as normal, including gritting roads and repairing potholes.
And, where it is safe to do so, work will continue on our major development project and road building schemes around the County.
Our Work with Partners
Last night's announcement saw the return of shielding for the Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV), so our Public Health and Emergency Planning Teams are continuing to work with Partners at the Resilience Forum to help get residents the support they need.
Over the next few days, a shielding letter will be sent out to those residents in the CEV category. I would urge all who receive one to follow the instructions and register their information on the National Shielding Support System so they can access priority shopping slots and other help available.
If residents need support doing this, please remember our Covid-19-19 Helpline: 01522 782189, which is available 7 days a week.
Unpaid carers providing vital support for a family member can also access support and details are available on our website or on the above number.
Our staff are also working hard supporting the delivery of the Covid-19-19 Vaccine, and the roll out of further testing in our area.
We know with another Lockdown, many residents' businesses will have been affected, so if you could share the details of Business Lincolnshire that would be really helpful. They can help support businesses' to operate within government guidance or to access financial support or grants if needed.
Finally, our Business Centres remain open for our tenants including the Reception, Phone and Postal Support Services within the buildings.
We all want to get back to the things we love – our families, our friends and our freedom, so please help us to share the Government's advice – Stay Home, Save Lives, Protect the NHS.
{Electronically signed}
D Manderfield
Parish Clerk
Appendix A
Invoice Date | Supplier Details | Invoice Detail | Invoice Value | Authorised for Payment by: | Date Paid |
2.11.20 | Brian Wills` | empty dog bins | 77 | RB/MB | 5.11.20 |
1.11.20 | P&L Leeds | News & Views Expenses sept - Dec | 100 | RB/MB | 5.11.20 |
28.10.20 | GW King & Sons | grass cutting Frieston upper & lower greens | 100 | RB/MB | 11.11.20 |
28.10.20 | GW King & Sons | Burial ground maintenance September & October | 745 | RB/MB | 11.11.20 |
11.11.20 | PH Stockdale | Remembrance Sunday - playing the Last Post | 45 | RB/MB | 11.11.20 |
8.11.20 | British Legion | Donation to the British Legion | 60 | RB/MB | 11.11.20 |
13.11.20 | P&L Leeds | christmas donation as agreed at PC meeting on 11.11.20 for volunteer distributors of N&V | 150 | RB/MB | 18.11.20 |
26.11.20 | Flagpole Express | proforma paid 49543SB for a printed Lincolnshire Flag 180x90cms roped and toggled | 63.48 | RB/MB | 18.11.20 |
3.12.20 | D Manderfield | Clerks Expenses, paper, ink, working from home, land registry searches | 34.28 | RB/MB | 3.12.20 |
30.11.20 | Brian Wills` | church garden,dog bins, fixing bench to base on Back Lane, cleaining bus shelters | 174 | RB/MB | 14.12.20 |
I |
I |
Appendix B
Caythorpe & Frieston Management Accounts |
Accounts at 31.12.20 |
Budget 2020/21 |
Actual for Period |
Revised Forecast 20/21 |
Variance to Budget |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
Precept |
30,039 |
30,039 |
30039 |
0 |
Other |
232 |
226 |
232 |
0 |
Community Fund |
0 |
400 |
800 |
800 |
Burial ground |
2,500 |
550 |
1200 |
-1,300 |
Street Cleaning |
854 |
907 |
906 |
52 |
News & Views |
8,433 |
7,106 |
8433 |
0 |
Ward Grant |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
VAT Reclaim |
1,900 |
1,918 |
1918 |
18 |
43,958 |
41,145 |
43,528 |
-430 |
0 |
Revenue Expenditure |
0 |
Burial grounds |
2,877 |
2,235 |
2980 |
103 |
Audit |
240 |
360 |
360 |
120 |
Staff salaries |
9,000 |
5,700 |
8531.56 |
-468 |
Election costs |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Comm Projects |
500 |
256 |
500 |
0 |
Maintenance |
3,051 |
2,616 |
3051 |
0 |
Street Cleaning |
691 |
VH grant |
3,500 |
3,500 |
3500 |
0 |
PF grant |
3,500 |
3,500 |
3500 |
0 |
S137 Expenditure |
150 |
168 |
150 |
0 |
Insurance |
2,522 |
0 |
2522 |
0 |
636 |
0 |
636 |
0 |
Tel,post, stat etc |
440 |
631 |
670 |
230 |
PWLB loan |
0 |
886 |
886 |
886 |
Allotments |
400 |
26 |
450 |
50 |
News & Views |
8,433 |
5,249 |
8433 |
0 |
Bank Charges |
76 |
36 |
76 |
0 |
Litter Project Items |
50 |
0 |
50 |
0 |
Mole Control |
325 |
0 |
325 |
0 |
Dog Fouling Project |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Playing Fields Furn |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Misc |
1,830 |
138 |
1,000 |
-830 |
Sub Total |
37,530 |
25,992 |
37,621 |
91 |
0 |
Capital Expenditure |
0 |
Pavement Crossing |
2,000 |
0 |
1720 |
-280 |
Salt Bins |
300 |
0 |
300 |
0 |
Village Parking Signs |
300 |
198 |
198 |
-102 |
Pavement Clearance |
100 |
0 |
100 |
0 |
Tree Work |
832 |
180 |
832 |
0 |
Bus Shelter A607 |
1,000 |
0 |
0 |
-1,000 |
New Trees Planting |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Chapel Lane Bench |
0 |
794 |
701 |
701 |
BG Post and Gate |
1,000 |
0 |
1280 |
280 |
Bus Shelter Lighting |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Burial Ground Path |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Village Gates |
3,100 |
3,686 |
3686 |
586 |
Allotment Hedging |
1,500 |
0 |
1800 |
300 |
Memorial Signs |
151 |
169 |
169 |
18 |
Misc |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Sub Total |
10,283 |
5,027 |
10,786 |
503 |
47,813 |
31,020 |
48,407 |
594 |
-3,855 |
10,126 |
-4,879 |
-1,024 |
Reserves |
22,453 |
36,434 |
21,430 |
Appendix C
Agenda Item for CFPC Meeting Number 6 Item Number |
Date 13th January 2021 |
Proposal I would like the PC to approve a plan to place a bus shelter at each of our bus stops over the next Four Years (one a Year) The costs of a bus shelter are approximately £3500 for each one, sometimes we get grant aid from LCC, not sure how long this would go on for. Sites are Red Lion Stop, High Street adjacent to the Old Eight Bells, Village Hall Stop and finally Frieston On the Lincoln bound bus carriageway. To implement this proposal, it would mean an uplift in the parish precept to support it over the next four years.
Back ground Currently people waiting for the service buses at the above stops do so without any protection from the weather I have noticed during my walks around the village that when the weather is inclement people have to wait in the driving rain/snow/hail or in the blowing wind and sometimes both. As public transport gets used more then I believe it's important that we support the people using it by giving them a safe and protected environment to wait for the transport.
Benefits for the parish If we provide people with a protected area to wait for the public transport we may find that it is used more and that we have less traffic on the roads which includes open down our High Street and around our villages.
Threats/Weakness The proposal would mean an uplift in the precept to support this initiative over a four year. So that as a parish council we do not go below the threshold we set for our reserves which was if you recall 50% of the value of the annual precept. Members of the public in the parish may not fully understand this I'd be resentful for having the precept increased. To overcome this it would mean having a clear communication strategy to inform members of the parish what is happening and why we are taking this action.
Cost Capital Outlay approximately £3500 annually for four years
Revenue Cost Cleaning and maintenance £60 Quarterly |
Quotations attached |
No |
Decision |
Approved/Not Approved |
Vote For Against Abstentions |