CFPC Minutes from the May Meeting





Councillors: A Crawley (Chairman), J Allen, J Betts, , P Sandy, A Graham, A Roberts, M Budden, R Hall, 

Other attendees: Cllr A Maughan, 1 member of the public

Clerk:  Mrs D Manderfield

Item 1 – Election of Chairman and Vice- Chairman

It was proposed that both Cllr Fritzsche and Cllr Crawley would retain their roles respectively.

Decision: Proposed Cllr Betts and seconded Cllr Graham. Approved unanimously

Item 2 – Apologies for absence

Councillors N Fritzsche, D Lee and P Milnes

Item 3 – Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act

Cllr Crawley expressed a declaration of interest as a committee member of the Playing Fields

Item 4 - Approval of Minutes of meeting number 5 held on 13th January 2021 and meeting number 6  held on 10th March 2021 on ZOOM.

3.1 These minutes were presented to the councillors prior to the meeting for approval.

Decision: Minutes of meeting No 5 Proposed by Cllr Betts, seconded by Cllr Graham Minutes of meeting No 6  Proposed Cllr Betts, seconded Cllr Crawley. Approved unanimously that the minutes are a true record and will be signed by the Chairman 

Action: NF

Item 5 – Parish Clerk’s Update on Matters Arising Since Last Meeting:              

Deeds for the Village Hall are currently in the hands of Chatterton’s solicitors 

A lot of time has been spent on Parish Online, the burial ground plan is complete although the ashes plan is still to be done. Maintenance register is now being kept on there and is available for all councillors to view. Same goes for the project register. I have printed the details off this time but in the future please take a look prior to the meeting. there is also a planning layer where I will upload any info that I receive in relation to planning applications. Please view before making comments to Becky.

To access log in to Parish Online, click LIST across the top and choose from the drop down (you can start typing and it will find it for you if you prefer)

Yearend training – ready for AGAR, the external auditor has the accounts for an internal audit. 

Burial Ground training – it was advised that the council only sold plots as Exclusive Rights Of Burial

We have had a couple of burials since last meeting.

Becky Hall was co-opted on to the council in March and has accepted the role as interim chair of the planning committee.

Completed year end and VAT return - £1500.

Set budget with Cllr Budden.

Item 6 – Election of Members of the Planning Committee

Cllr Hall agreed to continue as Chair of the Planning Committee, other committee members would be Cllrs Roberts, Graham, Sandy, Betts and Allen.

Decision: It was agreed  that the Cllrs named above would complete the Planning Committee for the year 2021/22

Item 7 – Election of Members of the Finance Committee

Cllr Budden agreed to continue as Chair of the Financial Committee, other committee members would be Cllrs Roberts, Crawley, Sandy, Lee and Linforth

Decision: It was agreed  that the Cllrs named above (subject to approval from Cllrs Lee and Linforth) would complete the Finance Committee for the year 2021/22

Item 8 – Appointment of Portfolio Holders

Cllr Budden expressed a wish to relinquish his responsibilities of the Playing Field portfolio and Cllr Roberts suggested that Cllr Sandy held joint responsibility for the Burial Ground portfolio.

Decision: It was agreed that the changes would be made and that the remaining responsibilities would stay the same. A full listing of the new portfolio positions would be published as Appendix A below

Item 9 - Financial Matters

9.1 Approval of the Parish Council Annual  Internal Audit Report

It was confirmed that a satisfactory internal audit had been concluded on 26th April by the Internal auditor.  This section of the Annual Return AGAR page 3 had been completed, dated, and signed on this date by the auditor and would be submitted to PKF Littlejohn for external auditing.

A copy of the AGAR had been circulated for review to all members in advance of the meeting.

Decision: It was proposed by Cllr Crawley, seconded by Cllr Hall and approved by all members that the completed AGAR document would be sent to the external auditor PKF Littlejohn

9.2 Approval of Annual Governance Statement (section 1) for 2020/21

Decision: It was proposed by Cllr Crawley, seconded by Cllr Budden and agreed  by all members that this section of the AGAR be approved and recorded on page 4 of the AGAR as minute 9.2. It will then be signed by the Parish Clerk and the Chairman (of this meeting) and the completed AGAR document would be sent to the external auditor PKF Littlejohn. 

Action: AC

9.3 Approval of Accounting Statements (section 2) 2020/21 

Decision: It was proposed by Cllr Sandy, seconded by Cllr Graham and agreed by all members that this section of the AGAR be approved and recorded on page 5 of the AGAR as minute 9.3. it will then be signed by the Chairman (of this meeting) and the completed AGAR document would be sent to the external auditor PKF Littlejohn.  

Action: AC

9.4 To obtain acceptance of – CFPC Standing Orders

The document had been issued to all members prior to the meeting and it was confirmed that no anomalies had been identified.

Decision: it was proposed by Cllr Crawley, seconded by Cllr Betts and agreed by all members that this document would be adopted for use by all members for the forthcoming year 2021/22.

9.5 To obtain acceptance of – CFPC Financial Regulations

The document had been issued to all members prior to the meeting and it was confirmed that no anomalies had been identified.

Decision: it was proposed by Cllr Sandy, seconded by Cllr Crawley and agreed by all members that this document would be adopted for use by all members for the forthcoming year 2021/22.

9.6 To obtain acceptance (signature) of – CFPC Disclosure of Personal Interests

This document was circulated during the meeting and signed by those Cllrs present. Those absent will be asked to sign as soon as possible after the meeting.

The same document relating to the previous year 2020/21 was also completed by Cllrs who had been unable to sign earlier due to Covid restrictions.

Action: NF, CL, DL

9.7 Authorisation of BACS/Cheque payments. 

Documents containing invoices approved and paid since 1.4.21 were previously distributed 

Please see Appendix B below

Decision: The document was proposed by Cllr Betts, seconded by Cllr Budden and approved unanimously. 

9.8 End of Year Accounts and Audit Requirements – Submission of Public Rights

Copy of this document had been circulated for review to all members in advance of the meeting. 

The document was complete and that a copy would be sent to PKF Littlejohn the External Auditor, in due course.  The Notice of Public Rights and the publication of unaudited AGAR will be published on the Parish Website and on the main village notice board for the period 14th June – 23rd July (30-day period) having announced this fact on the 11th June 2021.

In addition to this document a copy of the accounts for the year end will be published on the Parish Website

9.9 Review of CFPC accounts. Bank rec & management accounts. 

Bank reconciliations and management accounts as at 30.4.21 were circulated to all prior to the meeting.

Please see Appendix C below

9.10 Update from Cllr Budden Finance committee Chair

The Parish Council finances are in good shape. The Finance Committee has been properly re-established, albeit it has not met for a while now due to COVID-19 restrictions. A meeting will be arranged soon.

At the end of the 2020-21 financial year, reserves stood at just shy of £27,000. This is within the agreed parameters of 50 to 125% of the annual precept, which is around £30,000. The accounts show a very small surplus of £300 for the 2020-21 year. 

The Parish Council decided to not increase the precept for the 2021-22 financial year. This is because it was felt that there are sufficient reserves held and, furthermore, currently anticipated expenditure for 2021-22 is lower than forecast income. 

Much of the annual expenditure is constant and predominantly focused on maintenance and repairs. However, we do sometimes authorize expenditure on ‘capital’ or one off items.

Item 10 Registers 

10.1 Risk Register – this was distributed previously.

Decision: Approved unanimously.

10.2 Maintenance Register – this was distributed previously and reviewed.

Decision: Approved unanimously.

Item 11 -  Project Register Update 

11.1 Playing Field Trees

Clerk reported that Simpsons were proving elusive and maybe it would be better to find a different contractor

Action: DM

11.2 High Street Line Markings LCC

Cllr Maughan reported that the consultation had still not gone ahead and that local effected residents would be invited by letter to attend the consultation. Cllr Roberts pointed out that any line markings down the High Street could result in many displaced cars and possibly a reduction in visitors to the shop. Cllr Maughan advised Cllr Roberts to pass his contact details to those residents directly affected.

11.3 LCC Archive Library 

Clerk to contact Archive Library

Action: DM

11.4 Speed Trap on Waterloo Road

Cllr Betts reported that the survey was complete and the data was being analysed. initial view seems to be that there is no excessive speeding. The data is being analysed and will circulate in the near future.

Action: JB

11.5 Back Street Lighting

Cllr Maughan reported that it was unlikely that neither LCC or SKDC were in a position to fund this project at this time. However there were discussions with relation to possibly siting EV Charging points on Back Lane. It was reported that LCC are very supportive of this and would like to use Caythorpe as a trial of EV points for smaller settlements. LCC would assist with the grant funding applications but there would be some small costs for the Parish to pay as the grants cover up to 75% of costs. There has been no commitment at this stage, however Cllr Crawley and Cllr Hall have agreed to a meeting with Cllr Maughan and LCC sustainability manager.

Action: AM, AC

11.6 Renewable Energy

The Parish Council have received documentation of ownership of the Playing Field, the Village Hall registration is still in the hands of Chattertons solicitors. Clarification is being sought on what rights and obligations the Parish Council has.

Action: DM

11.7 Red Lion Bus Shelter

This is an ongoing project and due to the absence of Cllr Fritzsche there is nothing to report at this time

Action: NF

11.8 Road Repairs

Cllr Maughan reported that there were ongoing issues with potholes in the village and there is to be a meeting on 22nd June with Highways Manager to discuss the situation, especially the A607 and the High Street. Cllr Betts has agreed to attend. Cllr Maughan also went on to report that the resurfacing on Millfield Crescent was due to age from adoption and is a protection strategy.

Item 12 - New Proposals. 

Cllr Crawley did not address the new proposals n the absence of the Chairman Cllr Fritzsche.

Item 13 – The Parish Environment

9.1 Cllr Crawley reported that action is being taken to ensure the planning condition regarding planting and maintaining trees around the battery storage facility on Caythorpe Heath Lane is carried out.

9.2 Report from Cllr Hall – Planning Committee Chair

S21/0376 – 15 Hough Rd, Frieston - Single storey rear extension – planning permission granted.

S21/0204 – Meadow House, Nettlecroft Lane, Frieston - Single storey rear extension – planning permission granted.

S21/0457 – Fourview, 12 Frieston Rd – CFPC was originally submitted with no objections.  However, residents did then contact us with objections following our deadline.  As the deadline differed between Parish Council and SKDC and did cause some confusion, we have now resubmitted informing SKDC of said objections.

S19/2107 – St Vincent’s House, Old Lincoln Rd - Ongoing

Item 14 - Neighbourhood Plan – Report by Cllr Allen

A Neighbourhood Plan is a chance for local people to have a say in the future growth of their area. Only matters that would need planning consent, such as new buildings and change of use of land, are in the plan. Nuisances such as potholes and litter are outside its scope. 

The plan must fit in with national planning strategy and the SKDC local plan. In the SKDC plan, Caythorpe is listed as a large village and service centre. At present  no land is allocated for new building. Infill housing within the built-up area may be allowed. 

Designation of Caythorpe and Frieston Parish as a Neighbourhood Area was applied for and approved in June 2020. Four parish residents and two parish councillors volunteered to form  a working party for the Plan. 

We asked people for their views through News and Views, Facebook and notices on the boards in Caythorpe and Frieston. We could not to talk to  village groups in person due to the Covid-19 lockdown. We had 26 responses, which gave us some idea of the issues that matter to local people. Those mentioned most often were the value placed on the Spa shop, GP Surgery, playing field and pubs; the need for some more low cost housing; an objection to large housing projects; and dissatisfaction with the village hall.

Work then began on collecting the facts and figures needed,  such as housing, land use, transport and jobs. Drafts of these sections of the plan have been posted on the website as they have been completed. 

The next stage will be to get an estimate of jobs and opportunities. We are also working on a  formal survey of local opinion, which will be sent to every home. We will then use this to produce the plan for the future. When this is finished, a referendum will be held to approve the plan.

Cllr Allen went on to request a financial incentive to encourage parishioners to complete the survey.

Cllr Hall proposed that instead of a financial reward a 2 course meal for 2 could be the prize.

Decision: it was unanimously agreed to accept Cllr Hall’s offer

Item 15 -  Community Safety. 

In February there were 57 counts of crime in our ‘crime map’ area, but only 2 in Caythorpe and Frieston: 1 categorised as ‘criminal damage & arson’ and the 2nd ‘anti-social behaviour’.

In March there were 73 in the larger area, yet in Caythorpe and Frieston: 2 anti social behaviour, 1 violence and sexual offence and 1 criminal damage & arson.

Item 16 – Community Activities by Portfolio Councillor – the following are reports written by the individual councillors.

Nothing to report since the APM except from Councillor Crawley who’s report is shown below:-

Litter picking and the Big Clean

Litter picks have continued around the village using the local man paid by the Parish Council.

In addition litter picks have been conducted on routes to and from the village using local volunteers.

Some villagers are gathering litter during daily walks and have been issued with equipment to enable them to do so.

More litter picks and bag hoops have been purchased to replace worn items and increase our stock as more volunteers have responded to calls for action.

An ongoing dialogue is taking place with Mid Uk regarding litter from their plant and vehicles. They are periodically deploying litter pickers on Caythorpe Heath Lane and parts of the A607. One of their vehicles has been seen depositing litter along the A607 and a strong letter has been written to them deploring the lack of effective action. A local resident has written to the Environment Agency and local MP about the litter issue.

The Big Clean team has attended the village and cleared at various locations as directed and will continue to be given areas of concern to clear.

Environmental Sustainability

Enquiries are being conducted to clarify the ownership of the Village Hall and Playing Field with solicitors, who will register ownership formally with Land Registry. Once this has been done schemes to reduce the carbon footprint of the Parish Council by means of heat pumps, Photovoltaic panels and battery storage, will be considered once grant aid has been sourced.

Areas around the villages have been identified that may be suitable for tree planting to act as carbon sinks, and enquiries are ongoing with local farmers and land owners to see if this can take place. One area at Frieston has been ruled out by the landowner but there are positive sounds from the Diocese of LIncoln regarding two further areas.

An appeal for tree saplings and stakes and tree guards had a good response but more are needed.

Some trees have been planted on the A607, the grassed area at the junction of Back Lane and Chapel Lane, and on the green on Kings Hill. An ongoing programme of watering until they are established is taking place by myself and volunteers.

Further areas will be planted in the autumn.

A memorial tree is being sourced by a villager for the green on Back Lane /Chapel Lane.

Action is being taken to ensure the planning condition regarding planting and maintaining trees around the battery storage facility on Caythorpe Heath Lane is carried out. A meeting has taken place with a representative from the company and a site inspection by their landscaping contractor will take place this week. Two new oak trees have been planted but there are approximately 50 further trees that need replacing. The Energy company have committed to doing this work but this will probably not now take place until the autumn.

Item 17 -  Items of Urgent Business

There were no items of urgent business

Item 18 - Arrangements for Next Meeting 

The next Parish Council Meeting Number 2 of 2021 will be held on Wednesday 14th July 2021 commencing at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall.  

Cllr Crawley congratulated Cllr Maughan on his re-election, thanked all councillors for attending, and closed the meeting 

Open Forum

A local resident spoke at the beginning of the meeting expressing his delight that the sensory pavements were finally being constructed, and he thanked the council for their hard work.


{Electronically signed}

D Manderfield 

Parish Clerk


Appendix A 

Portfolio Description  Councillor Responsible
Litter Picking & The Big Clean Cllr Crawley
Environmental Sustainability Cllr Crawley
Playing Field Committee Cllr Crawley
Chairman Finance Committee Cllr Budden
Chairman Planning Committee Cllr Hall
News & Views Cllr Fritzsche
Footpaths Cllr Graham
Public Transport Cllr Graham
The Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Allen
Emergency Plan Cllr Lee
Dog Fouling Cllr Lee
Shops, Businesses & Employment Cllr Lee
Facebook Page Cllr Betts
Housing Cllr Betts
Volunteering & Skill Sharing Cllr Betts
Community Heartbeat Cllr Linforth
Hospital Car Scheme Cllr Linforth
LIVES Cllr Linforth
Children & Childcare Cllr Linforth
Highways Cllr Sandy
Burial Ground Cllr Sandy & Cllr Roberts
Allotment Committee Cllr Roberts
War Memorial & Remembrance Day Cllr Roberts
Community Safety Cllr Roberts


Appendix B

Invoice Date Invoice Number Supplier Invoice Details Value Date Paid
1.3.21 1431 Brian Wills    empty dog bins and fixing bench at chapel lane 127.50 3.3.21
2.3.21 5352 Simpsons Arboriculture allotment trees/ hedges 1920 3.3.21
2.3.21 3419 PV Baker  collect and fit posts and gates at the Burial ground  350 3.3.21
9.3.21 6042 Westgate Print   News & Views printing Feb & March 1219.91 10.3.21
26.1.21 17.3.21-16.3.22 Came & Company   annual insurance with Ecclesiastical   2495.89 10.3.21
10.3.21 mar 21/2 D Manderfield exspenses for laminating pouches, travel to Chattertons & Microsoft Subscription 102.03` 10.3.21
1.2.21 SIN042479 Lincoln Diocesan Trust and Board of Finance annual allotment rent 225.70 11.3.21
29.1.21 290221 email ICO data protection fee 35 12.3.21
30.3.21 1434 Brian Wills empty dog bins & new bags 102.99 7.4.21
24.3.21 email Chattertons solicitors paid on account for services 100 7.4.21
1.1.21 916 Enviro-Tec annual subs for mole control 325 15.4.21
27.4.21 1441 Brian Wills empty dog bins & treat Burial Ground gates 147.06 28.4.21
30.4.21 27 GW King & Sons   March & April Grasscutting contract Burial Ground  760 28.4.21
28.4.21 280421 D Manderfield monthly expenses 23.91 28.4.21
16.4.21 32UG020-002 Parish Online Parish Online subscription 96 28.4.21
30.4.21 expenses Cllr Fritzsche  paint for maintaining noticeboards, BG seat & shed door 43.94 30.4.21


Appendix C

Caythorpe & Frieston Management Accounts

Accounts at 30th April 2021


  Budget 2021/22 Actual for Period
  £ £
Precept 30039 15019.50
Allotment 226 225.70
Burial Ground 1700  
SKDC Community Cleaning Grant 907  
Ward Grant 400  
VAT Reclaim 1538  
TOTAL INCOME includes News & Views (see below) 43810 15511.13
Revenue Expenditure    
Burial Grounds 2980 811.06
Allotments 226  
Audit 360  
Staff Salaries 7070 572
Community Projects 500  
Maintenance 2150 242.93
Street Cleaning 1362 123
VH Grant 3500  
PF Grant 3500  
S137 Expenditure 500  
Insurance 2522  
LALC & SLCC 550  
Tel, post, stat, etc 575 103.91
Bank Charges 144  
Mole Control 325 325
Christmas Tree 150  
Sub Total 26414 2177.90
Capital Expenditure    
Chattertons Legal Costs 400 100
Tree Work 1000  
Sub Total 1400 100
News & Views    
Income 9000 265.93
Expenditure 6634  
Surplus/(Loss) 2366 265.93
TOTAL EXPENDITURE (including News & Views) 34448 2277.90
Total Surplus/ (loss) 9362 13233.23

Resulting in a budgeted reserve figure at year end of £38715.95