CFPC - Minutes from the July Meeting





Councillors: Sandy, Topley, Crawley, Manderfield, Macer & Macpherson

Clerk:  Mrs D Manderfield

Item 1 – Chairmans Remarks

Cllr Crawley welcomed the councillors and as there were no members of the public started the meeting immediately

Item 2 – Apologies for absence

Cllrs Page, Middleditch & Stojanovic. Cllr Milnes. All councillors had notified the clerk and the council Resolved to accept the reasons for absence

Item 3 – Declaration of Interests under the Local Government Act

Cllr Crawley expressed a declaration of interest as a committee member of the Playing Field Committee  

Cllr Manderfield expressed a declaration of interest as a committee member of the Village Hall Committee

Cllr Topley expressed a declaration of interest as a member of the Allotment Association

Item 4 - Approval of Minutes of meeting number 1 held on 8th May 2024

Copies of the minutes were circulated prior to the meeting. It was Resolved to accept the minutes as  a true record of events. They were signed by the chairman, Cllr Crawley 

Item 5 – Parish Clerk’s Update on Matters Arising Since Last Meeting      

There was a slight miscalculation on the earmarked accounts. The amount of budgeted spend was incorrect. Any monies not spent on the church clock, will need to be returned to SKDC, as per the grant terms and conditions. This has now been corrected 

The AGAR has been submitted to PKF Littlejohn and an emailed receipt has been received. I am waiting to hear whether there is any more information required by the auditors before they release the certificate

Cllr Page’s email address is all working, and Cllrs have been informed

Wreaths and Flags for the DDay 80 celebrations were ordered and received

Savills have been contacted with regard to the renewal of the allotment lease. Cllr Macpherson will liaise between Savills, the Allotment Committee and the Parish Council to agree terms

I have completed a training session entitled ‘Effective Meetings’. Please can you all make sure your DPI’s are up to date. By law there are 28 days grace to update your DPI if there is a change of circumstances. It is important to remember that it is the Chair who manages the meeting

I have completed a quarterly vacancy survey for the Office of National Statistics

I have submitted a claim to the CFF for £400 to cover the EROB and permission to erect a memorial

Cllr Middleditch and Cllr Page have completed new clerk training and Cllr Page has also completed planning training

Peter Stockdale was invited to play at the church DDay celebrations. The clerk exercised delegated powers to spend £60 in consultation with the Chair

There is an issue with a silver birch, due to be trimmed overhanging the electricity lines. National Grid have been contacted and hopefully will have visited the site prior to the meeting. I await the report. The Clerk reported that this tree will indeed be cut by National Grid contractors

We have had a few issues at the Burial Ground, firstly badgers have been digging under a grave to get to bees. The hole has now been filled and the grave made good again. I have also heard from a parishioner that their parents grave was still in a mound, I have asked that this be levelled prior to the parishioner placing a headstone. Our contractor has been asked to sweep the path and the parking bay.

I have been informed by Kings that their ride on lawn mower needs repair and so they are currently using a different machine to cut the grass on Frieston Greens and around the villages. Kings are hopeful that the residents of the Upper Green continue to be happy with the results. This situation is expected to last until the end of the year

I have had reports of moles at the Burial Ground and have instructed Andy Priestly at a cost of £40 per visit

The clerk added that as per 3-21/09 2023 meeting minutes, the clerks salary will  be increased by 1 increment point and back paid to 1.6.24. 

The clerk also informed the councillors that there was 1 candidate for co-option and that election will take place at the next meeting

Item 6 - Financial Matters

6.1 Authorisation of BACS/Cheque payments. 

Councillors considered the list, previously circulated, and Resolved to accept the payments

Please see Appendix A below

6.2 Review of CFPC accounts. Bank rec & management accounts. 

Bank reconciliations and management accounts as at 30.4.24 were circulated to all prior to the meeting.

Please see Appendix B below

6.2 Update from Finance committee Chair

There was no report at this time. As new Finance Chair it was agreed that Cllr Stojanovic should have access to the bank to authorise payments. The bank mandate was signed by Cllrs Sandy & Crawley

Action: Cllr Stojanovic & Clerk

Item 7 Registers 

7.1 Risk Register – this was distributed previously.

It was Resolved to approve this document, 

7.2 Maintenance Register – this was distributed previously and reviewed.

It was Resolved to approve this document

Item 8 -  Project Register Update 

8.1 Caythorpe Hall Footpath Re-Route

There had been no change to this project.

Action: Cllr Middleditch

8.2 Fireworks

It was Resolved that a first meeting date be set for 26th July for the Firework Committee (Cllrs Crawley, Topley, Macer & Farr)

Action: Firework Committee

8.3 Burial Ground Levelling Contract

There was a general agreement that this project was taking far too long. After due discussion it was Resolved to accept the quote from Taylor landscaping. It was felt that although a little more expensive they were a local professional outfit who had had lengthy discussions with Cllr Sandy about expectations at the Burial Ground. 

Action: Clerk

8.4 Armada Beacon

Cllr Crawley reported that this was a resounding success and thanked the councillors responsible. It was Resolved that this project is completed

8.5 Grit Bin – Arnhem Drive

Cllr Topley will contact Cllr Maughan for update

Action: Cllr Topley

8.6 Electrification of the Church Clock

Time Assured reported they are having problems with suppliers but that the Regulator will be fitted as soon as possible

8.7 2 Historical Books

There is no change to this project

Action: Cllr Stojanovic

8.8 Tree Survey

It was Resolved that the quote from Sam Barrell be accepted. 

Action: Clerk

8.9 Allotment Lease

It was Resolved that Cllr Macpherson would liaise between Savills and The Allotment Committee and report back once a draft lease is available for discussion

Action: Cllr Macpherson

Item 9 - New Proposals. 

9.1 To Set Meeting Dates

The clerk suggested the second Wednesday every other month as always. Cllr Crawley commented that he would prefer to keep the APC meeting and the AP meeting on separate occasions and this was agreed. The dates set are 2025: 15/1, 12/3, 16/4 (APM), 14/5 (APCM), 9/7, 10/9, 12/11

The clerk will add these dates to the noticeboard and the website

Action: Clerk

9.2 Commemorative Bench, Cllr Roberts – Cllr Crawley 

After due discussions it was Resolved to order a 1.5m bench from TDP which would include an anchor kit and a stainless steel plaque. The bench would also match others in the parish. It was also Resolved to accept the quote from Willwoods for a concrete bench. The bench will be set under the trees on the playing field

Cllr Crawley suggested a couple of options for the plaque and after discussion it was Resolved that the most appropriate would be:

This bench has been provided by Caythorpe & Frieston Parish Council to mark the many years of service that Andy Roberts has given to this community.

Action: Clerk

9.3 Amendment to Contract for  Litter Picker

As this employee has agreed to carry out other small jobs for the PC, it was Resolved that any additional hours would be uplifted to include holiday pay. 

Action: Clerk

Item 10 – Planning Matters

10.1 Planning Issues

Nothing to report

10.2 Report from Cllr Page – Planning Committee Chair

There have been a number of  applications submitted in the period 

S24/0778 and S24/0779 both of these are in respect of communications apparatus to be installed utilising typical steel cabinets painted in bronze green. These are presumably in connection with the Quickline Broadband ongoing installation works and it is assumed that each application is under permitted development rights.

S24/0778 is sited  at the A607 Crossroads adjacent to the existing BT Openreach Cabinet. We have no objections.

S24/0779 is sited on the grass verge on the north side of Church Lane opposite the entrance to Mouse Hall. We have no objections.

S24/1046 relate to tree work on tress that are protected by TPO .We have no objections.

S24/0982 relates to tree work under a Section 211Notice. We have no objections. 

We have also been consulted on the South Kesteven Economic Development Strategy 2024-2028, details of which are shown below.

South Kesteven Economic Development Strategy 2024 – 2028 Consultation

South Kesteven District Council - Consultations (

The above link offers you an opportunity to help shape the provision of economic development services across South Kesteven. Following a review of the local economic conditions, a draft Economic Development Strategy 2024 – 2028 has been developed. 

 The strategy sets out South Kesteven District Council’s vision and ambitions for the future growth of the District’s economy over the next four years. It focuses on five key areas, but also includes a practical Action Plan setting out more detailed streams of activity. The five focus areas are as follows:

• Business, job creation and employment safeguarding

• Skills development

• Inclusive growth and regeneration

• Inward investment

• Enhancing South Kesteven’s tourism and visitor economy offer

 Respondents are invited to share their thoughts on each of the five areas, as well as the action plan and the vision online at South Kesteven District Council - Consultations (

The consultation will be open for four weeks, closing on 8th June.

Item 11 – Community Activities by Portfolio Councillor – the following are reports written by the individual councillors. 

11.1  Report by Cllr Crawley

11.1.1 Litter Picking

The newly appointed litter picker Darran Gibson, is continuing his duties keeping the villages clean. He is supported by a number of volunteers to whom I have issued equipment.

Penny Milnes tells me that the Big Clean Team no longer exists, therefore I have dropped reference to this from my portfolio.

11.1.2 Environmental Sustainability

Sites for new tree planting are sought as I have a number of trees that have been raised by myself and volunteers that currently have no destination. A couple of new trees on Millfield Crescent have been strimmed by the Council grass cutting team, but it appears that they are making new growth from the base.

I will be clearing the vegetation around the trees on the A607 in the near future.

Mid UK have stated they have no plans at present to remove the redundant chimney and fire damaged building, which will be assessed, once they have finished clearing it out.

11.1.3 Playing Fields

The last meeting due to be held on 3rd July was cancelled due to illness. There are a number of issues to be discussed around grants for solar installation and I am pressing for an early rearranged meeting.

 Following the resignation of the secretary Tom Mountain, a new secretary (Holly Lamb), has been appointed. David Cree was re-elected as Chair and Moira Cree as Treasurer.

The bark to the play area has been topped up at considerable expense, with the work carried out by a number of volunteers.

An extension to the patio area outside the Sports and Social club is wanted and contractors have been approached, and several quotes have been obtained. It appears that Lincolnshire Cricket are unable to help with funding this work. Alternative sources of funding are being explored. No progress to date.

The solar project is still under discussion.

Planning for the Gala is proceeding for this year’s event in September.

A second Firework event is being planned for 2nd November 2024. A subcommittee has met to discuss and agree the way forward and will continue to do so as necessary. Galaxy Fireworks have been booked and a deposit paid. Planning meeting required. Suggested for Wednesday 26th July 7.30pm at the Red Lion

There has been no update on the sale of the old police office.

11.1.4 Other

In response to a number of complaints received about vegetation overgrowing the path between the Pavilion on Old Lincoln Road and the High Street by the Doctors Surgery, I called at the Doctors Surgery. As a result of this visit the surgery have cleared the bushes from their property that were overhanging the path. I need to speak with the owner of the bungalow behind 43 Old Lincoln Road to try and find a solution to trimming the vegetation from his property that is overhanging the path.

A subsequent conversation with the practice manager at the surgery, has highlighted various concerns regarding vehicle access when leaving the surgery car park, the inconsiderate and illegal parking by patients using the surgery, and the provision of disabled access bays for the surgery. These will be progressed as time allows.

I have notified SKDC via the Fix My Street web site of the trees overhanging the footpath by the notice board on Gorse Hill Lane. They have attended and cut back the offending branches to leave the path clear and unobstructed.

The recent discovery of an unexploded mortar round in the village, prompted some thought on our emergency plan which was found to be out of date. I have liaised with Councillor Topley and the Clerk to try and get this updated.

There have been no applicants to date, for the vacant Councillor post, caused by the resignation of Andy Roberts.

11.2 Report from Cllr Manderfield

11.2.1 Highways

I have continued to report potholes via Fix My Street including Arnhem Drive, High Street, Caythorpe Heath Lane and Waterloo Road. 

I have a meeting planned for the 6th of August with Cllr Maughan and the LCC Highways Manager to discuss the section of sunken road on the west bound carriageway of Gorse Hill Lane and to also see what can be done to improve the section of Waterloo Road between Church Lane and Waterloo Close. 

The unsuitable for HGV’s sign at the junction of the A607 and Frieston Heath Lane has been replaced.

11.2.2 Village Hall

I was unable to make the village hall AGM on the 18th of June.

The majority of the existing are continuing for the next year with one member standing down and a new member joining. 

The Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Booking Clerks have all agreed to continue in their roles.

Many successful events have been held during the year including Chill and Chat, Film Nights and the Village Breakfast. The hall is also regularly hired by village groups.

The committee increased income during the last year but ended the year with lower finances due the cost of the new covering of the flat roof, storeroom flooring, new external door to the storeroom and replacement glazing to the front door.    

Date of next meeting is 16th July. 

11.2.3 Beacon 

On the 6th of June Cllrs Macer, MacPherson, Topley and I prepared the beacon for lighting to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. 

11.3 Report from Councillor Macer

All defibrillators checked and working all ok. FYI we do need to replace 3 sets of pads in September but will give you the details of costs next month

11.4 Report from Councillor Sandy

There has been a small further problem with a mole, the mole catcher has since attended and set a trap, also we have the annual problem with the badgers digging for June bugs and their damage has been repaired by our odd job man. I have also asked that the layby and access path be swept regularly.

The gates to the Burial ground could do with another coat of protection which is colourless linseed oil to preserve the natural colour of the timber.

Nothing that I need to report in housing

11.5 Report from Councillor Topley 

11.5.1 Emergency Plan

I have now received the last Emergency plan which needs updating. I will contact the relevant people on the plan and see if they are still willing to be part of this and update their info accordingly.

Following much information from various parish councils, I am looking into how they operate their EP’s and starting training on many EP topics.

Please let me know if you would be willing to be part of the EP Team.

Item 12 -  Items of Urgent Business

There were no matters arising 

Item 13 - Arrangements for Next Meeting 

The next Parish Council Meeting Number 3 of 2024 will be held on Wednesday 11th September 2024 commencing at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall.  (7.15 for open forum)

Cllr Crawley thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting

{Electronically signed}

D Manderfield 

Parish Clerk


Appendix A - payments made since last meeting

Invoice Date Invoice Number To Whom Particulars of Payment Total Amount
26.4.24 1 GW King & Sons Burial Ground March & April 860
3.5.24 TFR Townsend Moore paid into incorrect account 59.85
14.5.24 140524 Royal British Legion Industries D Day 80 Large Flag 23.98
11.5.24 110524 Time Assured Limited Installation of Automatic winding & New Strike Wheel 5376
14.5.24 May-24 D Manderfield Clerk expenses May & D Day Wreath & Sticker (Poppy Shop) 80.80
9.5.24 13 GW King & Sons grasscutting at Frieston Upper & Lower Greens x4 320
31.3.24 11 Lee Ballaam empty dog bins x4, bin bags, clean bus stop on A607 at Frieston 145
30.4.24 12 Lee Ballaam empty dog bins x4, bin bags, clean village gates, grass cut, cleaning fluid 155
29.2.24 10 Lee Ballaam empty dog bins x4, bin bags 85
31.5.24 13 Lee Ballaam empty dog bins x4, bin bags & grass cut 105
11.6.24 email Peter Stockdale D Day 80 Bugler 60
30.6.24   Unity Bank bank charges 18
30.5.24   Direct PC Supplies  computer repairs pd out of N&V account 40

Appendix B - Accounts Summary as at 30.6.24

Income Budget Actual YTD
Precept 36090.68 18045.34
Allotment 225.70 225.70
Burial Ground 2500 400
SKDC Community Cleaning Grant 926.64 463.32
Internal Transfers   59.85
VAT Reclaim 7106.45 7106.45
Income for Earmarked Accounts - -
TOTAL 46849.47 26300.66
Expenditure Budget Actual YTD
Maintenance 3048 810
Burial Ground 3500 860
Allotments 225.70 225.70
Tree Work 6500 500
S111 Associated Power 100 -
News & Views 480 120
Defibrilator Pads 200 -
Defibrilator 1000 -
Church Clock Annual Service - -
Remembrance Day Flags 120 -
Remembrance Day Wreath & Bugler 200 60
Christmas Tree, Lights & Holders 420 -
Additional S137 payments 500 46.64
VH Grant 3500 -
PF Grant 3500 -
Audit 378 -
Election Costs 3000 -
Insurance 4000 -
LALC & SLCC 540 524.20
Office Costs 460 117.62
Bank Charges 144 18
VAT to Reclaim 24/25 0 951.33
Staff Salaries 11470 2484.16
Internal Transfers   50059.85
Expenditure from Earmarked Accounts 10775.42 4480
TOTAL 54061.12 61257.5
S137 Allowance per Electorate 10.81  
number of electorate 1080  
Total Available to Spend 11674.80  
Less Used (226.64)  
Balance Remaining 11448.16  
Accounts Period End Summary Current Account N&V Account Investment Account Total
Opening Balance as at 1.4.23 45553.11 3027.85 0.0 48580.96
Income 26300.66 2713.34 50305.14 79319.14
Outgoings 61257.50 58 0.0 61315.50
Closing Balance as at 30.6.24 10596.27 5683.19 30305.14 66584.60
Bank Rec as at 30.6.24 10596.27 5683.19 50305.14 66584.60