CFPC - Minutes from the November Meeting
Councillors: Sandy, Page, Manderfield, Crawley, Farr, Topley & Milnes
There were 2 members of the public
Clerk: Mrs D Manderfield
Item 1 – Chairmans Remarks
Cllr Crawley welcomed the councillors and the public.
Please see below public discussions under Open Forum
Item 2 – Apologies for absence
Cllrs Macer, Macpherson, & Stojanovic. All councillors had notified the clerk and the council Resolved to accept the reasons for absence
Item 3 – Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act
Cllr Crawley expressed a declaration of interest as a committee member of the Playing Field Committee
Cllr Manderfield expressed a declaration of interest as a committee member of the Village Hall Committee
Cllr Topley expressed a declaration of interest as a member of the Allotment Society
Item 4 - Approval of Minutes of meeting number 3 held on 11th September 2024
Copies of the minutes were circulated prior to the meeting. It was Resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of events. They were signed by the chairman, Cllr Crawley
Item 5- To receive written applications for the office of Parish Councillor and to Co-opt a candidate to fil the existing vacancy
The clerk reported that an application had been forwarded to a parishioner. If a viable application is received the clerk will forward to all councillors
Item 6 – Parish Clerk’s Update on Matters Arising Since Last Meeting
Burial Ground
We have been approached by a parishioner requiring a Bahai funeral
our current graves lie at approx. 120° E whereas 150° SE will be required.
2 graves will be required to achieve the 150°SE
Cllr Crawley has asked me to acquire proof that the ground has been consecrated so I have been in touch with the diocese and Lincolnshire Archives, from whom I am waiting copies of the images. Cllr Sandy will bring the proposal to full council for deliberation and a decision as to whether or not this can be accommodated.
The Grave levelling has been completed and the invoice paid
The shed has been added to the insurance policy, the pro-rata amount charge of £20 has been waived
I have spoken to the Gravedigger with regard to marking out plots at the Burial Ground, the suggested cost would be in the region of £200. I have added this to the agenda, for consideration
The bugler, wreaths and sub-contractor have all been approached with regard to Remembrance Day
LALC announced recently that Pete Langford (webmaster) passed away. Pete was an integral part in my clerking life and will be sadly missed
There has been a lot of work for the Firework Committee to prepare for the firework display, ie insurance, risk assessments, emergency evacuation & lost children plans; all have been collated and filed. Currently, CFPC has received £200 in sponsorship and £42.68 from the Go Fund Me page
I have also booked councillors on to various courses which all councillors should be supporting
We recently received a complaint with regard to the dog bins overflowing, however I believe they have now been emptied
I have spent a lot of time preparing the budget for the Chair and Finance Chair in preparation for the budget meeting
The Parish Council has had some interest with regard to the 2 vacancies and application forms have been sent out
Clerks Pay Scales have recently been agreed. Pay will be increased to £15.08 ph and back paid to April 24
Can I remind all councillors that your portfolio report is important, not just for councillors but also the wider community
Item 7 - Financial Matters
7.1 Authorisation of BACS/Cheque payments.
Councillors considered the list, previously circulated, and Resolved to accept the payments
Please see Appendix A below
7.2 Review of CFPC accounts. Bank rec & management accounts.
Bank reconciliations and management accounts as at 31.10.24 were circulated to all prior to the meeting.
Please see Appendix B below
7.3 Review of the 25/26 Budget prior to setting the Precept
The Clerk explained to the councillors that the meeting was not to determine the precept but to resolve the budget. Cllr Crawley proposed that a Chairmans Allowance of £100 be included under S15 of LGA 1972 and also added to the 24/25 budget. This was all duly discussed and Resolved. The Clerk will amend the accounts and the budget as necessary.
The Budget was Resolved in principal, please see Appendix C below
Action: Clerk
7.4 Update from Finance committee Chair
Unfortunately Cllr Stojanovic was absent from the meeting, however he had reported that he would liaise with the clerk following the meeting with regard to the budget
Action: Cllr Stojanovic & Clerk
7.5 Village Hall & Playing Field Annual Grants
It was agreed to invite members of both committees to attend the next meeting
7.6 Donations to Scouts & Playing Field Committee
Cllr Crawley proposed making donations to the Scouts and the Playing Field Committee as a ‘thank you’ for volunteering at the Fireworks display and for helping to make the event a resounding success. After due discussions it was Resolved to donate £300 to The 1st Caythorpe & Dukes Covert Scout Group, and £100 to the Playing Field Committee.
Cllr Crawley then proposed to acknowledge the effort that a particular parishioner put in to helping organise and run the display by provision of a token gift. It was Resolved that £20 would be spent from the Chairmans Allowance
Action: Clerk, Cllr Farr
Item 8 Registers
8.1 Risk Register – this was distributed previously.
It was Resolved to approve this document,
8.2 Maintenance Register – this was distributed previously and reviewed.
It was Resolved to approve this document
Item 9 - Project Register Update
9.1 Firework Display
Cllr Crawley reported that there had been discussions at Firework Committee meetings that there might be a need for better quality speakers. He also proposed that the event be scheduled for 2025. It was Resolved that the Clerk contact Galaxy Fireworks to make a provisional booking for 1st November 2025. The Firework Committee members will be: Cllrs Crawley, Farr, Page and Topley. Kim Farr, Sam Bennett and Jonathan Betts
Action: Clerk
9.2 Electrification of the Church Clock
The Clerk reported that this project had been completed and the final invoice paid
9.3 Burial Ground Levelling Contract
The Clerk reported that this project had been completed and the final invoice paid
9.4 Grit Bin – Arnhem Drive
Please see 10.2
9.5 Tree Survey
The Clerk reported that this project had been completed, and that the final invoice is still outstanding
9.6 2 Historical Books
There is no change to this project
Action: Cllr Stojanovic
9.7 Allotment Lease – expires 20.3.25
There is no change to this project.
Action: Cllr Macpherson
Item 10 - New Proposals.
10.1 Accommodating a Baha’I burial
Cllr Sandy explained that the Parish Council had been approached by a parishioner requiring this kind of burial. The premise being that the grave would need to be dug 150°SE opposed to the 120°E that all the other graves are dug. After due discussion it was Resolved that CFPC are an inclusive council and that this kind of burial could be accommodated. However, due to the angle required and to maintain the overall appearance of the Burial Ground the parishioner would need to purchase 2 graves at the end of a row
10.2 Grit Bin on Arnhem Drive – Cllr Topley
Cllr Topley proposed a replacement grit bin for the bottom of Arnhem Drive. He explained that there was a 160ltr capacity bin which would fit the existing base and cost in the region of £230 It was Resolved to accept this proposal.
Action: Cllr Topley
10.3 Christmas Tree Festival
Cllr Crawley explained that he had been approached by the local vicar to participate in this festival. The law was clarified last year to allow councils to use S137 to donate to the church. After due discussions it was Resolved that the Parish Council would support this by way of decorating a tree and Cllr Page’s family have agreed to decorate.
10.4 Memorial Headstone – Repair Work
Please see report by a member of the public below. It was agreed to postpone this proposal for the time being, whilst investigations are ongoing
10.5 Burial Ground Plot Marking
The Clerk summarised that for each burial Cllr Sandy currently has to manually mark the plot. After discussions with the grave digger the clerk had determined that it was possible for him to mark all plots with flat stones for approximately £200 - £300. After due discussion it was Resolved to accept this proposal. The Clerk will add this to the Project Register and contact the gravedigger
Action: Clerk
10.6 CCTV at Playing Field
Cllr Crawley reported that there had been some vandalism at the playing field and as such was possibly a need for CCTV cameras. Cllr Milnes suggested contacting the local police for advice. This proposal has been postponed
Item 11 – Planning Matters
11.1 Planning Issues
Cllr Milnes reported a contentious planning application on the border with Fulbeck Parish. CFPC have not been asked to comment and the application will go before SKDC planning committee
11.2 Report from Cllr Page – Planning Committee Chair
Consultation S24/1528 – replacement of timber cladding and other works -we have no objections
Consultation S24/1422 – removal of cementitious render from Old Post Office, High Street… no objections
Consultation S24/1641 – reduce height of trees at Craggs Farm- no objections
Consultation S24/1644 – reduce height of a sweet chestnut High Street in close proximity to a listed wall – no objections
Item 12 – Community Activities by Portfolio Councillor – the following are reports written by the individual councillors.
12.1 Report by Cllr Crawley
12.1.1 Litter Picking
Darran Gibson, is continuing his duties keeping the villages clean. He is supported by a number of volunteers to whom I have issued equipment.
12.1.2 Environmental Sustainability
Sites for new tree planting are sought as I have a number of trees that have been raised by myself and volunteers that currently have no destination. A couple of newly planed trees on Millfield Crescent that were strimmed by the Council grass cutting team have been replaced by a volunteer. We will be planting further trees along the A607 towards Fulbeck where suitable spaces exist.
12.1.3 Playing Fields
The committee are still considering the issue of solar panels and battery storage to reduce their electricity consumption and costs.
The Gala was a great success and a record amount of money was raised. The Gala team have retained some for deposits etc for next year , donated some to the village hall to cover the hire of the hall and equipment for fundraisers and the balance of £3500 to go to the Playing Field (including £500 towards a bench). The fact that all of the money was not going to the Playing Field caused some upset amongst certain members of the Playing Field Committee at the last meeting.
The Caythorpe DASH did not take place this autumn but it is hoped that it may be resurrected next spring.
There have been further instances of vandalism at the Playing Field with a fireworks banner removed and left over the wall in front of Caythorpe Hall and damage being caused to a slide in the play area. The damage to the slide is valued at about £400 (if fixed by volunteers) and is not worth claiming on our insurance cover. This ongoing vandalism has prompted a call for CCTV to be installed. This is being considered by the Playing Field Committee.
Chairmans Report
A number of Councillors attended the Annual Regimental Dinner at Caythorpe Court and the evening was enjoyed by all attending.
The second firework display took place on Saturday 2nd November and was deemed a great success and enjoyed by all who attended, A record of the event has been added to the Village Facebook site and the CFPC website and sponsors have received individual notes of thanks. The initial Profit and loss account suggests that if all sponsorships are honoured, then costs will be covered. We have received great help from the 1st Caythorpe Scouts and the Playing Field Committee and I plan to propose that we make donations to them. I also plan to propose that we second a committee to plan a similar event for 2025 and engage Galaxy Fireworks for another display.
There has been no update on the sale of the old police office.
In response to a number of complaints received about vegetation overgrowing the path between the Pavilion on Old Lincoln Road and the High Street by the Doctors Surgery, I spoke with the owner of the bungalow behind 43 Old Lincoln Road, and the owner of the land behind the Old Post Office to try and find a solution to trimming the vegetation from their properties that was overhanging the path. As a result of that conversation this was trimmed and removed very promptly.
A proposal has been received from the allotment committee regarding the renewal of their lease. I have a number of issues with their proposal and have asked for a meeting with Councillor McPherson to address these issues before meeting with representatives of the allotment committee.
There have been no applicants to date, for the vacant Councilor posts. I have approached one possible candidate who has stated that this is something she does not wish to pursue at this time.
I have reported the rotted posts to the street name sign on Arnhem Drive and as a result this has been refixed on new posts.
The Council has received an invitation to participate in the Christmas Tree Festival at St Vincents Church and this will be resolved at the next meeting. Councilor Page’s partner and daughter have kindly agreed to decorate the tree on our behalf.
The annual Remembrance Day is planned for this Sunday. I have liaised with Councilor Stojanovic and ordered replacement wreaths lost in the storm last year. All of the wreaths have been affixed to the posts near the War Memorial and arrangements are in hand for the service of Remembrance to take place on Sunday.
12.2 Report from Cllr Manderfield
12.2.1 Highways
I have continued to report potholes via Fix My Street including Gorse Hill Lane, and the A607. I have also requested that the gulleys at the side of the road on Gorse Hill Lane are filled as the stone has been washed out by the rain.
I reported the broken Arnhem Drive Street name sign at the junction with High Street, this has now been fixed.
I have requested an update from Cllr Maughan after our meeting with the LCC Highways Manager with regard to the section of Waterloo Road between Church Lane and Waterloo Close.
I have reported numerous faulty streetlights to SKDC, the majority of the streetlights have now been replaced with new LED lights.
12.2.2 Village Hall
I was unable to attend the village hall committee meeting on the 5th of November.
The committee are continuing with their great work planning general maintenance and improvements to the hall and organising events.
The next Chill & Chat is on the 15th of November, film night (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels) on the 22nd November and village breakfast on the 1st December.
12.3 Report from Cllr Macpherson
Facebook is up to date.
I have been in touch with Daisy Weaver from the Diocese solicitors who, on 9th October, promised that she would endeavour to have the draft of our new lease for the allotments ready for end of October.
I have received nothing and will chase again now.
Once we have the new lease, my proposal will be that we mirror that lease to the Allotment Association to ensure that this is a cost neutral exercise.
12.4 Report from Cllr Stojanovic
the village’s Remembrance Day event on Sunday went ahead without any problems and was well attended.
12.5 Report from Cllr Farr
No report received
Cllr Farr did add that he was looking at options for a further dog bin on the track up to Victoria Farm, Cllr Crawley pointed out that it would be necessary to contact the landowner and the contractor regarding access, with a view to emptying the bin
12.6 Report from Cllr Topley
12.6.1 Grit Bins and salt
I have submitted a proposal to the Clerk for the replacement of the grit bin on Arnhem drive. To be discussed at this meeting.
Checked the current Grit bins and these all seem well above half full.
I have ordered a 1 tonne bag of salt to be delivered to Ben Ullyott’s yard on Love Lane. This should be delivered this month and ben will store for us. I propose that if all agree on the grit bin for Arnhem Drive, we use some of this salt to fill it.
12.6.2 Christmas Celebrations
I have spoken with Helen Smith about the Christmas tree. She is available this Sunday for me and anyone who would like to join to go and have a look at the trees out at Casthorpe ( Near Barrowby). If we are happy she should would require £30 in cash and we can tag the tree and arrange a date to pick it up and they will cut it fresh ready for collection. I will see if I can arrange a Pick-up truck to collect.
12.6.3 Emergency Plan
I have made a start on this and will collate all information and update as soon as this is all available
12.7 Report from Cllr Page
Nothing to report
Cllr Page did add that, with regard to the Hospital Car Scheme, he would begin gauging demand by writing an article for News & Views
12.4 Report from Cllr Macer
All defibrillators are in full working order
12.3 Report from Councillor Sandy
I am pleased to be able to report that at long last the levelling of the sunken plots in the burial ground a has been completed. It has transformed the look of the burial ground and as the grass gets established it will be brilliant. The contractor said that he had several visitors who were all delighted with the improvements and thanked him. He also said it was a pleasure to work there.
Cllr Sandy also reported that he had been made aware that the fence at the back of the burial ground had rotted and fallen. He will investigate costs involved.
Item 13 - Items of Urgent Business
There were no items of urgent business
Item 14 - Arrangements for Next Meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting Number 5 of 2024 will be held on Wednesday 5th January 2025 commencing at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall. (7.15 for open forum)
Cllr Crawley thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting
{Electronically signed}
D Manderfield
Parish Clerk
Report from Cllr Penny Milne (SKDC)
A very moving and inclusive service of remembrance, well done to all involved. I was fortunate to be able to acquire, and lay, a wreath on behalf of South Kesteven District Council.
Eastcliffe Square Garage Site:
As part of a District wide survey of garage sites, this site has recently been assessed. The results will be known by March 2025. The remit is to find sites that are suitable for social house building. What is your view on what use this site could be put to?
Planning: Have your say on how new development will look like
A Design Code is being prepared which, once approved, will set out SKDC’s design expectations for planning applications and sit alongside the Local Plan.
SKDC is one of five local authorities to have been awarded £80,000 by the Office for Place and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) as part of a Design Code Pathfinder project and is keen to evaluate and update its existing design standards.
“Knowing the positive difference that has already been made thanks to our pioneering Design Guide which was adopted some time ago, there is confidence that moving forwards with a stronger Design Code will build on that progress and give potential developers an even clearer steer on the high quality of design we expect in new developments across South Kesteven.
Further engagement events are planned for later this year and in early 2025.
New Customer Services Centre
A new customer services centre was opened in the Picture House (underneath the council offices and part of the cinema building) on 14 October.
Further to the Greater Lincolnshire Devolution Deal and the creation of the Greater Lincolnshire Mayoral Combined County Authority (MCCA), a District Joint Committee is about to be set up comprising the seven district authorities – although there are only 4 seats!!
Report from Cllr Alexander Maughan (LCC)
Cllr Maughan did not attend this meeting
Open Forum
There was one member of the public who raised an issue with the Australian Air Force Monument on Love Lane. He described that it was falling into disrepair. As he was a past councillor he had taken the liberty of ascertaining a quote from the original suppliers, GH Linnel. Cllr Crawley suggested that it was quite expensive and not considered urgent. Cllr Milnes agreed to speak with a colleague at SKDC with regard to funding, The member of the public thought the Australian air force might be in a position to make a donation towards the cost and Cllr Crawley suggested further quotes would be necessary
Appendix A (All payments authorised by Cllrs Crawley & Sandy)
Invoice Date | Invoice Number | To Whom | Particulars of Paymentq | Total Amount | Date Paid |
30.8.24 | 47 | GW King & Sons | Garden Maintenance at Burial Ground July & August | 860 | 4.9.24 |
2.10.24 | GF3841/1 | Phenomenal Fireworks | balance of fireworks display | 2700 | 17.9.24 |
30.6.24 | 6848 | Westgate Print | N&V printing Mar-Jul | 3370 | 17.9.24 |
16.9.24 | 24203 | Time Assured Limited | installation of new regulator | 1764 | 17.9.24 |
5.9.24 | 53 | GW King & Sons | grass cuts at Frieston greens x4 | 320 | 23.9.24 |
30.9.24 | sep-24 | D Manderfield | clerks expenses | 18.81 | 23.9.24 |
23.9.24 | 10186 | JW Plant | VE Day 80 Flag | 44.80 | 23.9.24 |
16.9.24 | 23111 | Community Heartbeat | 3x adult defibrilation electrodes | 165.54 | 24.9.24 |
30.9.24 | Unity Bank | charges | |||
10.10.24 | BS66053/3 | HFE Signs Limited | Advertising banner - fireworks | 99.65 | 10.10.24 |
10.10.24 | Robert Holland | inv 148 refunded. paid in error | 400 | 10.10.24 | |
18.10.24 | RBL Poppy Appeal | 2x wreaths | 60 | 23.10.24 | |
31.10.24 | oct-24 | D Manderfield | clerk expenses - oct | 18.81 | 23.10.24 |
15.10.24 | oct-24 | P&L Leeds | N&V expenses sept/oct/nov | 120 | 23.10.24 |
15.10.24 | oct 24 | P&L Leeds | christmas chocolates & vards for distributors | 280 | 23.10.24 |
23.10.24 | various | Andy Crawley | LED lights & transformer - fireworks display | 250.08 | 23.10.24 |
29.10.24 | Andy Crawley | barrier tape - firework display | 10.38 | 29.10.24 | |
30.10.24 | 527 | Taylor Landscaping | balance of invoice 527 | 2768 | 30.10.24 |
Appendix B
Precept | 36090.68 | 36090.68 |
Allotments | 225.70 | 225.70 |
Burial Ground | 2500 | 2600 |
SKDC Community Cleaning Grant | 926.64 | 926.64 |
Internal TRansfers | 3277.23 | |
VAT Reclaim | 7106.45 | 7106.45 |
Income from Earmarked Accounts | 3075.17 | |
46849.47 | 53301.87 | |
Maintenance | 3048 | 1458.30 |
Burial Ground | 3500 | 6627.73 |
Allotments | 225.70 | 225.70 |
Tree Work | 6500 | 500 |
S111 Associated Power | 100 | |
News & Views | 480 | 360 |
Defibrilator Pads | 200 | 137.95 |
Defibrilator | 1000 | |
Church Clock Annual Service | 0 | |
Benches | 0 | 1103.85 |
Remembrance Day Flags | 120 | 60 |
Remembrance Day Wreaths & Bugler | 200 | 60 |
Christmas Trees, Lights & Holders | 420 | 0 |
Additional S137 payments | 500 | 83.97 |
VH Grant | 3500 | |
PF Grant | 3500 | |
Audit | 378 | 315 |
Election Costs | 3000 | |
Insurance | 4000 | |
LALC & SLCC | 540 | 524.20 |
Office Costs | 460 | 280.65 |
Bank Charges | 144 | 41.40 |
VAT To Reclaim 24/25 | 0 | 2770.83 |
Staff Salaries | 11470 | 6124.83 |
Internal TRansfers | 50972.09 | |
Expenditure from Earmarked Accounts | 10775.42 | 8543.50 |
54061.12 | 80190.00 | |
S137 Allowance per Electorate | 10.81 | |
number of electorate | 1080 | |
Total available to spend | 11674.80 | |
Less Used | (563.97) | |
Balance Remaining | 11110.83 |
Accounts Period End Summary | Current Account | N&V Account | Investment Acc | Total |
Opening Balance as at 1.4.23 | 45553.11 | 3027.85 | 48580.96 | |
Income | 53301.87 | 6060.78 | 50651.99 | 110014.64 |
Outgoings | 80190 | 4208.88 | 2305.14 | 86704.02 |
Closing Balance as at 31.10.24 | 18664.98 | 4879.75 | 48346.85 | 71891.58 |
Bank Rec as at 31.10.24 | 15846.80 | 4879.75 | 48346.85 | 69073.40 |
difference cash deposited, not credited | 2818.18 | -2818.18 |
Appendix C
2025/26 | |
Precept | yet to be determined |
Allotment | 225.70 |
Burial Ground | 4000 |
SKDC Community Grant | 926.64 |
VAT Reclaim | 2935.83 |
8088.17 | |
2024/25 | |
Burial Ground | 4000 |
Allotment | 225.70 |
Tree Work | 1000 |
Audit | 315 |
Salaries | 12500 |
Election | 3000 |
Maintenance | 3200 |
VH Grant | 3500 |
PF Grant | 3500 |
S137 & S111 | 2500 |
Insurance | 4000 |
Chairmans Allowance | 100 |
Office Costs LALC & SLCC | 1000 |
Bank Charges | 144 |
Earmarked Accounts | 4000 |
42984.70 |